Chapter 11: Ace Operatives' Quick Humiliation

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(Harriet dashes at Olga, who then uses her magic to slow her down, and then he summons a barrage of projectiles, sending them at her.)

Olga: One down, five left.

(Asagi quickly slashes Vine, leaving cuts and bruises in his body. Olga summons another barrage of projectiles and sends them at Elm, bringing her down. Asagi dodges Marrow's semblance, and slashes him several times while Olga uses her magic to slam Clover up and down until his body bleeds.)

Winter: (shocked) Impossible!

Olga: Thanks to my king, I have recovered my magic powers. And now you're getting the specialty. (to Asagi) Let's go, Asagi!

Asagi: Right!

(Asagi and Olga combine their attacks and easily overwhelm Winter.)


(Olga then uses her magic to imprint Harriet and Vine into a wall while Elm and Marrow lay in the ground bleeding, and Clover lays on top of Winter.)

Olga: Tch, easy.

Asagi: Let's go back to our Lord. We're done here.

Olga: Good, this was getting boring anyway.

(Then a portal opens up, and Olga and Asagi walk through it before it closes.)

(Meanwhile at Vale-Musutafu, an explosion can be heard. The villains are in panic mode because some are getting slaughtered and burned at the same time.)

Villain: H-How did this happen!?

????: Simple, Lord Megatron's orders.

(The villain turns to see Skywarp and Thundercracker.)

Villain: Wh-Who are you!?

Skywarp: I'm Skywarp, servant of Lord Megatron.

(He looks around to see the villains he killed.)

Skywarp: Looks like I overdid it. Oh well...

Villain: You're gonna pay for that!

Skywarp: Oh? Is that so? Both heroes and villains are fighting like children. Now, I'm gonna ask you and you better answer. Where is All for One?

Villain: I'll never tell you!

Thundercracker: No need to. Laserbeak already found him for us. He's in his lair.

(The villain gets shocked as Skywarp crushes him under his foot.)

Skywarp: Let's go, Lord Megatron will be pleased by the news.

(Skywarp and Thundercracker transform into their Alt Modes.)

(And then they fly away, leaving the villains to burn to ashes.)

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