Chapter 21. Fundraising

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All of the inn employees helped with the setup, supplying cleaning supplies to every member. Buckets, mops, brooms, ladders, and rags in everyone's hands. They vowed to make the inn beautiful and that's exactly what they were going to do. There was no time to waste because this day was the last.

Leaves were picked up; the grass cut appropriately. The inn was being cleaned from the inside and out. By the time they spoke about finishing, Hilla Cure would again shine from former glory. The news had arrived on the scene, covering the fact that an alternative men's academy named Nirvana was helping a once beautiful resort. The newscaster spoke of safety, Hilla Cure's top priority.

The abundance of attendees and not one encounter with the wolves. They even documented and took the student's statements.

They wanted to prove that the creatures were not a threat. Everyone had been welcomed to see for themselves. With so many people scared, this was broadcasted to not only locals but a state-wide attempt to change the opinions of the public eye. If a bunch of students felt safe and loved at Hilla Cure then why couldn't others? The students only hoped Hilla Cure would be saved.

Scrubbing a nearby seven-foot-tall window, Crescent sprayed glass cleaner before he made sure no streaks were left behind. This particular window was tinted, right next to the receptionist's desk. They complained in the summer about the sun burning their station. Ahni almost made it on the report earlier. A few cameramen ushered him and his friends to come, but Crescent was quicker, grabbing hold of Ahni and telling him to go to do something else.

Though Ahni was disappointed because he could've been on t.v. Crescent looked like a controlling dad and so he ventured off to find more of his friends. Crescent used two hands, one dry, and one wet, wiping circularly. Ahni wasn't assigned to his part of the inn after being scooped up by Mr. Riley. Because the inn was all on one floor but broken into multiple buildings, the students had to split. So did the camera crew. He only hoped Ahni continued to heed his warning and not show himself. 

Though their aunt and uncle were no longer looking for them, it was no telling who may have been out there. Their family was quite big. They were also reported missing and Crescent was labeled as a kidnapper, so the law could get ahold of them any minute.

Crescent watched the outside world, leaves blowing, knocked to the newly-raked pavement. They had a long day ahead of them, but for once after all the drama it was peaceful. The sound of a bucket being kicked drew him to look, spotting Saikai struggling to pick his items up. He noticed Kisha hadn't been around and there was no one helping him, but they all seemed to be staring in Saikai's direction. 

Maybe it was because they all felt bad for him. His display of cowardness was a mockery. Goons were not interested in weak leaders.

Crescent knew this was maybe his opportunity. With Diamond, Kisha and Asho now out of the picture he didn't know how long he would have with Saikai and if approaching him was a good idea, but the risk was worth it. Those uncomfortable feelings were to be addressed another day about the sexual assault.

He walked fast-paced, jogging, kneeling, and picking up the mop effortlessly before Saikai could even realize someone had approached him. Saikai looked up at him in curiosity. Crescent nodded a simple hello in response.

"Can we talk?" Crescent said nonchalantly, refusing to look him in the eye.

Saikai raised an eyebrow but agreed. The two stood and made their way to his station. Crescent cleared his throat, tossing one of his rags in the trash. He reached into his service belt and pulled out another clean rag, wiping the window once more. Act cool. The only thoughts running through his mind. He needed to get enough information from Saikai. 

Saikai stood beside him, pretending to do something so that he wouldn't draw too much attention, but the whispers in the walls were futile. Some students were shit starters. The risk these two were taking was significant considering the raid king is rumored to be under his wing. He wiped the trim.

"I'll tell you everything."

"What?" Saikai asked shocked. Crescent's whisper wasn't really a whisper, but more of a loud breath. Some students nearby looked their way and Saikai cleared his throat in a means to get Crescent on another sound level.

"Asho," Crescent whispered again, this time holding his breath just a little bit. Talking bad about your leader? Another secret he was getting ready to expose. No one beside him, he recognized, and if they had something to say then he didn't mind fighting here at the inn. After what Asho has done to him, he owed that shrimp no loyalty. 

 "The first day at the gauntlet. He approached Ahni who was gullible enough to accept just to get me some help. That's how we ended up in his gang in the first place. My brother isn't the smartest."

"No, that isn't what happened, Crescent." Saikai knelt, bending his knees into his chest to wipe the base of the trim. The spot was already cleaned before he got here, but he needed to buy some time to discuss whatever Crescent had been looking for.

