Chapter 2: The Big Day

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The day of Maja's event arrived, and the stadium was packed with spectators. The air buzzed with anticipation as the world's best athletes prepared to compete. Maja stood at the edge of the high jump area, taking deep breaths as she visualized her approach, her jump, and the moment she would clear the bar.

In the stands, Mondo was watching, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. He had his event to focus on, but right now, all he cared about was seeing Maja succeed. He knew how much this moment meant to her, how hard she had worked to get here, and he was determined to be there for her every step of the way.

Maja's first attempt was smooth, her body moving with the grace and precision she had honed over years of training. She cleared the bar effortlessly, the crowd erupting in cheers as she landed on the mat with a smile.

As the competition progressed, the bar was raised higher and higher, and the pressure began to mount. Maja remained focused, her determination unwavering as she prepared for each jump. But even as she pushed herself to new heights, she could feel Mondo's presence in the stands, his support giving her the strength she needed.

Finally, it came down to the last jump. The bar was set at a height that would be a new personal best for Maja—one that would put her in contention for a medal. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she visualized the jump in her mind.

As she began her approach...


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