Chapter 36. Innocent Thief

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"Jump!" The fearful voice wasted no time. A heavy grip yanked on Ahni's arm. The two were thrown over a small hill like daredevils. Ahni's heart pitched inside of his throat when his gaze made him realize how far down they had to go-a slide of what seemed like mud, hidden sharp twigs, and a bunch of uprooted roots. Ahni landed sloppier due to fear, his shoes driven into the earth to slow himself down as much as possible, but the way his legs were forced to tuck burned the joints in his knees. They both slid down a muddy cuffed ditched until caressed into some heavy gloopy earth Saikai stopped first.

The recent rains here seemed to only be in the forest. At the academy, the weather had been dry. So there was no telling what this mud had been made of.

Ahni's knees brought into his chest, behind Saikai slid until his frame collided with the older male's back. A thud and then a small wince and groan from Saikai raised concern in Ahni as his knees forced Saikai to bend. Ahni panicked, trying desperately to excuse himself. He wasn't sure what Saikai had been through but he was grateful for being saved right about now.

It was refreshing to see another side of Saikai. A more serious leadership. Ahni didn't want to spoil what was given. He needed this right now. He needed someone to take control and calm the growing agony within his heart. The worst days of his life right about now.

He quickly climbed from around Saikai, mud, and dirt sticking to his pants causing his movement to be restricted. Ahni's weight came toppling on his hands and knees soon after and a small cursed breath gave way to sheer embarrassment. It was harder to maneuver in this position. This spot didn't feel so safe, but it would have to do because Saikai didn't seem in a rush to continue. Tucked beneath a barely standing large tree, leaves blowing from branches and enough shade to kill the sun's rays, Ahni scanned the landslide for possible escape routes just in case. They lost sight of Diamond a few minutes back, hoping that the river crossing was enough to deter him.

Dipping his head, he watched Saikai's face, breathing slowly and clearly in pain. Ahni wanted to ask what was wrong, but Saikai seemed too immersed in himself, so Ahni remained as quiet as possible. Saikai's upper lip was scrunched and he bit down hard, attempting to hide the pain to no avail. Ahni had the sudden urge to beg for forgiveness, the cartwheels in his stomach churning the air around and creating gas bubbles. Nerves. He was just nervous. Who wouldn't be at a time like this? At least, he wasn't alone.

Drawing a muddy hand to his face, he wiped a stray warm path of crimson liquid from his teeth, the mudd piled on his hand and sleeve plopped down. The sudden sound caused Saikai to jump, gasp, and fully turn Ahni's way.

"Excuse me. Are you ok?" Ahni's calm voice resonated in Saikai's ears bringing his pained expression to suddenly wash over calmy. The redhead allowed his sight to travel around Ahni's innocent wide features, hand playfully cleaning his face only to make it dirtier. Cute. Saikai shot a small grin into the air. Shit. Whatever, let's be normal.

Their eyes danced around each other's expression. Ahni's filled with worry and awe while Saikai had another sly expression.

"I know this sounds silly, but you're stunning with that swipe of tough guy dirt on your face," Saikai whispered. Normal...

Ahni's face goes dead, mouth parting as his eyebrows scrunch up bewildered. That didn't answer his question at all. What was tough guy dirt? Drawing his hand back, Ahni scanned over the limb as if it was a foreign object, before looking back at Saikai with just the right amount of 'You're a very strange person.' written across his features.

Just when Ahni had thought Saikai was performing differently, he was wrong. A small sigh, followed by an eye roll and Ahni knew his life was left inside the hands of a man who even chased by a monster had the nerve to talk with his dick. Life and death here and Saikai had other thoughts rummaging through his mind.

"What? That's not even an answer." Ahni raised an eyebrow, hoping to divert Saikai's one-tracked mind and those sage green eyes that were looking at him like some favorite lunch menu item.

"Be quiet. Remember we are hiding." Saikai changed the subject as if he hadn't had anything suspicious on his mind. Ahni's expression told him more than he wanted to know. He was used to always having to guess with Kisha and the others, but Ahni let him know just what he felt... a small sense of... disgust.