"You were bought. Asho supplied money to the elite who hosted the gauntlet before your match ended. He spent quite a lot. No other gang could negotiate because you were already handed over. Your name wasn't even disclosed. In other words, he cheated. That isn't how the rules go during the gauntlet. That's the reason no one approached you but him."

Crescent looked out the window, narrowing his eyes. Ahni complained that day that they were left to fend for themselves. No other gang leader was in sight. He wasn't sure of the rules and what happened after a fighter is injured, but it all made sense now. No one would approach them anyway. Mixing that with Ahni emotional state and it was bound to be a deal. 

"My first mission..." He continued. "I was told to get some pictures." Crescent decided to change the subject, leading Saikai on to see if he had known about anything else.

"My chemist was meeting me that day. He had to have used you after the encounter during the lunchroom. You're the only one who hasn't experienced Kisha's bad attitude. The shockwave of his actions towards you even stunned me. That day was a drug deal, but I got word from a student who calls himself Phantom that Asho planned to sabotage. So I already knew you were there." Saikai had it all mapped out. The redhead groaned, pressing his hands on knees as he stood up. He had been in that position too long. His legs were tingling and he was feeling numb. A crawling sensation crept up his legs.

The Phantom? The same person who spoke to him that day in the locker room? A student moving around through the cracks like a roach, but they all knew better than to know anyone with that type of movement had an agenda on his own. Who was this Phantom? He decided to hide he too knows the phantom. Not everything could be trusted just yet. Crescent needed to make sure he would be alright.

"That explains everything." Nonchalant, and keeping cool, he acts as if nothing is bothering him, but hearing the truth only pisses him off. Further supporting his thoughts that he was just a pawn. 

"Now, the vandalism," Crescent wanted to clear the air. "The posters around the school. I think he sent them out after he sent us on that mission. A bunch of rookies. We were meant to be exposed. He gave us your gang IDs because he wanted to throw D.A. off, right? He said something about I had what he wanted. That stupid spotlight. I don't know what he's talking about though. I'm being pulled into this game--"

"Diamond doesn't own a spotlight to cover his trucks. He has an alarm system that's supposed to alert him from his room. Diamond's security is more strategic. It doesn't take much for him to find whoever did it. But no, not a spotlight or cameras. Diamond's method of punishment are different from anyone's here." Saikai again intercepted. 

Every gang leader knew a lot about the choices each of them made. Their preferences and the way they operated. The secret was that though the top gangs often fought because of territory issues and on things like resources before Asho showed up, things were peaceful.

They were all friends and Sano loved everyone with an iron fist. Whether it would be about security, movements, sales, or anything in particular, they traded goods and this school was a structured cesspool of crime. 

Things were different now and their adaptation shows how strong each one of them is. Diamond lost all respect when Sano graduated. 

How does one simply know how to combat these decisions? It took a lot to keep a secret at Nirvana. With all the shadiness that is circulating through the school, some students had specialties in exposure; extortion; laying it all on the line for some cash. These were known as Informants. The Phantom was one of them. They all had a certain goal in mind. No one questioned it because everyone wanted something over their competitors. 

Crescent frowned. The person who had taken the picture. The blinding spotlight homed only on him. That was Asho's doing as well? It would be weird for him to ask D.A. for a picture just to make flyers to expose his member. It was all a ploy. Orchestrated by that asshole. A spider. The details infuriated Crescent. Asho will pay for what he's doing. The rag in Crescent's hand suffered from his clenched grip as he stared out the window. Asho thinks Crescent is just some dumb adult that he can control?

"Everyone knows about you and Kisha by now."

Saikai's words brought him from his thoughts and his hand suddenly loosened.

"You are under Asho's command and yet you have caught the eye of my enforcer. Don't you think that's worth exploiting? The number one gang caught by a newbie. He doesn't want you as in you physically. He wants to utilize you."

"Why do you make this sound like it's not about me at all?" Crescent sprayed to clean a spot that was covered in a dirty footprint. Taking in a deep breath, he knelt to wipe.

"He wants Kisha and Diamond to fight. If he can get them out of the way, the elites and the pack will crumble. Since Kisha fancies you, putting against Diamond will prompt a fight between them. Kisha's been itching to put his hands on Diamond anyway."

