Final: Aftermath

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Y/N Pov:

It's been a few hours since Heroes academy defeat and arrested. The three corrupt headmasters: Ozprick, Sis con, and Sup loser along with the bullies, bad students, and corrupt staff are in Anti League special prison cells. The good headmasters: Nezu, Peter, and Najenda along with the good students and teachers are now at the new academy.

However what happened next shock the entire world. Apparently the ex allies of the corrupt side of Heroes academy announced worldwide that I'm consider their hero for revealing the light behind the hidden corruption. Although I'm surprised, I decided to let this slide since they didn't take credit for the truth. Now currently I'm at a meeting involving my allies and the, corrupt side of Heroes academy, ex allies.

Me: "So care to explain why you invite us here" I ask looking at the: three leaders of the devil's, Micheal leader of the angels, azazel leader of the fallen, the Justice League, the avengers, the remaining Heroes association, and the president of USA herself.

Joan Dale: "We are begging if you can help us with the Madness Alliance" she said with tears about to run down her eyes which surprised me and my allies.

Anton castillo: "Care to explain why we should?" He said a bit curious.

Random heroine: "It's because the Madness Alliance" a young heroine try to explain but her head suddenly explode surprising us until a voice can be heard throughout the room.

Auditor: "Good evening or morning everyone I am Auditor the leader of the Madness Alliance" the voice said which surprised the heroes except for me and my allies.

Suddenly we all gain a broadcast within our minds but what shock us is that the broadcast is showing a bomb under the ruins of the old Heroes academy.

3rd person Pov:

Standing far from the academy is Auditor himself who is speaking through a microphone while Joker is holding a tv camera at the academy.

Auditor: "As you all can see a bomb is under the ruins of Heroes academy but this bomb is unlike anything you all have see as it's made of my newest experiment which will only effect a small handful of corrupt heroes" he said.

Joker then turn on the camara which cause the broadcast to change and is now showing a bunch of random corrupt heroes, that managed to escape the battle, are in cages.

Auditor: "So with no further explanation lets the start of the Madness Alliance declaration of war" he said then Kevin press a button which cause the bomb to go off.

Once the dust and aftershock settles the broadcast reveal that the entire academy is destroyed yet the heroes, who some how survived, became feral and kill each other like beasts which horrified almost everyone that is watching this broadcast in their mind.

Auditor: "And so begin the war" he said facing the aftermath along with the three leaders of the Madness Alliance standing behind him.

An: And that's it everyone! I hope you enjoy this story! Because there gonna be a second book that I'm gonna be working on but not at the moment. However I want to say thank you all for reading this remake story that started with LoganW21406-1 so give the original writer a huge thanks and credit.

An: Now here is the three writers whose given me permission to use their characters for this story:


An: Give those three thanks for their oc. Oh and please give most credit to HeroicWolfGuardian for the chapter: Before the war. So I hope you all enjoy this story because it's was a blast for me.

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