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Kisha Locklear (kih-sha)

Class Credit Title: Prince

Occupation: Enforcer

Race: Indigenous American

Gender: Male

Species: ??

Height: 6'0"

Looks: While in human form, Kisha is tanned with snow-white dyed hair that comes mid-back. He has a few braids going down one side only if he chooses to braid his hair. He either likes it up in a ponytail with his braids out or his hair falls neatly behind him. His eyes are stunning ice blue. He also has both his ears pierced, but his left has two studs and his right has a small ring. Kisha looks a few years younger than his actual age. He's considered pretty though his expression is far from it. On his back are a few Native American symbols. He has a half sleeve on his left arm. Kisha is leanly built and he has two distinct small fangs protruding from the corners of his lips. Above his right eye is a small gash he received when fighting another alpha for territory. His face is always expressionless. Permanent small creases reside on the bridge of his nose. 

Personality: At first encounter, Kisha is emotionally detached and very standoffish. He is always by himself or with Saikai as he does not want to get connected to anyone. Kisha has a habit of hiding what he truly feels, refusing to express himself due to his childhood. He takes care of the gang without fussing. Once a bit of warming up, Kisha allows himself to be more relaxed. He can be kind, loving, and loyal but it's rare. Strong-willed, he doesn't back down, resulting in stubbornness. Kisha is passive the majority of the time, only allowing Crescent and Saikai to get away with things. He listens more than he speaks. He does not talk much about himself either. His mysterious aura can be seen as him just being unwelcoming. He's very protective and dominant but submits to Crescent's demands with a heavy refusal at first. Quick to put anyone in their place and doesn't mind forcing them to submit; letting up when he's satisfied.

He has a dark side to him that rarely exposes itself. Kisha's more of a wolf even when in human form because he is controlled by instinct. He suppresses his dominant gene the best he can to not draw too much attention, but humans have the sensing ability to pick up/feel Kisha's pheromones/influence when released. How someone reacts to it depends solely upon the person. Kisha will do anything to guarantee the gang's survival, even sacrificing himself.

Crescent White or Cres (kr-eh-sss-ent)

Class Credit Title: Juvenile

Occupation: Goon

Race: Mixed (Black and Japanese)

Gender: Male

Species: ??

Height: 5'4"

Looks: Crescent is light honey in skin tone. Dark brown hair; back/left sides to reach to his neck in a feathered fashion while the right lay flat and shorter. Crescent wears glasses because his eyesight isn't very good. He is slim with a smaller muscular build. Only his right ear is pierced but he decided on that when he joined a gang. His eyes are a nice light gold, oftentimes everyone remarks on the fiery emotions they give off. He has a few freckles around his body.

Personality: Has a bit of a bad mouth, is hot-headed, and is too headstrong. Overprotective. Can be easily offended, aggressive, clingy, and needy. Crescent likes to be underestimated, rising to the challenge. He does like to help those who are weaker, having a soft spot for students who get bullied. Easily finds trouble or is in someone else's business. Crescent is strong-hearted and will stop at nothing to earn a higher seat. An optimistic opportunist, he strives for a greater existence in his environment. Though Crescent may act dominant, he is very submissive. He doesn't like to lean on those that he protects and often cries when alone. When asked, he brushes it off. It's hard to break Crescent, and he bounces back after being under pressure. No matter his ordeal he will keep walking forward. When embarrassed he will lash out or say something disrespectful unintentionally. Crescent gets jealous easily which he expresses by claiming people as his property. He doesn't like to be talked down on and will push himself to extremes just to show he's capable. Doesn't quite respect personal space and will get what he wants. He's childish and petty.

Side Characters

Ahni White (Ah-knee)

Class Credit Title: Juvenile

Personality: Does not care too much for authority. A bit of an airhead with no leadership skills. Ahni talks pretty quietly even though he dresses a certain way. He cannot fight but will try to cause a distraction/get help. Young, happy, a regretful coward, and wants to remain less of a burden on Crescent. He loves his brother dearly. Ahni is kind-hearted, gullible, but cautious. He may possess hidden bravery that only shows when he feels overwhelmed.

Looks: Ahni is slightly more of a bronze color compared to his brother. When it comes to facial features his resemblance to Crescent is unwavering; however, his choice of clothing is different. Ahni chooses to wear every accessory given to him by the school. His clothes fit neatly against his frame, adding to the fact that he has slightly broader shoulders than Crescent. This makes Ahni seem tougher than he is. With tattoos and piercings in odd places, Ahni wants to look as tough and proper as possible. Though his hair is naturally the same color as his brothers, Ahni decided to add blonde highlights which resulted in his hair looking dirty blonde. He likes his hair to be styled short, not letting it grow past his forehead. He chooses various styles that require either gel or hairspray. Only standing a few inches taller than Crescent at about 5'8" Ahni is mistakenly called the older brother. The only difference that's unmistakable between the brothers is the color of Ahni's eyes. While Crescent has their mother's eyes, Ahni holds the color of his father's, a nice shade of brown.

