Regaining the Title

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Daikon: After that, I would regularly be seen next to Undertaker, staying stoic and crazy, as I look around at the crowd, my red eyes staring through people's souls. At the Royal Rumble, during the match, we arrived and attacked the 500lb, Mabel, having him eliminated from the match.


We see Mabel taking out Meanie as Road Dogg eliminates Edge until the lights go out. Soon, Undertaker's theme plays as both the Acolytes and The Harbinger attacked and brought Mabel out of the ring and attack him. Undertaker tells him to join them, but Mabel refused. He was then assaulted by the rest of the Ministry.

Harbinger was slam-beating him harder than Bradshaw and Farooq like he was possessed or pissed off. They drag him away, as a backstage scene shows them putting Mabel inside a Hearse.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: After that, we turn him into the Dark Side, and we renamed him Viscera. I was honestly not too thrilled, as I know he injured Taker and Diesel when he was Mabel, but I kept my opinions to myself. And he did learn from his mistakes. Anyway, we had a match together and the Brood, comprised of the Vampire, Gangrel, Christian, and Edge.

*February 1*

We see Harbinger and Viscera taking the Brood as they easily dominated the match. Edge and Gangrel tried to double-team on Harbinger, but he knocks them both down. Christian went for a Missile Dropkick but Harbinger caught him in Midair and hits a Michinoku Driver.

Harbinger stands up as Edge grabs him and went for Downward Spiral, but Harbinger counters and hits Harvester. Gangrel tries to stop him but Viscera takes him down as Harbinger picks up the win. Soon, the Acolytes arrived and they started assaulting the Brood.

Soon, officials arrived to help as the Undertaker makes his way. The Brood however took them out, but still get beaten down. Suddenly, Bradshaw wraps a Noose on Gangrel as they took out Edge and Christian.

The Acolytes were then brought out on the apron as the Undertaker stood in front of him on the ring. He then lays his on the Vampire, glaring through his soul until he shoves him off.

Gangrel chokes out as the Acolytes raised the rope, hanging him. Harbinger is seen at ringside as he holds Gangrel off the floor with one hand, laughing at him. Soon, Gangrel slowly goes unconscious as the lights go dark and the Undertaker's theme plays.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: I saw how the rope was very tight on his neck and when he choked out, I had to hold Gangrel off the floor so he wouldn't really choke out. Of course, I got pissed at Bradshaw, thinking he tightened it on purpose. He then started acting like a dumbass to me when I demand an explanation. So...

A picture shows Bradshaw later that night with a red, nasty Handprint on the side of his face, most like from Daikon.

Daikon: I also gave one to Rock for going overboard on Mick Foley with the chair shots at the Royal Rumble. But it was on his back, instead. He learns from his mistake. Bradshaw, and that other prick, Hardcore Holly, though...they need several beatings. I'll tell you more later. After that, the Acolytes faced Road Dogg and a fellow ECW colleague, Al Snow.


We see the Acolytes taking on Dogg and Snow before defeating them. Soon, the rest of the Ministry, along with three unknown Druids, started assaulting Road Dogg. Undertaker watches as Harbinger picks up Road Dogg and hits the Harvester.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: And on that night, we got ourselves some new allies to the Ministry.

*back at the clip*

We see Harbinger, Farooq, and Bradshaw removing the hoods of the Druids, revealing Christian, Edge, and Gangrel, to the shock of the crowd. The Brood has become new members of the Ministry of Darkness.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: When St. Valentines Day Massacre arrived, the current Intercontinental Champion was Ken Shamrock, and the challenger was Val Venus, who's accompanied by Ken's sister, in kayfabe, Ryan. Hey, if they had Mark Calaway and Glenn Jacobs be brothers in kayfabe, then they can do that. Anyway, it would seem that they have an extra opponent. *smirks*

We see Ken and Val in the ring with Billy Gunn as the Guest Referee. Ryan is at ringside, cheering for Venis. Then, the lights went out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone turns to the stage in confusion and fear. Then, Harbinger comes out with Paul Bearer joining him. Bearer laughs as they make their way to the ring as Ken and Val look on in terror. Soon, Harbinger removes his Gi and enters the ring.

The music fades as Paul grabs a mic.

