7. Unfiltered Moments

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Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 7

"Huh? What do you mean?"


"Tell me. Did he do anything?"

His voice held fierce as he noted her facial expression.

Averting her gaze, Lyra chuckles,

"No. He didn't do anything. I just personally don't like him."

Silence spread as Dylan grits his teeth. He knows that something did invariably happen for her to say something like this. However, he didn't want to push her too hard. He was afraid. Suddenly it strikes him. The strange feeling he instantly felt. He has never felt afraid before since he reasonably believes everything has a way out. But why is it that when it comes to her he feels afraid to be assertive? Back when he stopped receiving her letters, he by heart was afraid of her loathing him. And now, he was afraid of her pushing him away.

While Dylan was deep in thought, Lyra added,

"By the way, what do you desire to eat? I noticed back then you barely touched your food. You must be famished."

Hearing that made Dylan's lips curl upwards. Smiling slyly he remarked thoughtfully,

"Were you looking at me?"

Fumbling with her nimble fingers, while bringing out necessary utensils, she retorts promptly,

"No. I saw your plate when we were about to leave. It was as intact as we first sat there. Perhaps you aren't hungry?"

Dylan had an inkling feeling that she was indeed looking at him which instantly made him happy. He had thought that she had barely paid attention to him but just the fact she undoubtedly noticed, naturally makes him feel lighter.

"No, I am starving."

"I thought so. My sister loves to bake so just this morning she made these pastries. Would you like these or something else with it? There are biscuits too....what else..."

Half of it was her talking candidly to him while the other half was her mumbling to herself as she bit her lip thinking and carefully looking around the private kitchen.

Dylan fondly watches over her as he thinks about how he can't help but have this instinctive urge to protect her. Sure his feelings changed since when they were 13. Back then, he referred to her as a genuinely beloved friend and a pen pal with whom he could share everything with.

But now, ever since he encountered her again, his feelings have become greedy. He always wants more. He sincerely wants to be someone special to her. The only one special to her. However, he doesn't recognize what to name these feelings yet. Perhaps he doesn't want to willingly admit them since he is afraid of her once again being gone from his life. Is she a dear friend? But that doesn't seem right. They aren't that close for them to be properly called special to each other. Still....he genuinely wants to be the only one close to her.

"Are you listening? Hey! Hello! Earth to your highness."

Dylan blinked as Lyra was fluttering her hands trying to transport him back from his thoughts.


He spoke firmly, confusing Lyra. Marking her expression, he explained,

"You constantly call me you. Why don't you call me Dylan?"

Humming to herself she modestly replied,

"I do, don't I?"

"No. Never once have you called me by my name."

Mumbling Lyra remarks,

"It is not like you call me by my name either."


"Nothing. I was nothing but saying that you aren't an excellent helper. You have done nothing apart from pulling your sleeves up. Who said he was splendid at kitchen work?"

"I never said I was skilled at it."

Dylan shrugged making Lyra laugh out loud.

"Well, I require your help regardless of the fact if you are competent at it or not."

"I am at your command."

Dylan stated bowing formally which made Lyra giggle as she points eagerly at one of the top corner cabinets.

"Get me that blue box from there."

Scowling, Dylan grumbled while walking towards there,

"Why are these cabinets so high if you can barely reach them?"

Lyra chuckles in enthusiastic response and follows him to direct him which appropriate box to select. As he unlocks the cabinet, she starts to explain,

"We do have a stool to use. But it seems it is somewhere else at the moment and I am too idle to go seek it right now. Furthermore, what good are you for?"

Even though Dylan had overheard her, he was more focused on finding the blue box.

"It's the one behind the flour bag."

"Why is this so hidden here..."

Dylan commented as he reaches out to seize the box. However, while carefully pulling the box, he ends up pushing the flour bag out of the cabinet shelf. Startled, he quickly grabs the flour bag in the air so it doesn't hit Lyra.

However, what he failed to perceive is that he clutched the bag from the bottom. Since it was open from the top, almost all of the flour promptly fell down Lyra who was standing behind him, and beneath the upturned flour bag.


