Before the War

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An: This takes place before the war.

Y/n Red Hood were thinking about the future.

In y/n red hoods universe in a forest somewhere a portal opened and a figure fell out of the portal and slammed to the ground*

Conner: Fuccccck that hurt *he groaned as he got up and looked around* where the fuck did zeros portal send me this time?.....

*he senses around and senses hes in a new universe*

Conner: of course.... *he sighs and pulls out a bracelet* gotta wear this so my power doesnt get detected to  quickly *he puts it on as his aura and power lower* thats better *he stretches* now lets look around *he starts walking in a direction hoping to find his way out of the forest*

Y/n then decided to patrol a town that is near a forest.

Conner: *he was humming to himself as he wondered out of the forest not noticing y/n red hood who was nearby*

Y/n accidentally bumped into the man.
Y/n: sorry about that

Conner: oh its alright i wasnt watching where i was walking so i should be the one to apologize

Y/n: perhaps but from your appearance I can tell you ain't around here

Conner: Heh you could say that

Y/n: "well I'm Y/N" Y/n then offer a handshake.

Conner: Im conner *he accepts the handshake*

Y/n: it nice to meet you. Hey, wants to head to a coffee shop and get some donuts?

Conner: i would love too

Y/n then guide the new comer to a coffee shop where the employees are dealing with a woman that is making nonsense.

Y/n: great a karen.

Conner: *sighs* allow me to deal with this *he walks up to the karen* what seems to be the issue?

Karen: "Mind your own business you freak" She said and start to demand that the faunus employee get fired for being a faunus. Y/n eye twitch and walk towards the karen but then he picked her up by the collar and throw her out of the store where police were and decided to deal with her nonsense.

Y/n: a karen will always be a karen.

Conner: indeed.... *he looks at the employee that was being harassed* you ok?

Employee: yeah just had to listen to that Karen as she doesn't really hurt us but rather spit out nonsense.

Conner: yeah karens can be like that though its never fair that you guys have to put up with their shit

Employee: meh it monthly that a different karen appear and then the police or y/n here deal with their nonsense.

Conner: *he chuckles and looks at y/n* "seems like your a popular face around here arent you?"

Y/n: yeah but now that she ain't here we can order with no issue

Conner: yep

Employee: the usual Y/n?

Y/n: yup

The employee then gave him his donuts.

Employee: "and you sir?"

Conner: "Hmmmm just a French Vanilla Cappuccino please"

Employee: alright

The employee then gave him his order.

Conner: thank you *he pays the employee and  the employee realized conner payed triple the amount of money*

Employee: woah thank you sir it usually Y/N that pays that amount but again thank you

Conner: hey its no problem you guys have to deal with karens and put up with their nonsense so i think you guys more than deserve the extra money

Employee then bow and accept the money.

Y/n: they usually are too friendly with people who pays a lot of money but this town needs the money considering how expensive the taxes are.

Conner: really? *he was curious* why are taxes so expensive?

Y/n: apparently the governor is a greedy pig while the mayor try her best to keep everyone happy by giving the governor money that visitors give the town.

Conner: ....... i see..... who is the governor?

Y/n: Aubrey James

Conner: i see.... seems like something is needed to be done about the governor

Y/n: believe me when I say he is almost impossible to touch since he is guarded by the best military ever to know. And there the fact he is allies with the Court of Owls.

Conner: court of owls?

Y/n: basically a shadow rich organization that runs a lot of things like publication.

Conner: i see..... on a scale of 1 to 10 how skilled are they?

Y/n: a 9

Conner: hmmm *he lightly smirks* so a good warm up *he mutters to himself* im guessing  youve tried to kill him before?

Y/n: me? Well I try 50 times but all attempts failed so I took a break.

Conner: I see.... im guessing you go by another name then dont you?

Y/n: yup and everyone in this town knows me as Red Hood so it alright to say who I am but visitors like that karen doesn't know.

Conner: noted

Y/n: also I know you ain't from this world considering the unique energy you be trying to hide but don't worry as I met Doctor Strange and Dr Fate so you not from this world is not weird.

Conner: *he was silent for a minute before he chuckled* and here was me thinking i could hide my energy *he smiles*

Y/n: oh it was hard to detect but after our handshake I detected your unique energy

Conner: ahh *he nods* so mr red hood... *he smirks* mind if i help you .... "deal" with the governor?

