Chapter Seventeen

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Beestripe's newborn kits were already tumbling around camp. Stonekit, who had been named after Stonetail, had, literally, come out kicking, whilst Honeykit, the runt of the litter, had barely come out at all. The only normal kit was Cloudykit, who spent most of the time gazing up at the sky. 

I told Stormcloud regretfully, "You'll have to come with me, this Gathering. We need all our most well-known warriors."

Morningpaw rose up onto her hind legs and cuffed the ears of an invisible enemy, "Lemonstar wouldn't dare challenge you again! Not with me around!"

I flicked her playfully with my tail, "Lemonstar will cower in fear!"

Tropicpalm sighed, "I guess I better come with you this time. Yellowpaw can take care of Beestripe if anything happens, she's getting her medicine cat name next week anyways."

The brownish-gold apprentice practically jumped into the air with excitement. 

My friend padded up to me, "I've got to keep an eye on you, too, Mistystar."

Tropicpalm had very smugly informed me, just last week, that I was expecting kits. However, afraid of his reaction, I hadn't told Fallenleaf yet. 

Right now, as the tom looked over curiously, I raised my voice, "Of course you do! In case Lemonstar attacks again! Come on, lets go."

Turning sharply, I led the patrol out of camp, trying to seem like I wasn't in hurry and, at the same time, hurrying. 

Fallenleaf caught up to me, our pelts brushing. "Amberpaw is improving rather dramatically. She knocked over Crowpaw the other day!"

"Really?" I reminded myself to be happy for him, "That's great!"

But he seemed preoccupied, "What if she heard us? And that's why she's started concentrating?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but, as we pushed our way into the clearing, I lost Fallenleaf amongst a crowd of Skyclan cats. It looked like Amberstar had arrived first, sitting atop a high branch, waving her tail in greeting to me. I bunched up my muscles and leaped, digging my claws in to the bark, using my hind legs to push myself up further. 

I reached the branch Skyclan's leader was on, blinking politely, "How is leaf-bare so far for Skyclan? Beestripe's kits have finally come! We are welcoming Stonekit, Honeykit and Cloudykit into the clan."

Amberstar purred her congratulations, though her mew was stiff, "Skyclan has been fairing well."

Revealing no more, she looked away as the rest of the clans arrived. 

She stood as soon as the other leaders were settled, "Skyclan has much to report! We have scented Peaceclan in our territory, as well as a dead squirrel."

I couldn't hold back a gasp of outrage, "Liar! Peaceclan has done nothing to Skyclan!"

Amberstar whirled around to growl at me, "You think, because you used to be part of Skyclan, that you can take advantage of us? You're wrong! Peaceclan was never supposed to be a clan in the first place! Maybe you should just take your cats and leave!"

My shoulder fur rose as I froze, shocked. I looked out at the Gathering, seeing Falconpaw rise onto his hind legs to glare down at Crowpaw. Sparkpaw snapped at him as accusations were yowled. Fallenleaf squared his shoulders, fury shining in his deep, brown eyes. I suddenly felt tired, my shoulders drooping dejectedly. For the first time, I could feel the weight of my swollen belly. 

Lemonstar hissed, "Amberstar is right! We should drive out Peaceclan!"

Fallenleaf bushed his tail, darting to protect his clan mates. I slid out my claws as Amberstar approached me. 

Not again! 

Claws flying wildly, I caught her on the shoulder, unbalancing the leader. Amberstar howled in rage, throwing herself at me. I took several steps backwards, but my belly weighed me down. I heard Fallenleaf shriek as Amberstar's claws caught me on the chest. Wobbling dangerously, blood soaked my fur as I heard something roar in my ears. 

This cat was endangering my clan and, most importantly, my kits. With a violent caterwaul, I pinned Amberstar down with one paw, ripping open her stomach. As I stepped back, I tore several clumps of fur off her pelt.

"Amberstar!" Sunmist and Lilypad wailed together.

I bared my teeth at the struggling she-cat, "Never, ever, try to hurt me again."

Amberstar stared at me, her eyes shining with pain, "I'm so -"




Something like regret was starting to reach my heart but I was distracted by a familiar yowl, filled with pain. Tumbling out of the Great Tree, in my hurry, I bolted towards where Fallenleaf had been wounded by an angry Thunderclan warrior. Sunmist and Lilypad got there first.

Sunmist threw herself in between the two hissing cats, her voice ringing around the Gathering, "Stop! Look at the moon!"

I froze, lifting my head up to stare at the night sky. The moon had been swallowed by dark, stormy clouds. Gasps sounded all around as, without a word, the rest of the leaders jumped out of the Great Tree. 

I felt Fallenleaf's pelt brush mine, "We should get Peaceclan out of here. The Gathering is over."

Lilypad stiffened on my other side, "Not just out of here. We need to get Peaceclan out of this whole star-cursed lake!"

Fallenleaf let out a growl of derision that did not go unnoticed by Lilypad. The dignified she-cat only lashed her tail before turning to follow the rest of the clan out, her shoulder fur ruffled. 

I rested my tail on Fallenleaf's spine as we padded after her, "Don't be so harsh. She had a point, you know."

My deputy flicked his tail, ears flattening, "Peaceclan is not backing off without a fight."

I murmured sadly, "Peaceclan can no longer be called Peaceclan. We are the cause of this current dispute between the clans. Besides, we have already fought."

Letting this sink in, I trudged onwards, my fur becoming heavier with each step. Or were those my worries?

Fallenleaf seemed determined to look for the silver lining, "We should name Peaceclan Mistyclan!"

There was the deep rumble of a purr and I realised Morningpaw had heard. 

She meowed earnestly, "That's a brilliant idea, Fallenleaf! Mistystar found this clan and gave us all a home away from home during the chaotic times." 

The old apprentice waved her tail at Spiderfur and Crowpaw, "Mistystar's renaming the clan to Mistyclan!"

Crowpaw blinked, "Of course, Peaceclan doesn't really suit us anymore, does it?"

Spiderfur simply sniffed in agreement, looking uninterested in the topic. Fallenleaf twined his tail, with mine, "Told you, Mistystar!"





- quill 

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