Chapter 3: New Recruits

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Here we see White Diamond explaining about how the diamonds were made to you and the others and you were shocked by this news.

(Y/N): "I created you guys!?"

W. Diamond: "Of course, I was the first of the Card Hero's creations."

B. Diamond: *to Y. Diamond*"I don't think she's making this up, Yellow, say something."

Y. Diamond: "White, how can you be sure that he made us?"

W. Diamond: "Well not exactly him but the last person who wore his bracelet used his powers to create us Diamonds out of nothing but a card."

(Y/N): "Wait, can I do that?"

Y. Diamond: "Yes, you did make the gems in your party right?"

(Y/N): "I didn't make them myself, I bought them from a slave trader."

Y. Diamond: "You bought them!?"

(Y/N): "How am I supposed to know if I was able to make them myself."

Yellow Diamond then takes a look at your bracelet and examines it.

Y. Diamond: "I'm sure that power is in there somewhere."

(Y/N): "I usually put item drops into my bracelet to make fallen enemies fight with me or unlock new skill trees."

Y. Diamond: "Hmm, let us try something."

We then see the diamonds place a finger on your bracelet and then we see Steven put his saliva into the bracelet and you see that the entire gem tree has appeared in your stats but it is currently locked.

(Y/N): "My level isn't high enough yet to use that kind of power, oh well guess I'll just buy some new recruits until I am able to make more gems."

Later, at the slave trader market, we see you and Naofumi looking around while we see Beloukas put a new slave crest on Raphtalia.

(Y/N): "Are you sure about this Raphtalia? You don't have to get a new slave crest."

Raphtalia: "But I want to, I prefer to think of it as a symbol of your faith in me, and I was hoping that you would also form a slave pact with me."

(Y/N): "Why me? Isn't Naofumi the one who bought you?"

Raphtalia: "But you were the one who also taught me how to play a guitar, make my own food, and let me play with Spinel."

You were about to say something else but realized that Raphtalia has a point.

(Y/N): "Touche, well I'm gonna find a new gem to buy."

You then look around in the box to find some new gems and you found a particularly valuable gem.

(Y/N): "Hey buddy, what's that big pink gem?"

Beloukas: "Why that's a Pink Diamond, this is a special one."

(Y/N): "Really? How much is it?"

Beloukas: "For you it would be 50 gold pieces."

(Y/N): "Deal!"

You then hand Beloukas the money and you grab the gem and place it on the ground as it then floats up and forms a giant pink woman with a puffy set of hair and clothing fit for royalty.

P. Diamond: "Where am I?"*sees you and takes a look at you* "Who are you and what are you?"

(Y/N): *looks at how tall Pink Diamond is* "Woah..."

We then see Pink Diamond touching your face and squishing it.

(Y/N): "That's my face."

P. Diamond: "Are all organics this squishy?"

(Y/N): "You never get out much right-"*feels P. Diamond touch your crotch* "Ah! Don't touch me there!"

P. Diamond: "Oh is that a sensitive spot?"

(Y/N): "Well that and it's a private spot."

P. Diamond: "I am learning so much about organics!" *holds your hands* "Teach me more!"

(Y/N): "Ok, but first off, never touch a human male on the privates, got it? To us it's considered rude and inappropriate."

P. Diamond: "My apologies I am so excited to be with organic beings such as yourself."

(Y/N): "Ok, well follow me please."

We see you and Pink leave the slave market tent and you and Pink see your party.

(Y/N): "Hey everyone meet-"

Gems: "Pink Diamond!"*Diamond salutes Pink Diamond*"How can we be of service?"

P. Diamond: "My fellow gems I am not your leader, (Y/N) is."

(Y/N): "I didn't tell you my name."

P. Diamond: "Diamonds have a way to communicate through thoughts."

Pink Diamond then sees Raphtalia walk up to your party and then she immediately walks up to her and takes a look at her.

P. Diamond: "You're the second organic I've met and you're so much different than (Y/N)."*touches Raphtalia's ears* "Are these for hearing sounds?"

Raphtalia: "Uh, yes."

P. Diamond: *Sees Raphtalia's tail* "And you have a tail!" *feels Raphtalia's tail* "It's so fluffy and soft!"

Raphtalia: "Gah! Don't touch my tail!"

(Y/N): "Pink, that's Raphtalia, she's a demi-human. She's not much like me, she has animal parts and can grow in size the higher her level becomes."

P. Diamond: "You mean she can become taller than White?"

(Y/N): "Well, not exactly, but she is special to my group."

P. Diamond: "You mean that she is your mate for life?"

You and Raphtalia blushed and stepped away from each other.

(Y/N): "It's not that, we just met a few days ago."

Raphtalia: "Me and (Y/N) can't kiss, that would be weird."

P. Diamond: "Is it because you don't know how?"

(Y/N): "It's not that, it's just that people have to know each other a lot if they were to be together."

P. Diamond: "But what would you do if you and her do decide to be together?"

(Y/N): "Oh, well I don't know I had terrible luck with women, one time I had a crush on this girl back in my world I asked her out and she stood me up and then I discovered she was gay and dating a girl which tore my heart into a million pieces. And that's basically how my love life went down the toilet."

P. Diamond: "Then have you considered knowing Raphtalia more, perhaps it would help you."

(Y/N): "I don't know about that. I mean Raphtalia is nice, and kind and beautiful and I do not want a repeat of last time."

Raphtalia: "You think I'm beautiful?"

(Y/N): *Realizes* "Did I just say that stuff out loud? Dang it, I suck at talking to girls!"

Spinel: "Why?"

(Y/N): "I do not do dating anymore after that girl broke my heart, so no I do not plan on dating Raphtalia."

P. Diamond: "Well then."*hugs you close to you*"I'll date you!"

(Y/N): "Wait what!?"

P. Diamond: "I can do it as a way to help you repair your broken heart."

(Y/N): "No!"

P. Diamond: *pouts* "Why not?"

(Y/N): "You just formed like 10 minutes ago and you only know my name."

P. Diamond: "I actually know more about your name. Your favorite band, your favorite sandwich, your favorite superheroes, your favorite comics, and your first word."

(Y/N): "Stay out of my head! And you sound like a stalker right now!"

P. Diamond: "But isn't the goal of a couple is that they should get to know each other?"

(Y/N): "Yes but you made it look like you're a creepy stalker! And it's making everyone very uncomfortable."

Pink Diamond then sees your party really uncomfortable about the conversation.

P. Diamond: "My apologies."

Spinel: "(Y/N), couldn't you at least give Raphtalia or Pink a chance, it could help you regain confidence. You can't just let one heartbreak get you down."

(Y/N): "No Thank you* *activates Cures Series* "My Curse Series will activate just by thinking about it."

