Ch 2: Bloody Chase

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An: okay I am a bit surprised that many of you hate Robin from Teen Titan go. So I am curious if you all give me comments on who you want to suffer from Dc, Marvel, and anime crossovers.

(Scene: Warehouse)
3rd person POV:

Inside a warehouse far from the docks, Adam Taurus who is tied up on the ground, yet the terrorist look like he is completely beaten to a pulp.

Adam Taurus condition:
Collapse lungs.
Black eyes.
Bloody and broken horns.
Dislocated left knee and broken right leg.

Suddenly Adam heard the sounds of high heels walking towards him. This reveal to be none other then the leader of the White Fang: Sienna Khan.

S-K: Sigh "You know Adam, all your torture could've been prevented if you hadn't try to kill me" she said.

While Sienna see Red Hood and his allies as valuable people to both herself and the White Fang, Adam see them the same way he see all humans. Viruses that are needed to be wiped out.

Yet, during a failed attempt to assassinate Sienna, both himself and his loyalist were defeated and capture. However the reason it failed was because of Adam own siblings betrayal. Both Eve (twin) and Luke (older) never want to wiped out humans but rather kill the corrupt government.

Adam: "I'm ... doing .... what .... the White .... Fang .... needs" he says painfully.

Sienna sigh then look behind him and nod which three pairs of footsteps are heard. Red Hood and two other people in black cloaks come out of the shadows.

Red Hood: "heh. Stop me if you heard this one before: so a bull headbutt into a electric fence. What do you get?" He said pulling out a stun baton.

Red Hood then hit Adam in the nuts with the stun baton which cause Adam to moo while Sienna see her scroll.

Red Hood: "Shock Beef" he said and knocked Adam out.

Sienna: annoyed "Red, we got scum from Hero Academy coming. Better wrap this up" she said.

Red Hood POV:

I smirk then inject a different liquid into Adam before leaving with Sienna and our two guests. Upon exiting I smack Sienna butt making her moan and purr.

Me: "I see you at our usual place" I said making her smile as she kiss my cheek then leave.

???: "So" one of the cloak figures with a female voice say "Care to explain the plan boss?" She ask.

Me: grin "Now Lian Harper?" I say looking at her.

Me: "We give them hell" I said with a grin. Lian aka Lady Hood giggle before looking at the other guest.

Lian: "Hear that Jake" she said.

Jake: "...Yup" he said. Jake Wilson aka Red Stroke shot a grappling hook and zoom until he hide in the building shadows.

Me: "Let show these fakes the meaning of pain" I said as Lian zip away into the shadows

A few minutes later.

I watch the group of 'heroes' and 'polices' arrive at the warehouse but upon entering I press a button which cause special gas to filled out the warehouse.

Me: "showtime" I thought as police officers start to scream in pain as they claw their eyes out while the group are horrified.

Leader: Hobo aka Aizawa.
Team huntress: C*nts aka Rwby.
Team hero: Loser aka Izuku, Weightless aka Uraraka, and Stick up a*s aka lida.
Team devil: Sh*tbag aka Rias peerage.
And Team Embarrass: Awesome Android, Rocket Racer, Leap-Frog, Snowbird, and Bird Brain.

An: ... Look up top 10 embarrassing characters in the Marvel Universe to understand why I add this team.

Me: "my my it would seems that those 'officers' can't handle the truth" I said gaining their attention.

lida: "Red Hood!" He said as he was about to run but his engines was clog which surprised them.

I then throw a smoke bomb which cause fog to cover the entire area. While the fog blind them I send a signal to the other two which they start to run.

I saw Rias and her peerage running after Jake while Team Embarrass chase after Lian. After the fog vanish I jump high and start to run with the remaining group chasing after me.

An: basically divide and conquer but in this case divide and suffer.

3rd person POV:

With Lian.

She jump from pillar to pillar then press a button which cause a explosion that send the Embarrass team into a old building that collapse on top of them.

Lian: sweat drop "seriously? No wonder they are a joke" she said then leave.

With Jake.

He ran into a old building but when he look behind he saw Asia at the entrance which close infront of her.

Jake: "Gotcha" he thought as the remaining devils are in his trap which he throw several kunai in front of them.

Issei: "Ha, Red Face! You missed!" He arrogantly exclaimed.

Jake: smirk "Did I?" He said pressing a button which cause the kunai to explode which extremely cause damage to them. "Ha never expect holy kunai bombs!" He yell then leave.

Asia: "Guys!" She yell in horror as she finally enter the building. She quickly called in help while trying her best to heal them.

With Y/N.

As he was about to swing to another building a tape wrapped around his ankle which he look at Aizawa. He use his free hand to grab his knife and slice the tape before Aizawa could trip him.

Aizawa look at his sliced tape in shock.

Yang: "whoa, I can't believe I am saying this but this Red Hood is skill" she said.

Aizawa: look at Yang "don't compliment him, catch him!" He said as they chase after him.

Red Hood lead the group to a sheer drop where he jump to the other building. When the group arrive they are completely shock that Red Hood is on the other side. However he turn and give the group one last reminder.

When he did that both Lian and Jake arrive and stand beside him which shock the group seeing three Red Hoods. As the three walk away Ruby was about to chase after them when beeping caught their attention. They look to see wired bombs all around them.

Aizawa: "Students! Duck and cover!" He said in fright as both himself and his students hide behind metal crates. However a second later they heard confetti which they look over the crates to see that the explosives were fake.

Yang: "what the heck!" She said but suddenly a ding caught their attention. And a huge splash of red paint cover a whole city block.

(Scene: South Docks)

At the docks is Sienna sitting on a speed boat but after a minute Y/N, Lian, and Jake arrive.

Y/N: laughing "You should have see their face when the second bomb went off" he said.

Sienna: purr "maybe you can show me after we return home~" she said removing Y/N helmet and kissing him which he returns as Jake drove off and head to Menagerie.

An: I am holding off on lemons but next chapter will be a recap.

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