Chapter 14: Villains' Demise

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(Megatron, Sakura and Kohaku are seen ready to face the Villains' Inner Circle as Sakura charges at Cinder and Kohaku faces Emerald.)

Cinder: You can't defeat us all.

Sakura: I have faced enemies tougher than you!

Emerald: You guys could have joined our side instead of fighting us.

Kohaku: Tch, please. It's because of you villains and your creations that those fakers tried to make the women of that sad excuse of academy into nothing but breeding cows.

(Mercury charges at Megatron, who easily blocks his kick.)

Mercury: What?

Megatron: (scoffs) Pathetic. Let me show you a real attack!

(Megatron slams Mercury, and then he slashes him in half while Kohaku punches and kicks Emerald away.)

Kohaku: Your death is at hand.

(Kohaku punches through Emerald, killing her. Salem creates some Grimm as some Nomus come in to back them up. Megatron cracks his neck before slashing punching and kicking them all. Sakura stabs Cinder's neck before ripping her head off.)

Sakura: Always go for the head, that's how you win a battle.

(Megatron walks up to Salem and All For One.)

Megatron: You are the main targets.

Salem: We both hate Ozpin. Why must we be enemies?

Megatron: Because we have different goals, especially about the society we live in. Likes of you live only to destroy it, while I only seek to change it.

(He punches Salem's stomach, knocking her down.)

Megatron: I know you're immortal, but... (draws his sword) There are fates worse than death!

(Megatron beheads Salem while Kohaku pushes Dabi and Toga away. Sakura grabs a kick from Twice and stabs his legs before slamming him to the ground and stabbing him to death. Megatron slashes through All For One, who coughs blood.)

Tomura: MASTER!

(Megatron turns to Tomura and walks towards him as he blasts him to the wall, and then he crushes his legs, making him scream in pain before he stabs him. Sakura and Kohaku proceed to deal with the rest of the Villains' Inner Circle as Megatron turns to Edwin Black, Ryuji Koroi and Direc Rond.)

Edwin: (glares) You won't get away with- ACK!

Ryuji: Ed- ACK!

(They turn to see Ingrid and Saya Neo backstabbing them.)

Direc: (stern) Damn bitches...

(Direc is about to strike, but Megatron blasts him to the wall.)

Megatron: You're helping me?

Ingrid: We had enough of serving those villains' purposes. If joining you will get us free from them, so be it.

Saya: Now go and finish them off!

(Megatron smirks as he walks towards Edwin and Ryuji as he blasts them into pieces before doing the same to Direc.)

Megatron: Well...

(He turns to see Sakura and Kohaku already finished the remaining villains.)

Megatron: In one hand, the villains are gone... but this is far from over...

Ingrid: Let me guess, "heroes" approaching?

Megatron: Yes, Ozpin must have sent them to try to stop me. (scoffs) Too little too late for them though.

????: What should we do now, Lord Megatron?

(Megatron turns to Skywarp and Thundercracker.)

Megatron: You two will deal with them. I'll take these two ladies to Tokyo-Eostia Kingdom. After that... (pulls out Salem's head) I'll give this to Ozpin and his remaining lackeys as a warning and a symbol of the end of their era.

(Megatron then turns into his Alt Mode and Ingrid and Saya hop on as he flies back to Tokyo-Eostia Kingdom.)

Skywarp: Well, you heard the man.

Thundercracker: No mercy!

(To be continued)

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