Chapter 11. Mysterious Forces

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The night was heavy. Flashbacks of the scene ravished his mind, driving him silly. He reiterated many unanswered questions. Rehearsing and telling himself what he could have done differently.

To get up, find Kisha while the images are still in his mind, but he stayed put because it upset him. His time out on the benches compelled him to reflect on what transpired. Nothing made sense. Ahni slept sound while Crescent spent the night awake only dozing off as the sun ascended.

Soon Ahni awakened him, and the siblings traveled back to the school. Class had already been in session, leaving the two to dash and prep. Ahni disliked being late. Crescent never cared.

Tired, sleep deprived and moody, the brunette tried to keep up with class, but often dozed. The quiet ticking of the classroom's clocks filled the cold air as if a lullaby took his hearing. Until lunch came, solace allowed to be caught, but his mind was on another mission.

He skipped ordering today, footsteps sending frame around the room in a hastily stride. The window of opportunity in locating the taller male, slim. Determined to get what he wanted, Crescent had to drive the needless weight from his body.

Many of the more curious pupils wanted to know what he was looking for. His face crunched and his eyes darting back and forth could have been mistaken for someone who had received drugs. Ignoring them, retaining his search, the whispers increased.

Kisha isn't difficult to pinpoint. His bright hair stood out as white against a blackboard and the fact that he was the only one in school with such color. Crescent didn't locate the familiar locks at any of the tables. He wasn't near the lunch lady serving booths. Not a glimpse of the redheaded leader either.

He was becoming discouraged, a gathering of students blocked his forward path talking of recent chocolates making rounds throughout the academy.

He pushed himself between, followed by a few curse words before he settled in the center room. The table the gang 'claimed' he learned to be empty. Kisha hadn't come to the lunchroom.

Groaned through clenched teeth, he could go crazy; so he assumed. The sea of individuals spread out as different, but the same outfits caused his head to spin. Hairstyles, tattoos and shades of vibrant to dingy colors distorted his vision with his glasses on. Just when he hoped he had seen Kisha, he vanished.

Not being prepared to concentrate on his purpose became a daunting task. How did he hope to spot someone in this pile of bodies? The noise level being excessively high, hearing went in multiple directions. What if Kisha passed him various times?

"Dammit!" Crescent exclaimed to wide air, twisting his frame, trudging where he left Ahni. Choosing to give up for the time being or catch the male on a less crowded period.

Blaming him not obtaining adequate sleep, today wasn't his day. Crescent sighed, sitting beside his brother and plopping his head against the table in defeat. It was definite he knew nothing about the male.

"What's wrong, Cres?" Ahni asked with a dip of his head.

"I can't find him." His muffled sounds of defeat sounded deflated and loss.

"That's because he may not be here. Try asking that juvie from the auditorium." Ahni tried to lead his brother right.

Crescent sat up, narrowed eyes fired at Ahni in return. Sometimes, Ahni was smarter than Crescent allowed him to be. Never giving him the proper praise but making him feel small. If he knew where the individual was, he wouldn't be here.

Ahni studied Crescent's face, aware that everything had frustrated his brother at this point. He raised his hand, pointing to a nearby table that a group of seven people occupied.

Some tables in the room accommodated a larger group, and then some made for just two students. The tables and chairs were nailed shut to the white-tiled floor.

Sitting with a group of friends, the first year. Crescent followed his brother's digit, slipped from his seat, and walked as fast as he could over to the directed table. Not caring what was happening between the group, Crescent placed a heavy hand on the first year's shoulder, pressing heavy to gather all of his attention.

"Hey, can we talk?" Crescent called over the crowd.

The chubby male looked over his shoulder, at first a bit shocked because he jumped from what felt like an attack, but then instantly smiled. Been a while since the two met.

"Congrats on your gauntlet. I didn't think you had it in you. So, which gang--" The chubby first year sounded genuine. His eyes averted to the ID dangling from Crescent's neck.

Flipped on the correct side, showing nothing more than his picture, name, and class rank, also the academies logo. Curiosity sparked within the juvie for a moment, the shiny object glistening above his glasses.

"The crazy shorty. I need answers on someone else. Can you tell me where the colossal idiot is?"

Watching him with a dumb grin, the juvie would simply raise an eyebrow at the description Crescent gave.

"Who?" The chubby first year asked.

Rolling his eyes at the response, Crescent was getting more agitated. He didn't want anybody at the table listening to their conversation nor did he want to stand here a moment longer.

