Chapter 4 Unpure blood

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Oh, Next Chapter's gonna be a big one so enjoy this short one people, tomorrow I have a big surprise for y'all!


The Kendo club. A club Y/N was thinking of joining and decided to do so for Baiken. Y/N was next to one of the girls from the Kendo group, practicing the moves Baiken told them to.

Murayama:"Professor Baiken is very strict..."

Baiken:"Sakura! You're attacks are weak! Be firm! You're fighting another human being, not one of your plushies! Katase! You're too slow, attack for god's sa-" *Grunts* "F-Faster Katase."

Y/N grunted aswell, recieving a headache when god was mentioned.  Y/N and Murayama kept training, not paying attention to their professor's shouts.

Baiken looked at Y/N and smirked.

Baiken:"Y/N! You're not fencing with a little boy's rapier that's a katana! Pull more strength in your attacks boy!"

Everyone giggled a little except Y/N who grunted. His eyebrows were twitching in annoyance.

Y/N:"She's enjoying this..."

Marth:"But she's right. You're doing Kendo, not fencing. Not on the rapier thing tho, rapiers are as manly as swords."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Struck a nerve, Marth?"

Marth:"Shut up."

Y/N ignored Baiken and kept training. Before Baiken could say anything else the Bell was heard. All the students looked at Baiken who sighed and gave them the go to stop training. All the students were relieved. They entered the female bathroom to get changed. Y/N went for the male one.

As soon as he went inside he got out of his keikogi and decided to take a shower. Once done, he dried up and started dreasing on his school uniforme. Baiken opened the door and went inside the male bathroom. She closed it and leaned on it.

Y/N:"The one for girls is on the other side."

Baiken:"Aren't you a funny one. Are we going to see the Gremory now?"

Y/N:"Yeah. Eager?"

Baiken:"She has the answers to our questions, yes I do want to see her."

Y/N:"Let me get dressed and we will go."

Baiken nodded and closed her good eye. She noticed how some of the female students stood on the other side of the door, trying to peek inside. Baiken punched the door with enough force to scare them off. When she heard them yelp, she smirked and giggled to herself.

Y/N:"You're enjoying messing with us, right?"

Baiken:"Yes I do."

Y/N:"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go."

Y/N's Knight opened the door and the two went outside. They walked towards the ORC, one more eager than the other to get some answers.

Baiken:"She better has something for me."

Y/N:"Us. We're both together in this."

Baiken:"Right, right. Us."

Y/N:"Don't you forget that. We both have our own goals but you are part of a peerage now."

Baiken:"Yes, 'master'."

Y/N:"Don't call me that."

Baiken:"Isn't that what you want?"

Y/N:"No. I want you to remember you're not going solo."


Once inside, the duo knocked on the door and by surprise, it was Issei who opened the door.

Y/N:"Oh. Issei. What a surprise. You're one of us now?"

Issei:"I... I don't know. I guess?"

Koneko who was sitting in the couch peeked her head. In the meantime, Issei stared at Baiken. She was getting annoyed by it.

Koneko:"Issei got killed and Rias turned him into a devil."

Y/N:"Ah, I see."

Issei:"Those are- wait a moment, a devil you say?!"

Issei turned around and walked towards Koneko to get some answers. Y/N followed him and sat next to him. Baiken sat next to Y/N, at the end of the couch. After Issei got nothing out of Koneko other than a punch to the gut, he turned and looked at Y/N.

Issei:"Are you all devils?"

Y/N:"We all are."

Issei:"But you're the new guy, right? Rias turned you already?"

Y/N:"Issei, I was born a devil."

Issei"Oh. And your friend is..."

Baiken glared at him, making Issei tremble a little. Satisfied with his reaction, Baiken looked elswhere.

Y/N:"She's Baiken, my new piece. Don't mess with her and she won't do anything to you."


Y/N:"Rias will explain everything."

The male devil looked at the shower from his position. Rias was once again, taking a shower. The door opened, Kiba and Akeno going in. They both looked at Baiken and felt one of Y/N's devil pieces in her. No questions were needed. Akeno sat in front of Y/N. Kiba walked towards Koneko and leaned on the couch, speaking with her.

Akeno:"So, you're Y/N's new piece right?"

Baiken did not answer.

Y/N:"Name's Baiken. She's shy."

Baiken grunted, making Y/N smile in return.

Akeno:"Ah, a rebellious one. I'm sure you'll find a way to crack those walls she built."

Baiken:"None of you will."

