Chapter 1. A humble start

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The city of Lilith, the current capital of the Underworld, home to many different devils and fallen angels alike. In it, you can find many different devils walking around town bragging for their new magic items they founded or bought. Some were desesperately looking for family to adopt them, being in a dire need of money. Others were instead looking for a job. After all, there's always many monsters to slay in the Underworld.

From among the crowd of people, you could see a young man dressed in noble clothes, yet they were discolored by the pass of time. He had an enormous cloak around his body that hides them, the cloak made in sand like colors. Devils ignored him, thinking he may be a mercenary and that's it. Technically they were right but that's going to change in a few moments...

This is Y/N L/N and he's walking towards the Family Adminstration Center, a place in Lilith to form and disband families, contract them or to obtain devil pieces for a peerage once a member of your family is old enough. Y/N has been collecting the money required to form his own family for an entire year of his life. Meanwhile, he was having a conversation with someone. Someone who's voice could only be heard inside Y/N's head.

Y/N:"So Marth."

The voice in his head replied:

Marth:"Yes Y/N?"

Y/N:"Are you sure this is going to work?"

Marth:"The materials we've collected are valuable enough to become the leader of a familiy. Don't worry, it will work."

Y/N:"I'm considered a stray devil. If it doesn't, my head will adorn this city's walls. You know that, right?"

Marth:"Such a thing won't happen. Don't be pessimistic. Okay, here we are. I wish you the best of lucks."

Y/N stopped in front of a building where many devils gather to talk about their business. Normally it has to do with the formation of smaller families to maintain the purity of devil blood. In other words, forced marriages between two families to make a small third one with a peerage of it's own. Y/N has seen this million times when he was a part of a peerage himself.

The devil walked inside and saw various adminstrators waiting for someone to request their services. From 5 of them, only 1 was busy attending someone. This someone turned to meet him.

The female devil smiled at him and returned to her own matters. Y/N walked towards one of the workers and placed a leather bag on the table. The worker was a small old man, hairless with one eye bigger than the other. He sat on his wooden chair with a smile so big one could think he's up to something.

Administrator:"I presume you're here to create a family? Interesting... I haven't seen your face before."

Y/N:"That makes sense. I'm... kind of new here."

Adminstrator:"Very well. In any case, are you here to create a family as mentioned or perhaps a new peerage?"

Y/N:"A family."

Adminstrator:"Very well. Who's going to be the leader?"


The administrator looked at him in silence. Y/N noticed how the other adminstrators, even the female devil besides him glared at him.

Adminstrator:"I... see. What family are you a part of?"


Adminstrator:"No peerage either?"

Y/N:"No, sir."

Adminstrator:"So you're a stray."


Adminstrator:"How were you able to reunite the money required to form a family?"

Y/N:"Monster Hunting."

Adminstrator:"I see. Whether you're lying or not I'm obliged to tell you this: Law states any devil who leaves a peerage without permission of their Kings will be considered a 'stray' and will be hunted down. I expect there's all the money needed in that bag of yours..."

The old man grabbed the leather bag while staring at Y/N. The young devil noticed many eyes staring right at him, waiting to see what happens. Some were hoping the administrator rejects the money or tells him it's not enough to get a jump on him. The female besides him was also looking at him with a smile.

As soon as he opened the bag, the administrator widened his eyes.

Administrator:"D-Dragon teeths?! And these are... Gryphoon feathers?! A PHOENIX FEATHER?!"

Y/N:"Those should be enough to-"

Administrator:"They are, yes. I-I'll start with the paperwork."

He clicked his fingers, a scroll appearing on his left hand and a quill on his right hand.

Administrator:"Okay. So, you're name is..."

Y/N:"Y/N L/N."

Administrator:"Name of your family?"

Y/N:"L/N will be enough."

Administrator:"Do you have a set of devil pieces?"


Administrator:"Any magical weapon? Sacred Gear perhaps?"

Y/N hesitated, looking at the administrator with concern. He clearly did not want to answer that, after all, saying he does have a Sacred Gear in the Underworld may get him a certain type of attention he's trying to avoid.

