Chapter 3

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Year: 2021

Khanna and his guards searched for him the entire night in the words breaking the restriction that men are not allowed. They searched everywhere, But they couldn't find him. The search went for almost 12 hours all over the forest. Since the men were not allowed, Forest officers had no idea about the forest. They felt like going rounds in the forest but couldn't find him anywhere. But at last, They found an old hut. Instead of going to that haveli, Khanna entered into the hut, First. There were footprints of shivaay in the dust but he wasn't there. They finally got a clue about him after 12 hours. 

Khanna urged the guards and asked them to go inside the haveli which was 1 km away from where they are in. When they were all set to go, They saw shivaay approaching towards them with some packages in his hands. Khanna was relieved to see him there. But he looked so lost. 

"SIR..." - Khanna called and ran towards him. But he didn't respond rather he looked at him lost. Khanna tried to take the package he was carrying in a sack bag from his hand but shivaay denied to give it from him. 

"Let me..." - He said, No words came from him for the next half an hour of travel. Khanna tried to ask him. but he didn't speak anything. Villagers looked at them shockingly as they are the first group of men came from the forest alive. But shivaay was still lost, He neither cried nor speak anything. He just held the bag tightly in his hands and gazed at it with pain. 

"Sir, I have one information to share about that journalist." - He said, Shivaay eyelids raised in a jerk as his heart woke from the deep sleep after hearing it. 

"Who? An...Anika?" - Shivaay asked in his low tone. 

"Sir, Actually. Our guards broke into the house when there's none inside. Unfortunately, They found this note in the floors." - He said and gave his phone to him which had the picture of the letter written by her father to her. Shivaay gets that phone from him and reads it in a go. But it took time for him to understand the meaning as it wrote that her own father sold her to someone else. 

"WHAT THE HELL?" - He asked khanna shockingly. 

"Yes, Sir. Even I was shocked. We are searching for her all over the city. Hope we will find her soon." - Khanna said consoling when he started to suffer clearly seeing that image. He was in his worst condition. 

"First find, Whose this Mathur? What the f*** he wanted from Anika? I can't let her suffer in pain, This time." - He said, and the last few words of him turned into a whisper but it was heard by khanna who was still in his shock looking at his newly budded feeling for some lady in his life for the first time. He was there with him for the continuous 5 years. But never saw this phrase. Khanna immediately made a call to a private detective to know about Mathur. On the other hand, Shivaay took his phone and proceeded his own way to search for her. 


Before 2 days

Anika was clueless when she found the letter written by her own father to her. She left with nothing, Not even a decent bank balance. Now, After experiencing everything she felt that she shouldn't have trusted her father this much even after know that he was responsible for her mom's death. She had a cardiatic arrest after her father sold all her jewelleries and mortgaging the house with his gambling habit. Neither her tears accompanied her this time. She was clueless, None of her family members accept her when they came to know that her father sold her to the dangerous don. She ruffled her hair when she finds no other way to go. One side of her became so tired to run life long. She was ready to give up, At that point, She had no hopes with life other than giving up. But the warrior part of her asked her to fight till the last breath. That's it, She was ready to leave.

Taking her bags, Grabbing her mom's bangles with her she made her way out of her house without having any destiny to go. She was clueless but her inner feelings said she was doing the right thing. But her breath got hitched when she saw Mathur's men in the roads when she was inside the autorickshaw. Her feet started to shiver. She was in her night pyjama's. They missed her, And she got her breath back. 

"Thankgod!"- She breathed, This time her tears accompanied her while then her phone started to ring, Truecaller showed the name of Mathur. She threw her phone out from the autoriksha when she couldn't able to understand what to do next. 

"Ma'am. Where should I drop you?" - Taxi driver asked her. She didn't know where to go, without having anyone to help her. Even she didn't have any friends in her contact to help. Never in her lifetime, She felt so helpless. 

"Bhaiya, Bustop!" - She said in a choking tone. He glacing her view from the front mirror and take a turn towards the bus-stop. Her tears didn't stop, She was constantly crying. The feeling of loneliness and her helpless situation hit her so badly. 

