Chapter 20: Team Problems

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Cole was completely silent when he got into his black sweatshirt, orange sweatpants and grey sneakers, and left the stadium. His defeat against an opponent obviously younger than him was humiliating, and already it felt like people would laugh, but some didn't.


As he, Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Zane and Nya walk along the street, they soon notice Peter and a blonde haired woman. "Hey, Peter, Felicia." Lloyd spoke out.

They just do the loser sign at Spider-Man's defeated opponent. "Loser!" They both called out, mocking Cole. This got him to quickly take off in anger.

"Cole!" They yelled, and took off after him.

Cole just kept running before he came across the nearest bus station with a bus almost about to leave, but he gets on, not caring where it will take him. "Cole, wait!" Nya yelled, but the bus closes and drives off.

They soon stop as Zane turned to her. "Probably best to leave him be." He said. "Give him time to cool off."

Agreeing with Zane, they decide to spend the night at the penthouse like old times. And since Zane had to see Pixal and Zach, they decided to have pizza, so Jay and Nya went to the nearest pizza parlour, which had recently opened, but was already so popular.


"I just couldn't believe that Cole lost." Nya still had Cole's loss on her mind.

"I know." Jay replied as they immediately went to a nearby table, grabbed a menu, and try to choose their pizza of choice. "I was thinking, maybe we go to Coney Island with him and the others."

"Yeah, that place often cheers me up."

"Me too."

"Why hello there, electric pirate." A familiar voice called out.

They both turn to see that it was Flash, who was sitting by a nearby table with MJ until Jay and Nya came in. "Flash!" MJ yelled.

"I can take care of myself now, MJ." Jay replied, standing up to his sister's boyfriend, despite his short height. "Mary Jane Watson only went out with you, so that you could leave me alone, but you didn't. She never loved you, she never loved the way you dress, she never loved the way you push people like me around!"

Flash then turned to MJ, angered at what he was told about her. "Is it true?" He asked.

MJ stood up, a little scared as people were looking at them. "Yes, Flash." She replied. "I only went out with you to protect my little brother. And now he is a hero himself, so just back off from him, and back off from me."

"You bitch!" Flash moved his arm back, and swung it, striking MJ down with a yelp, earning gasps from the witnesses.

"Thompson!" Jay yelled, holding out his hand and firing a bolt of lightning that sends him flying to a wall.

Instantly realising what he had done, Jay then looked at his hand with his only eye as MJ, sporting a bruise from the slap, saw the damage her brother had done. "What have you become?" She asked. Not finding the instant answer, Jay immediately took off as Flash saw him leave.

"You better run, freak!" He yelled, earning glares from everyone in the pizza parlour before Nya immediately took off, hoping to find the brother of Flash's now ex-girlfriend.

"Jay!" She called out as she ran.


At Pixal's apartment, Zach was crying softly as Zane tried comforting. "There, there." He said as he rocked.

Pixal soon came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. "I read that babies tend to cry when their parents are upset about something." She said as she soon took Zach, and started to shake him a little before he stopped crying. "Did something... happen?"

Zane sighed as he went to the fridge, and opened it to get out a baby bottle of formula for Zach. "Cole decided to try out some wrestling."

"I saw it on the TV. I'm sorry he lost."

"And it might not just be that as well." Zane sits down next to her, and hands the bottle to her, which she starts to feed Zach with. "Are we... really compatible?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at us. Parents at 16, robot and human, mutant and normal. I just feel like, this isn't gonna work out between us."

"Zane, I will always love you. We even have a baby boy to prove it."

"But what if he wants a little brother or sister? I can't him give that. Maybe, it's better if we were just friends."



"But, who will help raise Zach with me?"

"You got Eddie, Blake, and your father. Enough men in your life. I don't think I should be a part of it." He soon stood up.

"Zane." Pixal quickly stood up. "Whatever you're saying, you know that's not true? What do your computers inside you say?"

"That our relationship... is at a low percentage. I'm sorry, Pixal, but I'm afraid this is goodbye. Good luck raising Zach, and don't tell him about me. He wouldn't want finding out his father is a robot." He heads for the door before opening it, and leaves. Zach started to cry as Pixal looked down at him, and shook him a little while she sobbed a little as well.


Out by the waterfront, Cole sat at a bench, looking at a photo of himself and his band when they were younger before he notices a nearby warehouse close by, and went over to it. Once he reached it, he saw that it was filled with junk and scrap before he soon made his arms glow, raised a big block of steel, and throws it at a big window, breaking it and sending the steel out through it. He then went over to a pile of scrap, and punches it, spreading it all over.


At a park bench overlooking the George Washington Bridge, Jay sobbed a little while tears from his only eye came out. He soon looked up to see a big building before standing up. "I know just what to do." He said to himself before immediately taking off.

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