"Just listen to the surroundings. He could be anywhere."

Ahni looked down at his covered feet, lifting his leg slightly to brush away the mud. After crossing the river, their clothing was now soaking wet and hidden in the dense trees, the forest was much more chilly out here. Restricted objects against his frame, touched by the slow wind, he could feel slight shivers reverberating up his spine. All he could wish for was his brother. After the separation for nearly an entire day and a half, he only got to see Crescent for a short while.

Crescent was ok from what Ahni could tell. That's what Ahni had hoped for even as Diamond placed hands on him. Ahni could do nothing. He was previously beaten for his transgressions. He didn't dare to save Crescent from his. What if Kisha wasn't there to help? Could Ahni--

"Why are you sad?" Saikai whispered, making sure to keep his gaze from Ahni.

Ahni looked up at him suddenly, glad that Saikai was able to take away his thoughts, eyes meeting the side of Saikai's face. He was the leader of The Pack. A famous male. Was this like being in the presence of a celebrity? Were they all just measly members of these groups that hopelessly ran around certain high-status people?

Growing up with money, always living in a big house, parents, food, warm water, clothes-- such different dynamics than what Ahni has had. His mind began to lock onto another feeling brewing within his core. Envious. What was it like to have a best friend that was an animal? That could protect you from everything any human threw at you. What was it like to not only live with everything but be gifted with something far beyond what god had ever deemed to create?

Saikai didn't realize it, but he was the luckiest guy in the entire academy. He even had looks. Who sought him worthy of so many... blessings?

Ahni wondered. The constant fluctuation in Saikai's personality didn't seem right. however. He was joking even now but there were small moments like these when looking at him that his face reflected the seriousness of the situation. Short-lived moments. There was more to this redhead than he let on.

This was the guy who commanded the fierce Kisha and everyone asked how. With Kisha being a wolf, didn't that mean Saikai was some kind of trainer? He didn't look trainer-like. Ahni would easily believe that Kisha was more of a leader, but the submission when called didn't add up.

Saikai must be proud of himself-- full of himself.

He let out a small sigh. If only life had been that wonderful for them growing up. If only Crescent hadn't taken him away. He went along with his brother because he didn't want to be alone. He ran away from their aunt and uncle for reasons that weren't even clear to Ahni at the time. They were taken care of. They had a home. Would life be different if none of that happened? If Crescent wasn't always so damn selfish as to drag those around him down for his comfort. How could any human being believe that that sort of life was more beautiful than love?

Swirling his finger in the mud the tip pulling up a small cluster, Ahni closed his eyes a borrowed second before he severed his thoughts. Why had he been chasing memory lane? Thinking of others needlessly and regretting everything? Was it because even within these walls he realized just how much of a nobody he was? Whatever. Ahni slowly flashed a small smile, and raised his hand towards Saikai, pressing the cold mud against his cheek and running a small path to his chin.

"What are you doing?" Saikai turned, pulling away from the muddy intruder. He tapped at his face to rub away, but only ended up smearing it.

"We don't have time for this, Weirdo."

Ahni grinned, allowing his arm to fall back down. There was no reason to cry about the past, right?

"You look scared," Ahni whispered, but the tremors were coming from his rattling jaw.

"Of course. We are being chased by a monster." Saikai shook his head at the confusion. Was Ahni not aware of just how much danger they were in? This entire time Ahni looked to be going through a whirl of emotions. Zoning in and out. Saikai refused to allow his eyes to flash before his eyes as some would say, because he didn't plan on dying here.

"Are we going to die?" The calm childlike voice caused Saikai to spin around-- didn't he just say... He scanned over Ahni's frame.

Neither small nor fragile built and yet, Ahni lacked a lot of confidence. The damage to his face and body, running would tire him out sooner or later. They were both suffering wounds dealt by Diamond's hands. Like wounded animals on a mission to escape. Knowing Diamond's abilities, they wouldn't get far.