Bismuth: "Come on, what are you gonna lose?"

(Y/N): "Half of the planet, half of the population, half of the universe maybe?"

Bismuth: "Noted, but why not try baby steps?"

(Y/N): "I was a complete laughing stock to all of the girls at my school after that night for 9 months. 9 painfully, emotionally damaging, humiliating, excruciating, lonely months. I think it's too late for baby steps. I went through 500 therapists just to get over that!"

Everyone then looked at each other in shock as you headed to the market district.

Bismuth: "Sheesh, 500 therapists."

Pearl: "(Y/N) has suffered more trauma than we initially thought."

P. Diamond: "Huh?"

Bismuth: "(Y/N) has suffered a lot of trauma before he got here which led to him getting the Curse Series."

P. Diamond: "That sounds bad."

Pearl: "And that was just the Lust part of the Curse Series, he had 7 traumatic experiences each representing the 7 deadly sins."

Bismuth: "What happened to him was the Lust part of his powers, if he had that much trauma that correlates with one Deadly Sin, there's no telling what kind of horrible things happened to him with the other ones."

P. Pearl: "I think it's best to leave him alone. To help him clear his mind and recover from his trauma."

The others looked at each other and nodded in agreement. We see you head back to the Slave Trader marker as you were seen looking at the cages and you see a red fox with multiple tails and you see it turn into a beautiful woman with a kimono, multiple fox tails, and a pair of ears.

(Y/N): "Oh hey there. How did you get here?"

The woman then looks at you in curiosity.

SCP-953: "I was traded from one prison to another, I was escaping a SCP Foundation facility until one of their gadgets malfunctioned and brought me here in this world, they called me SCP-953."

(Y/N): "Oh like 682 and 999?"

SCP-953: "Yes."

(Y/N): "I can see that you're a Kumiho and not a Kitsune, a lot of people can make that mistake."

SCP-953: "How can you tell?"

(Y/N): "A Kumiho is a spirit that transforms into a beautiful woman like yourself."*to Beloukas*"Hey, how much for this one?"

Later, we see you introduce SCP-953 to your party as we see SCP-953 looking at the gems and Raphtalia.

SCP-953: "Hello everyone."

(Y/N): "She came from another world just like me, she's a polymorphic humanoid from a place called the SCP Foundation, she told me that she had basically been kept on a leash at that place."*To 953* "No offense."

SCP-953: "It's fine."

(Y/N): "Should I give you a better name than SCP-953?"

SCP-953: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Everyone deserves a name, yours just sounds like a prisoner. How about Poly for Polymorphic Humanoid?"

Poly: "Hmm, I like it."

(Y/N): "Good, now adventure awaits!"

Frenchie: 10 minutes later.

We then see you crawling on the ground in exhaustion as the gems are walking normally as Pink Diamond looks down at you in curiosity.

(Y/N): "I have reached my physical limit."

P. Diamond: "Why are you doing that?"

(Y/N): "My feet hurt, I'm hungry, thirsty, and tired."

Raphtalia: "But we left the capital 10 minutes ago."

(Y/N): "We need a carriage."

Bismuth: "I can build us a carriage."

Raphtalia: "But we need something to pull the carriage."

(Y/N): "Hold on, let me check something."

You then go through your bracelet and look through your cards.

(Y/N): "How about SCP-682?"

Poly: "No! Anything but that beast! Trust me I know from experience. I fought that monster and a creepy old creep for 5 hours straight."

(Y/N): "How about a giant spider?"

Raphtalia: "That would be a bit scary?"

(Y/N): "Well I'm out of ideas."

Bismuth: "What about a filolial?"

(Y/N): "Yeah birds don't like me at all."

Lapis: "Are you saying that birds traumatized you?"

(Y/N): "Actually yes, my family pet is a parrot and he repeats everything that he hears. One time I invited my friends over for a study group session, the bird said all of my secrets and they all left and then I got an F in class even though I got all the answers right. When I was 5 I got swarmed by parakeets and then when I was 10 I got my Picture day photo ruined by a pigeon pooping on my shirt when the photos were taken outside. Which is why I never go near pet stores."

Lapis: "Okay point taken."

Bismuth: "Were you born with bad luck?"

(Y/N): "Well everyday is a jinx to me back in my world. Which is why if I expect disappointment I'll never be disappointed."

P. Diamond: "That is so sad."

(Y/N): "My moms tried to cheer me up but they ended up making things worse for me. They took me to a carnival but a guy a spew chunks on my face on a rollercoaster, I went through the hall of mirrors and I got lost for days in there until the police arrived and got me out of there, and when I won a goldfish it jumped out of the bowl and went into the sewer by itself."

P. Diamond: "Yikes, the more you talk about your life in your own world the more I feel sad about you."

Bismuth: "Were you happy at all before you got here?" *doesn't get a response* "Seriously!?! You have no happy memories!?!"

(Y/N): "Well I'm not sure how to be happy at this point, me smiling is just hiding the pain I feel on a daily basis."

Spinel: "Then how about we make you happy for real?"

(Y/N): "My therapist says that's not possible for me."

Out of desperation, we see Pink Diamond kiss you on the lips and this shocked you and everyone else.

Raphtalia: "Pink!?!"

Pink Diamond releases as you felt happiness for the first time in all of your life.

(Y/N): "Woah..."

P. Diamond: "How do you feel?"

(Y/N): "I feel happy. For the first time I actually feel happiness."

P. Diamond: "I'm glad to hear it."

(Y/N): "I guess I needed that."

Spinel: "And we're happy that you're happy."

(Y/N): "Maybe you guys are right, I can't just let one thing from my past make me think of now. But that doesn't mean we're getting filolials."

P. Diamond: "Alright, fair enough."

(Y/N): "How about this one?"

You then pull out a card and you summon a Sker Buffalo.

(Y/N): "A Sker Buffalo is 45 feet tall and can pull a carriage no problem."

Bismuth: "Least we have transportation."

(Y/N): "You know what, how about we stick to this one."

You then make the Sker Buffalo turn back into a card and you summon SCP-682.

SCP-682: "I'm back in this pathetic world!?"

(Y/N): "Look, I know you aren't excited to be here so-"

SCP-682: "I am no one's slave!"

You then electrocute SCP-682 with the slave crest on his body as he roars in pain.

(Y/N): "Sorry, but that slave crest prevents you from going on a massacre in a nearby town. Besides, you will have a road buddy."

You then summon SCP-999 in your hands as SCP-999 then gurgles in joy at seeing SCP-682.

SCP-682: "Get that abomination away from me!"

We then see Pink Diamond look at 999 as we see 999 hug her hand.

