Coney Island

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Angel jolted awake suddenly. But then she noticed her alarm clock was blaring. She sat up in bed and reached her hand out to turn it off. She got out of bed and let out a yawn in her black tank top with red puffy sleeves and violet and black knee-length checkered patterned sweatpants.

Angel exited her room and walked her way into the kitchen. She sat at a table where there's a bowl of cereal and milk. Her older brother Ryan came walking into the kitchen. He has a tall, slender build with medium-length black hair that has dyed brilliant cobalt blue tips and brown eyes. He wore a dark grayish apple green cerulean jacket over a white shirt with a black power symbol imprint, black jeans ripped at the knee, and black high top converse shoes.

"Good morning, sis." Ryan greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh yeah." Angel replied as she began eating her breakfast. "Donna and I spent all week working on the study guide for our chemistry test. It was struggling, but I ace it with flying colors."

"Well, I'm happy for you, sis." Ryan said. He walked over to Angel, who finished her cereal. "And since this is the weekend, I'm going to take you to your favorite place in New York. Why don't we go to Coney Island?"

"Ryan, we haven't been there since we were kids." Angel said.

"I know, but it's been a long time." Ryan said. "What do you say we go there again? You can even invite your friends to join the fun."

"I'm down. I have nothing better to do anyway." Angel said with a shrug.

Angel took out her cell phone and dialed to set the call on a video chat. The four-way split screen showed Ella watching boxing in the living room, Donna jamming to her electronic music in her lab, Ellie playing video game in the arcade room, and Lee dancing in her bedroom. They all stopped what they're doing when they looked at their phone.

"Ladies, get dressed. We're going to Coney Island." Angel said.

"That amusement park?" Donna asked.

"I always wanted to go there!" Ellie said with shining eyes.

"Me two!" Ella grinned.

"Me three!" Lee yelled excitedly. "Girl's. Day. Out!"


The Sonicruiser arrived and pulled into a Coney Island parking spot. Ella got out of the vehicle. Lee opened the door and she, Angel, and Donna hopped out. Ryan and Ellie peered out through the door with excited eyes before coming out of the car and following after their friends. The group strolled together as they walked by a booth that was selling cotton candy.

Coney Island has been known as a relaxation and entertainment destination. While locals and tourists crowded its beach, most of them enjoyed its amusement rides, amazing game attractions, sideshows, and a white and blue stripped circus tent stood between two tall pillars with black painted stars on top as part of the design.

"Wooow! This place is amazing!" Ellie beamed. "So, go check out the rides."

"But which one?" Lee asked excitedly.

"Alright, ladies and gentleman. Spread out and enjoy themselves." Ella ordered. "Once you're done, let's meet at the food stands."

"Roger that!" Ellie, Lee, Donna, Angel, and Ryan nodded.

Ella, Ellie, Lee, Donna, Angel, and Ryan scattered away to find rides they can enjoy. Angel, Ella, and Ryan raced over to the roller coaster. They screamed wildly as the ride steered to the tear-dropped loop. Ellie and Lee rode on a steel Ferris wheel. They sat in a stationary car and took selfies together with their phones. Donna went to the bumper car ride, where she steered past other bumper cars that were trying to bump her every chance they get.

Few minutes later, the group sat on a table next to the food stands as they were eating popcorn, ice cream, and hot dogs while drinking soda cans.

After that, they strolled around past the other stands. Ellie then saw a large circus tent that made her pull her sisters and her friends close with a gasp.

"Oh, guys, look!" Ellie smiled. "There's a circus show!"

Ryan, Ella, Angel, Lee, and Donna collectively looked at the circus tent. Ellie pushed them towards the entrance of the circus tent. They looked over the promotional poster together as they began to read what it said. The poster was an elegant design for Circus De Nirvana and several images of the wild performances.

"Circus De Nirvana?" Angel wondered.

"Never heard of it." Donna said.

"Come and see the fearless wonder of amazing acrobats and fantastic performers." Lee recited.

"We gotta go see it before we leave!" Angel said.

"I'm down." Ryan said with narrow eyes. "I haven't been in a good circus in a while."


Ella, Donna, Lee, Ellie, Angel, and Ryan walked inside the tent, where they sat down on a wooden bench. They looked around to see everything was lit up to welcome the crowd that are gathered to sit in the stands as few people are ready for the show of their lives.

