My First Original Character: Xenith

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Hey everyone. It's me Weeksjmj29. Now we get to my OCs. Now, this will be diverse and large rp, which means I will have multiple OCs. For now, I'm gonna start with seven OCs, but I may make more later. Now, let's get started with my first one. And guess what. It's a Shade. But it's not an evil one. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Curan. Aka Xenith.

Character Form:

Name: Curan aka Xenith

Age: 30

Gender: male

Species: shade

Appearance: black and blue hair, slightly pale skin, green eyes

Clothing: black tunic under a black cloak, black breeches and black boots.

Personality: calm, slightly cold, stern, uncaring sometimes, timid in front of women.

Likes: peace and quiet, serenity, nature, animals(you'd think he's an elf.), respect.

Dislikes: disrespect, anything irritating, evil(because he was almost corrupted by evil.), smug people, slavers.

Magic Capable: Very much so.

Dragon Rider: No

Weapons: Elven Sword(which was given to him by an elf.), a Scythe and multiple small Senbon Needles.

Background Story: he lived as a human in the town of Yazuac. He was engaged to a woman by the name of Kuza when he was 16. One day, his village was attack by bandits who took orders from a slaver by the name of Krixus. He and several men and women and children including his fiancé were taken captive. They then were taken to the Vastly large city of Dras Leona, where they were put on the Auction Block. He watched as Kuza was sold to a Fat pig of a man who was a very wealthy merchant in the city. He was sold to a group mages who practiced in the Dark Arts of Magic.

In an secret place, his fate was sealed. They took him and placed him tied up in a dais surrounded by multiple mages. He realized quickly that the group of mages, lead by a sorceress, was going to use him for a dark ritual. Little did he know how right he was. As the mages began chanting, dark energy began to form around him. He tried to shake the chains off, but was in vain. He then heard multiple voices in his head as evil spirits tried to take over his mind. He was so very close to succumbing to their evil whims when a bright light appeared in the domain of his being. It was a spirit of an elf that sensed his pure heart. It told him that he shouldn't give up and that his soul is to bright to be swallowed up by evil. With his newfound courage and the will to face the evil, he fought back against the evil spirits. And he overpowered them. They molded around him and changed him forever, but they never took his soul or his mind. He became the master of the spirit that tried to take him. In his mind he opened his eyes and they were glowing green. "I am Me."

The mages who were performing the ritual were shocked at how his eyes were glowing green even though the dark energy was wrapping around him . A bright flash appeared and everyone stopped chanting. They looked at new being that took Curan's place. His hair, which was black originally now had blue in it. His once tanned skin was now slightly pale but not to the extent of a regular shade. His eyes stayed the green from before but became more prominent. He was different from before, but his mind and soul didn't change. Instead they became stronger.

The Sorceress who lead the group of mages stepped forward and held out her arms, a wicked and malicious smile on her face as she took in the creature before here. "You are now more powerful than ever. You are a tool that will make our group of mages stronger than ever. Welcome to our World, Shade. I name you Nexos, the Desolate One."

He stepped forward until he just stood in front of her. She placed her arms around him. "You're even better than I could imagine." She then felt something pierced her chest and her eyes went wide when she down and saw that his hand was inside her chest. He leaned forward and spoke.

"My name is not Nexos. My name is Curan, the name I was born with. But now, my name is Xenith. And I'm not just a Shade. I'm also the one born from the darkness but forever christen by the light. I'm Xenith, the Green Shade." He then pulled out her heart and crushed it. She died instantly as she fell. The other mages panicked, but before they could react, Xenith struck first. Speaking in a language he didn't know, he realized that he was preparing to use magic. He waved his hand the the spell activated. 5 mages melted instantly. He then spoke another phrase in the ancient language and 3 other mages turned to stone. One of the 2 remaining mages tried to run, but with a flick of his fingers, the Mage exploded.

The last one mages was a teenage girl who felt back, which caused her hood to fall back. He stepped towards as she tried to crawl back. She continued until he met the wall. He continued to step towards her and he saw that she was about to panick. He raised his hand was about to cast another spell when he saw her raise her hands in front of her, in hopes to protect herself. Unknowing to her, the sleeves of the cloak she was wearing slid down. Something metal caught Xenith's eyes and realized what they were. As he saw the metal around her wrists, he stopped the magic and knelt in front of her. He lifted his hand and placed it under her chin, forcing her to look at him in the eyes.

She expected to see an evil and malicious look on his face, but what she saw caused her to widen her eyes and let out a gasp. He had a sad look on his face. He looked at her and all he felt was sympathy for the girl. Because what was on her wrists are shackles connected to a chain that connect to the collar around her neck. He only knew what that made her.

"You're a slave." She nodded. He flicked a finger and the chain and the collar came off. He then helped her up. "You won't have to be afraid or serve anyone anymore." She nodded as tears came to her eyes and she smiled. "Thank you." He nodded as he turned. "You can come if you wish." She nodded as he lead her out of the place they were. Once they left the building, they began traveling.

Other: he loves dragons, so when he runs into one, he goes goo goo gah gah.

Alright folks. That's it for Xenith. For a shade, he's friendly. Now the other characters will be up along with the rp chapter. Until then, Ciao for now.:)-Weeksjmj29

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