An Unexpected Gain

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An Unexpected Gain

Blitzø & Octavia had arrived at Lucifer's Castle, they entered & saw Stolas & Stella in the living room

"Blitzø." Stolas said

"Stolas, tell me, how much does Lucifer know?" Blitzø said

"I have no idea, we were told to wait here while they talked." Stolas said

"Is that who I think it is?" A voice said

They looked & saw the Patriarch of the Goetia Family

"King Paimon." Blitzø said

"Ah Blitzo, how wonderful to see you again, you certainly have grown since the last time I saw you." Paimon said happily

"I'm surprised you're happy to see me." Blitzø said

"Now, how can I forget the imp I bought to be my son's first ever friend." Paimon smiled

"Well, it's good to see you too, the name's Blitzø by the way, I just put the O on silent." Blitzø said

"Octavia, where is Moxxie, Millie, & Loona?" Stolas asked

"Oh crap, I forgot, hold on I'll go get them." Octavia said

"No, forget about them." Blitzø said

"But Blitzø, we might want to include them in this meeting." Stolas said

"There'd be no point." Blitzø said

"What do you mean there is no point?" Stolas said confusingly

"Because they're dead." Blitzø raised his voice

There was silence for a moment

"...What did you say?" Stolas said softly in shock

"They're gone, Stolas...they're not alive anymore." Blitzø said "This morning some cop came to my door & told me that Loona overdosed on drugs while Millie & Moxxie got killed in an accident."

"Blitzø." Stolas said as he hugged Blitzø "I'm so sorry."

"They were the best family I've ever had, & I lost them." Blitzø said in tears as Stella, Paimon, & Octavia felt sympathetic towards the Imp

"There there, it's alright." Stolas comforted

"Stolas, I'm sorry, the reason why I asked you on that date was because I was spying on them." Blitzø said

"It's alright, that doesn't matter, when I said I enjoyed spending time with you despite everything that happened, I meant it." Stolas said as he wiped Blitzø's tears

"Blitzø, I can tell the others to postpone the meeting, that way it will give you some time to mourn." Stella said

"No, no, I need to do this & face my punishment." Blitzø said

"But Blitzø—." Stella said

"I am the founder of the Immediate Murder Professionals & it's my job to take responsibility for my actions." Blitzø said "Paimon, take me to them."

"Very Well." Paimon said

Paimon led them to the Meeting Room where Blitzø saw Lucifer, Lilith, the Overlords, & Seven Sins.

"Blitzø, I've been expecting you." Lucifer said with a straight face as he stood up from his chair

"Hello, King Lucifer." Blitzø said

"Do you know why you're here?" Lucifer said as he approached him

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

Lucifer got close to Blitzø until he was an inch away from him

"You're highness, please, just kill me & get it over with." Blitzø said

"Kill you? I'M GONNA KISS YOU!" Lucifer exclaimed joyfully as he kissed Blitzø on both cheeks

"Whoa, what the!?" Blitzø said surprisingly along with Stolas, Stella, & Octavia "Wait, you're not mad?"

"Mad? Why my boy, this idea of yours is genius! Why didn't I think of that from the start?" Lucifer said "More importantly, why didn't you let me know about this company before opening it up for business?"

"Well, I was under the impression that you wouldn't approve of it, but I didn't think you would actually like it." Blitzø said

"Oh no. I definitely approve & I love it." Lucifer smiled "As a matter of fact, this company of yours could be my way of spiting my immortal enemies from above if you know what I mean."

"Oh, you're welcome, I guess." Blitzø said

"Also, another reason why I called you here is because I'm promoting your company." Lucifer said

"...Say that again." Blitzø said as he was stunned along with Stolas, Stella, & Octavia

"You heard right, I'm promoting the Immediate Murder Professionals, I'm moving you out of your old company building into an even bigger building." Lucifer said

"Really? You mean it?" Blitzø said surprisingly

"I most certainly do." Lucifer nodded

"Wow, this is, your highness, I don't know what to say." Blitzø said amazingly "Fuck it, I'll take it."

