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?: A 6'3...220lbs...a walking death machine of martial arts and wrestling. This is the Japanese Sensation. This is the Harbinger. This is...

Footsteps are heard as someone appears before the view as they sit down. This person reveals himself as he stares at the camera.

?: The God of Justice!

Daikon: Hi. My name is Daikon Katayama. I was born on December 23, 1974 to a American mother and a Japanese Father in Tokyo, Japan. Because of that, I can speak both Japanese and English. I'm the second child born after my brother, Kenta, who's 5 years older than me and to my younger sister, Ruriko, Ruri for short, but we call her Ruby and she likes that, who's three years younger than me.

Pictures of a younger Daikon are shown as he's with his family as it transitions to him wearing Martial Arts Gi's.

Daikon: I got interested in Martial Arts from my grandfather, Kenji, who many believed was a badass fighter. Us, too.

Pictures of Daikon and his grandfather, Kenji, are shown as video of them practicing martial arts are shown as well.

Daikon: I starts going to Martial Arts school at the age of 7, and by then I got a few pointers from my Ojiisan, and excelled in the sport.

Pics of a young Daikon in many martial arts schools are shown.

Daikon: By the time I was 12, I began to get attention, as I gain quite a streak at around 10 wins. I even met with the first man who became the Tiger Mask, Satoru Sayama. I became his first student in his own organization, Shooto.

Pictures and video Katayama with Sayama together as Satoru trains Daikon in many different fighting techniques including Shoot Wrestling.

Daikon: This got me interested in going to Professional Wrestling. At the age of 17, with Sayama's help, I got a job as Wrestler in New Japan Pro Wrestling, where he worked. I wouldn't rise to prominence until January 4, where the first New Japan SuperShow II was held in 1992.

Daikon: This was a collaboration with WCW and NJPW, which was big. As in big as Wrestlemania big. I began the show going up against Hiroyoshi Tenzan.

Jim Ross: This young man, Katayama, starting the show and I'm quite intrigued with his style of fighting.

Tony Schiavone: Indeed, JR. He was even trained by Tiger Mask himself after having a winning streak in Martial Arts at a young age.

Daikon: My first PPV match wouldn't be remembered if I didn't hit my iconic finisher.

JR: Oh my God!

Tony: He just decapitated Tenzan with that kick!

Daikon: A brutal strike like a Tornado Kick is what established my style of fighting. I wouldn't give it a name until much later. From then on, I would have these matches that rely on strikes, grapples, holds, and even some judo.

Clips of his matches are shown as moments of his strikes and holds are clear to see.

Daikon: I would go on to defeat Jushin Liger for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship at Masters of Wrestling in my hometown of Tokyo, making it my first Title.

Pics of Daikon are seen of him holding the title as he shows respect to Jushin Liger.

Daikon: I then held the title up until Fantastic Story in Tokyo Dome against Liger the next year, but by then I was established as a major start in NJPW. Then, I entered into a feud with Tatsumi Fujinami for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Wrestling Dontaku in May 1994.

A picture of Daikon and Tatsumi staring at each other is show as clips of their match play after it.

Daikon: It was a great battle, with me and Fujinami doing our best to win. In the end, I came out on top.

Clips of Daikon hitting the Tornado Kick and scoring the win against Fujinami is shown. Soon, he's seen holding the IWGP Heavyweight Title, become the youngest Champion at the age of 19.

Daikon: I would hold the title for more that one year until I lost it to Keiji Mutoh in 1995. By then, I decided to part ways with the company as I wanted to try others industries.

After three years in NJPW, and scoring the IWGP Junior and Heavyweight Titles, Daikon is set to find work.

Daikon: I would come back for Martial Arts later on that year and grew my streak even more and gained many medals and awards for my work. Later, I got a call from one Paul Heyman, asking me to join Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Daikon: I then moved to the United States and got myself a contract waiting for me. I debuted on the show Big Apple Blizzard Blast, where I confronted one man known as the Tazmaniac, or Taz for short.

