Chapter 8: Prelude to War

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(In an island known as I-Island, a male figure named David Shield is seen talking with someone through the phone.)

David: So, what exactly would you need from me?

All Might: We need you to create a device to subdue Xander Jacobson and his new power, we need to know where he got it from and bring him back to the bright.

David: I have seen what he did to Izuku, the whole world did, even if you brought him back, he'll just escape again.

Ozpin: We know David, but he's our student, we need him to come back to us.

Ironwood: By the way, how is Melissa?

David: (sighs) Honestly, she's fine, but refuses to talk about heroes.

Ozpin: For two years? How long is she gonna be like that?

David: You have become what the villains stand for. Everything you did and you're still planning to do. She hates you heroes because of that.

All Might: Even so, what Xander is doing isn't right, he's-

(David cuts All Might off.)

David: He's saving what remains of the humanity, you only care about yourselves, your people and your powers, while humanity, faunus, they don't matter to you, they never did.

Ironwood: (angry) LISTEN HERE, YOU...


All Might: David...

David: My friends call me David, but for you, It's Mr. Shield.

(He hangs up on the Headmasters as he gets tired.)

David: Why must the world be so unfair for those without power, why must humans suffer?

????: Because they think they have evolved to something beyond humanity.

(David turns to see Shockwave.)

Shockwave: They let their powers get to their heads, became villains themselves, pretending to be heroes.

(Suddenly Shockwave detects five Atlas Airships.)

Shockwave: Looks like they didn't take your response ver well.

(Suddenly All Might, Izuku, Mt. Lady and the Ace Operatives come in, and they get shocked by seeing Shockwave.)

Shockwave: Lord Megatron suspected you would try to use David Shield to try to subdue him.

David: (glares at All Might) I was blinded to see the monsters you truly are, not anymore!

Mt. Lady: David, why won't you-

David: We're not friends Mt. Lady, You made sure of that. All you people ever care about, is power this, power that. I'm sick of it.

Winter: He needs to be brought back, as a hero, he can...

Shockwave: Calling you scum would be logically an insult to the scum...

Harriet: For the love of god, shut up, this has nothing to do with you.

Shockwave: Make me, evil huntress.

Harriet: (angry) What did you just call me, you piece of junk?!

Shockwave: You're just like the rest of those evil heroes, huntsman and huntress, you bully the weak and take whatever you want, you're just evil like Starscream!

Harriet: How dare you compare me to a villain?

(Harriet dashes at Shockwave, who grabs her neck.)

Shockwave: Know your place!

(Shockwave throws her into the wall.)

(Meanwhile in a florest close to Tokyo-Eostia Kingdom, the White Fang Soldiers led by Adam Taurus are preparing to invade the kingdom.)

W. F. Soldier 1: Sir, we're ready to attack.

Adam: Good, prepare to... (hears his men screaming and some explosions) What!? What happened!?

W. F. Soldier 2: Sir, we got ambushed!

(Adam sees his men dying one by one as the Combaticons show up crushing their bodies.)

Vortex: You're good at driving your own men to their deaths, huh?

Adam: You piles of scrap! KILL THEM!

(The Combaticons see the White Fang Soldiers readying their weapons and tanks.)

Blast Off: Tch.

Onslaught: How pathetic!

(They transform into their alt modes and combine their attacks to wipw out the entire White Fang. Only Adam remains as he gets shocked and angry as the Combaticons transform back.)

Adam: Damn it! (readies his sword) This cannot be happening!

Swindle: Oh? What's the matter little cattle? Losing your men that died badly?

Dropshot: (smirks evilly) Or is it want revenge on the humans that wrong you? Or maybe since this Blake person betrayed you? Hehehe, how pathetic.


(Adam rushes at them, and tries to slash them, but Vortex grabs his right arm and crushes it.)

Adam: GAHHH!!!!

(Adam drops on the ground and holds his arm in pain.)

Vortex: Hmph. Your worthless. Oh well, I suppose I'll take you to my Master.

(Vortex kicks Adam's jaw, knocking him out as the Kuroinu Knights appear.)

Vortex: Take him to the prison! I shall inform Lord Megatron of the news.

Knights: At once!

(They take Adam away as Vortex picks up his sword. Then the Combaticons return to the kingdom as the chapter ends.)

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