No Way Out Part 1

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No Way Out arrives and upon seeing this poster, you can see who's gonna have No Way Out, and it's not Daikon Black. After his return from his trip to Japan, Daikon has become even more fearsome and destructive than ever before. Even we he was under the spell of the Undertaker.

The match has been placed in the semi main event spot, before the Hell in A Cell match against Triple H and Cactus Jack for the WWF Championship. Many are interested in both matches as it has both men, the Champion and Challenge, facing their opponents before they face each other at WrestleMania.

After the match between the Radicalz and Too Cool, it was time for the Gauntlet Match.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The lights went out as this peaceful yet haunting piano playing is heard as the crowd immediately went silent. Soon...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Daikon's actually theme bursts out. Soon, Daikon makes his way to the stage as looks around with the fans watching him in amazement, praise, and fear. Soon, he poses as fire bursts out of the stage with a smile.

Howard Finkle: The Following contest is a 13 Man Gauntlet Match! Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 220 pounds, the God of Justice, Daikon Black!

Daikon begins to make his to way to the ring as he warms up and smirks at the camera in front of him. Daikon then climbs on the apron in a kneeling pose as he grins at the crowd, before entering the ring. Daikon then climbs up to the top rope as he poses for his followers. Daikon then climbs down as his theme fades and gets ready for the match.

Daikon stood there, eager for his first opponent in the gauntlet match to show his superiority to the opponent.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Howard: His first opponent, the Brooklyn Brawler!

The crowd gave a little reaction as the Brooklyn Brawler comes out and makes his way to the ring. Daikon just had a smile, hungry to break this Jobber in quick fashion. Brawler makes it the ring as he prepares for his match. His theme fades and the bell rings-

The fans yelled in shock as Daikon covers the Brawler.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The crowd yelled in shock as Daikon brings up the brawler and tosses him out of the ring. Everyone was shocked to see Brawler be eliminated after just entering the match.

Howard: The Brooklyn Brawler has been eliminated! Now, out comes the next opponent!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Howard: Taka Michinoku!

The crowd pops as Taka appears and quickly makes his way to the ring. The crowd are interested as this is the first time in the WWF that Daikon faced a fellow Japanese Wrestler. Michinoku slides inside the ring and starts attacking Daikon, not taking into account that he's fighting a 6'4 Japanese God who makes him look like a dwarf.

daikon hits a headbutt on Taka, sending him away as he went for a lariat. Taka ducks under it and hits a Hurricarana, which made Daikon go to the outside. Taka sees his chance as he goes to the apron. Taka measures him and went for Asai Moonsault. Daikon however caught him with ease and sets him down. he then hits a Tombstone Piledriver on the floor.

The crowd yells as Daikon brings the limp Taka and tosses back inside the ring. Daikon enters and covers Michinoku.

Ref: 1, 2 3!

Daikon then stood up and kicks Taka out of the ring.

Howard: Taka Michinoku has been eliminated. Now, out comes the next opponent!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Howard: Being accompanied by Lita, The Light Heavyweight Champion, Essa Rios!

Essa Rios comes out with his Title and his girlfriend, Lita by his side. He gives his title to Lita as he enters the ring and Daikon went for a kick, but Essa ducks under it. Essa went for a kick of his own but Daikon caught it, flips up to his feet and was meet with an Arm Drag. Daikon got back to his feet as Essa charges at him. Daikon tosses Rios out of the ring near his girlfriend. Daikon measures Rios before running and launching himself into a Top Con Hilo.

Daikon gets as the crowd cheers for him hitting a high flying move, despite his size and wrestling style.

Daikon: I'm grown, but I can hit moves Cruiserweights get jealous!

Daikon then tosses Essa inside the ring as he gave Lita a warning glare. He then climbs to the top rope and measures Rios. He leaps and hits a shocking Frog Splash on Essa.

Daikon goes for the cover by sitting on Rios so he goes look at Lita if she tries to interfere. His glare and grin made sure she didn't.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

Daikon gets up as he shoves Rios out with his foot.

