Chapter 40

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As soon as he got out, his beta was waiting for him outside, "Found anything?" He asked him. 

"Everyone's in the meeting room, awaiting your arrival," His beta replied. 


After Reagan left the room, Lia turned to Alex and pulled her into a tight hug. "Oww!" Alex managed to mutter amidst the bone-crushing hug. "Idiot! You know how scared I was when I didn't find you both when I returned." Lia scolded her. 

"Sorry," Alex replied patting her back. 

"And you come home drenched in blood," Lia checked her for any physical injury. 

"They're not mine," Alexa lowered her gaze and muttered a reply. 

"Well, thank god, as long as they're not yours," Lia heaved a sigh of relief.

"How's Conner?" Alex asked taking the clothes from her.

"She's with Ty, and yes that means she's fine," Lia smiled at her. "anyway, get yourself cleaned, here," She grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her inside the bathroom.

Alexa turned on the shower and stood underneath it letting the cold water wash her off, she stared at the red water go down the drain, she then looked at her blood-stained hands and began to rub them off, taking the soap she rubbed it against her body trying to get off the blood on her. Her eyes widened at her reflection in which she saw blood pouring over her head. "Ahhh!" She screamed out aloud. 

"Alex!" She heard Lia knock on the door, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" 

She closed her eyes shut and slowly opened them again, looking at the mirror she saw her clear face and clear water from the shower, she heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Alex?" Lia called her again. 

"Sorry, I just slipped, I'm fine though," She shouted back. 

"Okay," Lia replied, just as she turned back she slipped and fell on the ground, in the process her hand got grazed at the wall, "Oww!" She winced as she managed to pull herself up on her feet, "Oww," She felt a sting on her elbow, looking at it closely she found an abrasion, "Ah! it's bleeding!" she softly blew on her wound. "Where's the first aid box?" She began to explore the drawers. 

Alexa turned off the shower and picked the towel to dry herself, her eyes then caught on the red stains, the towel was now soaked in blood, screening she immediately threw it away. When she looked back again, the towel was white. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, with her trembling hands she quickly grabbed her clothes and dressed. 

When she opened the door, something sweet tingled her nose and then everything went blank. 


A loud scream pierced his ears, "Reagan!" He heard his sister's voice, he immediately got up from his chair, "Alpha?" They all looked at him, Kevin immediately rushed out at a lightning speed, "Everyone stay seated where they are," Reagan shouted his command. "No one is to come out of this room, I repeat, no one," He ordered them before dashing out. 

When he reached his room he found Alexa and Kevin facing each other with Kevin growling at her and Lia taking cover behind him. Alexa moved at a lightning speed but before she could touch Kevin Reagan pulled her away from him. Alexa glared at the interruption, she was about to punch him but he easily managed to stop her, "Alex!" He called out her name, "Alex, calm down, listen to me," He cupped her cheeks, but Alexa took his hand and twisted it, "Oww" he winced in pain, "I am not here to hurt you," He shouted but his words fell into deaf ears, heaving a sigh, he untwisted his arm and pushed her back but she remained there unfazed, she then came at him on full speed and pushed him against the wall, he removed her hand off him and then spun her around before her head could hit against the wall he pulled her to him, locking her hands against her chest he hugged her from behind, "It's okay, Alex, it's me, no one's going to hurt you, you're safe," He rubbed her arms as he cooed into her ear. She tried to resist and struggled to break free, "it's okay," He kissed her temple, "Calm down, you're okay, everything's fine," He whispered. 

Slowly she stopped struggling and when the resistance was gone, Reagan slowly relaxed his grip on her, he then motioned Kevin to get Lia out of the room, following his suggestion, Kevin picked Lia up and went out of the room. 

"It's okay, you're fine," Reagan whispered into her ear, she leaned back against him closing her eyes, "that's right, I'm here," He hugged her. 

After a minute, her eyes snapped open, her eyes ran around the room and noticed the things thrown on the ground, "I tried to hurt her," She muttered with tears in her eyes. "it's okay," he slowly turned her around to face him, "How's it okay? I tried to hurt my best friend," Tears streamed down her cheeks, "I even hurt you," She hung her head as she sobbed. "I've really turned into a monster," She sobbed. 

"Please don't say that," He pulled her into a hug. "You're not a monster, Alex," He tried to pacify her. 

"I can't live here anymore," She shook her head as she pushed him away, "I don't deserve to live with you guys," She tried to run away but he held her wrist and pulled her back to him. "What are you saying?" He cupped her face, "Look at me Alex, shh, it's okay, nothing happened," He tried to assure her, "You're okay, Lia's okay, I'm okay, nothing happened, just calm down." 

"It doesn't change the fact that I'm a danger!" She pushed him away and yelled at him, "I tried to harm you both if you didn't come and stop me if Kevin didn't come in time, I'd... I'd have killed her too..." She cried, "I tried to attack Conner, then Lia, Kevin, even you," Her voice choked, "Today you stopped me but what if you can't stop me next time, what if I... no...I can't live here, I can't, I am a danger to everyone, please.... please let me go..." She begged, dropping down to her knees. 

"Hey, please Alex don't," He sat on his knees and took her face in his hand, "it's only because you've recently gained your powers, you'll be able to control yourself with proper training," He tried to make her understand, "You're not a monster, it's your basic instinct, you just need to give yourself some time." 

"What if I do something to someone in that meantime? I've already done enough damages, just a drop of blood made me lose my mind, what will happen if I continue to stay here? you can't keep me locked in here if someone bleeds while training or whatever, I'd lose my mind again, I've already attacked my friends, I don't want to harm anyone else, I can't stay here" She shook her head,  "Please... I can't live like this... I can't... please" She begged him.   

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