Chap #6

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This next chap is brought to you by storiez0

Seth laid in his room, all of his lights but a lamp was off. He looked at the lamp, at the shadows it made. His fingers kept a tugging feeling coming from the shadows, a temptation to take control over them. Seth gave into the feeling, he sat up and began to move the shadows.

He thought about Frosty, the pretty girl he had met in Arendelle, Seth was forbidden to speak to her but he didn't care, honestly upsetting his dad was the main reason why Seth approached the girl.

He turned the shadows into her, Seth smiled, wishing he was in Arendelle.

"Seth Aleksander Black!" Seth rolled his eyes at the use of his full name. Pitch walked into the room, walking through the shadow figure of Frosty. "I asked you to do one thing, one thing. And I've been told that you've disobeyed that one thing."

Seth tilted his head to the side, "I need you to be more specific."

Pitch growled, "Don't be smart with me, boy. The Princess, you spoke to her!"

"Father— You forced me to go to a party at her house and then told me not to talk to her, it wasn't the smartest plan—"

Pitch Black turned pale, if that was even possible, his body moulding into the shadows, somehow he looked even taller, if Seth wasn't his son, he would have looked intimidating. "You!" Pitch grabbed Seth's wrist, "Do you think this is a game?! Don't you know what her father did to me?"

"D- Dad..." Seth tried to pull his hand away from Pitch but there was no use, his father was stronger than him.

"Princess Frosty, is just as bad as her father, a goody-two-shoes who thinks they are so powerful—" Pitch's eyes widened, his grip softened but still not enough for Seth to get away. "The Princess... Oh yes!"

Seth stared at his father, he didn't know what Pitch was thinking but whatever it was, it couldn't have been good.

Pitch let go of Seth's hand, "Okay, boy. You want the Princess to be your friend? Be my guest."

"I don't understand..."

"You let the Princess be your friend, girlfriend, whatever— and when she trusts you, bring her to me. Let's see how Jack reacts to his precious daughter working for me."

Seth gasped, "I would never!"

Pitch slapped him.

"Listen to me son, you will get that little frostbite girl to come to me, if you don't..." Pitch pointed to the shadow!Frosty, Seth watched at Pitch used his powers to show Frosty getting stabbed. "Either you bring her here or I'll deal with her myself."

Seth frowned, "Yes father."

To be continued...

Hey Guys! Hope you'll enjoy this much as me and my cowriter friend are having fun writing it.

Quick Disclaimer Reminder
The Characters of Frosty, Anastasia & Axel belong to me.

The Characters of Seth, Christopher, Heidi & Elise belong to my friend storiez0 who is in collaboration through out this adventure.

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