Marth:"It's okay. Tell the truth. Having a good relationship with the Administrators is a good idea. Once we're powerful enough you can engage in tax fraud if you will. For the time being, play by the rules."

Y/N:"Yes, but..."

Marth:"The administrators are not dumb. If suddenly the entire town of Lilith hears you have a Sacred Gear they will know she was the one who spilled the beans. She will be in trouble."

Y/N:"Yes, I do have one. The Holy Ring of the Forgotten Heroes."

The administrator nodded, understanding how the young devil managed to defeat so many powerful creatures on his own. He also had the female devil full attention now. Specially after hearing about him being in possesion of a Sacred Gear.

Administrator:"What about lands? Do you have properties in the Underworld? Maybe on Earth?"

Y/N:"Nothing. For the time being."

Administrator:"I must assume you also do not have a residence, is that correct?"

Y/N:"I-It is."

Administrator:"In that case I'll have to give you an Otherwordly Residencial Pass or O.R.P for sorts."

Y/N:"What's that?"

Administrator:"A ticket for one of the many hotels built on Earth for devils that do not have a home in the Underworld. You will be able to live on Earth without having to pay rent or any tithe to the local Devil Lord. However, you will be forbbiden to use magic unless the devils controlling that territory gives you permission and you will need to have a normal human life while on Earth. Do you understand?"

Y/N:"Yes. Where am I going to be located?"

???:"Pardon me. May I give you a reccomend you a place?"

The female devil walked towards Y/N, putting her hand on his shoulder to grab his attention the boy turned. He nodded and looked at her.

Akeno:"I'm Akeno Himejima, my apologies for sticking my nose in your business but if you're looking for a place to stay on Earth you could go to Japan. The devils there are much more friendly than other countries. You'll have a good time."

Y/N:"She's trying to scout me, right?"

Marth:"She's a devil, of course she has double intentions. I assume she either wants to recruit us for her peerage, take control of our family with a contract of some sorts or simply lead us into a trap. I believe it could be the first 2 choices, I do not sense any malice in her. Obviously, she's only interested in you due to the Sacred Gear. Don't be a fool."

Y/N:"I know. Should I..."

Marth:"She wants to use us so why not use her too? This girl may be benefitial to start our family."

Y/N:"To Japan it is then."

Administrator:"Good. I'll get the ticket in no time."

While the administrator does his magic, Y/N turned to speak with the female devil.

Y/N:"So... Akeno. Do you live in Japan too?"

Akeno:"Mhm. That's exactly why I can tell you it's a good place to live in. There's also not that much presence of Angels or Fallen Angels so you can have some peace and quiet. I must say, I'm impressed by the Sacred Gear you have. Where did you get it?"

Y/N:"It's a gift. From a friend."

Akeno:"I see. Are you a mercenary of some sorts? Looking at your appearance... I know you cannot be a noble."

Y/N:"Well now technically I'm a noble. But yeah, I was a merc."

Akeno:"In that case, why don't we walk around town and talk for some business, eh? I'm sure you'd be interested in making friends now that you became an official family."

Y/N:"Sure. I'd like that."

Y/N:"Should I?"

Marth:"If she offers you free candy, reject them. Other than that I see no problem in taking a walk with her."

Y/N:"What do you think it's her plan?"

Marth:"Like I said, she will play nice with you. Probably go around town, show the place to you. Then, after a couple of days have passed she will introduce you to her King unless she's the King of her peerage."

Y/N:"I see. She's trying to lure me into her peerage."

Marth:"Mhm. It's one of the classic ways of recruiting young devils. Not used often due to the time it takes, but very effective."

Y/N:"We can get some use out of this. Akeno can be a great source of information."

Marth:"Exactly. She won't try anything now, specially because you cannot be in her peerage since you're going to be the King of a different peerage, but she can try to form an alliance."

The administrator finished printing Y/N's ticket with magic. Along with it came a small notebook with various information about the life he was given for his time on Earth. He has to play the role of a student in "Kuoh Academy". Y/N has never been in Earth, so this is all new to him. The devil placed the ticket and notebook in a pouch of his and was about to leave until the Administrator grabbed his attention once again.