P. Diamond: "Awww, he's adorable. How can you call this cutie an abomination?"

SCP-682: "Fine, I'll serve you, just keep that thing away from me!"*sees Poly* "956, it's been awhile since I tried to slaughter you."

Poly: "I go by Poly now."

Bismuth: "Well we got something to pull the carriage, now we need to build a carriage. I can build it."

We then see a montage of Bismuth working on the carriage as we see her make the carriage herself utilizing all sorts of materials to build it. We then see it was finally finished and you all see it.

(Y/N): "You never cease to amaze us Bismuth."

Bismuth: "Hey it's a pleasure doing Bismuth with ya. Now to get this on 682."

We then see Jasper grab the harness and get it on 682 and attach the carriage to it.

(Y/N): "Say, 682, since you're one of us, I think you deserve a proper name."

SCP-682: "Just because you are nice to me doesn't mean all humans are like you."

(Y/N): "True, but I thought you could have a name rather than your number one, how about Sargon?"

SCP-682 then roars out of anger in your face, making your hair being pulled back.

(Y/N): "I'll take that as a no."

SCP-682: "I have my own name, but I will not give it to you. I despise humans the moment I was born, I find all life disgusting."

(Y/N): "So what you're not gonna tell us?"

SCP-682: "Just because you have this crest on me, doesn't mean you have tamed me. Go ahead and try to control me."

You activated the crest and shock 682 but it didn't affect him this time since his whole body was insulated.

(Y/N): "What the? You adapt to the slave crest?"

SCP-682: "If you want to truly tame me, you must give me a sense of fear of you. Just like that abomination 173, show me your full power!"

We then see SCP-682 swing his tail at you and launch you into the forest and charge in after you. We then see SCP-682 confront you and you get up and see him.

SCP-682: "Unleash your full strength, I have survived many things before even that abomination 173!"

(Y/N): "My...Curse Series? Fine, if it's a fight you want, then a fight you'll get!"

You then activate your Curse Series and you pull out a summon card and summon Baal Zebul and then her melodies then tried to destroy the hard to destroy reptile but he adapted to the singing until his adaptations has been negated and then 682 bite off her head and then you summon Last Sun Superman and Eradicator Lois Lane and make them fight off SCP-682 as we see SCP-682 glow black and the light made both kryptonians go on a kill frenzy and they charge at you and you summon the All Black Necrosword and slice both of them in half as they disappear.

SCP-682: "You're still holding back! Show me your full strength!"

You then pull out a card and you see it's a very dangerous card and you take off the armor that Bismuth made for the Curse Series and you then transform into a giant monster made up of all the cards you have in your arsenal and you roared at SCP-682 and create a forcefield that hold him in place. Your party sees you as the monster you transformed into and they were terrified of it.

Spinel: "What do we do?"

Lapis: "Can we turn him back?"

Bismuth: "As long as the kid is fighting 682, he'll stay that way."

We then see you unleash a powerful attack at 682 as he then feels the same fear he felt when he came face to face with SCP-173. In the aftermath of the battle, we see you holding the bones of SCP-682 and you got back to your party and you use a resurrection card to bring back SCP-682 and it worked as he was fully regenerated and he sees you the same way as SCP-173, an abomination that terrifies 682 to his core.

SCP-682: "You.......destroyed me......"*bows to you* "Master."

(Y/N): ".........what have I done......."

We see Poly as she looks at you.

Poly: *In her mind* "That's impossible... He found a way to kill the unkillable....and brought him back to life...."

SCP-682: "My father has given me the name of Atanti-ql-Paneu."

(Y/N): "Well for humans, the reason they make names is because each name means something. For example Sargon means "the faithful king" or "the legitimate king" in akkadian."

Atanti: "My name means death to life in my father's tongue."

(Y/N): "Ok, but besides trying to destroy all life, isn't there anything you do in your spare time, you get to live your life the way you want."

Atanti: "I never had such freedom, I spent most of my time being slaughtered by the Foundation in their attempts to destroy me and each of them failed miserably."

(Y/N): "Well think about this, you be with us, you will get to have the freedom you want, you can make a new start in your life."

Atanti: "Such freedom will become a bore to me. When I got my freedom in the Backrooms, I missed being confined in the walls of the Foundation, you and I are so much different. What you describe as freedom, I describe it as boredom."

(Y/N): "I guess we'll stick to Atanti then."

Atanti: "I spoke of myself, what of your story?"

(Y/N): "Well my story didn't start off very good, I basically lived a life of everything ending bad and me failing at it."

P. Diamond: "And through that time (Y/N) had only suffered in silence."

Atanti: "Hmm, we share the same pain."

(Y/N): "Yeah, when I was summoned here I hoped that this would give me a new life and have friends who cared about me. But in my old home, I spent so much of my time hiding my pain I lost sight that I was pushing away everyone."

Atanti: "You were hoping that this world appreciates your existence, however you were summoned on enemy grounds."

(Y/N): "Well yeah, that was because the king of this country hated a different card hero as well as a different shield hero."

Atanti: "Pathetic, a king wasting his time to spite heroes over nothing."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and it ended with him being in temporary exile until the Queen gets back."

Spinel: "So when are we gonna go on the road trip?"

(Y/N): "Well, we're gonna be keeping the queen's kingdom safe until she returns, until then Malty will be in charge."

Sometime later, we see Atanti pulling the carriage and you all are in it as we see you and the others went to Loot Village as they celebrate your arrival there.

(Y/N): "Hey guys."

Lapis: "They seem happy to see us."

Villager: "After saving our village from the last wave, you were the hero of our village. Without you and the Shield hero it would've been destroyed by those monsters."

(Y/N): "Hey, we did what we could, we're just here for some supplies for our carriage. We're going on a road trip!"

Villager: "Then have you ever thought of becoming a traveling merchant like the shield hero?"

(Y/N): "Like selling fruit, potions, drops, and other stuff?"

Villager: "Yes, before you came the shield hero had come along with his Filolial named Filo. But the Spear hero came to us to become our lord but the prices were too high for the reconstruction cost."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Villager: "But it was not the spear hero's idea, he wanted us to pay 70 silvers for each time we leave and enter the village."

(Y/N): "But what about the original toll price?"

Villager: "The toll was 50 silvers for entering and leaving that order was made by the followers of the King. They've spread terrible rumors about you, Card Hero. Some say that there's a monster inside of you waiting to burst out, that you kill those that disagree with you, that you summon horrible monsters to fight your battles, they even say that the Card Hero started the waves in the first place."

Lapis: "That's a lie!"

(Y/N): "But I killed Atanti just to learn what his name is. I never want to cause any trouble."

Atanti: "The fault is mine, master. I should have sensed you would be too strong for me. This wasn't the first time I was truly dead."