"Are they on the same level or something?" Crescent needed to know about this deep feud. He's been hearing it ever since they got here. Ahni always comes back with these bogus stories about Kisha and how strong he is, but one day he came looking disappointed.

One of his friends told him that there was someone else stronger than Kisha. Ahni didn't want to hear it, but Crescent knew by the defeat in his eyes as he recalled the moment, Ahni was doubting his hero.

"It's not that simple... I'm sure you're aware that Kisha is Native American. Believe it or not, so is Diamond. He's just an albino. Fighting skill-wise and body structure the two are almost identical. I guess the feud comes from them naturally hating each other." Saika lied. That wasn't the entire truth, but it wasn't his place to tell Crescent what really went on between the two. He had some respect for Kisha and if they ever developed into something beyond this childish play then Kisha will tell Crescent the truth. Not that it was something Saikai would be looking for.

"The other day... The story at the campfire... The wolves changing into humans?" Crescent asked further. He had enough information to shift the focus. Whether or not Diamond and Kisha are enemies did not concern him.

He cared more about his safety; Ahni's comfort than some past he couldn't change. Saikai's tone seemed more worried. They were friends so he had every right. Looking towards the redhead, Crescent could see that he was staring off into space, hand placed on the glass. Saikai's lips parted a little before he breathed unsettled. 

"That's some myths. A cultural history. You believe it?" Saikai snickered, cutting his eyes towards Crescent.

Crescent hesitantly shook his head no. He was unsure if it made sense. Thinking about this was mind-blowing. God's existence would be questioned and the world they knew had been but a lie. He prayed throughout his life hoping that one day the man above would come save him, but Crescent knew his sins of theft and crimes kept him clear from God's sight.

Yeah, he grew up shitty, but Crescent believed those were just cards he drew. The only thing he felt during that time was regret. He wasn't sure of how strong Kisha's desire to return to him was. Could he be forgiven? 

Why was this such a thing for him? He fought with Ahni on bad days, and Ahni would often come back trying to amend what had been but a simple disagreement. He'd often scold his brother for overreacting. Was this what it felt like for Ahni? Was Crescent paying for his bullying ways? Frustrating.

"But you're more worried about Kisha." Another snicker from Saikai.

Crescent glanced at Saikai, his face as blank as he could hold it. Saikai was right. Was it written all over him? When he saw Kisha in the inn a few times, he'd glance at him, but Kisha never looked back. Not a hello, a nod, no acknowledgement. That became their routine for the time being. He didn't want to admit that it forced disappointment into his mind each and every time.

"Don't worry. He doesn't hold grudges, but you'd have to go to him first. He doesn't have a choice but to forgive you." Saikai spoke calmly.

"What do you mean?" Crescent felt a little happiness with that explanation and his voice pitched to prove it. There was hope in mending what little they had. He was glad, but then with their bad attitudes, he wasn't sure if they could get along after this. Kisha had one time to say something smart and Crescent wasn't going to let him off easily. Raising the window cleaner bottle, Crescent sprayed as high he could above his head. A press on his tippy-toes and he reached to wipe the dust. This was going to require a ladder.

"He's drawn to you." Saikai's voice was an uncertain whisper. 

A small gasp from parted lips silenced the air between the men as Crescent froze from the words. This whole petty crush thing, had Kisha felt it too? Were they just fussing for no reason? To have Saikai bust a bubble like that, the happiness he felt in his mind suddenly rushed inside of his body. Crescent could feel his heart tense up until the red hue flushed at his cheeks. Crescent wasn't sure why Kisha suddenly changed in attitude. He liked it.

"You like him too, right?" Saikai's sounded disappointed, but maybe for now things would be alright.

"What...? Hell no!" The brunette stood his ground. He nearly choked on his breath, coughing to clear his throat. Crescent jumped, swiping the window cleaner from the spot before landing on his feet and stumbling into the glass. The front of his shoes caught the rim, and Crescent almost lost balance. Greased hair meeting the window, swiped a smudged stain once he pushed himself into a standing position. He sighed. He had already cleaned this part!

"Then you wouldn't mind..." Saikai started to chuckle. It was clear Crescent was embarrassed. He was acting out his discomfort in a way that didn't require him to be so jumpy. Just ask for a ladder. Cute.  "... watching over him until I'm back?"

