Hidden Chapter

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(A/N: Thought it was over? Um, wrong)


While the Ninjago Force was heading off to deal with the brawl, Nick walked along the hallway of some strange building before coming across a room, where its doors retracted back, and went inside before the doors close. In what looked a base filled with lab techs and machinery, Nick comes across Agent Coulson. "Any word from our informant?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact, he's on the line." Agent Coulson replied, pressing a nearby button before turning to a nearby screen as static emitted a little. "Quality is poor because of what happened at the substation."

"Is there a reason for you disregarding a strict order to not contact me unless I say so?"

"I apologise, Director, but this couldn't wait any longer." The informant replied through the still static viewed screen before it soon formed, briefly revealing James' face on it. "There is another problem, other than my son and the Ninjago Force." He soon pressed something, and a bad quality image of someone in a red and blue costume swinging along the streets appears on the screen. "It may be a little bad, but I think we know who it is underneath the mask of the kid calling himself Spider-Man."

Nick soon puts a hand on his goateed chin. "I think so too. I will have Coulson survey him until I find a way to meet him."

"Yes, sir." The screen soon turned off.

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