Joey Styles: Taz has defeated Shark Attack Kid, and-wait a minute!

Daikon comes through the crowd as he enters the ring and the fans are cheering from shock and excitement.

Joey Styles: Oh my God! It's Daikon Katayama!

Taz turns and the two men stared at each other and the crowd was loving it. Both Daikon and Taz stared at each other in silence and seriousness.

Daikon: From then on, our matches together were taken to the extreme.

Several moments of both Daikon and Taz are shown as they brutalize each other.

Daikon: Our last match against each other was in the Massacre on Queens Boulevard where we had a Shoot Fight Rules Match, and I came out on top as I was good at Shoot Fighting.

Clips of their Match is show as Daikon comes out on top. Soon, it transitioned to Daikon attacking Raven after his match with Sandman in Holiday Hell.

Joey: Daikon is attacking the new Champion Raven!

Daikon hits Raven with a Tornado Kick after he took down Stevie Richards. He then grabs the ECW World Heavyweight Championship and raised it up.

Daikon: I started to harass Raven in trying to get a shot at the title. And by harassing I mean bullying and by bullying I mean-

Joey: Oh My God! Daikon sent Raven through that car! Raven got hit by a 4x4! Katayama is choking the Hell of our Raven!

Daikon: I also had to deal with Richards and the family of the Sandman, who Raven brainwashed into his cult, they weren't spared as one night, I attacked Raven, then Richards and all that was left was Lori and Tyler.

A video of Daikon standing in front of Lori and Tyler is shown as the crowd was fearing what he could do to them.

Past Daikon: Tell me something, Lori. Is that bitch, Raven, worth being followed after I beat the living shit out of him? No. You left your son without his father just to worship that punk who doesn't care about his followers, only when it benefits him.

Lori was holding Tyler with fear as Daikon approaches them.

Past Daikon: Now...Raven is not here. Richards is not here. Everyone is not here because they are afraid of me! So that and Tyler are all alone. With me!

Lori: Leave us alone!

Past Daikon: I would, but your leader wouldn't give me a shot at the title. No matter what I do to him, he still says no. So, I'm think...what can I do to make him give a shot of the Championship? That's when I thought of to weak links in his chain...which are you two.

Joey: Oh no. Daikon, they're victims, too. Raven brainwashed them! You can't attack them!

Lori was getting more frightened as Tyler holds onto his mother. Daikon then grabs Lori and tosses her out of ring, leaving Tyler alone. Tyler looks up at Daikon with fear as Katayama kneels down and glares at him.

Past Daikon: Tyler...kiddo...I just want you to know...that this isn't personal. It's just business.

Daikon goes to grab Tyler's face until Lori screamed.

Lori: Okay, fine! You get your shot at the title! Just leave my son alone!

Daikon stops as he grins at Lori.

Past Daikon: Good choice. *looks at Tyler* Got what I wanted. Ta ta, for now.

Daikon drops the mic as he leaves the ring. Lori enters the and hugs her son, who hugs her back.

Daikon: I was...hesitant at this angle as that was my only time I threatened a child. After that, I hugged Tyler, telling him how sorry I was for scaring him. Luckily, Tyler forgive me, telling me I was just doing my job. But that moment set the standard of me being the most threatening individual.

Soon, the match against Daikon and Raven is set at Crossing the Line Again in February 1st.

Daikon: I went through the match, wanting to punish Raven with a lot of damage as possible. I left him all bruised and bloodied as I hit my new finisher I debuted on that night.

Joey: And Daikon, holding bloodied Raven up with a Half Nelson hold with a hammerlock. What's going to happen?

Joey: Oh my God! I never seen that move before!

Daikon pins Raven and wins the ECW World Heavyweight Championship, his first World Heavyweight Title. He steps on Raven's head and held the title up.