Crescent turned towards Saikai, frowning. What? He had just learned of some juicy information and now Saikai left him with a daunting task. How could he face Kisha or even look Kisha in the eyes knowing that he knows something he doesn't? Crescent wasn't even sure if he was able to put that aside or start to utilize it to his advantage. He'd end up pressing Kisha's buttons to see what he could get away with. 

"You plan on running or something?" Crescent raised an eyebrow. He'd expect Saikai to do something like this. In the presence of Diamond, they all should run.

"No, I'm protecting everyone. Kisha will take over the gang in the meantime. I need you to watch him. Listen to Asho, but report everything back to The Pack. Do not let Kisha fight Diamond."

Crescent rolled his eyes. He didn't have such power. Not being a leader a mere goon of stature was garbage. How could he keep them from fighting?

"Where are you going?"

"Just trust me Crescent. I'm not giving Asho what he wants." Saikai's tone was serious, fist-clenching the rag in his hand. Crescent watched him, as Saikai's expression turned to worry and sadness. He could tell Saikai wasn't saying everything. That looks in his eyes, Ahni had that same gaze when he thought trouble was just around the corner. A glossy look of unsure decisions and fear.

His green hues couldn't focus, dancing around rapidly. He seemed broken-spirited, and yet willing to go through with whatever plan he had in mind. A small sigh peers from Crescent's lungs. He wasn't sure if what he was doing was a good thing, but his voice came through with confidence.

"Alright, I'll help you." It was enough to get Crescent on board. He didn't know where it took them down the line, but Kisha and Saikai were more trustworthy in his eyes. Working together but beneath Kings, wasn't this the Phantom's idea?

"What's on your mind, Crescent?" The words directed at the brunette, yet he didn't think that question should apply to him. Saikai looked like a shivering mess.

Saikai now leaned against the window, staring at Crescent in concern.

"Diamond... is he that bad?"

Saikai didn't answer immediately, huffing a small amount of air.

"Have you ever met a man with the appetite of a serial killer, the drive of a starved dog, and the movements of a snake?"

"No." Crescent's head followed his voice. The light shaking aided in drawing his bottom lip into his mouth. A quick bite on the dry skin that coated it, Crescent licked the spot a few times.

"So, what makes Kisha so strong?" Crescent pressed on. He soaked up the information, but tried to get all his questions in quickly without dwelling on them. He could understand what Saikai had meant. All of these words were just him trying to warn of how dangerous Diamond was.

Saikai snickered, shaking his head before he turned his gaze back to the window. He watched the leaves sway.

"A coin has two sides." Saikai spoke.

Crescent followed Saikai's eyes, then looked back at him. The redhead looked beyond the bushes as if he had seen someone standing there, his gaze focused intently on the objects that rustled by the wind. The reason they were always compared was that they were the same. He couldn't speak because Saikai interrupted him which left his mouth barely open.

"What you're thinking is true, Crescent. He is something we all want." Suddenly Saikai, pushed up on his feet, turned and walked away from Crescent. He left Crescent standing there alone to go through the massive amount of information he had just received.

His hand drawn up to his chest clenched at the rag. Something they all wanted? Was Kisha that popular? Out of hundreds of students, the white-haired male chose Crescent to cast his presence on. Sweet words, and intentions, covered by a hard exterior. All this time, was it just Kisha's way of expression?

Crescent was being a dick. That day in the gym after the gauntlet, the nurse's office. His smart remarks oftentimes left Crescent angry without ever thinking about the little things, but had that been Kisha's way of flirting?

He didn't have to help that day in the park, beneath the tree he whispered words, even in the gymnasium he caught Crescent's head and now this trip. Kisha parted himself even though Crescent was from another gang and then he'd often try to conceal it. On the bus, at the campfire.

These encounters... His face heated up, as his eyes clamped shut. Crescent had been reading them wrong this entire time! His entire frame stiffened, heart skipped a few beats. His stomach began to churn from the racing thoughts and emotions, the regret fueled.

Without thought, palm open Crescent buried his face into his hands.

Now with the current situation placing them further apart, he wanted to fix things. At least he knew Kisha held no grudges. Something inside burned with a need to keep them close. It's a nagging desire. He was asked to watch over Kisha, meaning they'd be alone... Together.

'Fucking... asshole....'


What do you think Saikai plans to do?

Now loaded with a better understanding, what will Crescent do? Being a fire head... He's starting to cool off. Hope so.

What do you guys think?

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think by commenting.❤️❤️

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