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An: warning this is from kawarazaki-ke no Ichizoku which is a dark adult anime.

(Scene: Mansion)
3rd person Pov.

Outside a city near a huge forest is Kawarazaki Mansion, owned by Nawatsuna, although the outside look perfect, the inside is another story.

The entire inside is a massacre with thugs and crooks while the victims are scared, they are grateful for their rescuer: Red Hood.

He stood in front the master bedroom, he then kick the door open which cause fear in the two people, but upon he didn't care about their names he called them: Charles De sh*t head and Maid Who*e sl*t.

He then face to the bast*rd of this operation.

Red Hood Pov:

My Thoughts: "so that the a*s hole that will suffer by my hands"

I then pull out my gun and shoot all the remaining thugs and crooks along with CDS before knocking out the MWS. I then look at the bast*rd who is completely scared.

My Thoughts: "... Seriously? This supposed dealer of Illegal trades is scared like a b*tch" I said in my mind before pulling out a injector.

Me: "Your days of being a dealer is done" I said grabbing Nawatsuna head and inject my newest experiment into his system then I drop him.

Nawatsuna: "What did you do to me!?" He said in fear.

Me: chuckle "a new experiment" I said then Nawatsuna scream in pain as he suffer from a combination of Fear Toxic and modified Extremis Virus.

An: basically he will suffer for the rest of his life.

I then knock him out before throwing him out the window where he land on a bunch of dead bodies. I chuckle before grabbing the MWS and drag her outside with the victims following me.

3rd person POV:

Red Hood took everything that Nawatsuna owned, minus a few things. He then downloaded all the crimes, that Nawatsuna done, into a flashdrive before pressing a button. Causing the mansion to burst into flames destroying the drugs and bodies.

He gave the flashdrive to one of the victims as he leave the area, knowing the authorities and 'heroes' will arrive shortly.

(Scene: Forest)

Red Hood walk through the dense forest but as he walk he press a button near his mask to loosen up just enough for his mask to retract into his armor.

While he allow the cold air hit his face, he felt that someone is walking towards him but instead of pulling out his gun he sigh.

Red Hood: "I should of know that you would arrive" he said facing the person "Raven" he finish.

This is Raven Branwen, leader of a tribe of bandits along with Red Hood ally/lover.

Red Hood: "Hey Birdie, What's up?" He said making Raven smirk.

Raven: "Oh nothing much, Just had a chat with my drunk traitorous brother. Though he did mention a vigilante in red who is causing quite a mess with him and his allies. You wouldn't had to know anything about that, do you?" She ask with a slight grin.

Red Hood: smirk "Perhaps. But don't worry I won't kill him. Maybe hurt him a little, nothing important" he said making Raven giggle at his disregard towards human life.

Raven thoughts: "He's the perfect blend of what the world needs: a heroic intention mixed with villainous brutality"

She see Red Hood as not just her perfect lover but also a perfect child. Unlike her old boy toy Tai-yang and sl*tty disappointed daughter Yang.

Raven: "Oh I just remember that Rabbit (Rumi) called me yesterday. She mentioned that her sidekick 18th birthday is two days away. The sidekick name is Tora who used to be a girlfriend to a perv electric brat name Denki. Yet she found out that he had cheated on her with a punk b*tch called Jolt (Marvel). She be in a state of depression for weeks. So Rabbit decided to arrange a meeting for you two on Tora birthday" she said.

Red Hood scratch the back of his head with a conflict look. "I'm not sure about that Rae-Rae (nickname), you know that I want to avoid all kind of contacts with 'heroes'" he said.

Raven: "Don't worry Red, if you can handle thugs and crooks then surely you can handle saying hello to a little girl" she said kissing his cheek which ease his tension.

Red Hood: smirk "Thanks my birdie of shadows" he said groping her a*s cheeks.

Raven: "mm~ no problem my red murderous knight" she said pressing her breasts to him as the two kiss passionately.

An: okay I know that this is slightly alter to the original prologue but holy smokes this is getting a little interesting so far. Anyway hope you all enjoy this.

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