Chapter Twelve

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I flattened my ears at Amberstar, "I think we can."

She had been made leader only a moon ago when Hawkstar had died peacefully in his sleep.

I felt Lilypad shifting uneasily beside me, "I'm sorry, Amberstar. But it's for the possibility of a future for Peaceclan."

I shot a glare at Lilypad, "We're NOT sorry. And it's not only for Peaceclan. If we continue to stay in Skyclan, the other clans will accuse you of assisting Peaceclan. At the moment, the other clans don't approve of Peaceclan. But they will, when I make it an actual clan."

Amberstar twitched her whiskers, "It's not that easy."

Stormcloud shrugged, "We do not mind that it will be hard."

Lilypad objected, "I don't think she means it like that. If we leave, it'll cause the other clans to believe that Amberstar wasn''t able to raise loyal warriors. It shall taint Skyclan's reputation."

Tropicpalm nodded supportively, "Lilypad's right."

I snapped, "What's the big deal? If you're a real leader, you'd earn back Skyclan's reputation."

Stormcloud snarled, "There are all sorts of challenges along the path of leader ship. This is only one more. It will help train you to be a good leader."

Amberstar still looked uncertain but did not argue, "Fine. We will miss all four of you. You have all served Skyclan well."

I leaned back, surprised but pleased that she had given in so quickly, "I am certain that we will miss all our clan mates."

Amberstorm dipped her head, "I shall announce your departure now."

The golden-brown she-cat slipped out of her den, waving her tail for us to follow. When we emerged outside, every head in the clearing turned to look at us. 

Sunmist, the new deputy, sat beside Falconpaw and Sparkpaw, staring at me blankly like she always did when emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Tigerpearl padded up to her and they exchanged a few words, their posture suddenly resolute. 

Huckleberry welcomed Tropicpalm, licking her apprentice's forehead with a forced purr. Treeclimber padded up to Lilypad and they started mewing quietly to each other. 

Nightpelt watched from a tail length away, her eyes thick with jealousy. Barkpelt and Foxstrike lied lazily outside the elders den, their ears pricked as Amberstorm sprang up onto a branch of the Tall Tree. 

She called, "Let all cats old enough to climb join me under the Tall Tree."

As the clan gathered, Amberstorm announced, "Today, we will be saying goodbye to some of our best warriors and our medicine cat apprentice. They will still be in the forest as Peaceclan but shall not be part of Skyclan anymore. Say your goodbyes, from now on, Mistysky, Lilypad -"

"I shall join them."

Everyone looked round at Treeclimber in surprise. The orange speckled brown cat curled his tail around his paw in embarrassment but insisted, "I would like to join Peaceclan."

Lilypad shifted beside me, her tail flicking as she caught his gaze. I looked between the two cats, wondering what was happening between them. 

Stormcloud breathed wonderingly in my ear, "They're in love!"

I stifled a laugh as I remembered how Lilypad had claimed that she would never love.

Suddenly, Crowpaw spoke up, "I'd like to travel with Peaceclan as well."

I stared him, then at his parents. Sunmist had lowered her head in acknowledgment and Tigerpearl choked out an encouraging purr.

Morningpaw, who had been made my apprentice, stood, lifting her chin and catching my eye and speaking directly to me, "I'll go with you as well, if you'll take me."

Touched I meowed, "Of course. You may all join Peaceclan."

Amberstar flicked her tail impatiently, "Okay, OKAY. All that wish to join Peaceclan shall, from now on, not be a part of Skyclan. You will follow Mistysky who will," She flashed me a knowing glance, "soon enough, be Mistystar."

There was a wistful murmuring amongst the warriors as we said our goodbyes. I pressed my muzzle into Sunmist's affectionately before stepping back and leading my warriors out the gorse tunnel.


I distinctly remember being quite fond of this chapter. 

Can I take that back please?

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- quill

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