i | san francisco

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𝐾ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑒 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑠𝑜𝑛 sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. She heard some talking downstairs and decided to get up.

She got changed for the day in some black jeans, a red shirt, and black boots. She quickly tied her hair up and walked to her door opening it.

She noticed that Jason Todd was on the phone downstairs. She made her way down the steps as he finally hung up.

"What's going on?" She asked him grabbing some orange juice from the fridge.

"Want to go to San Francisco with me?" he grinned.

She gave him a look. "Why?"

"No reason." He replied. "You've never been, so I figured we'd go and check it out."

"Jason, I know there's an actual reason for us going. What's up?"

"Those pictures. Bruce tracked Dick in San Francisco. He wants us to go." Jason told her.

Her eyes softened. She hesitated before replying. Dick was her brother and he left her with Bruce. The two had gone through so much together and Dick left her.

"Fine. Let's go. I'm gonna beat his—" Khloe didn't finish the sentence as she heard Jason run up the stairs as fast as he could. "Jay!" She called out to him.

"What?!" He called back annoyed with her.

"No running! Bruce will know that you were running." She scolded him. "And I've totally been to San Francisco!"

"So what! He won't know unless you tell him. Besides what Bruce doesn't know won't kill him." He replied sarcastically with a smug grin on his face.

"I should wipe the smug look off your face right now."

"Try it."

She ran up the stairs and Jason made it to his room and locked it.


Khole looked around as Jason made his way up the stairs two by two and disappeared. They'd tracked Dick to some building. She saw Dick enter and go up to the top floor.

"Robin, top floor. Only see Dick and some other dude." She radioed to Jason. He didn't respond. "Robin. Come in."

She watched as armed men surrounded Dick. He punched one of them. Khole rolled her eyes. "Dumb move." She muttered.

Dick was overpowered by all the guys at once. Khloe sighed. Jason let a smoke bomb go off giving the two the advantage to come in and save the day.

Jason headed butted a guy, while Khloe punched another one and kicked him in the process. And Jason pushed a guy down and punched him. Knocking him out.

The two punched out two guys at the time. Jason walked over to Dick, who was on the floor. "Wow. Dick Grayson in the flesh. Nice to meet you, bro. I'm the new Robin." Jason said putting his hand out.

Khloe rolled her eyes. And walked up beside him.


Khloe watched as Jason and Dick carried this guy, who Jason and Khloe learned to be named Adamson. Khloe didn't question who he was and just rolled with it.

"Man, dude looks dead," Jason commented.

"Trust me. There's a difference between dead and knocked out." Dick replied.

"There always is," Khloe added. Earning a look from Dick.

"This is awesome! Robin and Robin in action!" Jason said excitedly. Khloe just rolled her eyes.

"Who the hell are you people?" Dick asked the two.

"Jason Todd and Khloe Wayne." Khloe piped up. Jason gave her an unsure look.

"The new Robin. Robin 2.0, right?" Jason added. They dragged Adamson to a car. The two Robin's put his legs down and Dick went to go open the back of the door. "Hey, seriously man. It's an honor to meet you." Jason said putting a fist up. Hoping to get a fist bump. Dick hesitated before doing so. Khloe sighed.

Once he did he opened the back of the car. They picked Adamson up once more and put him in the car. "I always wondered what this moment would be like. Never thought we'd be saving your life." Jason laughed.

"So there's a new Robin? Eh?" Dick asked.

"Yours truly in the flesh."

"If your Robin. Who's she?"

"Dark," Khloe told him.

"Does Batman know you guys are here?" Dick asked the two.

"Of course. Bruce knows how badly I've wanted to meet you. Pick your brain, catch a couple of pointers. He's all go for it, bro."

"Sure Jay. Keep telling yourself that." Khloe muttered.

"Hey! I'm gonna go grab my clothes." Jason said patting Dick on arm. "I'll be back!"

Dick closed the door as Jason did a little jump. He looked over at Jason as he ran off.

"Grab mine too, Robin!" Khloe called out to him.

"Got it!"

Dick and Khloe shared a look. "So your Khloe Wayne. Or should I say, Khloe Grayson?" Dick told her.

She looked at him with shock. "How'd you guess?"

"Please, Bruce didn't adopt two Khloe's," Dick explained.

"I'm not here for you. I'm here so Jason over there doesn't get himself into trouble."


"Something like that..."

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