"Wonderful, I'm sure your employees will be overjoyed about this news." Lucifer said

"Oh...yeah...about them." Blitzø said lowly

"What? What's wrong?" Lucifer said

"Blitzø got wind of his employees dying, Lucifer." Paimon informed

"Oh, I'm sorry, are there any other employees you have left?" Lucifer asked in concern

"No sir, I have nobody who is working for IMP." Blitzø said

"Oh dear, this is very troubling." Lucifer said

"Did you have something to do with Moxxie & Millie's death?" Stolas scowled at Asmodeus

"Excuse me?" Asmodeus said

"I know that Moxxie sang a love song at your restaurant, but you didn't have to stoop that low!" Stolas scolded

"You say that like I killed them." Asmodeus glared

"Well, you're definitely number 1 suspect in my book." Stolas said

"Alright you two, that's enough." Lucifer said "Don't worry, I have a few recommendations that are fit for your company but we can talk about that tomorrow."

"Lucifer, if I may, Rosie & I would like to help Blitzø run his business, this company of his could be very entertaining." Alastor said

"As will I, Blitzø has been my friend for a long time & he'll be needing my help as well." Stolas said

"Very well, any other volunteers?" Lucifer said

"I'll help him." Stella spoke up

"You, Stella?" Lucifer said

"Yes, it's clear that Blitzø is aiming for the top & who better to help him reach it than I?" Stella said

"Hm, good point." Lucifer said

"Blitzø, before we end this meeting, I have a special gift for you." Paimon said

A red aura appeared above Paimon's hand causing a red book to appear

"Your very own grimoire." Paimon said as he gave it to Blitzø "This grimoire has everything you need, access to the living world, human disguises, it can also grant you powers & abilities. So study it well."

"Oh, I definitely will, thank you Paimon." Blitzø said "Lucifer, there's something I need to tell you?"

"Hm? What's that?" Blitzø said

"Well, during our last mission my employee Moxxie & I were caught by an organization called the DHORKS, they investigate paranormal activities, Demons specifically & I get the feeling that they may risk the exposure of our world here in Hell."

"I see...well, all I can say is that as soon as you get enough new employees, I'll make it your mission to demolish them completely." Lucifer said

"I understand." Blitzø bowed

"Good, I declare this meeting adjourned." Lucifer said "See you tomorrow, Blitzø."

When they got out of the palace

"Well, that went way better than I expected." Stolas said in relief

"Yeah, I thought my life was over back there." Blitzø said

"Well, at least you got something good out of this & no one got in trouble." Stolas said

"Hey Stella, thanks for volunteering to help me out." Blitzø said

"It's no problem, I believe it was time for me to put my hatred aside & do something helpful for once." Stella said

Blitzø then noticed Asmodeus approaching his limousine

"Excuse me for a second." Blitzø said as approached Asmodeus "Asmodeus, sir?"

"Hm? May I help you." Asmodeus said

"Now, I'm not gonna accuse you or anything, I just wanna know if you have any idea what happened to Moxxie & Millie." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, I have no idea what happened to them & I certainly wasn't the cause of their deaths." Asmodeus said "The last thing I remember is that I kicked them out after you & Stolas left Ozzie's"

"Are you sure?" Blitzø said

"I'm sorry for your loss, but I swear to you that I was not present the moment they were killed." Asmodeus said

"Oh..." Blitzø said

"Look Blitzø, I have no beef with you because of the relationship you currently have with Fizz." Asmodeus said

"You don't?" Blitzø said

"Of course not, so I don't necessarily hate you in any matter." Asmodeus said "If you're wondering how Lucifer found out about your company, someone called him & reported it."

"Someone did what?" Blitzø said surprisingly "Who the fuck pulled a snitch on me? Was it Fizzarolli?"

