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Taking a path through the woods, I followed Michael and the others to where the cliffs were. I noticed that Michael didn't have wings anymore. How did he do that? Could I do that because if not, how was I going to fit into normal clothes or go out in public ever again? I suppose I could on Halloween but that's one day.

"Hey Michael, how do you not have wings now? Can I do it?" He slowed down so I could catch up to him and then we kept on walking.

"It's something all angels can do so I suppose you can too. Lesson one is how to fly. That can be lesson two if you want." On the outside I looked cool and calm but mentally I was celebrating. As soon as I could, I would go shopping.

"Cool, I'd like that thanks." I'm defiantly going to shopping, sure I'll hate it but I would like the fact that I could go out without everyone looking at me. Of course it would have to be when all of this has blown over and there aren't demons and hybrids after me.

"What are you thinking about?" Michael's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I was thinking about how I'm going to go shopping when all this over. Exorcise my new found ability to walk out in public." For some reason this seemed to amuse him, it was as if he thought I was joking.

After a while we reached a path that started to go up hill. The view from the cliff was beautiful, the sea was blue and clear and the sand on the beaches was almost white. Alec, Ruby and Cole admired the view but we didn't really have time to as it was clear that Michael was ready to start. Oliver was the first to talk though.

"There's a cave at the bottom of the cliff, to get back here you go in there and come all the way up those stairs that are cut in the rock. It comes out in those bushes over there." He pointed to the bush and then looked at me. "Cora good luck with the flying." Oliver said this walking backwards slowly until he reached the edge, with a smile he leaned backwards and fell of the edge of the cliff. Grinning, Ruby jumped off the edge and was followed by Alec. Cole looked at me.

"Good luck." Was all he said as he jumped off of the cliff edge. I turned to look at Michael.

"So, how do I fly then?" I queried.

"What do you mean, how do you fly? It should be pretty obvious." Great, he's annoying again. Why do I have to be taught by the winner of the world's most annoying person award?

"If I knew how to, then I wouldn't ask you would I? How do I fly then?" Maybe this time he would actually tell me. Seeming to sense my anger, Michael decided to give me a straight answer for once. "When you jump, act as if it's a dive but keep your arms by your sides and your wings tucked in. Once you've fallen half way, spread your wings and angle yourself so your body starts to go straight. It should cause you to go upwards, once you've gotten away from the cliff, try flapping. I'll follow you just in case something goes wrong." Right, sounds simple enough.

I walk to the edge of cliff and do a very, very stupid thing, I look down. In the past, I have never been one to be scared of heights but this was high. If the others could do this the so could I. Backing up a bit, I ran and jumped off the edge. Trying to follow Michael's instructions, I angled myself parallel to the cliff. It all went wrong with the next step. I couldn't pull up.

As I knew that I would be swimming, I tucked my wings in again, put my arms forwards and dived into the water. Turns out swimming is harder when you have huge wings. It took all of my strength to stay above water. Somehow I managed to make it to the cave when Michael flew in.

"You got the first bit right but the last bit failed." Like I didn't know.

"I'll try again, my wings are so heavy right now. I hate water." He chuckled like this was funny. I got up and walked towards the steps.

"You'll have to wait until your wings dry out before you jump again, the water will weigh you down." A break, victory! I don't want to end up in the water again.

"No arguments here. Let's go." I walk slowly up the steps that were cut in the rock. When I emerged into the sun light I winced. Stretching one wing in front of me, I was happy to see that they were still soaked. Sighing, I sat down on the edge of the cliff with my legs dangling off. Michael sat next to me but neither of us talked. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

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