Daikon: I gave the move a name: the Harvester. Reason? I harvest the the sins of the people I hit. Since then, I used just as much as the Tornado Kick. After I won the title, I went with Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, Beulah, Sandman and many more in invading Monday Night Raw and next few nights, which gave me the feeling of being in the WWF, before it was renamed WWE.

Clips of Daikon and the rest of ECW's roster is shown entering the ring on Monday Night RAW. Moments such as Jerry Lawler and Paul Heyman debating are shown as Daikon is seen holding the ECW World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder.

Jerry: *points at Daikon* And how did you get this guy to your crappy show? He had a promising career back in NJPW and you wasted him there.

Paul: Daikon was not wasted in ECW. Daikon embrace ECW. He took so many beatings, dished out  much more to any of these guys and and will do the same to you, if you try to insult him. And trust me. If you want to know what he can do to you, ask Taz. He'll get you to understand what Daikon can do to a bitch like you!

Daikon: I was ready to crush Lawler's skull at the time. That's how good he was as a heel. When he made his appearance in Wrestlepalooza, I knew things would escalate.

At Wrestlepalooza, Jerry Lawler made his appearance in ECW as Tommy Dreamer was being taken down by RVD and Sabu. Soon, Daikon and Taz came to help, driving them away.

Daikon: I would frequently demand matches against Lawler, Van Dam, and Sabu, wanting revenge for their attack.

Past Daikon: If I don't get my answer, I will go to the WWF, grab those three fuckers and bring them out here so we can all tar and feather them for all our enjoyment! *gets cheers*

Daikon: I became very violence and sadistic. And when I got my hands at RVD and Sabu...*chuckles*

A picture of Daikon holding a bloodied and broken Rob Van Dam by the face. Another shows him holding Sabu by the leg upside down who looked unconscious. Both have one thing in common: Daikon iconic Joker grin.

Daikon: Dreamer took care of Lawler, though I assisted when I entered the ring.

Joey: Daikon's in the ring! Lawler is terrified!

A clip of the match against Tommy and Jerry shows Daikon entering the ring and staring down at Lawler. King begs for mercy, only to be hit by a Tornado Kick.

Joey: Oh my God! Tornado Kick to Jerry Lawler! And Dreamer with the DDT!

Daikon is seen raising Dreamer's arm as ECW chants are heard in the background.

Daikon: I would then lose to Dreamer at Terry Funk's Wrestlefest of that year.

We see Dreamer winning the title from Daikon as mutual respect is shown between the two.

Daikon: I was honorable and accepted my defeat with maturity and respect. I would win the Championship back at November to Remember. After the show I would then make Open Challenges.

Past Daikon: I want any son of bitch to come out to this ring and face to get a shot at the ECW World Title. I want to see how far they can go before knock them back to reality! I'm using an open challenge for the title and I hope you said your prayers before the match, because I'm going make you wish you prayed!

Daikon: I had great matches against many wrestlers, and after three months, before losing the title to Sandman. I went through three years in ECW and became a two time Champion from it. By then, I decided to go to different promotions.

News of Daikon departing from ECW is shown as the fans are devastated by this. But one quote from is revealed which made them feel at ease.

Daikon's Quote: I put my blood, sweat, and tears for this company and I love everyone back there. While I must go, I will never speak ill of ECW, as it was my first company after moving to the United States. ECW is my house, and don't you forget that.

Daikon: I would go around in the Indy circuit before I got two calls from two companies. World Championship Wrestling.

Daikon: And the World Wrestling Federation.

Daikon: I was considering WCW, but I then choose the WWF as I felt it has great shows and wrestlers. And hey, on of its great wrestlers was a friend of mine, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

A picture of Daikon and Stone Cold in their early ECW days is shown, showing their friendship.

Daikon: I would make first appearance in the WWF. at Wrestlemania 14 appear during the match between Owen Hart and Triple H for the European Championship.

JR: Chyna caught Owen with a low blow! Pedigree from Triple H!

Triple H pins Owen and the ref counts only to be dragged out of the ring by...