Paul: It would seem...that this match has a new opponent. So, allow me to introduce to you...from the Depths of Evil, at a weight of 220lbs, he is the Heir of Darkness, the Harbinger!

The crowd was shocked that Harbinger was added to this match. It has been a while since he, as Daikon, lost his Intercontinental Championship after he was kidnapped and brainwashed, so it seems it was time to regain the Championship.

The bell rings as Val and Ken are hesitant to take on Harbinger since they couldn't even take down Harbinger before the change. Soon, Ken tries to attack, but Harbinger knocks him down with a punch, before giving one to Venis.

He sends Venis to the corner and starts hitting him with Knee Strikes, Krav Maga style. Billy counts as Harbinger steps back. He sees Shamrock charging at him. Ken starts hitting several punches and kicks to Harbinger before sending him to the corner.

Shamrock charges but Harbinger caught him and slams him down.

Jerry: Woah!

Michael: That was a cool move! I never seen that before!

Jerry: Look like a Rock Bottom but devastating!

The crowd flinched at the impact as Shamrock rolls away. Harbinger however stalks him, until Venis interjects. He sends him to the ropes, hits a knee in the gut, repeats it, and went for a Russian Leg Sweep.

Harbinger instead counters and hits a Pumphandle Backbreaker.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Harbinger mounts on Val and starts wailing several punches. Ryan was yelling for Val to not give up until Paul yells at her.

Paul: There is no escape from the Darkness! You either let it consume you or be consumed, little girl!

Harbinger stands up and glares at Billy. Ken then hits a School Boy on him, but Harbinger kicks out. They got up as Shamrock hits an Arm drag before locking in an Armbar. Suddenly, Harbinger gets up, and knees Ken, before countering the Armbar in a Kimura Lock.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ken yells in pain as Harbinger applies more pressure on the hold. Shamrock was close to tapping until Venis breaks the hold. He tries to send Harbinger out of the ring, but he was sent out instead. Harbinger looks on as he waits for Venis to get up before running to the ropes and Leaping over the top rope, knocking Val down, much to the crowd's shock.

Harbinger gets up and poses as Paul laughs at Venis.

*much later*

Harbinger went for a Chokeslam but Ken countered and locks in the Ankle Lock. Harbinger groans in pain as Shamrock applies more pressure on the hold. Paul tells Harbinger not to tap out, claiming it would be humiliating for the Ministry.

Suddenly, Billy Gunn attacks Shamrock from behind. But this made him angry as he lets go of Harbinger. He goes to attack Billy only to be hit with a Spinebuster by Val. Venis goes for the pin and Gunn went for a fast count, but Harbinger breaks it.

Both men got up and Venis knocks Harbinger with a Spinout Powerbomb. He then climbs up the turnbuckle and taunts him. He went for the Money Shot, but Harbinger sat up just before he hit it, making Venis land hard.

Harbinger stands up, but feels the pain in his ankle from the Ankle Lock earlier. He leaps from the pain, but then, he stomps on the mat and walks normally, as if he fixed his ankle.

Michael: Harbinger just fixed his ankle!

Jerry: What in the world?! That's not human!

Val slowly gets up as Ken went to strike at Harbinger but was caught. Val tries as well but was caught too.

Jerry: Wait, is he gonna-

Michael: No way! No freaking way!

Jerry: He did!

Michael: Double Harvester!

Paul: Yes! Yes!

Harbinger pins Shamrock and Billy count. The match ends as the Ministry's theme plays.

Howard Finkle: Here is your winner, and New Intercontinental Champion, representing the Ministry of Darkness, the Harbinger!

Harbinger gets up as Gunn passes him the title and raised his hand. Harbinger frowns at Billy for this then grabs him by the throat and Chokeslams Mr. Ass.

Paul enters the ring and laughs as praises his "grandson" who kneels for him, holding the IC Title. In the background, Ryan is seen tending to Val Venis, with a sad face. Soon, however, Harbinger and Paul turn to her as she sees them staring at her.

Scared, she tries to run away, but Harbinger grabs her by the hair and drops her onto her knees. Ryan begs him to let her go, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as Harbinger's red eyes stare through her soul.

Paul: *after grabbing the mic* I told you, little girl! You cannot escape Darkness! And look at what happened to your brother, and your toy! Destroyed by the Harbinger! Now, the only thing you need to do is to submit to him, in order for your lonely soul to be spared!

