My Eighth Original Character: Sin

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Everyone. It's me, Weeksjmj29. This had been the toughest character I had to work on. For this character is only a part of one rp. A massive one at that. Also, he's the ultimate bad guy. One that could rival if not best Galbatorix. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Sin, the Beginning of the End.(wow that sounded badass.)

Character Form:

Name: Sin

Age: 9,748

Gender: male

Species: Necra

Appearance: he has violet purple skin with amethyst purple eyes. He has horns on his head and long white hair that goes down his back.

Clothing: black cloak over a blackshirt and black pants and black boots.

Personality: unflicting, unresolving, emotionless. Cares for nothing. On for the end of the living.

Likes: death and undead

Dislikes: living, life. Fire.

Magic Capable: extremely

Dragon Rider: no

Weapons: he can create weapons, but he holds a staff and a sword that he never uses unless he has too.

Background Story: Sin has existed for thousands of years, even before the original elves. He existed when the first ones came into being. He watches the land as life thrived day after day, year after year. And when life needed to be culled for new growth, he lead the dead to envelop the planet, leaving only a few to live on only after leaving a message that gives even the bravest men a shaken heart.

"When the land needs to be cleansed and life be culled, we will return, and the dead will envelop the world. And with it, darkness will reign."

With that, he declared that when life need to be culled and his reign to rise again, he'll return.

Other: he doesn't speak much, but when he does, he leaves those that hear him in fear as his voice sends chills up a person's spine.

Spooooky. Loool. Anyways, that's Sin. He will only be for the story rp as the main Antagonist. I will post the rp chapters as soon as possible. Anyways, bye bye for now.:)-Weeksjmj29

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