Y/n: I don't mind but you need to hide your face as we don't want anyone, who has access to the multiverse, to track you down.

Conner: understood *he taps a earpiece on the side of his head and a helmet formed on his head*

Y/n gives him a thumbs up then gives him the governor address.

Conner: thanks *he pockets the address* the next time you see me the governor will be dealt with

Y/n: okay now if you don't mind I need to heads back to my base and get prepared for the downfall of Hero Academy which will be broadcast throughout the world

Conner: Hero academy?

Y/n: basically a rip off version of Union.

Conner: *his eye twitched* i see....

Y/n: and how I know about Union is because of Anti League helped me with the high technology like the scanner I installed in my hand

Conner: huh.... i guess i shouldnt even be surprised at this point that Hatred has been here

Y/n: actually he only been here once since then he sent his allies to give me information

Conner: I see... Well once I've dealt with the governor maybe you can introduce me to your team that you mentioned

Y/n: mm okay but heads up they are different than the original Red Hood group: Outlaws.

Conner: *he shrugs* not a surprise anyways I'll be off *he walks out of the cafe*

Y/n then walk exit the cafe too and head to his base.

*a little while later Conner arrived at the address of the governor*

Conner: well this is the place... *He grins* Time to get to work


Y/n: I wonder how Conner is doing against the governor

*meanwhile Conner was beating every guard that came in his way*

Conner: come on where are these owl council guards? I want a actual challenge

Somewhere near the office of the governor is fifty Court of Owls guards and they are wearing titanium and Tungsten armor.

*Conner busted down the door near them and walked through*

Conner: well what do we have here?

COG: "So you must be the intruder" A guard said.

Conner: *tilts his head* that would be me

COG: "then you will regret targeting us" All the guards pull out swords and guns then charge at the intruder.

*Conner watches them in amusement*

Conner: well ain't you all cute *said as he flicks his hand down and all the guards slam into the ground*

Suddenly a guard press something.

Conner: hmm?

COG: heh you too late the governor escape and now a heavy hitter is coming here.

Conner: .... And who may that be?

???: "Me" A mysterious man punch Conner in the back of the head.

*Conner was barely affected and looked to see who punched him*

A muscular Court of Owls guard stood behind him who look impressed that the intruder didn't get knock out.

Conner: so your the heavy hitter huh?

MCOG: Yup but it's seems you aren't human if you didn't get knock out

Conner: see here's the thing... *He smirks under his helmet* I'm 100% human

MCOG chuckle and charge at the intruder.

Conner: *Conner casually trips the guard so he face-planted onto the floor*

MCOG got back up and attack the intruder.

Conner: *he boredly dodged the attacks

MCOG then start to shots
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Conner: *catches all the bullets* is this all you got?

The bullets then explode.

Conner: ow *he said sarcastically as his hand was only slightly burned*

MCOG then slam his hands together creating a gust of wind at the intruder.

Conner: *he smirks as he teleports behind the MCOG* nice try *he then axe kicks the Guards head right into the floor*

The guard try to get up but find he is unable to do so.

*the guard saw blue bones sticking out from his legs*

Conner; now stay down~ *he chuckled* and now i have to deal with the idiot governor

Meanwhile with governor Aubrey James.

Currently he is in a transport truck that is transporting him to a safe house.

*and he thought he was safe from the intruder*

Aubrey: who would attack me!? I know it ain't that mayor as she knows that replacing me won't change anything considering that any election is pointless if they control the votings.

*he tried to think of anyone else who would dare to attack him*

Aubrey: it got to be a new comer that arrive at the town as it the only logical thing I can think.

Conner: man your a actual genius *he said sitting in the seat across from him*

Aubrey pale but remain calm: listen killing me won't stop them so how about a deal that can solve both our issues which involves the high way taxes and me not dying.

Conner: *he casually looks at the governor* enlighten me about this deal?

Aubrey: I might be greedy but I wants to live so here the deal: I step down as governor and you get all the information involving the Court once I step down.