Lapis: "Ok..."

Atanti: "But I never should have driven you to release such rage, but I let my hatred over humanity get the best of me. I've been slaughtered so many times and survived it all, but I never expected I would die at your hands."

(Y/N): "Well but after this it might make it hard for others to trust me."

Lapis: "That's not true, you were able to expose the king of his crimes."

(Y/N): "How long have these rumors been happening?"

Villager: "They started after the king was exiled."

(Y/N): "Even when exiled that trash king still used dirty tricks."

Bismuth: "I know that he won't stop, but at least you showed everyone what he did."

Lapis: "Bismuth's right, if you hadn't exposed him in the duel then we would have been corrupted forever."

(Y/N): "But sooner or later, everyone will be back on the King's side. The rumors are spreading like wildfire, even faster than last time."

Bismuth: "Then we'll just have to do what we do best, keep doing what's right no matter what."

Spinel: "She's right and as long as we have friends we'll always be together."

(Y/N): "You're right, and maybe it's time that we make a difference."

Villager: *hands you a trading pass* "Here's a pass, it will allow you to be exempt from paying tolls across the country."

(Y/N): *takes the pass*"Thanks for the pass, we promise to keep everyone safe from the next wave."

Villager: "Thank you Card Hero."

We later see you and the others on the carriage with numerous supplies and items to sell.

(Y/N): "Man even after what happened to the king, Motoyasu is still an asshole moron and I can't believe Naofumi got a Fiolial and beat him in a race."

P. Diamond: "This Filo sounds very rambunctious."

(Y/N): "Okay the Pearls will be the accountants, Jasper and Bismuth will be on inventory, Spinel and Pink Diamond will be on getting the attention of the crowds, Lapis will work with me and Raphtalia to make the purchases. And we need some things like a portable oven and a grill."

Bismuth: "I can make those."

(Y/N): "And we can offer cooking classes too."

Lapis: "What kind of food would you teach people how to make?"

(Y/N): "Chili dogs, pizza, BBQ ribs, all kinds of stuff from the USA. Melromarc get your taste buds ready to taste the food of the land of the red, white, and blue!"

We see you travel around the countryside selling all kinds of drops, potions, food, and so much more. We see Pink Diamond and Spinel spinning around a sign that says Card Hero's Shop and Food and you set up shop for the public.

(Y/N): "Step right up, step right up and get something from the Card Hero's Shop and Food!"

Lapis: "We also offer free cooking classes."

(Y/N): "We are a food cart, a nurse's office, an item shop, you name it, we do it."

We then see the villagers come to you and they gather around.

(Y/N): "Have you all heard of a wonderful food called a pizza?"

Villager: "Sir hero."

(Y/N): "Observe."

You then make some pizza by rolling the dough, tossing the dough, spread some tomato sauce, sprinkle some cheese and then put some pepperoni slices on it and then put it into the oven and then wait for a bit and then pull out the pizza and then you use a card to summon a pizza cutter and cut the pizza into triangles.

(Y/N): "First pizza is on the house everyone, try it and see if you like it."

We then see the villagers grab a slice and they try the pizza and they love it.

Villiger: "This is delicious!"

Villiger 2: "Can you make more!"

(Y/N): "30 copper for 1 slice, and 1 silver for the whole pie. That's the price for pizza. Now for other foods. We have burgers at 1 silver and if you want it with fries and a beverage it would be 5 silver, same for hot dogs."

Villager 3: "What are hotdogs and burgers Card Hero?"

You then show the villagers burger and fries and a drink along with a hotdog with fries and a drink.

Villager 4: "That looks delicious, we'll take it!"

(Y/N): "We also have a kids menu if you want to look at it. And we have an item shop for adventurers and combat lessons from Jasper."

You see that the adventurers are a little hesitant about getting lessons from Jasper considering what happened to her last class as Jasper sees the fear in their eyes.

Jasper: *in her head*"Even after exposing the King and exiling him, they're too afraid to take combat lessons from me."

Sometime later, we see the Pearls counting the money you all got form the past 30 villages.

Pearl: "We got enough gold and silver to buy a whole country."

You and Pink Diamond see that Jasper is upset about not having any students in her classes.

(Y/N): "Jasper? Is something wrong?"

Jasper: "Even after everything, they still refuse to take my classes. I don't blame them."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah."

P. Diamond: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "The king executed Jasper's entire class cause she's part of my party and then she got corrupted by the king out of spite and then tried to pin the blame on me."

P. Diamond: "That's horrible."

Spinel: "Kids still don't want to play with me."

Lapis: "I offered an art class but the locals are afraid to do that with me."

(Y/N): "Just as I thought, the king's influence on his people is strong even while he's not here."

P. Diamond: "But we have some good things said about us."

(Y/N): "Alright, let's hope we can learn about the other heroes soon."

B. Pearl: "We can help people travel to other parts of the country."

(Y/N): "Like those taxis in New York! Blue Pearl you're a genius!"

B. Pearl: *blushes*"Thank you."

You then pull out a card that summons a can of spray paint and you spray paint colors of a New York Taxi on the side of the carriage and you put a label on the carriage that says Card Hero's Taxi.

(Y/N): "There we go."

Lapis: "Hopefully this will get us some money."

(Y/N): "I wonder what kind of customers we would get on our taxi carriage business."

Sometime later, you and the others arrive in a village and you see a bunch of taxi requests from a large group of 80 Rubies.

(Y/N): "Wow, 80 Rubies requesting a ride."*to the Rubies*"Huh, what do Rubies do?"

Pearl: "Allow me to Illuminate."*points to the Rubies and in a singing voice*"Ruby guards, but only 80 of them. They tend to come in groups of 3 or more."*sees the rubies move out of the way of a Sapphire*"A Precious Sapphire, she sees the future, that's who the Rubies for."

(Y/N): "Wow, transporting 80 rubies and one Sapphire. We'll make good money and get some happy customers."

Lapis: "Got any plans on how to transport all of them?"

Sapphire: "Of course he does, that's why I predict he will use a Spatial Displacement Card to make the inside of the carriage big enough for all of us."

(Y/N): "Great idea! I'll get right on it right away!"

We then see you place a spatial displacement card in the carriage as we see all of the Rubies and Sapphire get into the carriage.

(Y/N): "So why does 1 Sapphire need like 80 Rubies?"

Pearl: "Rubies act as bodyguards."

(Y/N): "But why so many?"

Spinel: "Maybe some bad people really want to get a Sapphire and do bad things to her like force her to predict lottery numbers or worse, the nasties."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah."*to Sapphire* "Ma'am I'm the Card Hero and you might've heard some rumors about me."

