A Small OS Part 24

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It's been a hr since Gauri had taken in O.T still under Observation..!! Omkara weeping bitterly inside seeing his CHIRAYYA's condition! but couldn't be visible..!! His heart breaks into pieces witness the Horrible scene in which his Gauri is drenched in pool of Blood..!!Though Rudra tries his best to support his Elder Brother but Still Om wants his only Elder Brother Now to comfort him ..!!

He stayed silently  Praying to save his Gauri  who Had Become a sole Reason for his life..!!


"Jab beetahuva Kal nehi Bulpavungi tho Agey Kysey Padungi Anika?" Said a voice seeing Anika who cries clutching her Daughter's clothes which he had made for her once up on a time..!!

"Bhayya..!" Anika broken into tears seeing her brother who's been her sole support system standing in front of her and hugs him...

"Tum chahthi ho ki Tum Shivaay ko Maaf Karsakey aur Ek Naayi Jindagi ki shuruwaath karey..!! Phir kyu Rokrahihoo Appney Appko?? Kyu Anika?" [  Why u  stopping yourself if u want to give a second chance to him..!! To Ur Relation?? why Anika?] asked Samar calmly

"Kyu ki  Mujhey Darr lagrahahai.!! Phirsey Uss unsaan ney Jisney Meri Himmath ko Chura kardiyatha..!! If he would betray me this time too..then, Ur Anika couldn't live any more..!!"sobbed Anika

"Ok..Calm down..Have a seat..!!"

"Look at me..!! Just put all this a side..But just  Answer for my 1 question.!"asked Samar calmly holding her hand

"Do U Still love Shivaay?"


"Haa..ya Naa Anika..? Just say Yes or No..!!"

"No..!! I hate him..!"

"Then, Say it again by seeing into my eyes Anika..!!"

"Bhayya..Stop this..!!'

"I will not..!! Never..!! Say it again by seeing into my eyes..Frankly ..!! Could u ?"

"Yeah..I still Love him..!! In-fact to the end of my Life i keep Loving me more than myself..!"

"Good.!! But U know What Love means?? Love means Trust Anika..!! Love a person is nothing but to believe a person Wholeheartedly that he will stay with u forever no matter what would happen..!! U said, U already in Love with him.. That Implies U still Trust him, Believes him more than ur self..!!"

"Don't confuse yourself Ani.. U Know what's ur problem is ?? Tujhey Shivaay sey Pyaar bhi hai aur Gussa bhi ...Tum ussey Gussa ho issliyeh ussey appni kareeb nehi aneydethi..Aur Pyaar bhi karthi ho issliyeh ussey appney appsey Dhoor bhi nehi janeydeythi  Anika..![ U Loves shivaay but Angry with him.! That's the sole reason why u don't want him near u and u can't make him away from u..!] Just take some time and think about it..!! I know Deep Inside your hearth is saying the same..!! Think about it..!!"

"Phar Bhayya?"

"Anika, Just listen to your heart this time..becoz it never dump u..!! I know When ever u want to move on Ur Anshi's memories hunts u..But, Anika U itself Agrees that Shivaay didn't have any connection with all this then, why r u Punishing him for ur Daughter's death? Why? In-fact Anshi is his blood too..!He's broken  like u ! If U still Loves him then, Give him a chance and starts a fresh life with him...I know if u live happily Ur Anshi will definitely come to u..!! Think about it " by saying this Samar left from there leaving a confused Anika behind


Anika's POV:

I woken up early and finished my morning chores and went to kitchen to prepare Breakfast for Druv..When i was involved in my work while Samar Bhai's words r still ringing in my ears..

"Tujhey Shivaay sey Pyaar bhi hai aur Gussa bhi ...Tum ussey Gussa ho issliyeh ussey appni kareeb nehi aneydethi..Aur Pyaar bhi karthi ho issliyeh Ussey Appney Appko durnehi janey deythi.!"

I came back to senses when i felt a tug and looks down to see A upset Druv rubbing his sleepy eyes..

"Druv! What's wrong bacha?"i asked him 

"Buaa..!" he whispered sadly

"Tell me Bacha..! What's the matter? Why u r so upset?" i asked him again cupping his face

"Riya will go back...Right?" he whispered Sadly

That's when reality strikes me..Riya is going back to her Parents? I felt a wave of hurt and disappointment runs through me.. Though That Lill soul had won our hearts in very short time but still The thought of her departure were hurting me deep inside ..!! But Composed my self as She's going Back to her Parents..!!

"Phar Druv..Riya has go to her parents right?" i asked him calmly

"But Why Now??" he shouted in anger

I smiles seeing him and makes him seated on counter and took him closer ..." Tell me will u miss Mamma, Papa if they went out leaving u?" i added seeing him  while He nodes in Yes

"Then, Riya is very small baby than u right? She must be missing her parents since 2 days.. Do u want to see her sad?