It was best to allow Kisha enough time to clear the distance. Would Kisha even come for them? Crescent was left back at the fight. Two important people separated, but Saikai knew if Kisha had to pick which one he'd save it would no doubt be Crescent. The farther away Saikai pulls from Kisha and the others the risk of certain death increases. He should've grabbed Crescent's hand instead.

"If anything happens to you, do you think your brother will kill me?"

Ahni shook his head in response. Saikai sighed. What the fuck? He had to choose. Either beaten up by a ravenous beast or beaten up by a loudmouth punk. Both are of equal hostility. He turned his eyes forward, defeated. Saikai was glad he didn't have to put up a fight because honestly, he didn't want to be alone. He would rather die with someone than be a sacrifice and die separately.

Ahni's vulnerable expressions and body movements were too much. It was no wonder Crescent desired to protect his brother. This cuteness was overwhelming. Saikai wasn't a fan of men who were reserved, but the moment seemed better than his previous experiences. Even the small pouting lip and furrowed brows were noticeable. He wanted to somehow protect Ahni.

Saikai couldn't contain his curiosity. He took his fingers, placing them gently against the fall of Ahni's jaw. Warmth beneath the chilled air, the small sparks sent into Saikai's fingertips caused him to cuff his trimmed nails and graze them at the drying mud on Ahni's face. He took his thumb, circling it at Ahni's bottom lip.

"This story should've been about us..." A shy whisper, Saikai lowered eyes.

Locked up in the nurse's office, hormones left raging every night he was forced to figure out his release every time she decided to leave. Now more than ever a craving set in. Saikai never had trouble getting what he wanted. It could be the fact that they were in a dangerous situation or Saikai hasn't had human interaction in what he considered forever.

Whatever it was-- he wanted to feed it.

"I don't know..." Ahni looked down at the fingers, then back to the host who seemed to be lost in gaze. The situation was getting weird and the taste of plant life left bitterness between his lips. Ahni's choice to talk accidently forced Saikai's mud-riddled finger to tap at his teeth. He flinched and pulled back only an inch before he licked the crunchy substance away. Saikai seemed to light up afterward.

Those green eyes glinted with the broken rays of sun through trees, giving them the vibrant lush color of the forest. Though his hair was a mess, damp and sticking to one side of his face, Saikai seemed more interested in him than anything else.

"But I'm cold," Ahni finished, unaware of the danger he had fallen into just by being in this spider's web.

Saikai released a small sound, the corner lip drew into a smirk. His free hand reached forward, latching onto Ahni's collar. He pressed lightly, Ahni resisting weakly as he pushed him into the cold mud on his back. Topping over him, one leg between Ahni's thighs and the other bracing his weight, Saikai took his hand and traced a slow path up Ahni's face. Curling his fingers into the mud, now lying beneath this weirdly acting redhead, Ahni turned his face shyly, Saikai's needy gaze scared him. The small rise and fall of his chest, he held his breath unconsciously, releasing it in small spurts. What was going to happen to him? Ahni couldn't anticipate the moment. All he knew was he was pushed into a predicament that left no room for space.

Saikai could feel it, the growing desire to ravish Ahni's innocents. Rile the younger male up while he was still given the chance. Jack him off using the mud to watch Ahni squirm and cry like his brother did. This felt more normal than everything else.

He didn't save him just to make him prey, but what could he do? He wasn't one to control his desires especially when they were suddenly this strong.

Stuck in a cold muddy and calm forest with a male who just reeked of sexual purity. It was like heaven.

He even allowed their danger to drift from his mind.

"I could warm you." Saikai threatened a teeth-filled grin. Ahni hastily raised his hands and pressed them at Saikai's cheek and collarbone, mushing the older male's face upward to get him off. What type of foolery was this? Just because everyone seemed to have slept with Crescent doesn't mean his little brother was just as easy.

"I am not my brother. I don't even like men." Ahni calmly spoke.

Saikai laughed, raising his hand and knocking away the younger male's hands. He nodded in response to Ahni's protest. Even though he denied liking males, Saikai could see the blush that had developed below Ahni's eyes, running a path to his ears. Like Ralp who often said similar things, when pushed, Ralp would become a submissive being. This was just an ultimate bluff to calm the nerves, but Saikai was more keen on people whose minds often said no, but their bodies screamed yes.

