Cipher Showdown.

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The next morning the group was about to call a meeting when Bill teleported over to them.

"So guys last night I had some character development and decided I was going to be good. I'm going to help you guys defeat Will and all I want is to know I was on the right side. I know it'll take a while for you all to trust me but I'm willing to prove myself!" Bill said.

"Ok great for you." Nate gave him a thumbs up.

"You're just going to flat out trust him?" Dipper asked.

"I don't see why not. It's not like we have anything to lose." Nate reminded them.

Suddenly the ground began to shake, up above a giant dome appeared above Gravity Falls, cracks spread along it and it shattered into nothingness. Will was floating above the city, laughing manically.

"THIS IS TRULY A WONDERFUL DAY FOR ME! ALL OF MY ENEMIES WERE KIND ENOUGH TO GATHER INTO ONE PLACE!" His voice boomed throughout the small town in Oregon. "FOREVER THIS DAY WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE DAY I TO-" Suddenly Will was hit in the face by a giant fireball.

"Take that!" Bill laughed.

"Alright now's our chance to finish this, let's make that Zodiac!" Dipper said, everyone began gathering, fortunately none of the Yo Kai who were part of the Zodiac had been captured during the previous battle against Will. The only one not working on making the Zodiac was Bill, who was fighting Will.

Bill punched Will in the eye and then lobbed tons of explosive sheep at Will. Will was launched into a mountain but quickly recovered and trapped Bill inside an invisible box, then he began throwing Bill against the sides repeatedly.

Bill destroyed the box and summoned a sword, which then fired bullets from the bladed end. Will created a shield that threw itself at the bullets to counter them. Meanwhile the Williams charged into Gravity Falls, the Yo Kai who remained were trying their hardest to fight off the millions of minions.

Stan, Soos, and Wendy drove out of the woods on a golf cart running over and whacking as many Williams as they could with their various weapons.

"Driving is much more fun when trying to hit things!" Stan cheered, Soos swerved the cart to avoid a rock and returned to mowing down Williams.

"Ugh Bill is wasting his time." Nate said.

"Perhaps we could call him down?" Whisper suggested.

"We were able to literally free our whole town from stone while he fought. Until the fight's over there's no stopping him." Dipper said.

"And until he stops fighting there's no stopping Will." Mabel said.

"Catch twenty two right?" Katie asked.

Nate shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not in advanced classes like you."

Katie grinned. "Right because you're so a-"

Nate cut her off. "Don't say it."

"Nate you're just so-"

"Katie." Whisper warned, Katie's grin only grew.

"Average." Katie finished.

"I'M NOT AVERAGE!" Nate screamed.

"You're really not. But watching you react like that sure is cute." Katie said, but she soon realized her blunder. "I mean funny!" Her cheeks reddened.

Mabel glared at Katie. "As much as I enjoy teasing, heck I want to make some excuse to tease Dipper about that Spring Dance right now-"


"We need to focus on getting Bill back down here to fight." Mabel was obviously jealous but she had a point.


Bill was there in a second. "I heard you screaming and... Oh you're all fine. Why do you need me?"

Nate pointed at the now complete Zodiac.

"Oh right. Let's do this then!" They all took their respective places and began to hold hands. The Zodiac began to glow with power, Will saw what they were doing and had an idea.

"If you guys do that then I'll kill your precious Ford!" Will snapped his fingers and Ford appeared next to him, a giant sawblade was at his neck. Dipper and Mabel gasped and broke hands immediately.

"No kids! Save the world! I'm not worth it!" Ford shouted.

"Yes you are Gruncle Ford." Dipper said and Mabel nodded.

Soos crashed the golf cart because he was distracted and the Williams began to overtake the Yo Kai army as they ceased fire at the threat of Ford's decapitation.

"That's right. Now you're all at my will! Huh wait. You're all at Will's will. Will Will use this new will they're at to win since Will has the will to win. Eh it could be a tongue twister, needs work." Will decided.

"So Will, what's your big evil plan?" Bill asked.

"Oh I'm just gonna kill you all-maybe I'll kill one and let the others live and be tortured. So who'd like to die a painless death?" Nobody spoke. "No volunteers? Then I guess I'll have to chose. Eenie! Menie! Miny!" Every time he spoke his eye changed to display a symbol of the Zodiac. "YOU!" It stopped on Komason's symbol.

"NO!" Bill shouted, he floated up to Will "I'll do you one better Will! If you let me live I could figure out some way to bring them back from the dead! So instead I'll make you a deal, I'll never work against you, I'll never break this deal, and I'll even help you get your last power out from the ice. Just don't hurt any of them. Do we have a deal?"

"You bet your monkey's uncle we do!" Will and Bill shook hands, thunder rumbled throughout the entire world. Color seemed to drain from everything and everyone.

"I know the perfect setting for a few of you: Dame Dedtime's Wicked Yo Kai future. Except I spiced it up with a few surprises. Have fun living in a world where you're powerless to stop the Wicked! Our lucky winners are Nate, Komason, and Dipper! Meanwhile spending time in an eternal prison with the rest of the Yo Kai are Whisper, Katie, Mabel, and the other Yo Kai Zodiac members I'm too lazy to list. As for you Bill, you'll help me conquest the multiverse. Since I'm a nice guy you can all have one final goodbye. You get five minutes. Tick Tock." A timer appeared next to Will and began counting down.

"This is all my fault. I should've just done it and defeated Will!" Dipper shouted angrily.

"Dipper I stopped too, and we knew it was too risky. It's not your fault." Mabel said.

"But now I'll never see you again." Dipper said.

"We will. I know it." Dipper and Mabel hugged.

"Nate as your loyal butler I must inform you th-"

"Whisper I know I don't always show it but I do appreciate you. You're one of my best friends." Nate said.

"Nate..." Katie started. "I know I barely know you but well I do know you. I've spent time with you for years and now I have this whole new side to appreciate. Nate I like you a lot. Goodbye." Katie planted a kiss on Nate's cheek. Mabel surprisingly didn't even look jealous.

"Mabel you're not angry?" Nate asked.

Mabel shook her head. "Like Dipper said, you're just my crush of the week. I need to really get to know someone if I want to like them. Thanks for showing me that."

"Also for the record Katie, I like you a lot as well." Nate said, blushing.

"Wow we never would've guessed without that closure." Dipper said sarcastically. 

"I guess this is goodbye. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything more." Bill said.

"You did the best you could sir. And this isn't goodbye. We're all strong, and even when we're separated we can do great things! We'll see each other again, we just have to believe we will. I believe in all of you, and I hope y'all do the same." Komason said, everyone nodded and took each other's hands.

"Times up! Hope you had your sappy goodbyes because it's all over!" Will laughed and everyone began to feel drowsy. As Nate fell into unconsciousness he noticed his and Katie's watch disappear, but he had no strength to shout out or even muster a sound.

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