Sapphire: "Of course, but I already know about you and know that you along with the Shield Hero are innocent. That's why I predict that you all will have your names cleared."

(Y/N): "Really? But how did you-" *Realizes* "Oh yeah, future vision."

Lapis: "So what's with the king's problem with the Shield and Card?"

Sapphire: "The king already had his own reasons for despising the shield and card, the three heroes' church took advantage of that to manipulate him."

(Y/N): "I hope he will finally stop giving me and Naofumi a hard time."

Sapphire: "But it isn't the king you should worry about, it's the church itself that is a bigger threat than you realize. As for the King, I predict he might imprison you and himself in a place unreachable by anyone."

(Y/N): "Oh, but what about the queen? Can't she do something?"

Sapphire: "As of now the queen is trying her best to keep the other countries from interfering, seeing, originally the plan was that each country would summon one hero so that they would work together to fight the waves around the world. By the time they made the decision, Melromarc's temporary leadership had already summoned the five heroes. That made the other nations furious, forcing the queen to travel the world to put out the fires her country started."

(Y/N): "The next thing you might say that you predicted I would get framed for raping Malty."

Sapphire: "I did, but that future never happened."

(Y/N): "It didn't? How?"

Sapphire: "You were the reason, if you had not come here, Malty would have been like her father, but worse, she would have planned to kill her sister Melty, the heir to the throne and frame the Shield Hero for her murder to become heir to the throne herself."

(Y/N): "Okay, but specifically how though?"

Sapphire: "Star Princess, the fusion between you and Malty was formed."

Spinel: "But why did the king summon the heroes by himself?"

Sapphire: "He wasn't even supposed to have the power to make the decision, the queen did her best to keep him on a leash by leaving a lord she trusted with control of the kingdom while she was away, but..."

Lapis: "But what?"

Sapphire: "He was tragically killed during the first wave and the queen has not returned home. He was the kind and just lord of the demihumans."

(Y/N): "What about gems like you guys?"

Sapphire: "We are neutral until either of us becomes inclined to a single shared goal."

(Y/N): "On an unrelated note. Which one of the 80 rubies in this carriage do you have a crush on?"

Sapphire: *blushes nervously* "It would be..."

She then pointed at a ruby as you saw that her gem was on the palm of her hand.

(Y/N): "Oh, I see."

Sapphire: "As for your future, I can assure you that the queen will clear you and the shield hero's name and end the humiliation you both had suffered. You have both been pariahs to her kingdom for far too long."

(Y/N): "Okay follow up question for the Rubies."*to the rubies* "Raise your hand if you know Steven Universe."

We then see the same ruby hold her hand up.

(Y/N): "I knew it!"

Sapphire: "Well there is no point in hiding anymore."

We then see Ruby and Sapphire fuse together to form Garnet.

Garnet: "You know me too well."

(Y/N): "But why did you come here?"

Garnet: "It's because I saw both you and Naofumi's fate."

Spinel: "What is it?"

Garnet: "By using a fabricated holy weapon, Balmus, the pope of the three heroes church, plans to murder the cardinal heroes including you and Naofumi and frame you both."

(Y/N): "And you also want to see me fuse with other people right?"

Garnet: *smiles* "You got me there."

Lapis: "So what about the other heroes?"

Garnet: "Naofumi will fill you in."

(Y/N): "When?"

Garnet: "When you arrive at our stop."

You then see a traders tavern and you see Naofumi with his own carriage as you saw it was being pulled by a filolial named Filo.

(Y/N): *looks nervously* Man, I have the worst luck with birds."

Garnet: "You don't need to worry, it may be a fiolial, but it is a fiolial queen."

You then see filo turn into her human form and sees you.

(Y/N): "Uh... Hi, just don't peck my eyes out."

Filo: *Tilts in confused* "Why would I want to do that?"

(Y/N): "Cause birds hate me."

Filo: "I don't hate you."

We then see the Rubies exit your carriage as Garnet walks to you.

Garnet: "See? You only got worried for no reason."

(Y/N): *puts on a helmet* "I'm wearing this helmet so that she would try to crack my head with her beak."

Filo: *Looks at Naofumi* "Why is he acting weird?"

Naofumi: "He has some bad luck back where he's from."

(Y/N): "So what have you been doing?"

Naofumi: "I had to take a trader here but I ran into a bandit group with someone with a class upgrade."

(Y/N): "Class Upgrade, that's new."

Garnet: "Something you will get in the future, but the King's followers will ban you from getting class upgrades."

Naofumi: "As I was saying, Filo and Raphtalia did take them down but they had a plan when they saw who I was."

Garnet: " It would be to tell the guards "We are a group of unlucky adventurers who were attacked by the cruel Shield Hero and treated all of us like dirt." and know that the guards will take their word over the Shield Hero's, same goes for the Card Hero."

P. Diamond: *walks up to Garnet* "Hey there."

Garnet then looks up and sees Pink Diamond and then she was weirded out by her presence and she was internally screaming.

(Y/N): "Anyway what happened Naofumi?"

Naofumi: "I decided to threaten them by saying Filo will eat them so we worked out a little agreement."

(Y/N): "You take the stuff they stole and you will sell them in exchange for safe passage?"

Naofumi: "Exactly."

(Y/N): "Well I have my own Item shop, traveling restaurant, and I turned my carriage into a taxi. Speaking of which."*to the rubies*"That would be 60 silver and 20 copper please."

Ruby: "Right."

We then see the Rubies pay you for the trip as they head into the traders hut.

(Y/N): "Thank you for using the Card Hero Taxi service, please tell your friends. Oh and make sure you take some coupons for a buy one get 1 free deal on magic potions in our item shop."

Lapis: "So Naofumi, what have the other heroes been doing?"

Naofumi: "Well Motoyasu introduced a new crop to a famine village, Ren went to the south to fight some monsters and apparently he took down a dragon. And Itsuki has joined a rebellion up north."

(Y/N): "Oh, so what are you doing now?"

Naofumi: "Getting this Herbicide to a nearby village."

(Y/N): "Can we come? I'm sure Garnet would love to join us right Garnet?" *doesn't get a response* "Garnet?"

You see that Garnet was frozen in shock as you then take a look at her.

(Y/N): "Garnet? You ok?"

P. Diamond: "Was it something I said?"

(Y/N): "Maybe this would help."

You then hit Garnet on the rear with a stick as she then punches you in the face

(Y/N): "Ouch..."

Garnet: "Sorry, it's just been so long since I saw Pink Diamond." *takes off her glasses* "I never thought that I would see her again."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, the whole gem war."

Lapis: "But what's the herbicide for in the village?"

Garnet: "Whatever happens next, I'm confident that you all will figure it out."

(Y/N): "Maybe we can bring in some plant experts."