Jim Ross: Wait the ref has been pulled out of the ring by-OH MY GOD! IT'S DAIKON KATAYAMA!

Jerry: Oh no!

The crowd goes insane as Daikon is shown as he glares at the ref.


The ref chastised Daikon for pulling him out only for Daikon to knock him down. He then pulls out the Referee shirt and puts it on.

JR: Bah Gawd! Daikon has become the new referee!

Jerry: He can't do that?!

Daikon enters the ring and gets yelled at by Triple H. Daikon had a deadpan look before smacking Hunter in the face. Owen capitalized and locks in the Sharpshooter.

JR: Sharpshooter again!

Jerry: No!

Chyna tries to intervene but Sgt. Slaughter would let her go. Then Daikon hit a Baseball slide kick on Chyna, knocking her against the Barricade. Soon, Triple H taps out and the crowd goes wild.

JR: Owen won! Owen Hart has won back the European Championship!

Jerry: That's not fair! Daikon gave him the victory! This is a travesty!

Daikon passes Owen the title as Hart looks at it and him. He then hugs Daikon, getting a loud reaction from the crowd. Daikon hugs him back and raised his arm to show respect to Owen.

Soon, Triple H gets up as Daikon is waiting for him. He then grabs Hunter from behind and hits Harvester.

JR: Harvester to Triple H! And he quite frankly deserves it!

Jerry: Don't praise Daikon, JR!

JR: Or what? Gonna go cry like when you did in front of Daikon back in ECW, King?

The scene ends with Daikon and Owen walking down as Owen celebrates his victory and Triple H and Chyna glaring daggers at Daikon, who just flips them off with a smile.

Daikon: From then on, I would enter my first feud with Triple H and Chyna. Yep. Both. They tried every dirty trick to take me down, but I was one step ahead of them.

JR: Chyna going for the low blow-Oh My God! Daikon caught her arm before she could hit it!

Jerry: How did he know when it was coming?!

A match with Daikon and Triple H is shown as Chyna went for a low blow, but Daikon caught her arm before tossing out of the ring and defeating Hunter.

Another match happens as Daikon would face Chyna in her first WWF match.

Daikon: When coming up in this match, it was hesitated as at the time, men didn't want to be dominated by a women, for whatever reason. I, however, didn't have the insecurity for that bullshit reason and went along with the match. It makes it the first Intergender Match in my and Chyna's careers.

Scenes of the match goes on as Chyna and Daikon beat the hell out of each other. Soon, from a miscalculation from Triple H, Daikon wins the match.

Daikon: I pretty much gained Chyna's respect after that match as others were not happy the match happened, but I just said...

1998 Daikon: Any man who piss and moans about facing a woman in a wrestling match needs to check their biology to see which one is the most feminine between the two.

Daikon: I would go onto face the Rock for the Intercontinental Championship in a ladder Match.

JR: The Rock is reaching for the Title!

Jerry: Come on, Rocky! You can win!

JR: He's almost there-Oh no!

Daikon has climbed up the ladder and grabs Rock by the throat.

JR: Daikon has the Rock by the throat on top of the ladder! Wait, oh no! Don't do it! Don't do it!

Jerry: No!

JR: Chokeslam! Off the top of the ladder!

Daikon then grabs the Intercontinental Title and unhooks it, ending the Rock's reign as IC Champion.

Daikon is seen sitting at the ladder as he raised his new title up and the crowd cheers for him.

Daikon: I would hold onto the title until December 28, 1998. And that night was the beginning of what would be the turning point of my career. How so? Let me walk you through as I get into a match against Jeff Jarrett as I felt an uneasy feeling within my core earlier that night. I should've paid more attention to by gut back them.

The scene fades to black.

A/N: How's the prologue? I would be in response as I'll be working tomorrow early.

What do you think of this new take on Daikon?

What do you think of his title runs in NJPW, ECW, and WWF?

What could happen on that night he mention at the end?

And yes, this is the same format as the 2K Showcase.

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