9. Rumors

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Lady Medea

Chapter 9


Dylan shot daggers at Lady Medea who shrank slightly and motioned her husband to carry on. Nabal then politely advised his wife,

"Don't say it so bluntly like that."

Medea paid no heed to him and said

"Yeah, my daughter is attractive and will be a splendid match for you."

Nabal came to his wife's rescue to provide a more comprehensive explanation of why they were proposing what they had proposed.

"What she suggests to declare is that a political marriage will remain a good way to strengthen the relation of both the kingdoms. There have been until now talks about it and it's a shame that Lyra refused. But before I talked to your father, I needed to know your opinion. I'll respect your wishes."

Even if Nabal mentioned these words, from his dull facial expression, you could tell that he knew Dylan was going to refuse. The sole reason he announced all this was to make Medea overhear it.

Dylan was flaring up upon their proposal. He was going to straight out say no and then leave but then a thought entered his mind.

".......what you declared is true."


The duke's expression was full of shock. He was prepared for Dylan to refuse. On the other hand, Medea's expression was full of excitement.

"Oh yes, I knew it!!"



"If you are mentioning a political marriage, then the first and foremost candidates are the Princesses who represent the direct lineage of royalty. I don't think accepting a political marriage with your daughter would be of any benefit to Helios."

Nabal and Medea's lips were tightly shut as Dylan continued to speak while getting up,

"Although it's another matter that I don't desire a political marriage. I respectfully firmly deny this proposal."

At his blunt rejection, Medea got up and left while glaring at Nabal who mumbles a soft,

"Is that so? I understand."

Nabal's expression then changes to a cheery smile as he adds,

"It seems Hubris is waiting for you. He promised to show you around today. I hope you have a fun time today."

Dylan grumbled as he wanted to talk to Lyra. But it seems he had to go deal with Hubris first.

He then takes his leave and on the way encounters Xavier who was also going to accompany them. As they were passing through the corridor, they ran into Mary who was Astrid's personal maid and Delilah's twin sister.

She bows to both of them and then asks,

"Has your highness seen Crown Princess Lyra anywhere?"

"No. Why?"

"She left earlier in anger. I am anxious that she may run into trouble which is why we are desperately looking for her."

At her explanation, Dylan becomes more agitated and inquires,

"What trouble? What happened?"

Unlike Delilah who harbored secrets even if the other person befalls a friend. Mary privately believed it's better to share and get help rather than keep it hidden.

"As you know, in Princess' Palace, it is just us four ladies. Last night when Princess Lyra was in the bathroom, Hubris...Pardon my language but I exclusively address those people with respect who deserve it."

Dylan motioned her to carry on.

"Hubris barged into. Apparently, he had come to call us for dinner. Since he saw no one, he went into the bedrooms, and even there when he saw no one, he barged into the bath. At that time, Delilah had gone to prepare the Princess's bed and was not on standby as per routine due to the short staff we have. It seems he mentioned something which led Princess Lyra to be extremely furious. Even last night she went to complain to Wily since Hubris tends to listen to his elder brother."

"What the hell-"

The more Dylan thought he wouldn't get furious at these people, the more they make him angrier with time.

Mary continued with her story,

"This morning some Knights came to apologize to the Crown Princess Lyra for not standing guard. When inquired how they know, she found out that Hubris has been spreading all sorts of nonsense rumors. This made Princess Lyra even angry as she stormed out to find Hubris. Since then we have been seeking her everywhere."

"I'll go to look for her."

Dylan instantly leaves. Whereas Xavier turns to Mary,

"If you don't mind me asking, why do the Princesses have no royal guards or knights with them as escorts?"

"They used to. However, Medea would make up excuses to make them stay away. For instance, she would give them extra training or dispatch them off to do some business. When the knights refuse, they would get scolded and would have to suffer severe punishment, and would equally get threatened to be discharged. Princess Lyra didn't desire them to suffer because of her. Thus, she dismissed all of them. In all honestly, every one of them deeply respects and cares for the Princesses and they wanted to stay with them. However, Princess Lyra practically forced them to leave. They were also helpless since Medea remains the one with the stamp that's in charge of organizing the Palace."

"Much appreciated for informing me."

"Please aid us to look for Princess Lyra. Her anger is...I have never perceived her such furious before."

"We will. Don't worry."

Xavier equally takes his leave to look for both Lyra and Dylan.

He was looking here and there when he soon hears a person fiercely arguing. He recognizes the voices belonging to Lyra and Hubris. Following the source of the voices, he goes to one of the corridors that Dylan had also only just reached. They were standing on the stairs as they looked over to the corridor where Lyra stood in front of Hubris whose back was facing them.

"Clear it up right now or else!"

Lyra angrily hissed to which Hubris nonchalantly shrugged,

"Clear what up? It's all true, isn't it? I can indeed invite a painter here and ask him to make a portrait of you because that is how much I vividly remember your body."

Hearing the words Hubris had uttered, Lyra's knuckles tightened. Her hands were shaking with fury. But she wasn't the only one. As she looks up to counterattack Hubris, she identifies that behind him Dylan was advancing this way along with Xavier.

'Oh my god...he heard our conversation, didn't he? What will he think of me now...'

Lyra's eyes were already red and watery due to anger but she felt as if tears were going to drop when she saw Dylan. Just the thought of him hearing about the rumors that were spreading about her made her want to dig up a hole and hide. She mutters a small,

"...You're sick..."

And quickly runs away.