"Wow, this tent is packed." Angel gasped.

"Luckily for us, we got front row seats." Ryan said.

Everyone quietly silenced themselves as the show was about to begin.

The show began with an empty trapeze swing passed above the audience, making them look up in awe. The empty swing then swung back with a feminine automaton on it. She has pale grey skin, long hair that goes down to her upper thighs sectioned from black to the left and pink to the right, pink glowing star-shaped lights on her cheeks, and pink eyes. She wore a one-piece leotard with black, pink, and magenta triangles in a mosaic pattern and a pair of leather platform boots with a similar pattern. She sat on the swing and looked at the audience below her with a smile. The pink-haired automaton switched her position into hanging on the swing from the knees. She blew out a kiss, flying out pink petals in the air that swirled towards the gasping audience in various shapes.

Next, the audience heard a childlike laughter filling the air. Another feminine automaton came rolling out from the crowd on top of a dark blue bouncy ball that was decorated with pale blue diamonds. She has pale grey skin, short hair that is a few inches above her shoulders sectioned from black to the left and blue to the right, blue glowing star-shaped lights on her cheeks, and blue eyes. She wore a one-piece leotard with black, blue, and cyan triangles in a mosaic pattern and a pair of leather platform boots with a similar pattern. She was giggling innocently as she arrived to the stage. Her left hand balanced five light blue balls and tossed them in the air before she juggled them effectively with both hands. She kept juggling on one balancing boot and then in a full split, making the audience clap and gasp in awe.

Then, the sound of clicking heeled boots caught the audience's attention. When the audience turned around, they saw the third feminine automaton jumping over the stone pillars with acrobatic flips before landed on her feet and wicked at the audience. She has pale grey skin, long wavy hair that is tied up with a ponytail with two large dark green balls sectioned from black to the left and green to the right, green glowing star-shaped lights on her cheeks, and green eyes. She wore a one-piece leotard with black, green, and mint green triangles in a mosaic pattern and a pair of leather platform boots with a similar pattern. The green-haired automaton jumped over the stone pillars with acrobatic flips before landed on her feet and wicked at the audience. As she launched amazingly high in the air and landed effortlessly on a tightwire, she held two tessen fans in both hands and performed elegant techniques while maintaining perfect balance on a tensioned wire.

Lastly, an elephant walking slowly on the stage as the final feminine automaton sat on top of it with a smile. She has pale grey skin, long straight hair sectioned from black to the left and red to the right, red glowing star-shaped lights on her cheeks, and red eyes. She wore a one-piece leotard with black, red, and maroon triangles in a mosaic pattern and a pair of leather platform boots with a similar pattern. The elephant elevated its nose high in the air, allowing the red-haired automaton to flip in the air and stand on top of it with a huge smile. She snapped her fingers and conjured a balancing ball in front of the elephant, causing the creature to walk over and stand on it in a perfect balance.

The audience clapped with excited smiles and loud whistling as they were wowed by that performance.

Two spotlights merged into one on the center stage and a familiar female human stood a stone pillar that was rising at the center of the stage. She was carrying her black closed parasol in her right hand.

The audience and Ryan cheered as Shadow Recruit was bowing in appreciation. But Ella, Donna, Lee, Ellie, and Angel stared in shock as they all recognized Shadow Recruit from the Shadow Clan.

"Thank you, thank you!" Shadow Recruit spoke in her snowwoman voice. "You've been a great audience! What you witness are the biggest stars of the Circus De Nirvana: the Soleil Quartet! Now, do you hear any volunteers?"

Shadow Recruit then spotted the Lotus Ninjas and Angel from the audience.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite girl squad." Shadow Recruit said. "I know you're stop my androids!"

"Androids?" Ryan asked in confusion. He had no clue why the Soleil Quartet are robots. "Angel, do you and your friends know that girl?"

"Long story." Angel, Ellie, Donna, Lee, and Ella answered with annoyed expressions.

"That's right. These performers are indeed androids." Shadow Recruit grinned proudly. "It may have a whole week of designing and programming, but the Soleil Quartet are manufactured to be the perfect combat machines!" She wiped a tear out of her left eye. "They're beautiful."