Lyra's expression was blank. Her lovely hair and her radiant face were dyed white due to the flour. Most of her clothes were also covered in flour. Her shut eyes and mouth were also hidden beneath the flour.

"Oh, I am extremely sorry!"

Dylan hastily places both the box and the empty flour bag on the shelf as using his fingers he starts dusting off the flour from her hair and face.

Lyra stays mute. Dylan, on the other hand, was bearing the weight of his actions. He didn't realize he was so close to her and touching her until he felt her gentle breath and his fingers started twitching since he felt the heat rose to his face.

At that moment, Lyra smilingly shook off her head and starts throwing the flour at Dylan.

"Stop stop....."

Laughing merrily she smilingly remarks,

"You are not even competent at handling such a trivial task."

Dylan who exhales air upwards to dispose of flour from his hair retorts,

"Who else places a box at such a small and hidden place?"

"I can't help it. In this box is my favorite chamomile tea. I have to conceal it or else my sister will drink it all."

"If it is so special why are you taking it out right now?"

A breathless pause fills the air upon Dylan's unexpected question. Averting her gaze, Lyra replies in a low voice,

"Well, I do make it from time to time if there is any special guest..."

Smiling wryly, Dylan smirked,

"Does that mean I am a special guest?"

Taking a deep breath, Lyra wonders how to respond to this question. She then looks at all the flour on the polished floor and replies,

"Not anymore. Which special guest causes such a mess?"

"I'll clean it up. I promise."

"Just hand me that brush and you can use that brush."

Dylan does as he is told as they both start cleaning up.

Silence spread as Dylan felt guilty. He kept peeking glances at Lyra who had instantly become silent the whole time.

"....are you mad?"

Dylan cautiously asked as he carefully observed her place her hand on her mouth. Suddenly she burst out laughing delightedly,

"I am ashamed, I merely can't stop laughing. It was so hilarious. I was so startled. It suddenly started snowing flour."

"Snowing flour?"

Dylan laughed in response.

She nods approvingly and adds giggling,

"What's worse was the look on your face. You were so concerned but even after seeing the flour fall on me, you didn't withdraw your hand."

"It wasn't intentional. I was just taken aback."

He explained as they both laughed.

After cleaning up, they head to one of the sitting areas to have tea with delicious snacks.

"Are you sure you don't want to shower and change clothes before you eat? Although I apologize we do not contain any male clothing over here...."

"It's fine. I'll do that later on. Most of the flour has been dusted off. Although, you should go get yourself changed. I'll wait for you."

Dylan modestly replied. He didn't feel like leaving since he was keenly enjoying the moment with Lyra.

"Then I'll support you by staying like this. I will also change after we are done eating. Here you go, Astrid made these biscuits last night."

While contentedly eating, Dylan respectfully inquired,

"Why don't you have more maids?"

"They can't be depended on."

She replied promptly and instantly while taking a sip of fragrant tea. Dylan was gonna inquire further but before he could do that Lyra explained,

"I had more before, but they turned out to be all spies sent by Hubris. Therefore I only just have Delilah and Mary with me. Both of whom are daughters of the nanny we used to have when we were young."

"Are you referring to Nanny Hannah? I recall her as well."


"Where is she these days?"

"She was discharged by Aunt Medea when she came. Since then she has been living in her hometown."


"She fought fiercely with Aunt Medea. Fortunately, Aunt Medea doesn't recognize Delilah and Mary are her daughters or else they will be discharged as well."


Seeing Dylan's profound silence, she inquired politely,

"What's wrong?"

"Please overlook my words if they offend you, however, I am amazed that you are to report everything in detail. I expected you to hold back everything from me."

Shrugging, Lyra replies,

"I have nothing to withhold. There's no harm in informing what's the truth. Besides, it's just you. Even if you are planning to betray me, I suspect the things I am relating to you will make a difference."

"No. I will never ever betray you. I can't. I won't. I will under no circumstances do that."

Dylan firmly spoke trying to earnestly assure her. As if she appreciated this beforehand, she gives a gentle smile,

"Of course. I know that."