Dylan glared threateningly. His eyes held anger. It looked like he was going to kill Hubris. However, Xavier stopped him,

"There is no point in beating him up. Instead, I'll advise you to go check up on Princess Lyra."

Hearing Lyra's name calms him down as he walks pasts Hubris to go find her.

Seeing Dylan pass by him, Hubris inquires,

"Are you ready to go, your highness? Wait...your highness? Where are you going?"

"It seems his highness will not be able to go with you today."

"How come? You cannot cancel at the last moment. All preparations have been made. This is highly disrespectful. Is this how the distinguished guests from Helios treat their hosts?"

Hubris was just complaining when Dylan came back with a grim expression.

"There you are, your highness. Are you ready to go?"

Dylan nods in reply as Hubris cheerfully escorts them to the carriages.

After roaming around the city, they enter the main market place. It was the same place Dylan and Xavier had visited on their first day here.

As they looked around, Hubris excuses himself for a moment, leaving both Xavier and Dylan. Taking this chance, Xavier subtly inquires,

"What about Princess Lyra?"

"I couldn't encounter her....Moreover, I am planning to find out where the rumors are spreading from. Although I would be delighted to break that mouth of that trash so that he cannot talk like that anymore. However, I am aware of my delicate position. Any violent step I undertake will hinder the peace treaty signed between two Kingdoms."

"I will support you as always."

However contrary to their expectations, Hubris went off to a gambling bar and left an attendant with Dylan and Xavier which they quickly ditched and went their own way.

They roamed the streets listening to the gossip and the rumors of Lyra that were being spread. The more rumors Dylan heard, the more he felt like murdering Hubris. No, indeed slaughtering him would be an easy way out for him. He felt like making him beg to die.

The crown princess apparently is shameless!

She doesn't wear clothes!

She likes to reveal her body!

Oh my how vulgar!

She even sleeps around a lot!

I've even heard she slept with Sir Hubris

Oh lord, are they not blood relatives?

That is so disgusting!

She is a slut!

Although Sir Hubris isn't blood related but still...!

I've heard she sleeps every night with one of the knights!

She keeps changing men depending on her preference!

I never knew her interests were so......weird...!

Even if these rumors were being spread around, the majority of the public paid no heed to such gossips

I don't know why but I don't believe this

I know the princess isn't like this

how can you call our pure innocent princess as a slut

she is the epitome of pureness.

she isn't like this, these are all just baseless rumors

I wanna execute the person who spread such wrong information about our dear princess!

Oh, how our princess has to endure such gossips I wish I could hug and console her right now!

I bet its hubris who spread this gossip!

He has always been disgusting and sick!

Oh yes, he is always lusting after our innocent princess!

I hope he gets crushed by a rock!

Dylan nodded in agreement at the last comment as overheard a group of women talking nearby. It was then that a familiar middle age guy approached him and Xavier,

"Oh, isn't it you two? So you decided to settle here after all?"

The two become surprised upon seeing the bar owner from their first day here. It seems he recognizes their faces quite well.

"Yes we did."

Xavier lied to which he smiled,

"That's wonderful. Do visit my bar often. I will give you two special discounts."

"Thank you."

"Oh also don't pay mind to the rumors you are hearing right now. They are just nonsense spread by some bastard."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, our lovely princess isn't like that."

He smugly remarked which made Dylan suspicious as he inquired,

"You said you haven't met nor seen her in years. Yet you speak so fondly of her. How come?"

"She is the madam I told you about."

He blurted out before realizing what he had let it slip as Dylan and Xavier both peered over with curiosity-filled gazes.

"Ermm....I meant...I was saying...."

Confused, the bar owner did not know what to say.

"What do you mean the madam is the Princess?"

Sighing, the middle age man motioned them to move closer as he whispered,

"It seems I have to notify you now that you are living here. However, what I am about to inform you must remain a secret. Or else the whole public will assassinate you. I am serious."


"Yes, it has been a long time since we last saw Crown Princess Lyra and Princess Astrid come to the public officially. Before that, they both would often visit outside the palace. After that for at least a year, we heard nothing from the Princesses. It was then a girl that looked exactly like the Princess but said her name was Belle, started donating a lot. She set up schools and libraries and even gives out free food to the needy. Even though we had recognized her, she however desperately acted as if she wasn't her highness Lyra. To protect her privacy, the whole city now pretends we do not know she is the Princess, even though she is Princess Lyra."

"I am puzzled. Enable me to get this clear. The public knows that Madam Belle is Princess Lyra. However, Princess Lyra doesn't know that the public knows she is Princess Lyra."

Xavier tried to make sense of it as the bar owner exclaimed,

"Exactly! This is the reason we all truly cherish her highness since we watched her grow up through the time she would spend outside the palace. The fact she is the Crown Princess is further confirmed by the group of Knights that stealthily follow to safeguard her. The knights have equally informed us how the dear Princess takes care of them and their meals inside the Palace and is constantly aiding them."

"Princess Lyra isn't aware of the Knights?"

"No, she is just too pure and innocent for this world."

The old man grins.

Dylan smiles to himself as he thinks,

'Well, would you look at that? You said the public didn't know you but here they are, everyone cherishes you deeply. If only you knew, Lyra.'

The bar owner then started questioning Dylan and Xavier about their background. They only told half-truths such as where they are from and things like that. He then questions their appearance and dress and inquires if they are noble. He apologizes for being frank towards them to which they both assure him it's fine and requests him to show them around the city.


Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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