Conner: Hmmmm *he taps his chin in thought* tempting offer..... hold that thought *he taps his helmet as he made a call*

*with Y/n*

Y/n answer the call: hello

Conner: hello red hood so i have been given an offer by the governor

Y/n serious: what's the offer

Conner: he steps down as governor and i get all the information involving the Court once he steps down

Y/n: mm getting the information would save the time on stopping the Court of Owls corruption. I say accept the offer but make sure he alive when stepping down as those Court of Owls will do anything to keep themselves secret.

Conner: understood

Aubrey in the meantime write down his registration for being governor

Conner: well good news Aubrey you get to live *he claps his hands together* the deal has been accepted

Aubrey: oh thank the lord. Now it gonna take a few days for the registration to be fully completed but here is half of the information on them

He said and gave Conner information on who is apart of the Court.

Conner: thats good enough but be warned if you dont give the other half of the information to me Or try to betray me after your registration *his eyes glowed a sinister purple* i will make sure your death is extremely painful

Aubrey gulp: I might be greedy but I am no fool on betraying anyone beside since I'm stepping down they wants my explanation

Conner: good~ *he takes the info* ill see you in a few days Governor

Aubrey then breathe normally as he get to work.

*conner teleports away and appears back at the cafe*

Conner; now to wait for y/n

A few hours later.

Y/n arrive: conner

Conner: y/n

Y/n: since Aubrey is stepping down that only leaves the Court of Owls.

Conner; *he hands y/n the information that he had* Aubrey said hes going to give me the other half after he steps down

Y/n: which gonna take a few days but I suggest you keep yourself hidden as those birds will target your mask identity

Conner: ill keep that in mind but i can more than handle myself

Y/n: perhaps but you never know what they are plotting

Conner: ill keep that in mind *he said as he look up and noticed it was getting late* its getting late *he stretch's* i better find somewhere to sleep

Y/n: there's a motel that is cheap and is comfortable.

Conner: alright then *he yawns* ill see you tomorrow then y/n

Y/n: same

Y/n then walk away.

*the next morning*

Conner: *wakes up, gets dressed and heads back to the cafe*

Instead of Y/n it was Hatred in his place who is reading a newspaper.

Conner: well aint this a surprise *he chuckled* hello Hatred

Hatred: "Conner guess what happened to your informer." He said and put the newspaper down showing a image of the dead governor but the body was cover in burn marks.

Conner: Well shit

Hatred: yup and why y/n ain't here is because he is tracking down the members of the Court of Owls which is a pain since they are more smarter than Union.

Conner: well its not that hard to be smarter than union *he crosses his arms* does he need any help?

Hatred: no but why I'm here is because of Aubrey murder who is a pawn from Axis Union Order.

Conner: *his mood turned serious* oh really?

Hatred: yes as this work belongs to number 40 which is none other then Nova Corpse who is called that because he use heat like a star to burn any target alive.

Conner: i see....

Hatred: sadly he is isn't here but one of his minion is and right now they are heading here to killed everyone here

Conner: and im guessing you want me to stop this minion?

Hatred: yup as I can't beat that minion at the moment since it literally a lava minion from a star.

Conner: fair enough i can deal with it

Hatred: not quite as this minion is a god rank killer with it intense body full of a star heat so I will provide you an armor to protect you from getting cooked

Conner: *he chuckles* oh hatred that wont be necessary *he summons a blade that hatred could feel the heat radiate off it*

Conner: i can deal with a little bit of heat

Hatred: well you might need help keeping everyone in this town safe from the heat since they are near a forest.

Conner; that i will

Hatred: *put everyone to sleep and create anti star heat barrier around the town* there we go that heat won't kill anyone here

Conner: thank you

Hatred: your welcome now get going otherwise that minion will reach the town in a hour.
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Conner: alright *he then flies off to meet the minion*

A few minutes later

The Minion is massive like a mountain size and currently it body is melting all life around it.

Conner: well aint he a ugly mother fucker

The Minion: mm? Ah Conner you must be the one who force that greedy p*ssy to step down forcing my master to killed him

Conner; huh my name sure got around quick huh *he flies up to look at the minion face to face* but yes you are correct

The Minion: well then it makes my job easier as my boss was hired to kill you but he say no as he doesn't wants to face someone who ain't worth his time so he instead send me.

