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Clearwater Village, Karnvas

I had been making hot chocolate in the kitchen for everyone when Ivan and another Severnyy started fighting in the living room.

I immediately rushed back in, reaching for my axe. But then Ivan and the female Severnyy were... hugging? And she was crying?

I hesitated, ready to start swinging. Zara looked just as confused as I was.

"...you good?" I asked slowly. He startled, as if not realizing we were here. Then he broke into a massive, goofy grin.

"This is Masha! My wife!" he said happily.

I slowly lowered the axe.

"Who are they, Ivan?" Masha asked curiously, letting him go.

"This is my crew. Pearl is the one with the axe, Zara is the one with the perpetual scowl," Zara scowled at him, "and Karn is attending to the two cuddling Thellrilians, B and Nafia."

Masha frowned, looking between Nafia and I.

"I feel like I recognize you two." she said.

"She's the crown princess and I'm an infamous terrorist. Nice to meetcha." I said casually, extending my hand to her. Her shocked expression was priceless.

"Framed." I added, holding a smile back. Instant relief crossed her face. She turned back to Ivan, slipping her arm into his.

"Come, to the village. They'll want to see their Namestake's return." she said. I frowned.

Severnyy Shield Families, after a while, grew to large sizes with each generation. Their villages grow, and the villages take on the name of the original Severnyy of the Family, who is called a Namestake. Severnyy can leave and start their own any time, or grow the village with their own family.

"What happened to Old Man Clearwater?" Ivan asked.

"A group of Severnyy-Buk got him. The Clearwater family dissolved, and the ones who stayed here decided we needed a new Namestake... you." Masha explained, leading him to the door. Curious, I followed.

A massive hoard of Severnyy stood outside anxiously, weapons ready.

"Strongwinter village! Ivan has returned home!" Masha cried.

.  .  .

Severnyy sure as hell knew how to party.

Within thirty minutes they had set up a massive bonfire, a gigantic feast, and I still could see a few getting fireworks ready.

And, of course, the all-important liquor. Vodka specifically.

I found myself avoiding everyone, sitting away by my own little fire in a lawn chair and a half-empty bottle of vodka (was full thirty minutes ago) in my hand.

Ivan was very much enjoying himself, chatting with friends he had disconnected with after he had been banished and chomping on a massive boars leg. A band started playing somewhere to my left. It was a melancholy song, the bass of it echoing through my bones.

I sighed, crossing my right leg over my left ankle and kicking back a large gulp. It burned on the way down, leaving a little tear in my eye. I quickly wiped it away.

I leaned my head back, looking up at the sky. The night was perfectly clear, stars glimmering across a Milky Way-painted sky.

I wondered which star was Hermitcraft's.


A lump immediately formed in my throat, limbs and soul feeling heavier. I bitterly took another drink.

The hair on the back of my neck suddenly stood as someone walked behind me. Before I could do anything, they had slipped a little piece of folded up paper onto my shoulder.

I grabbed it, whirling around to see who it was.

But no one was there.

Suddenly, the night felt a little bit colder.

Slowly, I turned my attention to the paper.

Tonight: Karnvas City, 3090 Moon BLVD.
I know you want answers.

I looked around one more time for the mysterious note giver. But there was no one. Not even a footprint.

Someone suddenly sat into the lawn chair next to mine, making me tense up even more.

A young female Severnyy, probably about my age at twenty five, sat there, looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked, annoyed. She extended her paw.

"I'm Tanya Strongwinter." she said.

Well, shit.

I shook her hand.

"Pearl. I didn't realize Ivan had a family." I said. She sighed.

"I had never met him before today. He seems like a good dude." she admitted. I snorted.

"Ivan is the best." I said. She laughed lightly, taking a drink from her own bottle.


"Where's Karnvas City from here?" I asked abruptly. Tanya jerked her head to the right.

"Due north, about twenty miles. Why?" she said. I shrugged casually, heart speeding up.

"Just curious. Probably gonna have to head up there tomorrow to get supplies to fix our ship." I lied.

"Mr. Valleys has a repair business if you need it. He's good, trust me." she said. I nodded, as if pondering it.

"I also might just go up and check it out. Do you have any Skimmers?" I continued hesitantly. Tanya sighed, pointing to the gate.

"You can borrow mine if you bring it back in one piece." she said, a slight note of suspicion in her voice.

"Thanks." I said, taking another drink. My eyes wandered back over to the gate.

Tanya sighed, pulling a bag out and handing me a scarf and goggles.

"I'm guessing you're going tonight for some reason. You'll need these." she whispered, standing with a wink. She tossed me a set of keys as she sauntered off.

Well. That was one thing settled.

I took one last look at the paper, grappling, before making my decision.

. . .

The wind and falling snow snapped at my bare cheeks, leaving my entire face numb. The roar of the speeder's ancient engine rattled through my bones and tuned out any other sound.

I didn't know what was awaiting me in Karnvas City.

But I was going to find out.

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