Chapter 18: The Birth of Pixal's Son

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(A/N: Well, here it is. The birth of Pixal's son. And with minor votes and suggestions, I went with the highest, which was actually the first one suggested)


A few days had now passed since the Vulture's incarceration and Nick Fury's meeting with Lloyd, and all the Ninjago Force would do now was either commercials, do odd jobs, and thwart crimes such as saving people from burning buildings, cars hanging from edges, and from being mugged. All the while, Jameson attempted to frame them for some of the crimes they thwarted by publishing false news.


Currently, Cole was brushing his teeth to get ready for the day, hoping to ignore the loud noise the TV was giving off, until he had enough and was about to give Kai and Lloyd a reprimand, only to find out they were watching the news. "Just us thwarting another robbery, again." Lloyd told Cole.

"Wish we had something more." Kai said. "Like, maybe a new villain."

"Be careful what you wish for, brother." Nya replied as she and Jay were coming up to them.

Kai then noticed something different about Nya. "Is that one of Jay's shirts?"

"Yeah, I sort of fell asleep while we were studying."

"It doesn't look like you were." Zane said.

"Jay, you and Nya didn't--" Kai couldn't continue before realising. "You did her, didn't you?"

"Look, we only slept together." Jay replied. "That's all."

"Besides, what about you and Skylor?" Nya asked.

"Oh, I planned on calling her, but she has a boyfriend." Kai replied. "But she said she'll call me when she breaks up with him, because it looks like it won't last long."

"Zane." Pixal called out as they all turned to see her come out, holding her baby bump and walking up to them slowly. "My water just broke."

"Does that mean what I think it is?" Zane asked, coming up to her and placed an arm around her.

"Yes, the baby is coming!"

"Oh my god! Let's get going!" They quickly take off as the others immediately follow them. "Call Dr. Octavius, and tell him that we need to borrow his van."


Many hours later, after they had reached the hospital and someone tweeted that they were there, the Ninjago Force were all in the waiting room as there were obviously some fans outside, and security was trying their best to keep them from getting in. Kai was currently on his phone to someone. "We do not know what the baby's name will be, and I have no comment on what I think it is, Mr. Brock." He said. It was apparently a reporter, who had been harassing him the past week. "I don't care if she's also your sister." He soon growled, puts the phone on speaker, and moves it to his mouth, still annoyed. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" He soon hung up, growling as he did so, almost tempted to melt his phone, but decided to instead block the reporter's number.


Several hours later, a doctor, sporting sunglasses and grey hair combed back, soon came in, smiling. "They're asking for you now." He said.


Following the doctor to the room, the rest of the Ninjago Force could swear that nurses were obviously on their phones to spill the beans on Zane and Pixal's newborn baby boy, but their phones were jammed, thanks to the new father himself using a signal jammer. Once they entered the room, Zane and Pixal see them entering before the nurse soon left. Zane was by his girlfriend's bedside, holding their newborn son wrapped in a blue blanket in his robotic arms, and was smiling while the new mother sat in bed. "Congratulations, Pixal." Nya said as she sat down by her bedside on the other side.

"Thank you." She replied before taking her son from her boyfriend.

"So, what's his name?" Kai asked.

Zane and Pixal both look at each other before turning back to them. "Truth be told, we were gonna name him after his great-grandfather, but decided not to."

"The public would despise him, would even call him, 'Adrian Toomes, the Great-Grandson of the Vulture.'" Zane said. "So, we went with Zachary."

"Zachary Peter Toomes. Zach, for short."

Cole chuckled that they picked his name while the others mumble or moan before got out their wallets. "Cough 'em up, punks." He smugly said.

Once they had paid Cole, someone soon came in. They all turned to see that it was Peter and an elderly man. "Hey, Pixal." The old man said.

"Hey, Mr. Parker." She replied. "Peter."

"So, there's the young one."

"We'll let you guys talk in private." Lloyd said before he, Kai, Jay, Cole and Nya leave.

"I'll give you some time to speak to them as well." Zane said before he left the room as well.

"What's his name?" Peter asked Pixal.

"Zach." She replied.


As Pixal was showing of Zach to her childhood friend and his uncle, Zane went to go grab a cup of coffee and looked at the coffee machine before he soon raised his right arm, pressed a button in his arm, and held it out behind him. Sonic waves appear out of the arm, and something becomes visible. It was a surprised Nick Fury. "Whoa, how did you know I would be here?" He asked.

"Your fancy cloaking device needs modifying if I can easily see your reflection off of devices with glass on them." Zane replied, pointing to the glass on the coffee machine.

"Damn." Zane starts to order his coffee. "Thanks for the suggestion."

"I take it you're not here to congratulate me, Mr. Fury?" The machine soon brings out a cup before coffee started to pour into it.

"We have important things to talk about."

"What do you want? Apart from stalking me for the next 2 years."

"You're a modern medical miracle, Zane. Someone like you is of incredible interest in this complicated world." The machine soon beeped before Zane soon went for the coffee cup, and takes a sip. "But that said, I normally wouldn't even approach you like this. Because as interesting as your case is, you are a minor, and we have no jurisdiction over you... yet. But, being turned into a robot, after suffering multiple burns to your entire human body, you may be a first case for us. There might even soon be an organisation that can turn ill people into robots, like you."

"If you're implying that if there should be more people like me, you are mistaken, Fury." He soon accurately threw the now empty cup into a nearby bin.

"You can also work on accuracy. Impressive."

"Well, I didn't ask for any of this. I wish I called in sick that day, I wish I never got these powers, I wish I was dead that day. Nothing... nothing is worth the amount of absolute bullshit I have had to deal with." He started to walk away. "I wanted four kids and go to a nice college. Now, I am a robot, and ended up with only one."

"Zane, optimism is a revolutionary act."

He soon stopped. "Who told you that? The guy that poked out your eye?" He sarcastically asked.

Angered at the sarcasm, Nick came at Zane, threw him to a wall, and holds him by his robotic neck. "Yes."

Zane realised that he hit a soft spot. "Sorry."

Nick then backed away. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, congratulations on becoming a father." He soon turned right, and started to leave as Zane watched him.

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