Howard: Essa Rios has been eliminated! Now, out comes the next opponents!

Everyone was confused. Did the Fink say 'opponents"?

Howard: This team will enter the ring individually to not break the rules of the Gauntlet Match!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Howard: Rodney, Joey Abs, and Pete Gas, the Mean Street Posse!

The crowd boos as the MSP make their way to the ring. All three, however, were scared as they know how terrifying Daikon was when he was the Harbinger. Daikon just stares at them in annoyance as he knew these three are not trained wrestlers and he wondered why Shane brought his real life friends here.

Joey, Rodney, and Pete began to argue at ringside about who will go first. Daikon was frustrated as he runs to the ropes and leaps through to his a Suicida Forearm on the MSP.

Daikon yells out as he grabs Rodney and tosses in him inside. Daikon enters the the ring as Rodney tries to run but Daikon made him bounce off the ropes and hit a Tilt-a-Whirl Emerald Flowsion, giving tribute to Mitsuharu Misawa.

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

Daikon slides out of the ring and grabs Pete Gas and Joey Abs and tosses them to the ring. Daikon the grabs Joey Abs. Daikon sets him between his legs as the crowd got up. Joey Abs stood at his height of 6'4 but weights 268 lbs. But Daikon lifts Joey up effortlessly as the crowd yelled in shock.

JR: Look at the Power! Look of the Strength of the God of Justice! The same one that brought the Big Show down with one arm!

Pete Gas tries to save his friend but Daikon caught him by the throat. The crowd immediately went crazy as Daikon has both men in his clutches. Soon...

Daikon hits a Sit-out Powerbomb on Joey Abs and a Chokeslam on Pete Gas.

JR: BAH GAWD! BAH GAWD! Daikon has taken down the Mean Street Posse!

Jerry: How?! How is he this strong!?!?

Daikon then, in a bold move, sets both men on top of each other before making the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

Daikon kicks out the three men in the ring as he kneels down in a pose certainly bring everyone nightmares.

He just took out six men with ease, all with one move to just end them in quick fashion.

Howard Finkle: Now, out comes the next opponent!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Howard Finkle: Gangrel!

Gangrel makes his gothic entrance as he heads to the ring. Daikon grins as he feels more nostalgic seeing a former member of the Ministry making his way. Gangrel enters the ring as he drinks the blood on his cup. His theme fades and both he and Daikon squared off. Both exchange blows before Daikon grabbing his arm, wrenches and hits a harsh Roundhouse Kick.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

Gangrel was eliminated as Daikon gets off of him, but didn't kick him out. Gangrel rolls out of the ring as Daikon grabs the cup of blood and drinks it. he then spits the blood out and it rains down on his face and grins evilly.


Jerry: Imagine that being his victim's blood!

JR: That's gonna be Triple H's blood after WrestleMania!

Howard: Now, out comes the next opponent!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Howard: Representing the Acolytes, Bradshaw!

Bradshaw comes out and while he looks tough, you can tell he's scared of Daikon, who has a lot of beef with him backstage. Especially how Bradshaw treated the Dudley's when they first arrive.

Bradshaw got inside and immediately went for a Clothesline from Hell but Daikon took it without any effect. Bradshaw however, felt pain on his arm from the strike he tried to hit, like he hit a brick wall. Daikon then backs away and hits his own lariat.

The crowd flinched as Bradshaw lay there, unconscious as Daikon wraps his arm around his neck and brings him up. Daikon yells out as he then did something terrifying.

JR: Oh God! He just decapitated Bradshaw!

Jerry: What kind of move is that?! He basically Guillotined him!

Daikon covers Bradshaw as the ref looks on in fear before doing the count.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

Daikon gets up and pushes Bradshaw out as he's now down to 5 opponents in the gauntlet match. The crowd cheers for him as he really decimated 8 wrestlers with a few moves.

Howard: Now it is time for the next opponent!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

JR: Oh no...

