5. The Unambitious Crown Princess

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Chapter 5

Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

"How dare you dance with the prince? Have I taught you no proper manners? It's rude for a distinguished guest to dance with someone else other than the host. You should know better!"

Medea hisses angrily. Lyra clutches her knuckles tightly, all the while thinking to herself,

'It's okay...I can endure this...If I do or say anything right now....it will hurt father.'

"It's because he asked..."

"He asked so you must be happy and didn't refuse, is that it? Did you have fun humiliating your kind cousin?!"

"Humiliate? How? Isn't it disrespectful to say no to someone without any reason?"

"You could've said no if you wanted to. You didn't lose your tongue, did you?"

Karen intervened in between. It seems she didn't appreciate how Dylan outright ignored her.

"It's not impolite to say no when you could've presented your dear cousin in front of him. I supported you for so many years, and this is how you repay me. By bringing shame to my beloved daughter?!"

"I...shame? No..."

"Forget it mother, she's cruel. She must be keenly enjoying all the eager eyes that were on her."

"That's not true..."

"Then what's true? Look at you! You won't even apologize!"

"I.....am sorry if earlier what happened caused you to feel humiliated or shame, it was not my intention to do so..."

Her grip tightened with pent-up anger though she was apologizing, she didn't mean to

"Ha! Do you foolishly think a mere person like you can humiliate me? You're barely on my level!"


Wily spoke this time in defense of Lyra.

"What mother declared is right, dear brother. She's just a nobody."

"That's enough! She already apologized so you two should promptly stop this too."

"Whatever. You can go now."

"And you, stop allegedly taking her side. She should perceive what's wrong or right. It's purely for her better future if she grasps it beforehand."

Nibbling her lips with anger, Lyra walked passed by them as quickly as possible. She went away from where the party was and so far away that she could no longer see the lights nor hear the instrumental music.

Walking along the private corridor, she recalls her past. Her noiseless footsteps naturally start intentionally slowing until it comes to a pause. Carefully looking at her right side, she observes grimly her dull reflection in the polished mirror hanging prominently on the decorated wall. Her cheek was slightly tinted with slight scratches that were barely visible. She internally cursed while instantly pulling leading strands of hair forward to intentionally hide her rosy cheek.

Meanwhile, Xavier was sternly ordered by Dylan to secretly observe and accurately note all the actions of Medea and her children. For this reason, he had just witnessed the incident that took place. As quickly as possible, he rushes to Dylan to report the details of the scenes he had just noted.

Gritting his teeth, Dylan hissed,

"Just why isn't she fighting back? She wasn't the type to be passive like this."

"It is possible they have some sort of advantage over the Crown Princess?"

"What could that be?"

Dylan subsequently decides to head to King Derek's room which Lyra had invited him to come to before.

Lyra on the other hand goes to greet her father where her sister was already present, waiting for her to have some tea. She promptly informed them about inviting Dylan which made Derek immediately happy.

"Mary! Hastily go instantly and get some more refreshments with a delicious tea. Prince Dylan will be over here any moment. Delilah, you go bring out the best crookery we traditionally have. Also, Astrid dear, you baked those muffins in the morning, do you still have them? They were absolutely delicious."

Mary and Delilah both bow and leave to get the specific tasks handled. Whereas, Astrid also gets up saying,

"Absolutely, father. I'll get them. I'll also bring the delicious dessert Lyra made."


King Derek genuinely looked excited to have Dylan here. Seeing him like that, made Lyra extremely happy. She was smiling reassuringly but the events of what happened before lingered in her mind. Her aunt and cousins' words flashed in her ears.

After everyone was gone, Lyra spoke in a mumble,


"Yes, Lyra? What is it?"

"When will I become the queen?"

"On your 20th birthday, of course."

"Will Uncle Nabal and Aunt Medea allegedly continue to live here then as well?"

"What's going on? Did something awful happen?"

"You perceive what happened."

Lyra got up, biting her lip and gripping her clothes.

Although King Derek did not know of Medea physically hitting his daughters, he did know of how much money they would waste and all the other things that were going on in the Palace. Nevertheless, he would turn a blind eye towards them only because he says that they are family.

"Lyra, I already advised you. Overlook their slight mistakes. No matter what. They are family. And it is only family that will help you during tough times. Always remember that."

"You keep saying that because you were in a tough position Uncle Nabal and Aunt Katherine helped you."

"If you know that, then why do you keep bringing it up?"

"Because it is unfair. You are living in a fantasy. I am distressed to say. I don't wish to speak bitterly in such a harsh tone with you but I don't know how else to explain. Sometimes your blood-related family could be more unfortunate than unknown strangers for you. You desperately need to accept it."

"Lyra! Don't you know how much Nabal and Medea have done for us? After your mother passed away, who under no circumstances was the one that ignored her personal duties and came with her little kids just to take care of you and Astrid? Who is it that takes care of all the political affairs while I lay in bed, sick? I owe a lot to Nabal and Medea."

"Well, I never asked nor needed for them to do all of this! I needed nothing but just you and Astrid. We would have been contented like that."

"Don't be like this. I will ask you again did something happen?"

Gnawing her lip even hard, Lyra wonders if she could notify him that Aunt Medea had poisoned him. However, she hesitates to do so since she has no ample evidence nor an antidote that could support him. Knowing that she then diverts her frustration,

"There are times when even your blood relatives don't support you. Isn't Aunt Katherine your sister? Why did you and Uncle Nabal hopelessly ruin her life? You didn't support her during the time when she absolutely required her family. Isn't that the most prominent example of how family can't be scarcely trusted?!"

"Lyra! That and this are two separate situations. You will never comprehend why I did what I did with Katherine. You're too young to understand but when you turn my age, only then you will realize why I did what I did."