"About Hubris...."

Dylan contemplated whether to ask her or not. Seeing his complexion, Lyra urged him,

"Say it. I comprehend you have lots of questions. I also know you did a background search on everyone before coming."

"How do you know that?"

"I would do the same thing."

"What is the deal with him? There were no official records of him in the royal family. Including the archive, that deals with extended family."

"That's presumably because he isn't our blood relative."


Dylan's eyes shot open. He waits for Lyra to continue,

"It is relatively like an open secret. However, after Medea's younger sister and husband were sent to jail under fraud and embezzlement. Medea took him under as a child when he was barely 2 months old."

"Therefore he isn't your cousin?"

"No. What's more pitiful you can say is that his mother refused to take him back after she got out of jail."

"I have another question."


"How come they all are allowed to violate the royal codes? Such as calling without a title?"

"I would stop them, but they would do it every time. It got exhausting having to correct them every time so I let them be."

"That's unacceptable. They should respect you."

"It's their choice. Anyhow enough about them. How is your family doing?"

"They are all doing good. In fact, they delivered presents to you two as well. I will give them to you too soon. They miss you two a lot and are constantly thinking about you two."

"I miss them equally and am always thankful for their warm gestures. The last I saw King Aaron was quite a few years ago when he visited Anemoi. It was then when I heard from him that you even went to war."

"War would be a more leading term. The Kingdom of Fovea was causing problems at the border. We had no choice but to stop and fight them back."

"It must be hard."

"Rather than imagining it's hard, war is just....gruesome....I don't know how else to explain this."

"Well, I am glad you came back safely."

She beamed. This made Dylan smile as well until a thought flashes his mind. Come to think of it, was she aware of that?

"Were you informed of something a few months before I came here?"

Dylan cautiously inquired.

"Something? Like what?"

"A proposal."


Her curt response made him realize that she did in fact know what he was talking about.

Before it was decided he would visit Anemoi. Things between Anemoi and Helios were starting to heat up. It was chiefly because King Aaron was not fond of Duke Nabal. It became heated to such an extent that even war was suggested.

However, both nations desired peace with each other. It was then a peace treaty through the form of marriage was suggested. Since his elder brother, Alexander had refused to get married through such means. It wholly fell upon him. And he chose Lyra. He too wasn't eager to get married but his curiosity about her made him choose her and agree to this. It was decided by his father that if she agrees and becomes the Queen, he will live at Anemoi. But if Lyra refuses to become the Queen, she will come live at Helios which will eternally remain a home for her.

However, this proposal barely lasted a day. Anemoi rejected it and they instead settled on signing a written peace treaty through trade. This current project is their first joint trade project after the treaty.

"So you knew...."

Dylan, although wasn't desperately keen on getting married, he, however, was slightly looking forward to seeing her. This is why her outright rejection made him feel slightly dejected.


Trying to think of appropriate words to employ,

"I meant no harm and it's not because I didn't like it. They did inform me of the proposal but I wasn't prepared to get married. Also...I don't mean to hurt your brother...I just don't perceive him in that way."

Dylan who was gripping his fist while preparing himself to listen to all the reasons which caused her to reject him suddenly becomes shocked upon hearing her mention his brother.

"My brother?"

"Yes. I mean even back then we never really interacted with each other that much, therefore just the thought of being married to him felt extremely weird. I sincerely hope you don't mind..."

"Married to him?"

Still surprised, Dylan kept scowling while puzzled.


Upon noting Dylan's facial expression, Lyra realized she had made some sort of mistake and had misunderstood something.

"You are referring to the marriage proposal from your brother, right? A few months ago the marriage proposal came for me from the Kingdom of Helios which was of your brother."

Just to confirm if they were both on the same page, Lyra mentioned the same thing twice.

Dylan instantly blurted out,

"The proposal was from me, though......."


Lyra's eyes go round as her mouth also slightly opens in surprise. She was in such shock that her hands were also frozen mid-air in the same gestures she had while talking.

"I was the one who sent the proposal."

Dylan again explains to her.


Silence fills the gap between them as both of them are surprised and kept staring at each other, not comprehending what to state.