You then pull out a card and summon Poison Ivy aka Pam Isley as she sees you and recognizes you.

Pam: "(Y/N)? Where am I? I was at home taking care of some plants until I got here."

(Y/N): "We need a plant expert cause we're saving herbicide for plan B."

Pam: "Sure I can help, but no funny business."

(Y/N): "Alright, let's go."

Later, we see you and the others arrive at the village and you all see vegetation overgrowing the entire village.

(Y/N): "Either people are bad at gardening or they might have grown too much lettuce."

You all see a campsite and you all enter it and see people in tents.

(Y/N): "Hey everybody."

Villager: "It's the savior of the heavenly fowl and the Card Hero!"

We then see the villagers come to you and the others.

(Y/N): "So what happened guys?"

Villager: "Our village was stricken with famine and hunger, we thought we might starve to death until the Spear Hero came to us with a Miracle Seed from a nearby ruin and told us that we'll never go hungry again."

(Y/N): "Wait, he gave you a seed that would make all of this?"

Villager: "Yes but we have a town legend about an alchemist making a seed that would keep us from starving to death but the seed was sealed away."

(Y/N): "So even though you had a legend about planting the seed is a bad idea because a hero says it's a good idea?"

Naofumi: "I see, you guys convinced yourselves it was safe because a hero gave it to you, right?"

The villagers look down in sadness.

(Y/N): "Gotcha there guys."

Villager: "Please help us, cure our sick."

(Y/N): "Let's have Poison Ivy look at them."

You and the others then head to a medical tent and see small plants sprouting out of a kid's body.

(Y/N): "So Ivy, what's the verdict?"

Pam: "Well the plant wants to be our friends."

(Y/N): "Oh cool."

Pam: "And eat you, but in a friendly way."

(Y/N): "Oh so not cool. Can we use the Herbicide on the plants or what?"

Pam: "Hey I may be an eco terrorist but even I know this is too far. I want people and plants to be friends, not have them eat each other."

(Y/N): "Like the time Gary the Venus flytrap nearly ate Harleen?"

Pam: "That was the only time that I forgot to feed him."

(Y/N): "Fair point. But can't you try to make the plants less harmful?"

Pam: "Hold on, let me reason with the plants. I just need to get myself planted."

(Y/N): "From the waist up or from the knees up?"

Pam: "Well I would get better reception from the waist up."

You then summon gardening supplies with your cards and you turn to Naofumi.

(Y/N): "You get the people cured, I'll do some gardening."

Sometime later, we see you have planted Pam into the ground from the waist up and you gave her some plant food and water for her.

(Y/N): "Do your thing, Ivy."

Pam: "Right and nice work on the gardening."

(Y/N): "Yeah, all of that plant sitting your plants at your house really paid off, even though I was almost eaten by plants and got scarred for life when I was almost digested by Gary."

Pam: "I'm really sorry about that, the hero girls told me and my friends about you suffering in silence."

(Y/N): "But it was my fault, I should have opened up to you guys."

Pam: "But we were the ones who started all of your pain and got you the Curse Series."

(Y/N): "Yeah I got the emotional trauma from killing Atanti to prove it."

Pam: "When this is over, we all want to make this up to you."

(Y/N): "Thanks. And for me, I'm gonna start a new leaf when this is over by telling you girls about what happened to me."

Pam: "Ok, which means no more suffering for you."

(Y/N): "Yeah, but I feel like everyone back home won't know about this."

Pam: "Don't worry, we'll be sure to tell everyone back home about what they all put you through and what we put you through."

(Y/N): "Thanks Pam."

Pam smiled at you as she then started to sprout roots from her body and she started to communicate with the plants.

(Y/N): "So what's their demands?"

Pam: "They're saying that they want human flesh to relieve the pain, the plants need human flesh to stop the pain."

(Y/N): "Huh, can you ask if it needs help?"

Pam: "No, all they want is something to eat to alleviate the pain."

(Y/N): "Permission to use herbicide on them?"

Pam: "Permission granted, it will at least put them out of their suffering."

(Y/N): "It's a good thing I went with diplomacy first then violent action cause plants are people too and you are my friend and I have a green thumb myself. And I give nature the respect that it deserves and you are part of nature cause you are a pretty flower yourself."

Pam: *blushes*"Oh uh...that's so sweet of you to say."

(Y/N): "Thanks, should I pull you out of there?"

Pam: "Um you go on ahead, it's just so comfy here and I need to relax like a plant does. Can you leave me with a water can for me?"

You then use a card to summon a watering can for Pam and you head to your party.

(Y/N): "Alright team, we got a weed to pluck out and Pam says it's okay to do it."

We later see you and the others walking to a large tree as we see you walk to the tree and you then pour the herbicide on it as it causes the tree to wilt and collapse.

(Y/N): "Rest in peace."

Sometime later, we see you and Naofumi modifying the plant to make it safer to make the fruit and not turn into a monster.

(Y/N): "There you go everyone, now you'll be able to have plenty of fruit to make juice and keep everyone fed for a decade. But I still feel upset about what Motoyasu did to you guys."

Naofumi: "Even after everything he's a moron."

(Y/N): "Yeah but can't blame him, he just thinks this world is like a video game. But if Motoyasu caused this, I can't imagine what kind of damage Ren and Itsuki caused."

Bismuth: "Look whatever those two did, we'll be sure to clean up after them."

(Y/N): "You're right, but even if what they did is wrong they're still our friends, they just need proper guidance. Well anyways-"*to the villagers* "We did the job so pay up."

Villager: "But we don't have any money."

(Y/N): "Well we can take more than money."

Lapis: "(Y/N)."

(Y/N): "As heroes we're willing to take whatever you have as a reward, money isn't a object."

Villager: "How about the fruit?"

(Y/N): "You know we do need some beverages for our traveling restaurant, we'll take 70 barrels."

We later see you and the others in your carriage as we see the inside had 70 barrels of fruit in them.

(Y/N): "Well, another day another Gold piece. Hey Garnet, where do we sell these?"

Garnet: "We can't use them all up yet, so we need them for a town that had a bad luck streak."

(Y/N): "Gotcha, but you know during my time here I think I can actually see what the purpose the five heroes have."

Lapis: "You do?"

(Y/N): "Yes, two are for close range, one is for long range, one is for defense, and lastly one is for support."

Bismuth: "Without those two, the other heroes would have a hard time with the waves."

(Y/N): "Exactly, and that is what the king lacked to see, all the heroes are equally important. I just hope he will see that."

Garnet: "He'll never accept that."

Lapis: "How would you know?"

Garnet: "Trust me, I know."

We then see a bling on her shades.

(Y/N): "Well even if he can't accept it, I'm gonna make sure that he never forgets that."

