Prologue: Jason Watson

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Living in a junkyard almost all their lives could be a little humiliating. Sometimes they would show up in their work clothes, or in normal clothes that had some grease stains on them, resulting in them being teased or bullied, the teen boy getting the most. Sometimes their mother would take them to school, other times they get on a bus that is sometimes driven by their father, who works part-time as a bus driver.


One morning, they were getting ready to go to school, being kissed on the cheek by their overprotective mother, the two red haired teens made it to a bus stop before a bus eventually showed up. They got on it and it took off just as a teenaged boy with brown hair, in an old grey jacket over a black t-shirt, blue jeans and grey tennis shoes, with glasses on, started to run after it. "Hey, wait!" He yelled as he ran after it, his backpack almost coming off. "Stop the bus!" The bus was packed with high school students, who were immediately amused by the teen's demands to stop the bus. The teen boy with red hair, in a grey shirt, blue overalls and brown boots, shook his head. "Tell him to stop!"

Apparently, he knew the teen and it wasn't the first time. "Catch a cab, Parker!" A student sarcastically called out to the teen.


This went on for two city blocks until the teen's sister, wearing a blue blouse, black jeans, and black flats, who was sitting next to another teenaged boy with strawberry blonde hair, got annoyed by the laughing before getting up, and went over to her father. "Stop the bus, dad." She said. "He's been chasing us since Woodhaven Boulevard. It wasn't even funny the first time."

"Oh, sorry, MJ." Her father kindly replied, immediately slowing the bus down, earning groans and moans from the passengers, and presses the door button. "You know I got a tight schedule."

MJ scoffed before heading back to sit with the boy as the teen got on. "Sorry again, Mr. Watson." He said.

"Aw, don't worry about it, son." MJ's father closes the door and the bus took off as the boy tries to find a vacant seat.

He eventually found one next to the red haired teen and sat down. "Uh, hey, Parker." He said, still amused by his chasing after the bus.

"Jason." The teen just replied. "Make sure to tell your sister I said thanks."

"Gladly. So, you ready for the field trip?"

"Are you kidding? We get to see what Harry's dad's company looks like."

"Not to mention where all those cool BorgBots are made." He notices one outside the window detaining a mugger.


(A/N: As you saw in this prologue chapter, Jay Walker is called Jason Watson in this story. He is the young twin brother of Mary-Jane Watson. This also had a small appearance of a certain web-head. If you think I should've approached it differently, don't be shy to comment)

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