They just didn't realize it.

Just like Crescent.

"Let's warm you up."

Saikai dipped his frame, submerging himself parallel to Ahni's frame. The smaller male gasped in his ear when their heads met side by side, driving a small shiver down Saikai's neck. There it was, the rush of Ahni's hidden excitement unable to contain itself. Anyone in this dilemma wouldn't react so lewdly. Saikai grimaced, trying his best to keep the dirty thoughts from his mind. It was hard to do. Saikai followed Ahni's breathing, making sure Ahni was able to take in oxygen with the weight of another human being on top.

Ahni shifted slightly, his knee pulled up between Saikai's leg. It was uncomfortable being held down, but the warmth was much welcomed. He couldn't understand a stranger doing all of this, but he couldn't deny he wasn't as cold as before. What felt the strangest, was the sudden heavy thumps beating inside of his chest right now. What were these? Saikai was slightly smaller in size than him, so it didn't make sense for him to be on top. There were still spots where Ahni felt a chill. He could easily bear hug Saikai to keep him warm rather than the other way around. Crescent never tried to warm him up once they've grown up. His small issues were to blame.

As Ahni moved to find a better position, his thigh slowly brushed against something firm.

Ahni's eyes widened, and he froze a heavy knock inside of his chest felt like his heart was about to burst. Every bit of color in his once glowing complexion rushed to an empty vessel.

Their silence was awkward, with Saikai refusing to move and Ahni now confused as to why Saikai was--

"Ignore it." The redhead commanded.

"B-B-But..." Ahni chocked. How the fuck could he ignore someone's magic stick prodding him in full firmness? There wasn't a day where he'd felt the erection of a man.

"What...? You're curious?" A playful chuckle delivered by Saikai.

"Get off me, you pervert." Ahni's tone is weak, unable to speak because of the anxiety holding his chest, but he manages a few clear words that were given in a hard voice. He meant it. Sitting here and being taken advantage of while they were hiding from Diamond was not the memory he wanted to feel guilty over.

Saikai released a small giggle, burying his face in Ahni's broad shoulder without a care. The lack to read anyone's discomfort was always either one thing-- Saikai couldn't honestly see it or he didn't care because it went against his own needs. A child given everything they wanted became an adult who didn't take no for an answer. He knew inevitably he was rather persuasive.

"I'm kidding, Ahni. Just stay like this for a while."

Ahni allowed his eyes to drift upward. The small hoof of mud and a very large tree just over them blocked his vision of the sky. A rustling of the leaves gave him a moment to feel how serene the forest was even when chaos broke its norm. Closing his eyes and listening to everything around him, Ahni allowed Saikai to remain on top for the time being. He wasn't fully able to get control over his heartbeat, but soon the erection too was tolerated. Overall, they were both in the same boat. He guessed he could be a little more welcoming. Saikai saved him. What felt like a few moments passed and Ahni failed to register Saikai had moved. He had become too comfortable with the situation and his guard was down tremendously.

It wasn't until he heard the soft subtle call of his name and the warm breath of Saikai at his lips that he allowed his eyes to stray open. In full view, the once serious pictured Saikai became a sea of red hair, fair skin, and sage green eyes-- lust in his eyes. The moment they locked onto each other, a shudder emptied itself inside Ahni's core before Saikai cleared the space between them without consent.

Their lips meet, and Ahni's eyes widen, but he doesn't draw back. There was nowhere to go. He sits in pure confusion until Saikai's innocent kiss deepens. From pressure to something even more nerve-wracking. Moist, hot, it slides itself into Ahni's hesitant mouth, searching for something to play with. The breath through parted lips hit him repeatedly, Saikai's wet mouth smack against his. It felt... good, but it was wrong. Wrong because it wasn't performed at the correct time. Wrong because it didn't have meaning. Wrong because Ahni felt uneasy.