The crowd pops loudly as Tazz comes out.

Howard: Tazz!

Daikon: YES!

Daikon immediately left the ring as he tackles Tazz and the two got into a brawl. The crowd pops loudly as both Daikon and Tazz battled outside the ring as they go back to their encounters in ECW:...

Beating the Hell out of each other.

Daikon brings Tazz up before tossing him close to the ring. He approaches him, but Tazz kicks his leg and sends him to the barricade. Despite the size difference between Daikon and the TazManiac, they were equals in terms of shoot fighting.

Daikon immediately got up and grabs Tazz, sending him crashing through the steps. The crowd cheered as Daikon grabs the first set and measures Tazz. Tazz gets up and Daikon slams it against his face. Daikon then gets on top of Tazz and starts punching him down, with a wide eyed grin on his face.

He really missed the days he could brutalize his opponents.

Tazz then blocks a punch and headbutts Daikon. He headbutts him again before hitting a forearm. Daikon gets up as Tazz grabs him and hits a Suplex on Daikon against the apron. the crowd cringed while yelling as this was first time a opponent of the gauntlet match managed to strike Daikon back.

Daikon was simply grinning as Tazz brings him up and punches him down. He then sends Daikon head first onto the ring post before hitting another Suplex onto the barricade. Tazz yells out as he brings Daikon up, only to be hit by a forearm, grabbed and get his head slammed against the barricade with a swinging Flatliner.

Daikon sat against the barricade and laughs before getting up. He then grabs Tazz and sends him inside the ring, thus, officially starting the match. Tazz slowly gets up as Daikon enters the ring and approaches him. Daikon went for a grab him, but Tazz starts unleashing a barrage of strikes. Daikon answers back and the brawled in the ring before Tazz hits a takedown and mounts Daikon and starts punching him.

Daikon however counters rolling them, getting him on top of Tazz and starts hitting several forearms on Tazz. Tazz counters back, but Daikon hits a roll up. Tazz kicks out and both men got up. Tazz grabs Daikon and went for a TazPlex, but Daikon counters and applies a Guillotine Choke. Tazz goes down to a knee before getting up and sends Daikon against the corner.

Daikon starts clobbering Tazz with stiff shots but Tazz fires back and then hits a Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex on Daikon. Daikon then kips up, showing no affect from the Suplex as he runs and hits a Big Boot to Tazz. Tazz, however, stood his ground as well as both men stare at each other.

The crowd cheers as Daikon grins and Tazz had a grin as well, both men having nostalgia in their ECW days. The crowd as well as the chanted "ECW!" over and over as both men look on with smiles.

Tazz (with crowd): Beat me if can, Survive if I let you!

Daikon (with crowd): ANSWER TO MY/HIS DIVINITY!

The crowd pops even louder as Daikon and Tazz resume their fight.

*5 minutes later*

Daikon gets caught in the TazzMission as Tazz holds the lock tight. Daikon struggles to breath as Tazz applies more pressure. Soon, Daikon drops himself before grabbing Tazz's legs and takes him down. He pushes Tazz onto his back into a Jacknife Pin. The ref counts and Tazz kicks out. Both men got up as Tazz went for a lariat, but Daikon leaps over him, shocking everyone at the height of his jump, runs and hits a Flying Lariat, homage to Misawa.

Daikon then grabs Tazz and locks in a Crucifix, before locking the Deity Strangle.

Tazz struggles as Daikon applies more pressure while hitting several knee strikes to Tazz's head. Tazz wants to stay in the match, but Daikon's grip was too much and he was forced to tap out. The crowd pops as Daikon lets go of Tazz and lets him roll out of the ring. Daikon gets up as he yells out while posing for the crowd.

Daikon then unwraps his belt and throws his Gi and Shirt off before tying his belt gain, revealing his muscular body.

Howard: Now, out comes the next opponent!

Part 1.

Up next part 2?

What did you think of the match so far and Daikon's antics in the match?

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