He didn't think Kisha deserved an exact description. His fingers squeezed the male's shoulder. The eyes of the group now on him. Maybe because he stole the attention of their key speaker or the fact that the juvie had associated himself with someone of Crescent's caliber.

The entire group looked to love the tamed side of life. Curious stares were foretelling.

"That crazy eyed... colossal fool."

"White hair?" The chubby first year responded.


"Tan skin?"


"His name?"

It was clear by the followed smirk Crescent was being played with. He leaned in closer to the male, watching him chew on a piece of candy he popped into his mouth a moment ago. The smell of fruity taffy filled his nostrils with every inhale. Not in the mood, Crescent only stared with a dull, unwavering look.

He didn't have time for this. Lunch was going to end soon. He didn't eat which added on to his irritability. He was hangry. Assumed the first year caught onto the seriousness of the situation because his face lit up suddenly and he smiled to steer the conversation.

"Sometimes that big idiot, that's tan with white hair and crazy eyes eats outside beneath the giant oak tree. There's an exit to the left of here. I told you to stay away from him."

Tapping the juvie's shoulder, Crescent was satisfied with the answer he received. Standing, changing his direction and walking his way from the table, Crescent could feel his nerves starting to rise. The warning was something a stubborn person could not listen to.

Stay away? It was too late for that. Knowing what transpired last night was enough to put him on edge. The question was why? A clang of the large door and a cool breeze melted his frame once exposed to the weather.

With the heat from every individual and the lunch ladies cooking, the lunchroom was the warmest place in the building. It was better outside, hugged beneath the chillier air. The sunshine kept the air warmer during the day unless clouds delivered teasing temperatures of the season.

This season was one of his favorites. Leaves of all colors painted the ground in art. Too bad they didn't get to see that here on school's ground. It was cleaned, grass cut, and trash picked up.

Stale green grass and the occasional flower bed, given as scenery until winter painted everything in white. His eyes scanned for the tree the juvie spoke of which resided only a few feet away from where he was standing.

The giant tree was beautiful. Lush green, vibrant, its branches reached out in every direction. The shaded grass felt cooler as it tickled his bare ankles. The swaying of the branches mimicked the sound of rustling paper. Different from the commotion he left behind, it calmed his nerves. Crescent walked with a slow, steady pace, wanting to see Kisha before he was spotted.

Sticking both hands into his pocket, he ran through his mind the words he wanted to say. Admitting that within him not only was there a bit of anger, but a sense of longing.

Either one could easily be switched on more than the other depending on the situation. They've never been on good terms, so not knowing how this will play out only made Crescent more weary.

His hues filled with the familiar body sitting at the base of the tree as he closed in. He was alone, his school blazer placed beneath him, he sat with his legs straight. His tray was placed on his lap, hands occupied by a turkey sandwich.

Drawn to his lips, a bite and then placed back down became a routine. He seemed in peace, his eyes focusing on the field of dancing grass. Crescent couldn't imagine that this person is the way he is.

Kisha was mysterious, a loner and the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his years of being on earth. He had to admit silently. Even when he didn't want to mind the older male, he had to. When Kisha opened his mouth; however, things didn't match the exterior.

Stopping just at the other's side, Crescent watched the quick glance from the male before he returned to eating his lunch. Not even close to an acknowledgement. Was he being ignored?

"Can we talk?" Crescent huffed quietly, his lip drawn into his mouth. He planned on remaining calm, but there was no guarantee. Ahni's advice was to just talk it out with Kisha and leave the emotions behind. That was a tough thing for someone like Crescent who allowed very small things to boil his blood.

Seeing Kisha again brought unwanted emotions back to his mind; however, it was different. Crescent felt a small tugging of needing to be closer. When did this start?

Kisha's lack of response forced a small sigh from Crescent's lips, his hand moved up to wipe at his forehead in frustration.

"No promises, Ahni." He whispered to himself. Shifting his weight, body pressed against the giant tree for support. Crescent brought his hands from both pockets to fold at his chest when gentle air sent his clothing blowing.

"Kisha, I need answers." Crescent knew the way Kisha acted, the two may never come to an agreement, but he had to try something. The white haired male only brought his sandwich to his lips once more. The way his mouth opened, clamped around the object, those small fangs being driven into the bread, only brought Crescent back to his original thoughts.

To think someone who clearly looked human resembled an animal. Stuff like that didn't exist in this world so why were these things adding up? Still no response, not even a glance from Kisha. Crescent felt defeated, not knowing how to get his point across. If there were one thing he needed to confirm it was if his body acted on its own or if it was influenced.