Saikai Himmons (Ss-eye-Kah-eye)

Class Credit Title: Junior

Personality: Carefree, immature, likes to pick and crack jokes. Doesn't mind if he makes someone uncomfortable. He tries to get a rise out of anyone, especially Kisha. Saikai learned kinder leadership skills from his older brother. He does have a more serious side, but it doesn't last long. He lives for drama and intense moments, enticing or egging them on. He strives to make sure his members are comfortable and that they are protected. He doesn't tolerate it when a gang member acts out or he hears the word of unwanted discrepancies. He leaves the discipline up to Kisha. Saikai isn't as perfect as he seems. He does have an addiction, but will not openly admit it.

Looks: Red-haired and filled with ear-length curls except for the one frontal piece that reaches his jaw. Sage green-eyed, standing at 5'10", Saikai is of average slim build. His muscle tone stands more on the beginner side due to him being more into endurance than strength training. Visible, and defined in its manner, Saikai's muscle tone is clearer once he's naked. Without the help of broad shoulders, his pretty boy exterior is heightened. Saikai is of Caucasian descent, his skin being slightly honey-kissed from sun exposure. With long legs, a gorgeous face, and a killer smile he's oftentimes referred to as a model. Scar free because of Kisha's protection, a soft prominent smile was always at his disposal.

Asho Flenning (Ah-show)

Class Credit Title: Soph

Personality: Borderline psychopath who loves the thrill of someone's suffering. Asho is addicted to gambling and will physically harm anyone who dares to betray the outcome of gambling. Asho is childish, loud, eccentric, and petty. He throws fits when he doesn't get his way and sometimes seems like he switches personalities. He will talk to himself or something near him and has a gaze that looks like he's looking through the person he's staring at. He wants to rule, always making trouble for the other gangs and will sacrifice everything. He reacts to simple things too strongly.

Looks: Only standing at 5'1" Asho has jet-black short hair that is always cut the same length around his entire head. His choice of style is a bowl cut that resides just above his ears and eyes. Asho is Ivory in complexion, given the fact that both his parents come from another country. He has old needle marks on both of his cubital fossa (the area that bends between the bicep and forearm). When completely nude a large black tattoo of his gang insignia takes up his entire back. His build is quite scrawny, but Asho's bones do not show. Resembles the frame of a twelve-year-old. Asho's uniforms are slightly bigger than him; having no uniform in adult size that will fit him properly and not caring to get them custom-fitted. He's always with a baseball cap to his liking, no matter the color. Prefers his uniform to be untidy when he is not in the eyes of his teachers. Deciding to not wear a tie, a belt, or socks, and his shirt is buttoned wrongly if he is left to button it. The blazer is his favorite clothing item.

Vergyl Boyd (V-erh-jill)

Class Credit Title: Soph

Personality: Cunning, calm, and overconfident, but somewhat lacks a backbone. He fears Asho's capabilities so he listens to him. He's secretive, allusive, dodging questions about his actions and who he is. Vergyl is very good at talking his way out of situations. He is a genius, that claims his loyalty is with no one. Vergyl is neat and doesn't like when things are out of place. He has a darker side to him, he is vindictive.

Looks: 5'10'', Boyd carries himself properly. With long arms and legs, Boyd is lanky built. His frame reflects that of a stick, solid and straight. Matching complexion similar to Asho, his clothing is always neat, but his choice of undershirt isn't the classical button-up. He chooses to wear a normal plain white shirt, which is against the code of conduct but his blazer is buttoned up to hide it. As clothes hug his slim frame, he seems poised, taller, and more proper than he is. He even stands to mimic that of a well-off young man. His glasses are black-rimmed, and oval in shape. Vergyl's hair is short and dark brown with the frontal bang slicked back, held by a black clip, leaving little spikes at the top of his head. The sides are brushed completely flat and out of his face. His eyes are dark grey.

Diamond (dye-mon-d)

Class Credit Title: Elite

Personality: Strict, strong, and merciless. He is usually drama-free until provoked. He will have the last word. Diamond is quiet and calm, but his whole nature is intimidating and downright scary. He resembles Kisha in some personality traits. A ruthless leader whose aggression is unbearable when triggered. He doesn't like cowards or excuses and would rather eradicate anyone who dares to step in his way. He loves to chase people physically. Running is never an option. Diamond holds no kind of care toward anyone's life and uses everyone to his advantage. If someone isn't a part of his gang then they are dispensable. Diamond isn't a patient person.

Looks: Matching Kisha in height, Diamond is also structurally built similarly. Even though Diamond is Native American, he is pale in skin tone, and white in hair color. His eyebrows and other body hair are black. Diamond's eyes are two beautiful shades of different purples. One Lilac, the other Amethyst, oftentimes drawing people in besides his pretty facial structure. He does have tattoos on the right side of his chest words written in his native language. His left rib is tattooed with a paragraphed prayer. Diamond only has one ear pierced, in which he wears a long silver earring, with a wolf figurine at the end. Unlike Kisha, Diamond lacks prominent fangs, but his teeth are jagged. His hair is shoulder-length, slightly wavy. He either keeps it down or draws it into a low bun. Diamond wears a black glove on his left hand, covering a tattoo of an alchemy circle on his palm. A silver chain around his neck, he is always seen wearing.


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This is just how I picture each of my characters. <3

I hope that you can too. XD)))))

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