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"Unbroken Convoy, this is Admiral Ratalious of Polaris Station. We have disabled our Gravitational Inhibitors and taken Hermitcraft  and some surrounding habitable planets into a closer orbit.  They seem to have planetary engines, too.We've done our best to shield them from the heat and radiation.
"I'm here to tell you, there's another way out of this. Behind the black holes there are literal tears in the fabric of spacetime. We don't know what's on the other side. But we do know that it's our only real chance, besides diving into a black hole ourselves. We must take that chance. I must admit, the idea terrifies me. We will most certainly loose ships. Entire fleets. I invite any former Gigacorp vessels to join us in our efforts. Andromeda's Wrath and The Prometheus has already confirmed membership of the convoy.
"Whatever our future may bring, weather it be a whole new universe or the hungry abyss, we will march into it as brothers and sisters, one and all. We will do so, completely United for the first time is history.
"I ask—no, I BEG of you—join us. Make one last push for life.
"This is Admiral Ratalious of Polaris Fleet. Signing off."

.  .  .
The Unbroken

As a unit, the remaining ships of the Unbroken Convoy and the Gigacorp fleets moved towards the tears. The entire Unbroken rattled like a tin can. Pressure slowly built in my ears.

"C'mon, baby. One last ride. You can do it." B muttered, knuckles white on the steering wheel.

I gripped the handles of my chair, not looking at the tears.

I looked at the crew.

Nafia held tightly to B's arm, resting her head on his shoulder.

Zara sat scowling. As usual. But she shot me a rare smile when she saw me looking.

Ivan was strumming a Severnyy-sized guitar and singing a Severnyy folk song, a half-empty bottle of vodka at his feet.

Karn sat next to me. He shot me a smile, squeezing my arm. I smiled back, taking off my mask.

And the Unbroken sailed on one last time.

Onto a whole new world.

Or death.

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