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Holly Henry is awesome. This song is called sweet dreams.

                                                              ***             ***

Cora's POV

I followed Cole, Ruby and Alec along the cathedral like corridor and saw just how big this place really was, and it was huge. I mean it's like fort nocks crossed with a Hogwarts and a church. A giant door loomed up before us and Alec's words pulled me out of my thoughts and back to the present.

"Ivan's in the training room." He turned to face me, "I would answer truthfully or we will have to use more harsh means to get it." Well, I don't like the sound of that. It sounds like he's threatening to torture me, I think he is. He will die if he tries though, or at least be hurt enough for me to escape and him to not be so sexist. I turn to face Cole, seeing as he was the only decent one out of the trio of nutters. Ruby is nice and all but I can kind of see the family resemblance between her and Alec so she could be like him.

"Who is Ivan anyway?" Cole replied that Ivan was the boss here at the moment. He knew the most and could fight the best and trained Alec, Ruby and him to fight. So, don't fight Ivan and run from the other as running's what I'm good at, I'm fast and I think I could maybe outrun them.

Now, that I could see them all clearly I could see that all of them were good looking. Ruby had long, wavy dark hair with red streaks, hazel eyes and tanned skin. Alec, like Ruby, had dark hair and dark eyes but his skin was a shade paler than hers. Cole, unlike the others, was pale and had amazing blue eyes as you already know.

Alec pushed open the training room door, light shone through the doorway and lit the dim corridor. Cole grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. Personally, I don't like to be told what to do so I pulled my arm out of his grip and ran down the corridor. Now all I had to do is escape and I'd still be keeping my promise.

I could hear all of them chasing me along the stairs and corridors of the building. They were gaining on me when I skidded round a corner to see that it was a dead end, not even a window that I could've climbed out of. Still, I ran down to the end of the corridor and turned to face my pursuers. Maybe I couldn't run but if I'm going down, I'm going to go down fighting.

Four of them faced me. Cole, Alec, Ruby and a man that must be Ivan. Fight or flight instinct kicking in I assumed a fighting stance. They looked surprise when they saw me willing to fight them. Alec was the first to recover and snorted at this, Cole and Ivan looked amused and Ruby looked like she couldn't be bothered. I was right, she is defiantly like her brother. I'll show them.

"You're going to fight us? It's not exactly a fair fight! One against four, and us four have been trained to fight." The man I guessed was Ivan said surprised.

"I have no place left to run, you guys kidnaped me and I can fight too. What do you want with me anyway? I don't know anything. I have nowhere, no one and nothing left exempt my life and my freedom. You can't take that away from me no matter what you do. I will always fight you as long as I have breath in my lungs." Ok, I may have gone a little too far and now I hope they won't take it too literally and kill me.

Cole's POV

As me, Alec, Ruby and Ivan rounded the corner and saw she was ready to fight us we were all surprised. She looked as if she was made of porcelain or ice, if she got hit too hard she'd shatter into millions of pieces. We have to make her give herself up before she got hurt. Ivan seemed to see this too but I knew Alec and Ruby would fight her.

"You're going to fight us? It's not exactly a fair fight! One against four, and us four have been trained to fight." And replying without a hint of emotion on her face or in her voice. It was as if she was carved out of marble.

"I have no place left to run, you guys kidnaped me and I can fight too. What do you want with me anyway? I don't know anything. I have nowhere, no one and nothing left exempt my life and my freedom. You can't take that away from me no matter what you do. I will always fight you as long as I have breath in my lungs." Ivan and Ruby seemed sympathetic but Alec seemed to not buy a thing she said.

"What about your mum? You'd still have her if you hadn't blown her up!" It was her turn to be shocked.

"I DIDN'T BLOW HER UP, SHE WAS KIDNAPED! I WAS TRYING TO BLOW THOSE THINGS UP BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO DIE IF I DIDN'T!" Cora exploded. Her mum was kidnaped but not by us. A tear rolled down her cheek and her compositor slipped. We could see what she was really feeling. "What do you want with me?" Her voice was shaky and faint. It was obvious that Ivan sympathized for her and her situation.

"Ale and Ruby leave. Cole and I will be able to handle things from here." Alec looked miffed to say the least. He thought he was better than me and Ruby because he was eighteen and legally an 'adult'. He didn't act like one and he didn't want to go, Ruby went without an argument though because she knew we had a plan.

"Why? We brought her here." Argued Alec even though I think he knew he couldn't win an argument against Ivan.

"Go! While your parents are gone I am in charge and you will do as I say!" If I knew Alec, and I did, he went to his room to sulk. Ivan didn't notice this because his attention was elsewhere on the girl. He started to walk forward but she backed away until her back hit the wall. Ivan stopped seeing that she was like a cornered animal and would start acting like one if we weren't careful.

Instead of turning back, he sat down and gestured for me to do the same so I did. She backed up into the corner but slowly lowered herself to the ground. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, she looked lost. Lost, sad and terrified. The fact we kidnaped her and she didn't trust us didn't help because she wouldn't tell us anything now. We have no way to help her unless she trusts us.

"Tell us what happened at your house, what happened to you and I'll tell you what you need to know. We can help you get your mum back but first we need you to tell us what happened." Ivan said softly as if talking to animal. This time he didn't try to approach her just in case she panicked.

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