Saikai pulls away before coming in again only to be met with Ahni's scared, unsure, and confused expression. Innocence was a dangerous thing to play with. Didn't know whether innocence was allowing it because of shared eagerness or was being stolen because of sheer force.

"You afraid of me?" Saikai whispered. He was so turned on by the amateur kiss that it didn't matter what Ahni had felt. This energy surging through him only took a matter of time before he began using his hands to search for gold. The proximity of another human being, the smell, the temptation. It was like waving meat in front of a starving animal. Ahni doesn't answer, but within his mind, he is filled with strain. His first kiss taken by someone he didn't love. The bunching emotions and his eyes began to fill with tears.

Saikai smiles in Ahni's dismay, lifting his hand and lightly cupping his jaw as he searches his features. The pity gaze wouldn't help him. He was better off forcing Saikai away, but Ahni wasn't capable, right? Flawless.

Saikai travels down again, this time pulling Ahni's face along with him. The pressure against Ahni's lips felt like sparks beating within him.

"You're so hot." Saikai breathes, unable to hide his want. His hand slowly slides above crusted dried mud at Ahni's neck, and collarbone and then playfully downward.

"Stop..." Ahni cries out in hush, his frame stiff as a board. He's unable to move or push Saikai off. What is this fear? What was happening to him?

"Aww, but we could get to the good parts. The parts where I cum. I cum again. Then we'll cum together."

That's the parts Ahni didn't want. Internally, he had to admit though severely uncomfortable he felt a hint of tension growing inside of him. He didn't know whether it was because he was captured at the moment, but this was slightly turning him on. Saikai's bullying ways forced him out of his shell. No-- it still wasn't right. A clenched fist and Ahni placed it upon Saikai's chest before he pushed weakly, turning his gaze and closing his eyes.

'Please move. Please move. Please move.'

He chanted to himself and his surprise, Saikai kindly removed himself. Moving to a seated position, Ahni cracked an uncertain quick gaze to see that Saikai was suddenly rummaging inside of his pocket until he pulled out his phone which had suffered extensive damage. It was blinking rapidly as if about to completely shut off, but he was working as quickly as possible.

Sounds of ringing before the distorted voice of someone on the other line answered.

"Fuchsia... Come get us!" Saikai ordered. He was unable to make out the words spoken by the other male. The call was heavily distorted with Saikai leaning into the device to make out any words.

"Come get--" The phone suddenly died. "Dammit."

Ahni found a small moment of solace in which Saikai gave him space to breathe, but he feared with the deed done, Saikai was going to turn back to him like a creep, tongue hanging from his lips to spout some nasty words like 'Where were we?'


Saikai fixed his frame a little as Ahni's anticipation grew, but what they both suddenly heard sent their heads whirling to the base of the tree. The soft sounds of branches snapping and faint heavy sniff. Saikai slowly climbed back towards Ahni, trying to make themselves seem as small as possible. The two met eyes before Saikai placed a hand above Ahni's mouth which seemed to have opened. Silence was the best thing they could do right now. He shook his head to make sure Ahni knew not to do anything. He hoped. Watching in Ahni's eye, a mirrored reflection of something white moving just above them. Their bodies covered in mud shadowed the vivid colors of clothing and skin.

Now it was a matter of sound. How good were this monster's abilities?

With the look in Ahni's wide eyes, Saikai was aware of how scared the younger male had become. Pupils dilated to the extreme. Ahni wasn't even breathing because Saikai couldn't feel anything coming from his nose.

Saikai closed his eyes, lowering his head.

Just a little more. Just a little more. Hold out, just a little--

The faded sound of a rising growl demolished their hope.


Let's talk about Saikai... How many of you like him?

Now I ask this because I'm not entirely sure he has good qualities. (I realized this the more I wrote about him. XD)

He's rather... iffy if you ask me because he lacks respect for others.

And Ahni... Ahni just doesn't get a lot of things. I know he's human but there's a lot of Ahni that's missing because he grew up without basic human interactions. So he often does or says things that don't make sense. He is awkward, but he's also sweet. Don't mind his heavy contradictions.

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think by commenting.❤️❤️

Drop a vote if you like. 👍👍))

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