Chapter 57

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The clang of the metal chains pierced her ears, "This is it, this is it!" She shouted in excitement, "I'm finally free!" 

"Alex?" She heard Reagan call out her name. 

With a nasty smirk on her face, she turned around to face him, "Since you always get in my way, why don't you die first?" She screamed as she drew the sword in her hand and then with a swift movement she strikes him down.

"NO!" Alexa woke up gasping for air, her chest rose up and down as she struggled for her breath, she frantically looked around her surroundings and realized that she was inside her room, her eyes then fell on Lia and Conner who were sleeping beside her, she heaved a sigh of relief, "They're fine....I'm back...." She muttered as she buried her face in her palms. 

"Until next time," His voice echoed in her mind, she abruptly raised her head, "That guy, who the hell was he? and that woman..." She then glanced at her friends again. "Don't think it's over! Next time, they'll all die and it'll be your fault, if only you gave in easily, the more you resist, the more others will be harmed."  She was reminded of her warning. 

"No," She shook her head, "I won't let anything happen to you guys," She swore silently.

"Don't you want to see your parents? I'll let them go if you give up your body, also hand over that wolf guy and I'll spare everyone,"  The mysterious woman had told her. 

"No," She shook her head, "I won't let anything happen to anyone," She looked on with a determined face, she then slowly got up on her feet and sneaked out of the room.

"Hyah!" She shouted as she swung her wooden sword in the air as her mind ran a series of flashbacks. 

"Please get out of here. Go somewhere safe, just run from here." She heard her mother.

"Hiah!" She shouted as she struck the sword on the ground. 

"You're the true heir for the throne, royal bloodline of Vampires, and the next Luna of the Silver moon. You're the chosen one to unite both clans again, ending the enmity and bring in the peaceful times again.

"Those vampires..." She was reminded of the ones who tried to kill her multiple times, "That man..." The image of the silver-eyed guy flashed in front of her eyes, "and that woman..." She gritted her teeth, the sand on the ground was slowly picked up by the air, creating turbulence, her eyes slowly changed their color to crimson red, "give up my body? Who the hell do you think you are?" She shouted. 

"My friends, my parents, everyone, I'll protect them," She let out a loud scream that suddenly created a strong sonic wave which dispelled concentrically with a strong impact causing the trees around her to fall one by one. 

"Alex!" "Alex!" The voice of her friends reached her ears, turning back she saw her friends running towards her. "Thank goodness," They breathed heavily as they caught up, "Why are you here? You got us so worried!" Conner complained. 

"You should've told us, na?" Murphy pouted sulkily. 

"You've been knocked out for almost two days and suddenly you go disappearing on us, not fair!" Lia narrowed her eyes at her.

"Two days?" Alexa's eyes widened in surprise. 

"Do you even know how worried we were?" Conner and Murphy threw their arms around her, squeezing her between them. 

"Sorry, I just woke up a little earlier so I came here and I'm fine guys," Alexa patted their back as she consoled them. 

"I'll go and tell Reagan that you're awake, he sat by your side the entire time, he's been restless since you passed out," Tyler heaved a sigh and turned around to go when Alexa called him, "Tyler, I'll go to him myself," She told him as she was reminded of the woman's words, "Even you know the truth, you're just denying it, don't be a fool, love, mate, loyalty, it's all bullshit, they'll only betray you in the end."

She shook her head brushing aside her thoughts, I need to confront him, this time I'm gonna make him spill out everything, she looked on determinedly. 

They went to the dungeons where Carla was kept, but the person they were looking for wasn't there, Alexa's eyes shot daggers in Tyler's direction, she narrowed her eyes at him, "wasn't he supposedly interrogating Carla here?" Her voice sent chills down his spine. 

"I swear he was here," Tyler replied in a low voice. 

"Isn't it obvious? He doesn't want you," They heard a laugh from inside the cell. Alexa glared at the woman who dared to laugh on her face, "You seem to provoke me in the most dangerous way possible," Alexa's eyes turned red as she hissed at Carla, "Utter another word and I'll deliver you the most dreadful death," Her voice was so cold that the temperature dropped down to minus, all of them were petrified. Carla lowered her gaze as chills passed down her spine. "Better," She smirked as she witnessed her cower in fear. 

"And as for your Alpha King," Alexa's face darkened as she spoke, "If he thinks he can run away from me, he's mistaken, I'll hunt him down if I have to," She gritted her teeth as she stormed out. 

Later in the evening, 

Reagan walked to the pack's meeting house along with his subordinates, just as he was about to enter the house, Alexa blocked his way, "You've got some nerves to be avoiding me," She narrowed her eyes at him. 

She thought he'd avoid her again but he quickly pulled her into a hug taking her by surprise. "You're feeling better? You're not hurt anywhere?" He asked her with a worried expression on his face, "You're okay right?" He cupped her face, she nodded in response. 

"You scared me there, though Adira said you were just sleeping, it was driving me crazy as you weren't responding at all, but now that I've seen you myself, I feel much better," He heaved a sigh of relief. 

"If you were this worried, why didn't you come to see me then?" She narrowed her eyes at him. He was worried for her, that wasn't a lie, he cared for her, it was clear but it didn't change the fact that he was avoiding her and he didn't come to see her because he was busy reason didn't fit well with her because the entire day, he was running away from her, Tyler could get a hold of him but her, the second she reached the place to meet him, he had to disappear just then.

"I was stuck with... you know..." he shrugged.

"You weren't there when I came to see you too, are you sure you weren't running from me?" She looked at him accusingly.

"A-alex..." He muttered.

"We're going to have a talk, Reagan, a nice proper talk," She told him with a stern face. 

"I have a meeting now, can we talk later?" He raised his brows. 

"NOW" Her shrill voice pierced his ears. 

Reagan flinched at her tone, "Alex-" He wanted to argue but she cut him off. 

"Would you guys leave us alone?" She shifted her gaze at his subordinates, who instead looked at Reagan for a reply. 

Alexa then gritted her teeth and stepped forward emitting an intimidating aura that worked like magic as they swiftly did a bow and went away. 

"And you're coming with me," She held his hand and dragged him along. 

"What's wrong?" He asked her once they were alone. 

"That what I want to ask you, what's wrong, Reagan?" She knitted her brows together, "at least tell me so I can fix it," She heaved a defeated sigh.

"Nothing's wrong," He slowly removed her hands off him. 

"I dare you to lie again," She slammed her fist on the wall behind him, just a few centimeters and it would have been his face, "I swear next time, it'll be my fist and your face," She gritted her teeth, he had never seen her this mad, she radiated murderous aura, she wasn't this mad when she was brought here and not even when he had forcibly kissed her. 

Her eyes then softened at him, "Did I do something?" She asked. "Do you not like me anymore?" Her voice choked, "or are you taking revenge on me because I rejected you before?" 

His eyes widened in horror, "Why would you think that?" He frowned. 

"You're making me feel this way," She retorted as she raised her head, looking him into his eyes, her face was only a few centimeters away, she noticed his pupil dilate as he slowly leaned in, closing her eyes gently, she anticipated his touch but she snapped her eyes open when nothing came. She then saw his face turned away. 

"I see..." She muttered, she removed her hands and lowered her head, "She was right then, you don't want me, you don't want me anymore," Her voice trembled, she bit her lips to prevent the tears that threatened to fall any moment now, "I'm tired of trying to figure you out, I'm just tired of this all, one moment you give me cold shoulder, the other you get worried over me, you act normal and then again push me away, Let's just break up," She muttered as she turned her back to him but as soon as the words left her mouth, she felt her back slam against the wall and then his lips came crashing against hers. 

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