Akeno:"We will see..."

Rias was finally over. Just like the day Y/N became a mercenary, Rias appeared with just a towel around her body and another on her hair. Issei was staring at Rias assets with a blush. Y/N looked at her face, ignoring her naked body. The rest had no reaction whatsoever.

Rias:"Ah, Y/N. That's your new piece? What a surprise Miss Baiken. I would never think you would join someone like Y/N."

Y/N:"The hell does that mean?"

Baiken:"How do you know me?"

Rias:"My brother filled me in about the assassination on your family. We're currently investigating what happened. With your cooperation, things could go faster."

Baiken:"I'll tell you all I know."

Rias:"Later. First..." *Looks at Issei.* "I suppose you have many questions. We will answer them one by one but first, let's start from the beggining. As I told you before at your house, my name is Rias Gremory and I'm a devil. So are all the people in this room, including you."

They all summoned their devil wings in unison except Y/N and Baiken who just looked at Rias, waiting for her to finish her explanation.

Issei:"Aren't devils supposed to be the bad guys?"

Rias:"That's what the Church wants you to believe. Reality is always far more complex. None of us are evil, we have a different society than humans. That's all."

Issei:"Why me?"

Rias:"You have a Sacred Gear. A very powerful weapon that only humans can be born with. Yours in particular interests me."

Issei:"I... I don't know what you're talking about. What's a Sacred Gear? I haven't been able to summon one yet... whatever that may be."

Kiba:"Sacred Gears are powerful gifts given by 'the one above' himself to humans to create miracles. Many times in history there has been cases of someone magically healing an affliction, creating items out of nowhere and even wielding legendary weapons. All of those items are Sacred Gears."

Issei:"So Jesus Christ had a-"

As soon as he said that name, everyone in the room recieved a headache.

Akeno:"I-Issei, try not to mention anything holy or related to the Church. We're devils, remember?"

Issei:"M-My bad."

Rias:"As for why your Sacred Gear hasn't appear yet, you need to be in a high stress situation and have the will to fight. To defend yourself. Akeno will try to unlock it, but it's up to you to summon it."

Issei:"That's something I guess."

Rias:"One more thing you need to know. The price of life is servitude Issei. I used a Devil Piece in you, which means you're part of my peerage from now on. As such, you shall follow my every order and work as a devil. We will talk about the tasks you must fulfill later on."

Issei:"W-Wait, servitude?! I'm a slave?!"

Rias:"Of course not silly. You're my dear serveant. As such, you follow what I do yet you still can enjoy your free will. I will not order you to do something that goes against your believes, nor force you to follow me everywhere I go. However, I do expect obedience."

Issei:"Okay but what's in store for me? Just a second chance at life? That's all?"

Rias:"No. The more powerful you get, the more achievements under your name, the more famous you'll get. Money, fame, power... anything you want at your fingertips."

Issei:"A-Anything? Can I have a harem?"

Rias:"A... harem?"

Issei:"Yes! That's my dream! To be the harem king!"

Y/N chuckled a little as soon as he heard that. Koneko and Baiken had a similar reaction, both rolling their eyes. Akeno giggled, thinking he's adorable.

Y/N:"Well you can certainly achieve that."

Issei:"Really?! I thought you were judging me!"

Y/N:"No. Harems are pretty common in the Underworld. So long everything is consensual, I can assure you devils are okay with most things. Harems, reverse harems, marrying members of other species... However what goes around goes around. Don't expect your harem to be fully loyal to you if said harem is big enough to repopulate an entire island all by yourself."

Issei:"Aw man..."

Rias looked at Y/N a little annoyed. After all, she's trying to entertain him to motivate him.

Y/N:"But who knows? Maybe you do end up being the Harem King. Anything is possible in the Overworld. You're gonna have to work hard for that though."

Issei:"Oh watch me! I'll grow powerful enough to have one!"

Y/N:"That's the spirit. I guess?"

Baiken:"Degeneracy aside, can we get to the point?"

Rias:"Yes. From now on, these people will be your friends and partners. They will help you grow as a devil and will protect you from harm. I do expect you do the same in the future. Akeno and I will personally train you. Y/N, would you mind helping us at some point?"

Y/N:"Of course. For a price."

Rias:*Sigh* "I know, I know."

Issei:"Wait what price?! Is he gonna sleep with you-"

Rias:"Y/N is a mercenary. Baiken one of his pieces. They are not official members of my peerage. I pay him with money."

Issei:"Oh. Okay."

