Divine Retribution

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Stephanie: Dad...mom...

Stephanie is seen hugging her parents as they all cried, happy to be reunited after a grueling time.

Vince: I'm so glad I get to hold you after all this time.

Linda: We're so sorry we got you into this mess.

Soon, Daikon enteres the office as he looks at the scene with a quiet look. Soon, the three McMahons turn and saw him there.

Vince: You.

Daikon: I didn't come here to cause trouble. I came...because I want to apologize to you, your wife, and your daughter, for what I put you all through.

Stephanie: Why did you help us? You could've kept the power you had.

Daikon: I already had the power. Just the misfortune that I felt being a member of the Ministry was a good way to unlock it. But now, I see things more clearly.

Linda: Then, how did you break free?

Daikon: I mixture of my ego and my morals. Somehow, my soul remained intact, but corrupted. But, now, it absorbed the corruption and made its own. And that's how I was born.

Vince: So your a mix of the old Daikon and the Harbinger.

Daikon: A fusion is the better term. I have the power of the darkness and light and the mind of a great martial arts trained by his grandfather, the Tiger Mask, and Antonio Inoki.

Stephanie: But, how could we be sure you're not gonna turn on us?

Daikon then pulls out a boquete of Pink Roses as he passes them to Stephanie. The crowd awws at this as Stephanie looks at the roses, admiring their beautiful and color. This surprised her as Daikon's wearing a black and red attire, but gave her these light colored flowers.

Daikon: It's not much for me to show how sorry I am to you, Stephanie. But, I want this to let you ease down your worries that I will not strike on you. That you can count on me when you need help. I'm a God of Justice, and I will strike any sinner that comes to your way.

The crowd cheers at this as Stephanie gave him a look before hugging him. Daikon was a bit surprised but he hugged her as well. The crowd awws at this.

Jim: What a beautiful moment between these two young man and woman. I'm happy that Daikon's back.

Jerry: For once, I agree, JR. When Daikon was Harbinger, he may have held down Stephanie, but he never even attacked her or beat her. I like to think that Stephanie was the Key to release Daikon from that Evil Prison.

JR: I wouldn't go that far, King. But you have a point about Daikon and Stephanie.

Stephanie felt something with Daikon that she hasn't felt when he was the Harbinger as she presses her head against his chest: Warmth and Comfort.

Soon, the parted from the hug as Daikon stares at the family with a serious look.

Daikon: The Corporate Ministry has had a decent reign if it wasn't for me. But now...I will destroy the abomination I helped create.

Linda: But you would need some help.

Vince: I'll ask members of the Union to help you.

Daikon: That's appreciated but I doubt they would want to work with me after the pain I put them through. However...I have someone in mind.


Daikon is seen walking down the halls, being cautious for any member of the CM coming to attack him. Then he stops as he sees someone.

Stone Cold: I had a feelin' you would come lookin' for me.

Daikon: Yes. We may have had our moments, and me stealing your Stunner, but I want to destroy the Corporate Ministry just as much as you do.

Stone Cold: I can tell. Yet I am uncertain as you know I don't trust any son of a bitch in this building. So what makes you think I would help you, if you'd be going to backstab me?

Daikon: *sighs* Imagine losing...yourself...just to become someone else.

Stone Cold: The Hell's that suppose to mean?

Daikon: That's how I gone through to chain who I was. I lost the memory that I was trained by a lot of teachers. I forgot that I had a loving family, and one coming very soon. I lost my morals, beliefs, and independence. And you become not only a shell of your former self...but a bastardized version of yourself. So tell me, Steve. Now you know what that meant?

Steve stayed silent as he process what Daikon told him.

Daikon: I'll go after the Ministry on my own. It's your choice to join me. If you don't...I understand.

Daikon goes to walk away but stops as he turns around.

Daikon: And listen...don't think you should do it because we're or we were friends. This decision is up to you.

Daikon leaves as Austin thinks about it.

Austin: That sonofabitch...


Daikon was put in a match against Big Boss Man with the CM at ringside. They yelled and insult him for his betrayal earlier as The Undertaker and Shane glared at him for giving away control of the company back to Vince.

The match starts as Boss Man charges at Daikon and-

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings and the match ends in 5 Seconds!

JR: BAH GAWD! Boss Man lost that quickly!

Jerry: That was like 5 Seconds!

JR: That has to have set a new record win!

Daikon's theme plays as glares at the Ministry. They were equally shocked that the match ended so quickly. Daikon then gestures to the them "One Down. More to go!" which angered them. Soon, they all begin to enter the ring and surrounded Daikon.

Daikon is set for the grossly outmatched fight. Until...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out as he makes his way to the ring.

JR: Stone Cold is here! Austin's has accepted teaming with Daikon!

Daikon looks on with a sly grin as the Corporate Ministry looks on in shock. Austin enters the ring and challenges all of them as he and Daikon stood in the ring.

Soon, the begin to step away as they yell insults as the two. Soon, the stare at each other before Austin asks for a mic. The crowd started chanting "Austin/Daikon!" as the two superstars look around.

Soon, Austin speaks.

Austin: Daikon...Harbinger...whoever the hell I should call you...you know damn well that Stone Col would not forgive you attacking me and hitting me with my own damn move.

Daikon gave a nod.

Austin: However...when you turn on those jackasses, give back control to Vince and broke Stephanie free...and I saw that look in your eyes when you talked to them and me...I not only saw a man driven to fight those bastards for the pain you went through...But I also saw a good friend of mine from ECW to now...back to who he should be.

The crowd pops as Daikon nods with a smile.

Austin: So after much consideration...and the fact that I want to kick their asses as well...I will join in on opening up a can of WhoopAss on those sorry Sons and Daughter of Bitches.

The crowd pops as Daikon and Steve shook hands.

JR: What an incredible moment! Daikon and Stone Cold joining forces!

Jerry: My God! This is a Force that even the Corporate Ministry cannot mess with!

Austin's theme plays as Steve asks for beer. He was tosses some as he gives one to Daikon. Daikon was hesitant but accepted it. They open their cans and clash together and drink. Suddenly...


Jerry: What?!

The crowd was shocked that Steve stunned Daikon. Then, Daikon sat up and looks around.

Daikon: *shrugs* I deserve that.

Stone Cold laughed as he helps Daikon up and they share a laugh. The crowd now sees a interesting relationship starting between the Texas RattleSnake and the Japanese Sensation.

*back with Future Daikon*

Daikon: Me and Stone Cold finally joined forces. A Loud Mouth Brawler and a Wise Martial Artist. Interesting combination. I would later vacate both the Intercontinental and Tag Team Titles as I felt winning them at the state I was in tampered their prestige.

Daikon: This was a clean slate for me as Daikon Black. Not hellbent on destruction. But one that serves Justice. At King of the Ring, me and Austin faced Shane and Undertaker. The winner of the match, will have me face Shane for his Retribution against his family and Stone Cold will regain the WWF Title from the Undertaker. Stay tuned.

Daikon: As for me and Stephanie...we wouldn't have a real relationship, but she was being very close to me. I didn't mind it, but...who would've thought that by this...we would become a Couple at Survivor Series.

A/n: How's the chapter?

What did you think of Daikon making amends?

Daikon and Stone Cold...a team. Name your best team name here.

Daikon will not go after a title until the Royal Rumble...*wink*

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