"Girl, please." Donna said as she, her sisters, and her best friend stood up out of their seats. She placed her hands on her hips. "I've seen and build better robots that are way better than your showboating knockoffs!"

"Is that so?" Shadow Recruit said with a wide, menacing grin. She turned back to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness our brave volunteers going head-to-head with the Soleil Quartet. Soleil Quartet, introduce yourselves and show the crowd what you can do."

Shadow Recruit jumped on her parasol as a witch's broomstick and flew above to view an upcoming battle with a wicked smile on her face.

The Soleil Quartet turned their attention to the Lotus Ninjas and Angel.

"Order understood." The Soleil Quartet chorused. "Commence battle mode!"

The Soleil Quartet charged forward to take on their opponents. Angel, Ella, Donna, Lee, and Ellie sprang high in the air above the stage before diving down to fight the automatons one on one.

The red-haired automaton rushed after Ella and summoned a fiery bow and arrow in her right hand. She then pulled the string of the bow with her other hand and shot the arrow toward the red mystic kunoichi. As Ella dodged the attack, she rotated her right arm once in a clockwise direction and gushed magical fire out of her hand. The magical fire condensed into ten balls of fire around her before Ella directed them to hit the red-haired automaton.

Lee was running after the blue-haired automaton, who jumped on her balancing ball with narrow eyes. She materialized a blue energy orb with both hands and fired it as an energy blast. Lee avoided the attack and summoned a globe of magical water, splitting it into several streams that shot toward the blue-haired automaton.

The green-haired automaton spun around and sent green blasts of electrical energy at Donna, who swiftly evaded the attack with fast acrobatic backflips. Donna then raised her arms above her head and spun rapidly to create a green ball of magical earth. The ball of earth magic began to enlarge, which allowed Donna to blast it that exploded directly at the green-haired automaton in a large spherical blast.

The pink-haired automaton kissed the palm of her hand and formed a pink energy heart before throwing it and multiplying it into several glowing hearts to fly directly at Ellie. But Ellie avoided the attack with a jumping backflip. She raised her right arm in the air, creating a single orange orb out of magical wind. Ellie then lowered her hand and fired the orb that turned into several orbs to hit the pink-haired automaton.

The Soleil Quartet were struggling to get up on their feet before turning their attention to the sprinting Angel. Angel outstretched her left arm and created a black magic circle at the tip of her katana sword before swinging it and sending it directly below the four automatons. The magic circle then unleashed an electrical storm upon impact that destroyed Shadow Recruit's robots.

Shadow Recruit's eyes widened wide in shock, but it was too late for her to react when she caught Ellie flipped upside-down on two hands and launched Angel high up at Shadow Recruit with her shoes. Angel soared right above her and swung her katana sword repeatedly, releasing black crescent-like energy blades that hit Shadow Recruit on impact to the ground.

Once Angel landed between Ellie and Donna, the group approached Shadow Recruit.

"Game over, loser." Lee smiled tauntingly.

"For now!" Shadow Recruit retorted.

Shadow Recruit's parasol opened itself and swallowed its holder, teleporting away out of the circus.

After the performance ended, the audience stood up out of their seats and applauded wildly. Angel, Ella, Donna, Lee, and Ellie turned to the crowd and took a bow.

Ellie held out a smoke bomb and dropped it to the ground that made the group disappear in a large puff of misty black smoke.


The Lotus Ninjas and Angel reappeared outside of the tent just when Ryan ran out and caught up with them.

"Oh wow! You girls are real magicians! I'm so excited I could pass out!" Ryan screamed with excitement.

"Chill, bro!" Angel said.

"Are we really gonna let him believe we're magicians and not mystics?" Ellie whispered.

"Might as well." Ella replied with a shrug.

Lee merely looked past Ryan and stared at the ongoing rides.

"Okay, now that's outta the way, which ride should we next?" Lee asked with a smile.

"Well, we did kick butt, so I guess we've earned it." Donna said.

"I'm down!" Ellie cried.

Lee, Ella, and Ellie ran to the rides with fast speed, leaving Donna alone with Angel and Ryan.

"So, who wants to head to the food court?" Donna asked.

"Me." Angel and Ryan answered as they both raised their hands together.

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