Chapter 27: Jay's Last Few Hours

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(A/N: Normally, I do flashbacks in italics, but since the entire chapter is a flashback, I decided to put it in plain text)


"I don't know how long I was unconscious for. But I started to hear the voice of a man I was not expecting." Jay starts to explain his disappearance.


Several Hours Earlier

"Jason." Nick's voice was slowly heard with distortion as Jay tried his best to regain consciousness, and sees a little blur of a black man. He knew it was Fury, upon hearing the voice. "Come on, kiddo, wake up." Jay then heard it very clearly as his vision became clear to see Nick knelt down to him.

Jay soon started to cough, and turned to cough out some water as Nick pats his back a bit before some men in grey tight-suits help him up. He was still completely wet and muddy from lying on the bank of the Hudson River. "What happened?" He asked, looking around a little.

Nick soon came in front of him. "The Kingpin had you thrown into the river. When I saw his forces kidnap you not long after we had just talked, we followed them to the warehouse. We got Smythe and the Kingpin, thanks to you."

"What about the other guy?"

Nick was soon confused. "Who? What 'other guy'?"

"There was another guy in there." Jay looks at his hands. "I think he has my powers now."

"That must be this Electro person." He turns to a nearby member. "Take Mr. Watson back to the Helicarrier for medical. He needs to get some rest."

"No, I need to find Nya and the others. They need to know about Electro." He prepared to take off, heading for a nearby vehicle that belongs to the agents.

"Jason, that is a S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle you are taking!"

"I don't care." Jay immediately got in, and drove off.

"Should we follow him, Director Fury?" Coulson asked as he came up next to Nick.

"Be discreet, Agent Coulson." He replied. "He's already got enough on his plate."

"Yes, sir."


Breaking a few speed limits and running some red lights weren't what Jay was concerned about, and luckily the police didn't pursue, due to being in a government vehicle. He was concerned about Nya and the team. He thinks they don't know who their new adversary is and what he is capable of.


But first, he made one stop to his parents' junkyard to change out of his wet and muddy clothes, and into his ninja suit with a blue crystal on the right side of his chest plate, puts on a replacement eyepatch and takes the Thunder Rider, leaving behind the commandeered S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle.


Once again breaking speed limits and running red lights, Jay made his way to OsCorp before eventually arriving at the front, got out, and ran up the stairs to head inside.


Rushing up the stairs as fast as he could, Jay enters the penthouse, only to find it empty, TV still on, and lights not turned off. "Hello?" He asked aloud as he came into the living room. "Kai, Zane? Nya?" He started to walk along the penthouse before coming across an open door to a bedroom. "Nya?" He opens it and enters, only to find empty. "Kai?" He heads for a door to another bedroom, but finds the room empty too. "Zane?" He looks through a small gap of an open door to another bedroom, but finds it empty. He soon sighed as he came into the kitchen. "Where could they be?"

As he looked around, Jay notices the scrunched up papers in the bin before kneeling down to pick up the one that didn't reach the bin, flattens it, and looks at it. "'Jay, I'm sorry you had to go through everything in the last few hours." Jay could imagine Nya's voice in his head while sitting down on the couch. "After you left, I called MJ, she said she didn't mean what she meant, she is just happy that you stood up for her against Flash. I tried to look for you, but I figured you needed to blow off some steam, maybe even follow Nick Fury for advise, so I'll let you. There is something I've wanted to tell you. Even before Flash threw you in the girls' locker room that one time, I knew you would often look at me, with those pretty blue eyes, even if you had lost one the day of the explosion. When MJ and I tried out the Perfect Match Console that day at OsCorp, and her perfect match was Peter Parker, she wanted me to try it out next, but didn't get the chance to. If I did, it might've shown you. The fact is, I believe it would've told me that you are the cutest nerd I ever met. Guess we're both nerds since I am smart too. Just, don't feel nonplus about this when I write it on this piece of paper. I love you. Please say you love me too. If not, I won't mind. Nya.'" Jay soon shedded a tear from his only eye, which lands on the letter. He soon shedded another tear, which lands on his hand before a spark goes off, surprising him.

He soon got up to look at the sparked tear before holding up his left hand. Light sparks come out of it and he holds it out to a nearby microwave, but no giant sparks come out. Still shocked, Jay looked at his hand. "It didn't work. I just... feel weak."

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news live by a substation on Leonard Street." A news presenter said as Jay turned to the TV as the screen changes to Gayle, standing far away from the substation where Electro was attacking the Ninjago Force.

"We're live around the premises of the Leonard Street Substation, where the Ninjago Force are currently in a battle against what appears to be a mutant with electric powers." She said as she turned to see Freeze-Bot getting knocked down before Jay turned the volume up. "Police sources have confirmed that the suspect has been identified as Maxwell Dillon, an Endicott citizen, who once worked for OsCorp before resigning after the explosion, many months prior. It appears that they are in a losing battle, and there seems to be one member missing. Where is Zaptrap?"

The phone close by soon started to ring. Jay quickly went over to it and answered it. "OsCorp penthouse." He said.

"Zaptrap?" The caller asked.

"Who is this?"

"This is Detective Geoffrey Hardy of the NYPD. I take it you're hearing about the battle on the news."

"Yeah, I'm looking at it right now."

"Well, the person they're fighting--"

"Max Dillon."

"Well, here is something I didn't get the chance to tell your friends before they left. Max Dillon used to work for OsCorp as a maintenance man, and was in a relationship with Norma Lynn."

"The lab tech who was killed the day we got our powers?"

"And what's worse, she wasn't given a proper funeral. Dillon lashed out at Osborn, literally threw his resignation at him."

The loss of someone reminded Jay about his friend Gwen when he learnt that she was one of the two students killed by the rubble. Someone he cared about. The last sentence in his head then got Jay thinking before heading to a nearby window where he sees flashes of light down in the middle of Leonard Street. "Did they have a child?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Most people I met, they're not married, but would have children."

"As a matter of fact, they do. A daughter."

"What's her name?"


Learning of the daughter's name, Jay was immediately out of OsCorp as some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents show up, as well as Agent Coulson. "Jason, what is it now?" He asked.

"Forget about me, I have a plan. You find Electro's daughter."

"He has a daughter?"

"Sally Lynn, lives with Electro's sister in Brooklyn. I think I can try to get her to talk him down."

"But will it work?"

"I hope so." Jay comes up to his Thunder Rider and gets in before Agent Coulson was soon in front of him.

"Jason, leave dealing with Electro to us."

"I turned Max into Electro... I will deal with him myself." He immediately starts it. "Now, either you get out of my way, or I'll run you over." Reluctantly, Agent Coulson moved aside before Jay soon floored the accelerator, racing off at high speed.

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