"No..!" he mumbled sadly

"Then Go and say Bye to her..!! With a happy face..!!" i suggested him

"Chalo Druv..let's get ready ..!!" i said and about to move but still Druv seated upset


"I donlt[don't] want to shee[ see] her sad..but I gonna miss her Buaa..!! She became My Belst[ Best] Friend..!" he said with a sad face

"I know.!! Even i gonna miss her..!! But we will visit her at weekends with Shivaay uncle and will get her many gifts kk?" i convinced him and we both left downstairs



"Doc, Hw is she?"asked Om with trembling voice

"She's still critical Mr.Oberoi.!!  had an Head injury and lost lots of blood..still we r trying for our best..!! try to be strong for her..!!"informed Doctor and left inside

"Meri Bachi..!!" whispered a crying Dadi

"O! Dekna Bhabhi ko kuch bhi nehi hogaa..!! Whoo Dabang Gauri hai..usssey kuch nehi hosaktha..!!"consoled Rudra

But Om remained unmoved and seated on a bench while hung his head down running his hands through messy hairs in tension..


After Breakfast, Everyone starts bid byes Riya and showed her with many gifts...!!

"Shivaay..I will come along to drop Riya..!"asked Anika

"No Anika...Her Parents r in rush..!! I will go"informed shivaay

"But, Shivaay.."

"Plz Anika..i promise we will meet them later privately ...But Not know..!!" By saying this Shivaay took Riya in his arms and left in his car hurriedly



"Anika.R u kk?"asked Samar who just entered inside

"Yes Bhayya..!! Absolutely..!"

"Ok so will u drop Druv in school..!! He's behaving adamant..!"

"Offcourse ..I will go ..!!"said Anika with a smile

Anika still in thoughts..she went to drop druv n school...

"Listen to teacher carefully and no more fights kk ?"

Suddenly a lill girl waved her hand seeing druv while he reciprocate with a smile...

"Whoo Preeti hai na?"  asked Anika

"Gud u r back to friends..!" Said Anika with a smile

Preeti was druv class mate with whom he had a fight ...it took a long time while Anika tries her best to sort out the issue but our druv who is stubborn as his buaa didn't budged to apologize ...and fights with her often...

"Haa buaa she said sorry along with a nice drawing ..so I become friend again...!"

"Haa ..that's very gud my baby..!"

"U would always says right...we should accept if one's apologizes for their mistake...hai na buaa..that's why we became friends again..!"said Druv calmly

Sudden Realization drawn Anika...! She brought up druv by having some values and teaching him ...Forgiving one who is guilty of his mistake..! But what's she's doing?? Why didn't she couldn't follow her own teachings which she's giving to druv...why ???
Suddenly her brothers words starts ringing in her mind... " Jab tak Aatheeth Ko nehi bulpavogi..kabhi Agey nehi padsakthi !"

"Buaa..kya huva?" Druv Shakes Anika for attention while wiping the tears from her cheeks ...
"Nothing baby...go..go inside...I have to leave for an important work.." said Anika wiping off her tears and composing herself...

"Kk bye" said druv and runs inside but halts in tracks hearing his buaa call..

"Thank u ... thank u so much Druv  !" Anika kissed him with love while tears r still making there way out..

Druv couldn't able to understand why his buaa is crying as well as thanking him...with much curiosity he asked." Kyu buaa?" Innocently while Anika cupped his face with love adding.." kuch nehi !" And left from there..

Her heart is flowing through many emotions and butterflies started playing inside her stomach by mixing of strange emotions in her

Hw stupid is she ?? She couldn't able to understand the fact which her baby understood in this small age .. she couldn't able to know the fact ..

He treasured my love ..As-well as My Hatred too...he can I left this man ?? Hw can I loose him?? Never..!!


A flow of various emotions runs in my heart..!!I quickly drives to home and runs towards his Room


I got Horrified  seeing Shivaay who is busy with a call suddenly get's freezes and fallen down on his Knees ..His face didn't shows an emotion nor expression while his Eyes were filled with tears and a bit swollen ..My Heart sank seeing his Venerable condition..!! Something is fishy! What's happening??? He's looking devastated with rolling tears  on his cheeks...

"Shivaay?" I runs towards him and quickly took him in a warm hug while Shivaay broke down in my embrace..

"Shivaay, Kya huva hai? What's wrong with u?? "asked Anika worriedly

"Gauri..!! gauri..!"

"Gauri? What happen to Gauri??"

"She's in Hospital Anika!! Her Life is in danger " mumbled shivaay


That's it for today..!! Don't kill me..by 28th i will be free from my exams and fly back to our Writing land for sure... Hope u like it..Plz drop ur valuable votes and comments below...Bye Bye

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