Michael: Oh my God!

Jerry: That's insane!

Paul: Submit to the Heir of Darkness, woman! Make him see why he should let you go!

Ryan, frightened and in pain, lay her head against Harbinger's tight, as the crowd looked on with anxiety and fear. Harbinger tilts his head at her as she looks up at him.

He then shook his head.

He picks up and locks her into a Half Nelson, much to the crowd's shock.

Michael: No!

Jerry: Don't do it! Oh!

Michael: Harvester to Ryan Shamrock! Unbelievable! How sick can you be?!

Paul laughs as Harbinger leans and crawls over to Ryan. He gave her one last glare before standing up as the Ministry Theme resumes. The lights go dark as Paul and Harbinger stand in the ring, with Bearer wrapping the title around his "grandson's" waist.

They leave the ring as Undertaker and the rest of the Ministry arrive. They praise Harbinger for an excellent win. Harbinger bows before his father, who lays his hand on his head, giving him his acknowledgment.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: Wanting to be IC Champ again wasn't the only reason for me to enter the match. I want to target Shamrock, for his allegiance to the Corporation, an Authority group with Vince McMahon as their leader. That man was the Shot Heard Around the World of you will.

*February 15*

We see the Ministry in the ring, as Harbinger stands next to his father, stoic and controlled while having the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Paul cuts a promo before passing the mic to the Undertaker.

Undertaker: McMahon...In time...You're World Wrestling Federation...will belong to me. One by one, they will all fall before my Ministry. Last child, the Harbinger, set fire for what is to come. Ken Shamrock received just a small sample of the Power I possess. Last night,, Val Venis, Billy Gunn, and your sister, Ryan, are victims to the Harbinger. To the Ministry. To me.

During his speech, the camera cuts to each member of the Ministry.

Undertaker: What we did, Mr. we went to the Strength and Brawn of your Corporation, and we took him out. Just to let you know, we can take anybody at any time we desire. And there's not a Damn thing you can do about it. Now I'm sure you're asking yourself, Mr. can I be so confident? How can I succeed when all others failed? It's simple. I own the key to your heart...and your soul.

The camera cuts to Daikon as he gave a small grin after Edge tells him a joke.

Undertaker: While you were preoccupied...with your petty obsessions...I have enmassed an army that will destroy you...and your Corporation. Each soul that we take...we have taken the name of a far greater power than even myself. And in that power's its grandest vision, in its grandest dream...and in my Ministry's destiny...I will own...the World Wrestling Federation.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: That's the plan. Break down the Corporation, take down Vince and Shane, and the company will be in the Undertaker's grasp. Soon, we have a match against three members of the Corporation, Shamrock, Test, and the Big Bossman, against me and the Acolytes. It ends with me debuting a new move. A counter to Shamrock's Ankle Lock.

*in the match*

We see the Ministry and the Corporation facing each other as Shamrock wants revenge for what Harbinger did to his sister, humiliating her and attacking her while he was unable to help her.

In the end, Ken went for the Ankle Lock, but Harbinger hits an Enziguri. Shamrock turns and Harbinger hits a Crucifix Pin.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Shamrock kicks out, only for Harbinger to turn him and lock in a strange hold that instantly made Shamrock tap out.

Jerry: Woah! What is that?!

Michael: That hold looks devastating!

The Acolytes take down Bossman and Test to give them the win. Soon, the Undertaker and the rest of the Ministry brought out the European Champion, Vince's son, Shane, as Harbinger and the Acolytes keep the other members away.

Undertaker held Shane down as he pleads for mercy. Then, he was given a note to give to his father and it came from the Lord of Darkness. He then shoved Shane away. Shane and the rest of the Corporation leave as the Ministry victorious.

*back with Daikon*

Daikon: Now with the Ministry at war against the Corporation, what do you think will happen? Stay tuned to find out.

A/N: How's the chapter?

What did you think of the evilness of the Ministry?

How do you feel about Daikon smacking Bradshaw in the face, leaving his handprint to be seen live?

How did you feel about the Intercontinental Championship Match?

What was your reaction we Harbinger brought in a new submission hold in his arsenal?

Think this is the most darkest version of Daikon? Explain.

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