Conner: *he rolls his eyes* oh of course thats the case *he sighs* to be honest i could see why he would say that im not worth his time since hes a underling of fucking amara so obviously hes to important to face a mortal like me

The Minion: pft the reason ain't that it because he find you unworthy to fight him beside he mortal too

Conner: hmmm *he smirks as he twirls Alyfron Around and rests it on his shoulder* then i guess killing you will catch his attention

The Minion: not really as I can return but with no memories of fighting you since I was born from the same star that my master came.

Conner: i see.... though lets be honest *he points Alyfron at him* i think we should get on with why your here

The Minion: yes but not quite yet as I want to know my foe before killing you.

Conner: well you know my name *he looks at the minion* what else do you want to know?

The Minion: mm your entire background since my master master had not a lot of information on you.

Conner: why would i give your master ANY info on me?

The Minion: not my master but my curiosity since I can tell you will kill me

Conner: alright then fine.... *he goes on a explanation of his time in union*

The Minion listen to his story.

Conner: i went through absolute hell when i was in union

The Minion: mm your story reminds me of my master when he was apart of Union.

Conner: he was apart of union as well?

The Minion: yup but he never used his powers until master master arrive and gave him a role which lead to him becoming the freelance of the Axis Union Order.

Conner: i see.... so we both have suffered by unions hands

The Minion: pretty much but at least he got his revenge by destroying the star thus ending the world

Conner: -_- ok yeah that aint happening on my watch

The Minion: that was five hundred years ago so sorry if you had to heard that.

Conner: i see..... then never mind then *he sighs* i guess you want me to keep going huh?

The Minion nod.

Conner: *he continues on with his story on how he met pneuma, sage, blade and the zeros and trained under them*

The Minion remain quiet as he listen.

*he goes on to explain how he humiliated union when they tried to fight a enraged broly which he managed to calm down and defeat*

The Minion: huh interesting because we have our own Broly but he is um not the same as yours.

Conner: how so?

The Minion: our broly was created by Amara Elymas but he became a failure after encountering a woman so he was deemed as a pawn.

Conner: .... i see....

The Minion: yeah sorry for him but us minions don't feel a lot of emotions once we reborn.

Conner; no thats fine *he sighs* amara is really a fucking asshole to everyone except the people he trusts

The Minion: which ain't a lot but he a great leader since he manage to get immortals to be his b*tches.

Conner: -_- we have a different idea of what a "good" leader is

The Minion: meh perhaps but ... Understood master. Sorry but I am order to kill you now so no hard feelings

The Minion then start to unleash it heat and fire a hot molten lava ball at Conner.

Conner: well looks like small talk is over *he said as he swung his sword and cut the molten lava ball in half*

The Minion then shot multiple balls of lava while creating a shell to protect itself from Conner attacks.

Conner: Hmmmm *he twirls Alyfron around and the lava balls got absorbed into Alyfron*

The Minion then throw a molten lava ball in sonic speed

*conner then fired his molten lava ball to counter the minions attack*

The Minion then charge in full force.

Conner: *shakes his head* wrong move *he stated as he appears on the minions head and stabs him with Alyfron*

Minion look confused: you do realize that I don't have a brain right?

Conner: oh I'm aware but that wasn't what I was aiming for~

*The minion started to feel it's heat being drained out of him*

Minion: oh well play

Conner: heh your not the first sun based creature I've fought

Minion then die and his body explode into dust

Conner: sad.... He was nice to talk to

Hatred then appear and gather the dust.

Hatred: thank you for dealing with that minion.

Conner: no problem.... Though he was quite pleasant to talk to

Hatred: most minions are but there some that are dumb like this goblin I met that literally told me all about his boss weakness.

Conner: -_- dumb*ss

Hatred: yeah but I learn that even killing those minions their masters can replace them however the remains had a negative effect on the area like created unstable monsters so upon the minions death you have to gather the remains and store them in a container

Conner: ahh I see

Hatred: yup so now that is solve I can leave but I suggest you do otherwise Axis Union Order will kill everyone in that town

Conner: *tilts his head* why would they do that?

Hatred: don't know but from what I have study is that anyone that kills a minion and remain on that world will cause everyone to dead by the Axis Union Order

Conner: *sighs* I'll leave tell y/n I'll try and visit again

Hatred: k just be careful as the Axis Union Order is not a force meant to be f*cked with

Conner: I'm more than well aware of that... *His body Then shivers* what the... I'll see you around Hatred *he teleports away*

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