Rias:"Now, if there any matter we must talk about or can I consider this meeting over?"

Issei:"One thing. My girlfriend, Yuuma. Why did she kill me?"

Rias:"It's possible she wanted to get rid of your Sacred Gear. Raynare is a Fallen Angel. They love to mess with people and break the supernatural laws. It's also possible she just wanted to kill you for the sake of it."

Y/N:"A Fallen Angel? I could investigate that, get rid of her. It's not the first time I run into Fallen Angels."

Akeno:"Really? What happened to those you run into?"

Y/N:"They died."


Baiken chuckled and closed her eye, shaking her head in amusement. Akeno glared at her however. She didn't like the comment.

Rias:"I would appreciate that. Now, is that all Issei?"

Issei:"Well there's many questions I need answers for, but I'm satisfied for now."

Rias:"Good. Akeno, could you please start with his training? I'll join you in a second. There's something I must discuss with Y/N and his piece."

Akeno:"Of course."

Kiba:"I'll go with you."

Koneko:"I'll stay."

Akeno grabbed Issei's hand and dragged him towards a bedroom to have some privacy. Kiba followed him to assist the pair, specially to make sure Akeno doesn't go overboard with the training.

Rias:"I've found some answers to your questions Y/N, but it's nothing compared to what I know about Baiken's family. Who wants to start?"

Y/N:"She goes first."


Rias:"First, what do you know Baiken?"

Baiken:"Only a name. Kokabiel. He was the one leading the invading forces."

Rias:"As far as I'm aware, Kokabiel is a member of the Fallen Angel's army. However Azazel denies he had anything to do with the offensive on your family's territory. In fact, it seems Kokabiel has been away from the Fallen Angel's territory for quite some time."

Baiken:"A traitor?"

Rias:"So it would seem. He was seen alongside unkown figures with purple cloaks. The strangest part was, they seem to not be devils nor fallen angels..."

Y/N:"You mean angels are inside the Underworld?"

Rias:"Or maybe even humans. We still have to investigate further."

Baiken:"Where can I find Kokabiel?"

Rias:"I have no idea."

Y/N:"Maybe this Raynare has something to do with Kokabiel? Both are fallen angels that betrayed Azazel or went rogue. You've never seen her before, right Rias?"

Rias:"I've been aware of her presence for a week or so."

Baiken:"My journey started around a week and a couple of days. It's not too far fetched, maybe she's related to him in some way. Or she's just a pawn. We must find that fallen angel Y/N."

Y/N:"I agree."

Rias:"Now as for you Y/N, all I know is my brother did find records of your family's existance. They were a low rank family, so there's barely any information. They were at war against a faction named 'Khaos Brigade'. We have yet to find anything about them. Did you really not see any of your attackers? Please, try to remember something."

Marth:"Tell them about that woman we saw in the distance. It's all we have."

Y/N:"I remember so little..."

Marth:"It's better than nothing."

Y/N:"Fine, fine."

Y/N:"Okay, so I barely remember any of this. It happened a long time ago and I only catched a glympse of one of our attackers. She was a girl, wearing a black kimono. Oh! She had cat ears! She was definetely a Nekomata! I swear I think she saw me yet... she didn't pursue."

As soon as Y/N told his story Koneko widened her eyes. She looked at Y/N and quickly looked away. Baiken caught her weird behavior and raised an eyebrow.

Rias:"A nekomata..." *Glances at Koneko, looks at Y/N once again* "I'll ask around. However, my brother did found something strange. In the reports it's mentioned some of the debris had faint traces of dark magic. In Baiken's territory was also traces of dark magic."

Baiken:"Wait... are you implying the people that attacked Y/N are the same ones that attacked my family?"

Rias:"It's a theory but one I believe. Dark magic is strictly prohibited for devils. There's only a handfull of spells we can use. None of those spells are for combat. The ones used during the assault to both of your houses had dark mages that knew how to use those forbidden spells. Not even my brother's wife, Grayfia, knows how to cast those spells. So yes, I'm sure we're speaking of the same group."

Y/N and Baiken looked at one another. The news were rather unsettling. Y/N stood up and looked at Rias.

Y/N:"Thank you Rias. You helped us a lot. Now, if you excuse us, we're gonna start an investigation of our own. Can you please tell us where Issei was slained?"

Rias:"Of course. There's a park not too far away from your hotel. In the middle you will found a fountain. Raynare took Issei there."

Y/N:"Thank you Ri- how do you know where I live?"

Rias:"I know a lot of things."

