Epilogue: The Journey Continues

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The Olympics ended, and life returned to normal—or as normal as it could be for two Olympic medalists. Maja and Mondo went back to their training, their schedules just as demanding as before, but there was a new sense of purpose in everything they did.

The medals they had won were a testament to their hard work, but they also represented something deeper—the strength of their relationship, the support they had given each other, and the love that had grown between them.

As they prepared for the next phase of their careers, Maja and Mondo knew that the journey was far from over. There would be new challenges, new goals to chase, and new heights to reach, but they would face them together, side by side.

And that, they both knew, was the greatest victory of all.


Thank you all for reading!!
I know it was a short story😭😭

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