"Oh my god!"

Lyra's face went red, she felt feverish as she recalled how back then a thought had crossed her mind when she initially heard about the proposal. She was wondering how it would have been nice if the proposal was from Dylan. She assumed the proposal was from Crown Prince Alexander, since traditionally the oldest gets married first. To think, it was indeed from Dylan. She felt foolish right now.

"They merely told me a proposal came from the Kingdom of Helios and I went ahead and presumed it was from your brother. How rude of me! I apologize."

Dylan bit his lip as he experienced a pang in his chest.

'So she didn't even care to think that it may be from him? He didn't even cross her mind?'

For some reason, he couldn't fathom why but he felt extremely jealous of his brother right now. Even more than that, he felt terribly wounded.

"Ah, about the meeting which we will have tomorrow in regards to the trade. I was wondering if we get permission from the Kingdom of Gaia, then we can construct a bridge to connect our two Kingdoms from that side. It's safer to go through there than through the tough mountains."

Even though Dylan felt disheartened at her changing the topic, he was astonished that she concluded the same thing as him,

"I was thinking the same thing. Earlier, I even mentioned this to King Derek as well."

"Oh wow. Thank god we agree on this. Tomorrow let us thoroughly discuss further details. This bridge will be connecting the two mining areas."

"Right. I look forward to it a lot."

The awkwardness from before was still lingering at the moment. Lyra and Dylan both felt shy due to reasons they couldn't fathom. Was it because they haven't talked to each other in 7 years? Is that reason that causes them to want to talk to each other more?

Their silence was disturbed by the appearance of Astrid who had come back from the walk.

"Oh my! You guys are having tea without me."

She sits down and takes note of all the things that were on the table,

"Oh! What's this? You finally used the chamomile tea, Lyra."

Lyra averts her gaze. Her cheeks were colored upon Astrid's remark which she subsequently continued to explain to Dylan,

"She got this special tea as a gift from the Kingdom of Gaia and since then she has been keeping it hidden, only to be used in case a guest visits us. But since no one ever visits us, I have been requesting her many times to use it. She absolutely wouldn't allow me. Bless you, for coming, Dylan. Because of you, I am now able to enjoy this tea. Where is my tea cup?"

"I'll get you one."

Lyra abruptly gets up to leave. She didn't know what else Astrid would say but whatever she revealed would make her feel embarrassed and she didn't want to sit there and listen to her.

Giggling Astrid then inquired about Dylan's state of appearance,

"What's with all the flour?"

"We had a little accident."

"You two never changed. You're still the same."

She chuckled reminiscing the past. After smiling, she then softly mumbled,

"I am really delighted you are here. It was getting somehow lonely. Because of how Aunt Medea has ordered the royal mailman to burn our letters, Lyra and I haven't been able to communicate with anyone."

"She ordered the letters to be burnt?"

"Yes, that is what we discovered during the investigation yesterday."

"Um I may be overstepping my boundaries to ask you this, but why don't you both fight for your rights?"

"I don't know about Lyra's reason but for me, I am done. I am done with royalty. This void useless title of being a princess. The politics and all the drama. I don't want anything to do with all of this. I'd rather live like Aunt Katherine."

"....Lyra mentioned something similar."

"That's surprising."

"How so?"

"I thought she really wants to be Queen but it seems as if I had misjudged."

"I thought so too."

"Her actions evidently seem..."

Before Astrid could continue, Lyra came in,

"Here you go. Also, Xavier is outside. He is calling you."

Her last sentence was directed to Dylan who then thanked them for the lovely time and took his leave.

Outside Xavier notified him about the scholars wanting to meet with him.

After a meeting with the scholars, Dylan was in his room when Wily came and politely invited him for dinner.

"Father is waiting for you at dinner."

"Alright, I will be there."

Wily gives a courteous smile and a slightly respectable bow and leaves. Dylan narrows his gaze at his back and thinks,

'From the looks of it, he is the most sensible and calm person out of them all aside from Duke Nabal. But Lyra said he is the worst. Just why? What happened between them?'


Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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