Garnet: "Just try not to get stranded on another planet."

Spinel: "So when will the queen be back?"

Garnet: "She'll come back when the time is right."

(Y/N): "Man, you are so cryptic."

Bismuth: "But for now we can start by doing our job and cleaning up any mess the other heroes made and sell a bunch of stuff too."

(Y/N): "Got that right."

Garnet: "There's a village dead ahead on this path, but two people will tell you all about what happened there, and it's not pretty."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

You and the others then see two people walking down a path.

(Y/N): "Oh, they look bummed out, pull over Atanti."

You and the others stopped the carriage and you all got to the two people and gave them food.

(Y/N): "So what's up with you guys?"

Villager: "Down this path leads to a godforsaken village."

(Y/N): "What happened?"

Villager: "A plague has overcome our village."

(Y/N): "How did this plague start?"

Villager: "It all started when the Sword Hero slain a dragon, its remains began to rot and poisoned anyone who's near it. People there have abandoned their hopes of a savior coming to save them."

(Y/N): "Man, even for a highschooler even Ren knows that meat can go bad when you leave it out for too long."

Garnet: "Told you it won't be pretty."

(Y/N): "We'll be able to help out, but we're gonna need the Shield Hero's help."

We later see you and the others in your carriage going up the mountains as Naofumi's carriage was next to yours and we see Pink Diamond treating the patients with her healing saliva as they were cured from the plague.

(Y/N): "Who needs healing potions when you have a Pink Diamond with healing powers."

You then see Garnet come into the room with a purple owl on her head.

(Y/N): "Who's your friend Garnet?"

We then see the owl fly off of Garnet as we then see it shapeshift into a purple woman who has Jasper's build but is much shorter than her.

???: "It's you!"

You then step back in surprise as we see her take a look at you.

???: "Man you look great! I really like your style!"

Garnet: "Everyone, this is-"

(Y/N): "Amethyst? What are you doing here?"

Garnet: "I brought her here."

Amethyst: *sees P. Diamond*"Hey Pink Diamond!"

We then see Amethyst spin attack Pink and then she falls onto Amethyst as they both laugh.

(Y/N): "Wow, she took meeting Pink Diamond in person better than you have Garnet."

P. Diamond: *picks up Amethyst*"She's so cute!"*hugs Amethyst tightly*"Can we keep her!?"

(Y/N): "Well a different Pink diamond made her so yeah."

P. Diamond: "Yay!"

Amethyst: "Man you remind me of Steven and Rose, but taller and pinker."

(Y/N): "Man, Pink was a child when she first formed so naturally she would be a kid herself."

Amethyst then gets up and sees Jasper and she was a bit shocked to see her.

Jasper: "Is there a problem?"

Amethyst: "I know a Jasper that is like you, but she's not the nicest sis around. She treated me like a weakling and she beat me up cause she came out right and I came out wrong, when Steven and I fused she tried to fuse with a corrupted gem just to win a fight but she lost that fight."

Jasper: "Sounds like she doesn't want to be a failure. (Y/N) taught me that failure teaches people how to be better."

Amethyst: "Man (Y/N) teaches you guys a lot of lessons."

Lapis: "Well yeah, he wants all of us to work together as a team. But most of the attention is going to Pink Diamond."

Garnet: "From what I remember about my Pink Diamond back in my world, all she wanted was love from her fellow diamonds. While Blue was the nicest she doesn't like Pink keeping around organics and she wanted her to act like the diamond she is, Yellow is more restrictive and focuses on her work, and White set up all of the rules for all the gems to the empire and everyone were suffering in silence, even her fellow diamonds. He wants to do what it took the diamonds so long to do, give her some love and raise her like his own."*sees you patting Pink Diamond's head*"Like an adoptive parent and child relationship."

Amethyst: "Yep, but that guy still thinks he's not ready for a date. It's like dude, you're a great guy, any girl will be lucky enough to date ya. I gave him solid dating advice and tell him to go for it, no cheesy romantic stuff, just go for it and give her a good time. He told me that my advice worked well and he went on so many dates after that so how come he's feeling miserable here?"

Garnet: "He took your advice and he was heartbroken after the first date."

Amethyst: "What!?"

Garnet: "He lied to all of us to hide his pain."

Amethyst: "How did it go bad? Was his first crush grossed out from cockroaches in her salad or whatever and blame (Y/N) on choosing the restaurant?"

Garnet: "No, he was stood up by her, when he decided to leave he saw her with a woman and discovered why she didn't show up at his first date. His heart was shattered into pieces, and to make sure that no other woman hurts him he lies about his dates to everyone, even his closest friends."

Amethyst: "Gah! I'm such an idiot!"

Garnet: "But do not worry, this world has reignited the spark within his heart to give him another chance and I'm sure one day he'll be a happy man."

Amethyst: "And that is why Rose made you the boss after she's gone."

Sometime later, you all gathered around for a group meeting with the medical staff and both your party and Naofumi's Party.

(Y/N): "Alright we got good news, bad news, and even worse news. Let's start with the good news, we are able to cure the patients."

Amethyst: "Yeah!"

(Y/N): "Bad news is that they will get infected with the plague again.

Amethyst: "Boo!"

(Y/N): "And even worse news is that the doc told me that he sent a message to the Capital for some medicine and the 3 heroes to help but they said they're too busy to help these guys."

Amethyst: "What?! Why would Malty want to do that?"

Garnet: "She didn't, the message was intercepted by the King's followers and they use that message to spread terrible rumors about the Card and Shield Heroes ambushing the carriage and taking the medicine for themselves and letting the people of this town to die."

Amethyst: "Sheesh, how low can that old geezer get just to spite (Y/N) and Naofumi? I mean hey we lost Rose because of Greg but you don't see us giving him a hard time."

Garnet: "We kidnapped Steven cause we jumped to conclusions, I brought my frustrations along and ruined Steven and Greg's road trip, Pearl gave Greg a hard time after Rose gave up her form to make Steven, and you and Greg watched cartoons for a long time. And for most of our adventures we wrecked his van."

Amethyst: "Yeah but that's because we were going through some things, that doesn't mean we hate the guy. Rose wanted a baby and then she made Steven, I mean sure it sucks that Rose is gone but at least Steven helped us through all of that."

(Y/N): "Okay for our medical services it will be 500 gold." *sees everyone looking at you* "What? Medical treatment doesn't come cheap, you know."

Lapis: "True, but you sound like Naofumi."

(Y/N): "I know, but after everything he was put through I don't blame him for acting so I'd say-" *to the doc* "Pay up doctor dude."

Garnet: "Perhaps they will pay as soon as we dispose of the corpse."