"I don't think so, why don't you ask him?" Asmodeus said

"Why? How's asking him gonna do any good, you know he's not gonna answer if I do." Blitzø said

"You two really need to make amends, the least you can do is apologize for what happened between you." Asmodeus said

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Blitzø said

"That's something you need to figure out." Asmodeus said as he entered his limousine

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, Asmodeus, how do I make things right, please tell me, I need help!" Blitzø said desperately as he knocked on the window which opened

"Listen, you want my advice, own up to your mistakes. If you keep making the same mistakes it's gonna ruin your life. Good luck, Blitzø." Asmodeus said as he drove off

"Blitzø, is everything alright?" Stolas asked

"Yeah, everything's fine." Blitzø sighed

"Alright then, Via, could you take Blitzø home?" Stolas said

"Okay dad." Octavia said

When they got to Blitzø's apartment, Blitzø sat on a step, pulled out a cigarette & a lighter, he tried to light up but no flame was coming out.


Blitzø heard a snap of fingers & looked up to see Octavia standing before him with a flame surrounding her finger. Blitzø light up his cigarette with Octavia's flame as Octavia sat next to Blitzø

"Sorry about you employees." Octavia said

"It's okay, it's just...why did they just die so suddenly, I don't get it." Blitzø said

"Well, some people die when it's at least unexpected, are you going to inform their families?" Octavia asked

"No, I don't have the guts to tell them, I'm sure the authorities will do that." Blitzø said

"Were you close to them?" Octavia said

"I was, like I said, they were my family." Blitzø said "I never got the chance to apologize to Moxxie & Millie for spying on them on their anniversary."

"Why would you spy on them on their anniversary?" Octavia said

"I get jealous everytime I see them together, I ask myself why they have a relationship so healthy & wholesome." Blitzø said "I couldn't do any of that since I don't know how to love."

"I never heard of anyone who doesn't know how to love." Octavia said

"Well, now you've met one." Blitzø said "Then there's Loona, she was my adoptive daughter, I wouldn't exactly say that we were close, she resents me for being overprotective of her. I'll forget the day she told me she didn't need me then."

"Wow, that's harsh, why did you adopt her if she was gonna act that way towards you?" Octavia said

"Because she needed a family, she needed someone, she was almost 18 when I adopted her & I couldn't let them kick her out in the streets when she reached that age." Blitzø said

"You have a good heart, no wonder my Dad fell for you." Octavia said

"Thank you." Blitzø said

"You sure are lucky to get your own grimoire, Blitzø, your first imp to ever get one." Octavia said

"Yeah, who knows what kind of powers I'll get from this." Blitzø said as he pulled out his grimoire & looked at it "At first I thought I was gonna be in deep shit with Lucifer, I never knew he would love what I was doing with my company."

"You know how he feels about God & the others from Heaven." Octavia said

"I know, when I was a kid I always dreamed of having a big building with a big office." Blitzø said

"Well, that dream is certainly coming true, huh?" Octavia chuckled

"Yep, I did tell your dad that if he applied, I would hire him." Blitzø said

"You definitely are a great boss." Octavia smiled

"What can I say, I'm one Helluva Boss." Blitzø smiled back

"Hey, my family & I are going to see Azathoth's Tears, would you like to come?" Octavia said

"You sure you don't mind?" Blitzø asked

"Of course I don't mind, I mean, you're technically a part of our family since you're my dad's childhood friend." Octavia smiled

"Then I would love to." Blitzø said

Later, Stolas, Octavia, Stella, Paimon, & Blitzø were watching Azathoth's Tears together.

"Wow, Dad, this is amazing." Octavia said

"Quite a sight to behold." Paimon complimented

"Beautiful, just like our little girl." Stella said as she hugged Octavia

"Mom, stop, you're embarrassing me." Octavia chuckled

"You enjoying yourself, Blitzø?" Stolas asked

"I certainly am." Blitzø smiled before thinking "Goodbye Moxxie, Goodbye Millie, Goodbye Loona, I'll miss you, but I'll always cherish the times we had together."

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