Administrator:"One more thing. I have to put your family's magic circle in your file."

Y/N:"I do not have one."

Administrator:"I know, that's why we're going to make one." *Puts a knife on the table* "With a single drop of your blood on the scroll will be enough."

The administrator dropped the paper on the table and pointed at the exact place he wanted Y/N to drop the blood. The devil sighed, grabbed the knife to make a small cut on his finger and dropped a single drop of blood on the scroll. The scroll shined in purple, the blood morphing into a symbol.

Administrator:"That would be all. In order to get to your hotel room in Earth, use the instructions written in the notebook to make a magic circle. I suppose you know how to draw one?"


Administrator:"Good. That will be all. Have a nice day, Mr. L/N."

Y/N nodded and looked at Akeno who smiled and walked forwards, leading Y/N to the exit. The young devil followed Akeno, intrigued by her real intentions with him.

As soon as they left Akeno walked towards a street full of shops for devils who wish to adventure outside of the safety of the city.

Y/N:"Where are we going?"

Akeno:"To a tabern."

Y/N:"What for?"

Akeno:"To put a request for members, of course. I assume that now you're a King you want people to join your peerage, right?"

Y/N:"Of course."

Akeno:"By the way, have you introduced the king piece in you?"

Y/N:"No of course not. You've been with me ever since I created a family, I didn't had time."

Akeno:"Another thing to do then. I'll help you with that, don't worry."

Y/N:"Why are you helping me?"

Akeno:"Consider this an investment. I help you get settled, you give me a hand when I need it."

Y/N:"But why me?"

Akeno:"Dear, you do not see a devil with a Sacred Gear that often."


Marth:"Told ya."

After a short time, the two arrived at the tabern Akeno mentioned. They went inside and Y/N was mesmerised by the place. It was enormous, almost all the tables already picked by devils who either simply wished to eat something or was waiting for their peerage to arrive and do some requests.

The food orders were given to the devils by some cute humanoid cats. They were pretty efficient on their job...

Akeno walked to the far right of the tabern where a request board was built for devils to either join a family or take a mission from another devil, either stray hunting or monster hunting. Y/N stood next to Akeno, looking at the board.


Akeno:"Touch the board."

The young devil touched it with one finger. A paper and a quill appeared in front of him.

Akeno:"Write the details of your family and what exactly are you looking for."

Y/N:"Honestly, I don't really mind..."

Akeno:"Remember young King. You should be picky when you select your members. Normally, people that go to small families are weak devils or people who want to be... unnoticed for some time. However, you may find a diamond shining in all that rubbish."

Y/N nodded and wrote everything about his family (which wasn't too much) and a little bit about him, excluding the fact he has a Sacred Gear. Once he was done, the paper placed itself on the board.

Akeno:"Good. Now, let's go somewhere more secluded and I'll put that king piece in you."

Y/N:"Okay. Thanks Akeno."

Akeno:"Don't thank me, remember you're gonna have to repay me~"

Y/N:"I know, I know..."

Akeno took a paper from the board and guided him towards the counter, where she threw the bartender a couple of coins. He nodded and pointed at the stairs. Akeno just bought a room for the two of them.

As soon as they went in, Akeno sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her. Y/N obliged and gave her his back while he removes his armor. He then lifted his shirt a little so Akeno could do her magic.

Akeno:"You already know how this is done I see."

Y/N:"Yes. I've done so multiple times back when I had a family."

Akeno:"Let's see what piece you were."

The female devil placed her hand on Y/N's back. It was cold, so it made Y/N shiver a little. His back iluminated in pink, a devil piece slowly being removed. Y/N noticed how he grew weaker due to the extraction of the devil piece. From one of Y/N's pouches, Akeno grabbed the king piece and pressed it on the devil's back. It went inside of him. Now, he felt a great surge of power coming from within. While the devil puts on his clothes back, Akeno decided to chat with him.

Marth:"That's much better."