Now, She can't trust anyone. Not even her shadow, She got down from the car as soon as it stopped in the entrance. She paid the taxi driver but before she take an other step, Mathur's men already reached the place and stood ahead her. Her 0.001% hopes also shattered when she saw them. But her wrist soon grabbed by the taxi driver to the passenger street and closed the door. He drew his taxi at his highest speed, She didn't know what's happening with her but she understood she was left to live for a reason. Her wrist hit on the door when he took the sharp turn and took the way where she never seen before. 

"My papa. Sold me. to them." - Anika managed to give the taxi driver an explanation. He was shocked to hear that. But he didn't stop the car. He managed to drive but he couldn't able to do anything when they surrounded the taxi in the highway. And grabbed the taxi driver and slaughtered him in front of her. His blood splashed her face. Over then, She understood how powerful he is. And gave up every hope she had with her. 


YEAR 1888 (See the year carefully)

"Milady, What's this?" - Shivaay asked about her scartching in her veins, He saw it when she was cooking in the kitchen with him. But she took her hand back to her didn't reply anything to him. For the past five years, She didn't behave with him this much different ever. But today, After asking that question she was not even ready to meet his eyelids. And through out the day, She even didn't meet him once. Until shivaay made a drawing of a crow which is saying sorry to the princess in the drawing. He crushed it and threw it inside the room through the window from the garden where he was standing. He didn't even think about the happening which will happen when the thakur see that drawing but thankfully, Ten-year-old anika peeped outside the window and smiled at him. 

"Why are you standing there?" - He heard the thakur's voice and immediately hid behind the tree. 

"Watching the crow in it's nest, Thakur sahib." - She lied to him loudly. Shivaay heaved out the breath relaxed after hearing her reply. After ten minutes, She ran downstairs covering her face with a shawl. Seeing her arriving, Shivaay ran towards their safe spot, A small barricade nearer to the mango tree, Nobody visit's there as one of their househelp hanged on the tree. Due to that fear, Nobody visits the garden after 6 in the night but it eventually became their safer spot to speak. 

"I am sorry, Milady." - He said as soon as she arrived.

"It's okay." - She said with a smile and sat next to him. 

"You're not looking like a crow!" - She continued to say giving him his drawn images. 

"But you're a princess." - He said while looking at the princess drawing he made having her as a reference. 

"Maa ji asked me not to say about it to anyone." - Anika said looking at her scratches in her hand. 

"But you can say it to me, I am your secret keeper, Right. Say it to me." - Shivaay said, Over then, She turned around and showed the scratching in the nape of her neck and showed her foot which was swollen in a particular place. 

"Harre, What happened? From where you fell down?" - He asked while touching all her wounds. 

"You know, Last night, Thakur sahib was not feeling well, He didn't walk straight and he smell worst, While then, He pushed me to the bed closing my mouth tighter. I didn't know what happened but it pained a lot. I cried a lot while then. In the morning, Maa ji changed my clothes and asked me not to say it anyone as it happens with everyone. But still, I have no idea." - Anika said while holding his palm tighter. 

"Did he beat you?" - Shivaay asked her innocently. 

"No. Actually I don't know. I was so scared. Thakur sahib was behaving like that for the first time to me." - She said, Without even knowing what had happened to her, Tears crossed his eyes sensing her pain.

"Why are you crying? I am fine." - She said while holding his hand tighter. 

"Still paining?" - He asked her. 

"Some parts." - She said with a smile. 

"Where?" - He asked her. 

"I can't say. You're a boy." - She said chuckling. 

"From next time, I will add sleeping pills in Thakur's milk. So that he won't hurt you anymore in the night but sleep." - He said looking at her with smile. Both chuckled in an spark.

"And change the crow to cat while drawing next time. And look at her princess's nose. Does my nose look like this?" - She asked and eventually started to hit him when he nodded yes to her. After talking to them, She forgot every pain she was going through and shivaay just wanted to see the smile in her face nothing else. 


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