Ch 3: Recap of R H

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An: this will be slightly longer than the original.

(Scene: Hero Academy Nurse Office)
3rd person POV:

Inside the nurse office is the team that Red Hood and his allies effortlessly defeated along with the Headmasters. However almost all of them (Rias peerage, minus Asia, and Embarrass Team) are still recovering from the attacks. After recovering the video footage from the team both headmasters and Aizawa leave the nurse office.

Aizawa: "... None of us are to speak of what happened" he said wiping his face with a napkin as his face is cover in red paint.

Nezu: "What surprised me is how is there two other Red Hood" he said.

Opzin: "mm from what the police reports there were sights of people who formed a Red Hood community" he said surprising a few teachers.

Captain Marvel: "Why would they do that!?" She said.

Sirzech: "Probably because they refer Red Hood as a true hero" he said.

Najenda: "Gotta admit though the Red Hood, that escape Aizawa, is something else" she said as they enter the headmasters office.

A few minutes later.

Sirzech: "Okay am I the only one who think it strange about this guy" he said gaining everyone attention.

Opzin: "what do you mean?" He ask.

Sirzech: "First" he said rewind the footage to where Red Hood cutting off Aizawa tape. "He sliced Aizawa C-W before he could have a chance to trip him" he said.

Opzin: "it was taught, practiced, and perfected" he said.

Aizawa: "there something else" he said as he show the footage of the knife "That knife was able to slice it with ease" he said.

Sirzech: "So?" He ask.

Aizawa: "Do you know how many knives would slice my C-W?" He ask.

Nezu: "Not many, if not, none" he said.

Aizawa: "Exactly" he said.

Sirzech: "Actually now you say it I was informed that the reason Rias and her peerage, minus Asia, is healing slowly is because of high tier holy magic" he said.

After a few seconds.

All: "He must be working with others!" They said.

Aizawa: "That should be impossible since most materials are heavily secured by government" he said.

Ozpin: "not exactly since most government" he said but stop upon realization. "unless there are forgotten military bases" he said.

And so the Headmasters try every trick to figure out the Red Hood identity but it ended empty handed.

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