"No. Even at that point in time I will never understand. Because I know this simple fact that at that critical point in your miserable life when you really need someone to support you and that someone abandons you is wrong. It was and will forever be wrong!"

Saying that Lyra rushes out of the room in pent-up frustration. There are so many things she desired to state to her father but she doesn't say much because she doesn't want his frail health to worsen.

She walks directly outside to a private patio where in the center was a small-sized fountain. The solitary light that illuminated there was the moonlight. Gently taking a deep breath, she drowns her anxious face in the sparkling water and stays there for a few breathless seconds before pulling herself up.

Carefully pushing her glossy hair away from her face and pinning the gold chain that had fallen off her face to her hair, she looks up to find Dylan standing there.

Startled she yelps,

"Oh, dear lord! Do you possess a habit of sneaking up on people? You frightened me."

Dylan politely hands her a napkin with considerable pain flickering in his kind eyes.

A few moments ago, Dylan was on his way to King Derek's room. He hadn't even turned toward the corridor when he heard the loud voices of Lyra and King Derek. It seems they were arguing when suddenly Lyra rushes past him. He called out to her but she barely recognized his presence and rushed out.

"Are you okay?"

He politely asks gritting his teeth

"Ah yes, I felt slightly feverish so wanted to splash some water on my face."

She chuckles gleefully while using the napkin to dry herself.

Meanwhile, Dylan carefully observed her, especially her rosy cheek. Before he knows it, his hand reaches out to gently caress her cheek. This makes Lyra freeze. Startled yet flustered she murmurs politely,

"...What are you doing?"

"I just thought there was something there."

Dylan retorts, quickly pulling back his hand

"I see."

Coughing, Lyra instantly adds,

"Are you free from the party now? Because father is eagerly waiting for you. God, I haven't seen him this keenly excited in ages."

"Is that so? Then I can't wait. Let's go."

After having a lovely tea time together, the next morning Xavier and Dylan again visited the Palace where Lyra and Astrid lived for breakfast.

"You both are over here once more?"

Lyra remarked in response to which they both grinned.

"I sincerely doubt they will wake up by noon seeing how long they partied last night."

"Come on in."

This time Lyra escorted them inside the small palace and towards a private ourtdoor patio. This enchanted palace felt more like an elegant townhouse than a palace. It included a grand hall, around 7 private bedrooms, four sitting rooms, two dining rooms, a private library, two kitchens, and a few more rooms. This was nothing in direct comparison to the main royal palace.

"I've asked Mary and Delilah to set up breakfast."

"Sincerely thank you. We are sorry for intruding once again."

Xavier replied politely. Lyra kept carefully observing him and then inquired,

"Sir Xavier is a Viscount, am I correct?"

Xavier and Dylan didn't expect her to know this specific information. Since very few people know of Xavier's noble title after he lost all of his wealth.

"Yes, that is correct."

"I thought so. You sometimes tend to act like a noble rather than an aide. Well, I won't make you uncomfortable by demanding why you are working as an aide. Instead, I hope you enjoy your breakfast."

"..Much appreciated."

"Meanwhile, you. Come here. We need to talk."

Lyra narrowed her direct gaze at Dylan who faithfully follows her outside and then inside to one of the sitting rooms nearby.

"What did you mention to father?"

Confused, Dylan turns his head to one side,

"Pardon? What are you referring to?"

He intentionally walks closer to her since she was also walking but then suddenly she promptly stops and turns around, almost bumping her nose into him. Flustered by the sudden closeness, she moves back and eloquently states,

"What are you plotting? You requested me to work with you on the trade talks?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why....you....why did place this condition?"

"Why, I wonder."

"Stop joking and promptly tell me."

"I sincerely wanted to work with you."


"Can I humbly ask you something?"

"Huh? Yes..."

"What are you doing?"

"What do you suggest?"

"Why are you living like this?"

"Like what?"

"You realistically are the future Queen, right? Why would a future queen get trampled by a bunch of people? You should step up more. Mingle with people. Allow people to appreciate you."


"Lady Medea is the one who oversees everything. You both don't even live in the main palace anymore. Why?"

".....there was a fire last year, and our rooms got destroyed...."

"....there are hundreds of rooms in the palace. Why stay so far?"

"That was our choice. It had become..."

She hesitates as if she was even allowed to mention this word or not but then looking at Dylan's face she ponders over whether she can trust him or not and then adds,


"Did they hurt you??"

He immediately asks and in a reflex starts checking to see if there is any sign of abuse. He did know about how Lady Medea slapped her last night. But he didn't know the extent of the abuse.

"No no....on the contrary they were too caring."


"Yes, they were too caring that I barely couldn't stay there."

"Okay that explains the living condition but why is she handling all the jobs that you are supposed to be doing?"

".......that....my father he gave her that authority until I grow up to handle it on my own....."

".....he must not know her...."

He mumbles and then adds,

"But still....why aren't you taking part in the political affairs? I remember hearing from my father that you used to take part in them a lot back when the king was alive."

"....when Uncle Nabal took over the duties, I was told that I wasn't needed until I turned 20...."

"...that's why I proposed you to conduct these discussions. By all means, I did think it would be fun working with you. But on top of that, I want you to step up...."

He gets a bit closer and whispers into her ear,

"Princess, as I perceive it. You possess no power. And you are not gonna become a queen any time soon. I'm not quite sure whether they'll allow you to live before you turn 20, but I'd hate to see that-"

"...I know.."

She speaks firmly, tightening her grip on her skirt


"I know and..... that's why I don't plan to obtain the throne....so you don't need to concern yourself with these matters anymore..."


Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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