Chapter Four

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      "AHHHHHHHHH!!" Peril yowled as ebony black eyes hunted her soul. The silver shadow came forth towards her, streaking towards her as rapidly as a strike of lightning. It flooded her vision, slashing past her eyes and body, whipping her wings, tail, spikes. All of it. This Ivory fog stormed in, colliding with her scales and spines. Even in Peril's frenzied, she knew exactly what this was. 


She knew  what this was. An IceWing's secret weapon. Hvitur had always told her he could kill her in one blow, one shot of frostbreath and she'd be gone, her firescales doing nothing to help. Nothing  can save you from frostbreath. It puts out the hottest of fires! NOTHING CAN SAVE YOU.

     Peril huddled down onto the stone. You're a goner you idiot! She scolded herself, feeling the cloud surround her. She waited for the moment, where the cold air would sink into her scales and petrify her mind, coating her brain in icy darkness.   But strangely.... it never came. 30 seconds later, Peril was still there. She looked up, the white fog still dusting around her vision. Beyond it was a huffing gray IceWing, looking just as confused as she was. 

     Peril looked at her scales. Not frozen, not purple with frostbite or falling off. Genuently, she didn't even feel cold (She hadn't even really felt cold before, but she thought that maybe being shot with frostbreath might do the trick). She kept looking from  her talons to the IceWing, who she could now see was Hvitur. She mind couldn't decide whether it was terrified or enraged. Honestly, it was probably both. 

      "Wh- WHY!?!?" She hollard. All her scales were was wet. Like the ice hit but all it did was melt, and now the little droplets were evaporating anyway. Hvitur looked at her, a stutter in his breath. 

      "I- wha- ho- WHa- Y-" He tried to say. "Y-YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE!!" He stepped back, looking at the SkyWing. 

     "I k-KNOW!" She shouted back at him. "WHy am I ALIVE!?" Hvitur wanted move further back, seeming just to retreat from the situation. Peril's mind couldn't spiraling. Frostbreath was supposed to kill a firescales! Right......? Suddenly a voice shot up from the shadows, another dragon leaping from the darkness. 

     "HVITUR!!!" Screamed the voice of Dune. Dune!? Peril's mind cried. He's in on this too!? She guessed why Hvitur would try and kill her, he had never liked her. He was an IceWing, opposite of her. He also had black scorch marks on his claws, which she had always been told she had given him. Apparently, it was the first  thing she had done to him... mess up his talons. He had only ever saw her as an uncontrollable monster. Dune ran over to Hvitur's side. 

     "Why is sh-she still ALIVE!?" The SandWing hollered with a stutter. 

     "I- Don't know! I thought my frostbreath would work!!" Hvitur cried, looking to Dune. The both of them spiraled into a screaming match in front of the SkyWing dragonet. Peril huddled against the wall. She didn't know why they wanted to kill her, but she wasn't going to let that happen anyways. However, she wasn't really the one in control of his situation. 

     "I know what to do!" Shouted Hvitur. "Get her with your tail!" 

     "NO!!" Dune screamed in relay, throwing up his talons. "NO WAY. I'M NOT TOUCHING HER." he put his tail into his claws, glaring at Hvitur. 

     "Well what if I freeze it first!?" Hvitur suggested.  

     "Wh-H- WHA- I Mean-" The SandWing stuttered in response. "Lets just do this before she runs away!" 

And then everything just happened so quickly. 

Before she knew it, Dune's poisonous sandwing barb heading right between her eyes. Peril screamed, she was cornered against the wall, she didn't have anywhere to go. What is Dune doing!?  doesn't he know this isn't going to work!? Peril pushed against the back wall. 

"PERIL! LOOK OUT!!" Screamed a voice. However, just then, she felt a tremendous weight. It just came out of nowhere! But before she knew it, her vision was black and she was being pounded against back of the wall. There she was, completely squashed.  WHAT IN THERE MOONS IS GOING ON!? But that voice..... Oh my GOODNESS. 

     "CLAY!?" Peril shouted recognizing that voice. "CLAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!" She yelled to the dragon above her. 

"I'm saving you!!" Clay bellowed from above. It was then when the MudWing twisted above her, she slid off her smooth crimson scales and into infront of her. Dune and Hvitur were still there, Dune was holding his tail, which was coated in ice. He was hollering, yelling at Hvitur.  Peril guessed that Hvitur hd already frozen his barb so they could strike her, but then Clay had jumped in. Meanwhile Clay was standing right in front, beckoning to her with his wing, saying something. 

"Come with me if you want to live!" 

Yeah, I quoted Terminator, whatcha gonna say about it 😂


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