Chapter 2: Ninjago Crystals

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In a lab, a young man with blonde hair that almost looked like it was white, wearing a lab coat over a white shirt and grey tie, as well as having white chinos and brown boots on, came up to a young man with brown hair. "The wing-suit removed, Toomes?" He asked.

"Yes." The teen replied before looking forward to watch the young man as he was watching two men in hazmat suits sorting out some different coloured glowing crystals in a tent. There were six crystals in the tent. One was red, one was blue, one was white, one was black, one was green, and the last one was navy blue. "How goes the energy source?"

"Going well, so far. As long as they're untouched by human hands, it'll be pretty safe."

"And if they're touched?"

"You don't want to know." He then pressed a nearby button. "Increase pressure by 10%."

"Understood, Dr. Smythe." One of the scientists in the room said before heading over to a nearby panel, and pressed a few buttons, causing the crystals to glow even more.

"You know, I think your father would be proud of you."

"I'd say the same to you." The teen scientist said.

"Uh, speaking of which, it would've been his 50th birthday, right?"

"Yeah. I've got Pixal to drop off some flowers at his grave."

"Tell her I said 'hello' the next time you see her."

"Of course." As they kept inspecting it, they were unaware that a spider was crawling on the top of the tent.


In another room, Cyrus wheels himself into the room as the students all follow him in. They immediately surprised at what was inside. There was several VR simulation panels, stuff that looked similar to arcade games, and other types of machines that not even the smarter students would know what they are. "As you can see, I told Mr. Osborn that technology is the key to making our dreams come true." He said before stopping at one simulation panel to see a young man with black hair in a 3D rendering suit moving his arms and legs around as the students see what he is seeing on a nearby TV as Kai and Lloyd were close by, looking at another simulation panel. It looked like a young man fighting another young man before soon stopping, and took off the headset. "As you saw there, the tester is my son, Blake Borg. One of the few who might take over OsCorp in the future."

"Salutations." He said to the students before turning to his father. "Oh, dad, Zane wanted me to tell you that one of the experimental spiders got out again."

He turns to the students, a little irritated. "Uh, be happy to browse, I have to deal with a small problem." Blake then went to wheel his father out of the room as the students then start to spread out to look at the prototypes.

Jay looks at one of the simulation panels with amazement as a young girl with blonde hair came up next to him. "Amazing, ain't it?" She asked.

"Certainly is, Gwen." He replied. "I could find myself on one of these at some point."

"Keep dreaming." She sarcastically spoke while smiling at him.

Cole was heading over to a nearby machine that looked like a vehicle with a large drill at the front before he is suddenly tripped, earning some laughs as he saw that it was John, who innocently whistles. "Jameson!" A middle aged man said. "Help Hence up, now!" Reluctantly, John dragged Cole up, but neglected to pick up his cane, and walked away, nudging him as he did so before Harry came over and picked it up for him.

Close by, Lloyd was admiring what looked like a jet pack as Kai was next to him. "Well, well, well." Someone was heard as they both turn to see a teenaged boy with a blue letter jacket, blue sweatshirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes coming up to them. "Old legend Kai Smith. Just a rent-a-cop now."

"Please refrain from harassing an employee." Kai simply replied.

The teen then looked at Lloyd. "Oh, what's this? Big bad security guard assigned as a babysitter?"

"Leave him alone, Chad."

"Or what? You gonna tell Mr. Osborn?"

"How about the mayor?"

"The mayor?"

"My mother is Mayor Misako Garmadon." Lloyd said.

"Right, and Principal Brown is the President." Chad sarcastically spoke before pushing him down and walked away along with the group, but he, Flash and John were the only ones laughing.

Lloyd then noticed a security camera. "Wait till my mother hears about this."

Kai helps Lloyd up as he was looking at the camera. "Just forget about him, Lloyd." He replied.

Chad was soon stopped by the middle aged man. "Mr. Exspiravit, I am warning you." He said. "I see anything like this again, you fail this course."

"Whatever." He sarcastically replied before walking away, passing Nya and MJ as they look at a console with many love hearts on it.

"'Perfect Match Console'?" MJ asked.

"I heard in a magazine that it is the latest craze." Nya replied. "Give it a try."

MJ steps on a love heart on the ground and the console lights up. "Hello, Mary-Jane Watson." The console spoke. "You are an independent, self-confident young woman with dreams of being broadway actress. Analyzing match now." The console's hearts flicker a bit before the results appear on the screen, causing the two girls to gasp. Her perfect match would be Peter Parker, the nerd in her class.

They both turn to see him admiring some gauntlets before being nudged by Flash and the middle aged man reprimands him. "Promise me you won't tell Flash about this." MJ said to Nya.

"Don't worry, MJ." She replied. "Say, while we're here, why don't you give it a try?"

Before Nya could have a chance to move forward, Cyrus had just came back from what he was doing. "I apologise for the inconvenience." He said as the students start to come up to him. "We shall continue by heading this way." He holds out his hand to a door on the left and wheels himself over to the door with the students starting to follow them.

Lloyd sees them leave and turns to Kai. "So, what else is there?" He asked.

"Well, they're working on some sort of power source." Kai replied.

"Can we check it out?"

"I can't, it's too dangerous. And I could get fired."

"Please, please, please?"

"Okay, okay. But your mother better have a position for me."

"I'll make sure of it." Briefly rolling his eyes, Kai leads Lloyd out of the room.

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