He had to admit, he wasn't a saint, but catching a boner after a fight wasn't something Crescent did.

"Do it again." He whispered, his eyes averting downward to glance at his arms. His heart was picking up in pace thinking about how he felt at that time. To ask someone in aiding with something so personal was embarrassing. What had he been asking for? Things like that...

"Do what?" The soft hush that filled the air from Kisha made Crescent look up. Their eyes meeting sent shivers down Crescent's spine and then the brunette allowed his gaze to awkwardly shift. The curious look within those icy blue hues told Crescent Kisha sought something. The fact that the very objects that made him react so lewdly now held him once more wavered his courage.

He finally grabbed Kisha's focus, but at what cost? He hated this. The sandwich was relinquished and his attention was now in the palm of Crescent's hand. He stared, not once blinking.

"What you did.... to me." Crescent shifted at the request, feelings of being uncomfortable plagued within him. It started to get hot just from standing here. Sacrifising his sanity to figure out what he been through was low. Too low for even him. If Kisha decided to act upon his request, how could he even think to keep this up?

"I didn't do anything." Kisha looked away, focusing elsewhere. What happened last night, a freak mistake. The reaction he got he didn't seek it. Seeing Crescent so vulnerable was enough to shake him, he looked frail, weak and.... appealing. So much that Kisha couldn't stop thinking about what happened. The written effects plummeted him into a hole last night and sleep had been near none, but the same picture kept flashing into his mind.

Crescent's body was calling him and he felt inclined to answer. Was this idiot aware?

As long as he had attended this academy, Kisha never had thoughts of wanting to sexually interact with any male. The naked bodies in the gym class and whenever he bathed with others during field trips. Something he had grown used to. Even the times Saikai made him watch gay porn.

"Kisha, stop playing. The moment you looked at me with that stupid head tilt, I seen it. Your eyes... they glowed faintly. Then the air got so cold, you didn't blink once. That's when I felt it, something-- no you taking your hands and rubbing me all over. I ended up almost cumm--"

"Sounds like a wet dream." Kisha called which stopped Crescent in his tracks. He looked up at the older male rolling his eyes. How could it be a dream? Because this wasn't normal? Crescent tightened his arms around his frame, trying to calm the rushing shivers. He wanted to be mad. Kick Kisha for whatever he did.

"You did it. You know, I know. I just want to also know.... why? It's impossible..."

The answers to that question was something Kisha knew he couldn't answer. Crescent would never understand the complexity of the situation. He needed him to just let it go. Not giving him what he sought after, had to only lead him to forget eventually.

For Kisha, it was time to go. Placing the tray beside him, he pushed himself to his feet before he scooped up his blazer and gave it a little shake. Folding it, Kisha threw it across his forearm. Crescent, fearing he was leaving, reached out, grappling Kisha by the arm to stop him.

"W-wait. Listen, I could smell sugar. My mind filled with you and for a brief moment... I only wanted... you. As if you were calling me. I was being tormented but I felt it was ok to want more. I can't get you out of my head since it happened."

Crescent's tone spirals into sadness. His demeanor buckles and the once strong brunette crumbles. Kisha had to know the answers. He wasn't leaving without them.

"Please, tell me..."

Kisha turned around, a light narrow in his eyes as he watched a softness bellow from Crescent's frame. A softness that was hidden by the exterior of a rough life. The same softness he experienced in the nurse's office.

There was that gentle, more attractive side to him. One Kisha couldn't deny was pulling him closer again. He shifted on his feet, taking a few steps until the only thing that separated them was his blazer. He leaned down as Crescent's head fell backwards to look at him in uncertainty.

The look in the eyes of the taller male became one Crescent could not ignore. A thirst of an animal in need, no, a being holding back. He looked to be in pain as his hues desperately tried to say something his lips could not.

"Don't... act like you understand... It's best you stay away from me." Kisha said as pressed himself even closer, the two frames collided. He wouldn't be able to keep it up-- his guard.

The constant thirst, swallowing didn't chase. The nagging pain in his stomach he tried to eat away. What it felt like being at the mercy of another person. Crescent pinned between the cold of the tree bark and warm sturdiness of the taller male.

He couldn't openly admit it, but he was satisfied with how close they had gotten. The flames that pushed into him, he felt he could melt against Kisha's want.

What did he want?

The feelings that rushed through him no longer desired him to want to hurt Kisha. He forgot the anger from the recent interactions.

Kisha seemed more in tune with the situation as well. His hard stare now softened, his lips parted to expose the tip of his peeking tongue. Small hard breathes brushed his cheeks as every exhale smelt of the lunch Kisha just ate.