Akeno:"Well, how do you feel?"

Y/N:"That feels great! Almost as if I could take the entire world on my own!"

Akeno:*Giggles* "Well aren't you adorable. Since I'm curious about your newfound strength I took a stray hunting to test it. Luckily for us, it's in Japan so we can see that room of yours."

Y/N:"This has something to do with the 'payback' I'm gonna have to do, right?"

Akeno:"Perceptive, I see. Yes. Like I said, it's a way to test your strength. If you surprise me, you will be ready for when the time comes. If you somehow turn out to be a little weakling, I'm gonna have to train you."

Y/N:"What exactly do you want from me?"

Akeno:"I'll tell you when the time arrives. Perhaps, my King will. Who knows? Now, why don't we do this stray hunt request, eh? What do you say?"

Y/N:"Sure. I'm eager to fight too so..."

Akeno:"Then let's draw a magic circle to the request's location. The instructions on how to make the teleportation circle should be in the paper

Just like Akeno said, the instructions to draw a circle to Y/N's new house are there. The young devil started to draw the teleportation circle on the ground with his finger by using magic. In the meantime, Akeno kicked her legs back and forth while she looks at the circle. Once ready, Y/N and Akeno stood in mid of the circle and placed the paper inside Y/N's pouches. Once ready, Y/N clicked his fingers and the teleportation circle immediately shined in response.

The two closed their eyes and after some seconds they opened them. Instead of the room they bought on the tabern they're now standing outside of an abandoned mall on Earth. Y/N looked around to see buildings he has never seen before. Behind him, a car passed with his lights on, driving at a moderate speed on the road. Y/N jumped a little. He has never seen a car either. It was night time, so that also adds to the surprise.

Akeno:"You've never been here before? On Earth, I mean."

Y/N:"No... It's my first time."

Akeno:"Oh my. I've never seen a devil who has never been on Earth. This is gonna be interesting. Anyways, let's go in, shall we?"

Y/N nodded and followed Akeno inside the mall. She waved her hands and the metallic doors opened, letting the two devils in It was enormous for Y/N, a huge building filled with stores that are now empty, without any products at all. The lights were obviously off, but the moonlight was barely enough to illuminate the place.

The two heard noises coming from the second floor. They could be described as metal, slashing through flesh Akeno started floating, slowly going up to see who was making such noises. She wasn't really interested in any of this. As for Y/N, he sprinted towards some mechanical stairs and went up. The shop those noises came from were a toy store. Akeno was leaning on the door, looking at a figure crouched next to a dead body. Y/N slowly approached it, his sword already summoned.

Marth:"Need help with this one?"

Y/N:"I can handle this."

The stray perked his head up, noticing the two devils behind him. He slowly turned around, a wicked smile appearing on his face as soon as he saw them. His hands were replaced by two large claws. His mandible was also made of a black material, almost like scales. His teeth were sharp, similar to fangs. He had blood on them. The dead body of a teenager was in front of him, his stomach open wide.

Stray:"What do we have here?" *Looks at Akeno* "My, my. You look delicious ma'am. May I get your name?"


Y/N:"Is this amusing to you?"

Stray:"Of course. Sometimes, people eat just as a way to pass time. Even better when you're hungry. And I'm very hungry right now, specially when I see two... tasty meals... right in front of my eyes..."

The stray now faced the two devils, still crouching. Instead of moving like a normal human, he walked in fours, like a feral beast. Y/N got into a fight stance and Akeno flew away, eager to see Y/N in action. She prepared an offensive spell just in case.

The stary dived towards Y/N. As soon as he got close, Y/N took a step aside and sliced his torso while dodging. The stray devil landed on the floor and tried to attack Y/N with his claws, just for the male to launch a quick spell at him. Three small fireballs were launched towards the stray hitting his face and leaving burning marks behind.

Catching Y/N by surprise, the stray threw his own blood at him. It was like acid. However, the attack was futile due to the barrier around Y/N. He was safe. Now, it was the stray's turn at being shocked and Y/N was going use this opportunity. He crouched and placed his free hand on the floor, whispering some words to make a spell.