Y/N:"Right... let's go Baiken."

She stood up and followed Y/N out of the ORC. Both stood in silence for a couple of seconds, deep in thought. Afterwards, Y/N took the initiative and started walking out of the building and towards the location Issei was killed. Baiken followed him.

Baiken:"Do you believe her?"

Y/N:"She managed to find more answers in 2 days that me in an entire year. What she said is all I have. What about you?"

Baiken:"I saw the mages Rias speaks of. They felt weird, strange. If Rias were to told me they were necromancers I would believe her."

Y/N:"But now I have more questions than before. This Khaos Brigade, what do they want from us? Who are they? Who's Kokabiel?"

Baiken:"And why did they spare us."


Baiken:"There's something I didn't tell her. I managed to fight them. Although I killed some of the mages, I couldn't reach Kokabiel. He saw me, smirked and then left. He didn't even say a word. Why? Why left me alive?"

Y/N:"Maybe he was scared of you?"

Baiken:"The same happened to you. One of your attackers saw you and decided to not hurt you. Why?"

Y/N:"Well I... I don't know..."

Baiken:"Ugh! It's so confusing! I hate this feeling, as if they were toying with us!"

Y/N:"We shouldn't scramble our heads about it. We have a lead, Raynare. Let's find her and get some answers out of her."

Baiken:"Fallen Angels are creatures with big egos. Do you think you can make her talk?"

Y/N:"Don't worry Baiken..."

Y/N opened one of his palms, fire appearing on them. He smirked, viciously.

Y/N:"I know how to make her talk."

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N and his knight, walking on the streets of Kuoh, alone.

The two devils reached the park. The fountain was already repaired, yet you can see some cracks in it. The floor is still wet from the water that fell from the fountain. Y/N and Baiken went on their own to find clues.

Y/N found something interesting. On the ground were various holes that were definetely made by Raynare. When he placed his finger on the hole, it burned him. Almost as if he just touched holy water.

Y/N:"Holy spears. No human could survive that. Poor Issei..."

Baiken:"Look at this."

Curious, Y/N followed Baiken's voice towards a bench aimed at the fountain. She was looking underneath it. Y/N stood next to her and crouched down to find a black feather. Baiken had another in her hands, however, it was a little darker than the one underneath the bench.

Baiken:"What do you think?"

Y/N:"Issei may have been attacked by Raynare, but she has company."

Baiken:"Exactly. We're dealing with more than one."

Y/N:"I suppose they left no trail behind, right?"

Baiken:"Mana stays around depending on how powerful the spell was. Holy lances are rather simple to summon and do not require too much mana, so no, there's not any trail left."

Y/N:"What about the feathers?"

Baiken:"They have no traces of mana either. This however does tell us something..."

Y/N:"They have low mana. In other words. they're weaklings."

Baiken:"Yes. They killed Issei because he had no way to defend himself. I'm sure any of the ORC members could take these fools down."

Y/N:"Wait, I remembered something. Issei mentioned 'my girlfriend Yuuma'. This Raynare could be dressing as one of the students."

Baiken:"And she's looking for Sacred Gears. That... gives me an idea."

Baiken looked at Y/N with a smile. He blinked a couple of times, not really understanding what she was trying to say. Until realisation hit him.

Y/N:"No. You're not going to use me as bait."

Baiken:"Why not? You're young, much more handsome than Issei and have a Sacred Gear. I'm sure the thing within your ring can mask your mana to Raynare. You would be able to fool her."

Y/N:"You want to see me suffer."

Baiken:"It is entertaining, I must confess. I mean, have you seen yourself practicing kendo? Now that's a sight to behold."

Y/N:"I'm not going to act as bait and that's a final!"

Baiken:*Clicks her teeth* "Well, do you have another plan?"

Y/N:"Issei is still alive. Raynare will eventually figure it out. We just play the waiting game."

Baiken:"You've gotta be kidding me. You rather wait instead of taking matters into your own hands?"

Y/N:"Yeah. If Raynare is working with multiple people, I want to catch them all. She wouldn't bring her entire crew to kill a defenseless human. That makes no sense. If anything, maybe one or two goons for protection. Maybe they weren't supposed to be there. It's better to wait and see what we're up against than act unrationally."

Baiken:*Sigh* "So long we get the answers we need... Fine, we will do it your way."

Y/N:"Of course you'll do it my way, you had no choice."

Baiken:"Really? So much for the 'us' thing, partner."

I'm joking, I'm joking! Don't get mad!

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