Butterflies fluttered Crescent's stomach, hues dancing over the tanned beauties face. The building of silent emotions were tearing down the bases they built. Writing a story from the beginning as if nothing negative ever happened. What Kisha felt, Crescent felt. What were these feelings?

"You're aroused..." Crescent whispered, feeling something hard against his inner thigh. Kisha released a small smirk before licking his lips.

"I'm not joking." Crescent sounded serious.

"I'm not hard."

"Then what is that...?" Crescent asked unsure, but the embarrassment filled his throat and he nearly chocked on his spit. Nothing with that kind of shape, close to a males leg, could be anything but an erection. Kisha was playing games with him.

"See for yourself." The heavy daring breathes whisper Crescent off of his feet. The sudden urge to fulfil Kisha's request came into his mind. His bottom lip shook, as a hand pulled from in between them made its way slowly to the hard object that prodded him.

If it were an erection, he'd be tricked into touching Kisha inappropriately. If it wasn't, then he'd be made a fool. The risk vs the reward was tearing him apart.

Crescent shut his eyes tightly, not liking the alluring look Kisha had given him. His hand met with the band of Kisha's waist before it tapped fingers first, found path towards the bulge. Crescent patted lightly until his fingers touched Kisha's pocket.

"Your... phone..." Crescent whispered.

"You sound disappointed." A small huff of breath and the smell of sandwich on Kisha's lips alerts Crescent they've gotten closer. Turning his head away and opening his eyes, he's met with Kisha looking at him in question. Up close, the tension Crescent felt pouring through his skin he couldn't ignore.

"I-I'm not--"

"Realizing you're in the jaws of an alpha? It's called influence. It's a trap, stupid sheep." A familiar voice hits the two as he approached. Kisha stepped backwards instantly to give Crescent some space, his attention turning towards Saikai; the intruder.

Just like that the line was interrupted. Now Crescent could calm his pounding heart. Frozen in the same position, Crescent dared to move as he watched Kisha from behind. It wasn't a joke nor was it fake. That sweet smell is back.

Saikai raised his arms in a light shrug before he glared towards his best friend.

"You did it.... Didn't you? Tsk." Saikai sounded annoyed.

Crescent bent to one side, looking at the redhead from behind Kisha's frame. He was glad someone interrupted them. His heart couldn't take anymore. The conversation turned confusing to Crescent. The vague words Saikai was using. Alpha? Influence? Did... what?

"You know?" Crescent stopped the two staring at each other.

"Of course. Kisha is a man that can capture anyone with those eyes. It happens all the time." Saikai lied. If anything, that stare gave the opposite effect. The reaction from Crescent was new. He needed to deter the brunette quickly.

"What?" Crescent sucked his teeth. "That isn't the same. He's not just a drop dead gorgeous guy that I've fallen in love with at first sight... That isn't what I felt."

"Are you sure? He's good looking, right? You sure you're not just digging my best friend?"

"No, before last night I hated him!"

"You sure, Crescent? Maybe you're just confused about your emotions. Hate is a strong word." Saikai challenged his feelings.

Crescent could feel the pressure. It made him begin to question what he had really felt. Throughout his life, he'd always end up hating things and he stayed consistently to that hate. Kisha was different. Crescent was jealous of him. The way Ahni praised him. The authority he had in the school over so many. His reputation. Crescent wanted to achieve that. He wanted Kisha to know he was the only one that would never bow down.

Kisha's presence attracted him, but it was never to the point where Crescent liked him. He was certain of that. Yesterday night was the beginning of these kinds of emotions, right? It had to be.

Saikai would let out a small chuckle, his hands brought to cover his face in amusement. What shocked him, the fact that Kisha would use such a dangerous tactic. He needed to protect his friend, but the hole he kept digging kept growing deeper. By now, Crescent had to have more questions about Kisha that could break what they kept secret. Kisha's identity was only known to a few people.

None of them belonged to opposing gang members. Those rumors had to remain buried, just as long as a battle between Kisha and Diamond remained averted. Info of that magnitude in the hands of Asho, instantly placed the male ahead. Saikai refused to let that happen.

"You want to know more? Come with me. We are ahead of schedule anyway." A quick glance towards Kisha laced with disappointment before the red head turned, walking a path back into the building. He only invited Crescent impishly.


The tension between Crescent and Kisha grows.

Kisha's slowly realizing he's filled with hormones. XD


'What's this tom fuckery?! I feel... Sexually drawn to you... The audacity you weakling!!!'

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