Y/N:*Whispers* "In infernis arderet..."

A ring of fire appeared below the stray. Suddenly, a pillar of flames scorched the entire stray, going even through the roof. When the spell was over, only ashes remained. Y/N stood up and dropped his sword, the sword desintegrating right away. Akeno slowly clapped, floating towards Y/N.

Akeno:"You surely are strong. Powerful spells, the ability to summon weapons, a barrier around yourself and a Sacred Gear? You're quite intriguing..."

Y/N:"Did I pass?"

Akeno:"Absolutely. I knew you would be strong, after all, you brought expensive materials to the administrator. However I thought you could've participated in a hunt with other devils. Now I think you may have done so all by yourself."

Y/N noticed how the paper Akeno placed on his pocket was burning. He took it and it dissappeared. In exchange, a leather bag appeared in his hands. It was filled with money. However, this money cannot be used on Earth. It's currency exclusive to the Underworld. He placed the bag back on his pockets and stared at Akeno.

Y/N:"I suppose we're over here?"

Akeno:"Yes. I'll see you around. Do not worry, I will find you, so keep doing whatever you like in the meantime. However, once I require your aid..."

Y/N:"Yeah yeah, I'll be there to provide."

Akeno offered Y/N her hand. He was about to take it until Marth spoke.

Marth:"Watch out. I'm sensing a spell ready on her part. She's trying to do something."

Y/N:"Can you figure out what?"

Marth:"She used very little magic, so it's not harmful. Maybe a way to keep you in check?"

Y/N:"She's trying to know my location at all times? That's what you're saying?"

Marth:"Maybe. Don't take that hand."


Y/N:"S-Sorry Akeno I'm... socially awkward... hehe."


Akeno looked at him with an eyebrow raised. She got suspicious, yet she respected his desire to not shake hands. The boy started drawing a magic circle on the ground to teleport himself to his own room, using the instructions given by the notebook.

Y/N:"Unless there's anything else you want to say, I'm gonna retreat to my new home."

Akeno:"No, that would be all. Be careful from now on, I've spent a lot of time helping you, it would be a shame if you died in a couple of days."

Y/N:"That won't happen. In any case, thank you Akeno."

Akeno:"Anytime. See you around, Mr. L/N."

She walked towards the exit, floating down to the first floor and leaving Y/N alone. The young devil finished his circle, stood in the middle and clicked his fingers. After some seconds he finds himself standing in the middle of his living room.

It's pretty small, a green couch aimed at a coffee table and on the other side a plasma T.V, even though Y/N does not know what that is nor how it works. Next to it a library without any books. Instead, there's a key and a yellow post-it. The devil walked towards it and grabbed it along with the key.

'This key is for your room. Everyone in this hotel is a devil, just like you. If you have any questions, ask them.

The administrator.'

Y/N:"That's nice."

Marth:"Hey, you're sleepy. Why don't you let me take the wheels while you sleep?"

Y/N:"Sure. Don't get us in trouble."

Marth:"I won't."

The ring shined in a deep blue. Y/N closed his eyes and when he opened them, a faint blue color appeared just to dissappear as soon as it came. The ring changed from it's usual blue color to a grey one. Now, Marth is in control. The old king explored the hotel room, curious to see it. A bathroom with the bare minimum, a single bedroom and a small kitchen. There's nothing interesting in any of the rooms.

However, Marth noticed there's a male outfit laying on the bed. He took it and saw another Post-it there.

'Due to your young appearance, you will be attending school at Kuoh Academy as a transfer student from Europe, Germany. If you do not know what Europe nor Germany is do not worry, both professors and students will see you're a foreigner anyways. There are devils in the school too. Remember not to use your magic in public.

The administrator.'

Marth:"He didn't say what class... nor where this Kuoh is. Guess we're gonna have to look around tomorrow. At least the uniform suits us. How did he knew our measures?"

Marth dropped the uniform and looked at the hotel room, not really knowing what to do.

Guess I'll hit the town until Y/N wakes up...

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