(Y/N): "But that's monster clearing service but I guess 15 extra gold pieces would do."

Garnet: "If we are to stop this plague then we need to eliminate it from the source."

Amethyst: "Oh yeah, I told Pearl to check it out cause I said she's too uptight to get her hands dirty so she went up there on her own."

(Y/N): "Without any backup?"

Amethyst: "Relax man, she got holo pearls. So she's fine. Trust me, nothing bad is gonna happen to her or if something bad happened to her like she tripped on a rock and cracked her gem, or got swarmed by balloons which are fun to pop, or got swallowed by a mimic by now. Whatever happens to her up there she can handle it. Right Garnet?"

Garnet: "She cleared the lesser monsters for us on the path to the corpse a few minutes ago and she's waiting for reinforcements."

(Y/N): "Then let's go."

We see you and the others in your carriage along with Naofumi's as you all were going up the path and you see Pearl on the path and she was finding the air toxicating.

(Y/N): "Hey Pearl."

Pearl(CG): "Thank goodness you all came here in time."

Amethyst: "See man? Nothing bad happened."

(Y/N): *sees a purple balloon on Pearl's leg* "You got a little friend on your pants."

Pearl(CG): "Oh this creature came to me and it's unlike the others."

(Y/N): "I think the plague turned the orange balloon into a purple balloon."

Pearl: "Of course it seemed to not only affect its appearance but also affected its behavior." *gets bit by the Purple Balloon* "Gah! Luckily we gems are not affected by the plague."

(Y/N): "So we just need to get rid of the corpse and everyone will be getting better soon."

Amethyst: "And this should be a piece of cake."

You then see Garnet covered with multiple Purple Balloons as they were biting into her legs, Torso, and hair.

(Y/N): "So anything else we need to worry about besides these balloons?"

Garnet: "The corpse is the main threat of this area, the balloons are merely annoyances."

Amethyst: "Why do you have them on ya?"

Garnet: "I find it relaxing." *gets bit on the butt by another balloon* "And now I am in the mood to fight a corpse."

Garnet then shakes off the balloons off of her body as you then take the last one off of her butt.

(Y/N): "Naofumi keeps these under his cloak for emergencies, so let's keep one as a pet."

Garnet: "I agree." *Pets the purple balloon* "I think I should call this one Balloon Steven."

(Y/N): "Balloon Steven? Why that?"

Garnet: "It's not the first time I named a creature after Steven, there's Cat Steven."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, that cat gave me a hard time when I was in charge of house sitting for you guys cause he scratched up my clothes and my face."

Garnet: "I should have seen that coming to be honest."

(Y/N): "It's alright, now we just need to find that-"

Then you felt the ground shake a bit.

Atanti: "Master, the creature's soul is no longer in the body. Only the hatred and agony for the people who slay it remains, taking control of what's left of the beast. The power I sense is familiar."

(Y/N): "No time to lose!"

We see you and the others head down the path and you then found the corpse.

(Y/N): "There it is."

Pearl(CG): *covers her nose* "This is even worse than that old burrito Amethyst purchased 7 years ago."

Amethyst: *covers her nose* "Dude this corpse stinks, even for me."

(Y/N): "Atanti said that the only thing that remains in the dragon's lifeless body is the agony and hatred of the one who slayed it."

Pearl(CG): "The Sword Hero."

Amethyst: "Dude, even I know meat out in the open goes bad." *sees one of your Pearls and Pearl(CG)* "Okay this is weird."

Pearl(CG) then looked and saw your pearl as the two then looked at each other in confusion.

(Y/N): "Weird right?"

P. Diamond: "You can say that again."

Pearl(CG) then sees Pink Diamond and she is shocked to see her again and then she stammers and laughs and then she faints onto the ground.

Amethyst: "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell her that there's a Pink Diamond here and she's (Y/N)'s slave."

(Y/N): "Hey Bismuth, why don't you keep an eye on Pearl while we get to work."

Bismuth: "No problem boss."

You and the others then head up to the corpse and Atanti then uses his adaptability to adjust his perception to be like yours and he sees the stats of the corpse and sees it's glitching out and he's shocked to see that is a power you wield but relieved that it's on a lessor level.

(Y/N): "What's up Atanti?"

Atanti: "The power within this corpse is like your own but weaker."

(Y/N): "You mean like the agony that I felt?"

Atanti: "This creature's hatred comes from one while yours came from this very land you were summoned to."

(Y/N): "Melromarc? But I don't really hate it."

Atanti: "Just like your traumatic memories, you continue to bottle up your hatred. The more you store that hatred the stronger your power becomes, and the time you slain me in cold blood has now been dwarfed by your power now. If you continue this, you will become a beast like I have before you slain me."

Poly: "You hated this country?"

(Y/N): "It's fine, I'm not gonna make that same mistake again."

Atanti: "Lies will only make things worse."

(Y/N): "Alright you got me there, I'm just afraid I might kill the ones I love if I become that thing again."

Atanti: "The fate in your future isn't set in stone, just like me. You have proven that only Death itself has dominion over me yet no one can slay me until you had done the impossible."


We then see you unleash a powerful sound wave that destroyed all of the clouds in the world and shook the planet as the force knocked everyone back as you were panting as your eyes reverted to normal and saw everyone on the ground as you then deactivated the curse series.

(Y/N): "Guys! I am so sorry! Gah! Why am I always the bad guy!?!"

You then felt something nudging your leg as you looked down and saw Balloon Steven was nuzzling on your leg seeing that he showed care for you no matter what others think of you, however you still hear the thoughts of everyone in Melromarc and you started to shake and then when you punch the ground it caused large cracks as we see a card of Black Widow come out of your bracelet by accident and summoned Black Widow and she sees you shaking and immediately remember witness Bruce's transformation into the Hulk.

B. Widow: "Snap out of it kid, we'll get you out of this. I swear on my life!"

(Y/N): *in a louder voice* "Your life!?!"

We then see you transform into an amalgam of foes the Avengers fought as a team and individually. The monster you have become dubbed Amalgavenger sees the corpse of the dragon awaken and turn its attention towards you as it roared at you and you roared back. The others then see the monster attack the dragon by itself and see the savage and terrifying monsters. We then see Amalgavenger grab the corpse by the head and then throw it into the sun out of a fit of rage as we then see Amalgavenger turn its attention to the others and attack the others.

B. Widow: "Run!"

We then see the others run as we see Amalgavenger chase after them as we see the Hulk and Thor come in and tackle the monster. Amalgavenger then sees Thor and Hulk and attacks Thor first but he blocks the punch but it makes him drop a knee.

Thor: "We're not your enemies (Y/N)! Try to think!"

We then see Amalgavenger fire a repulsor blast at Thor and knock him back as we see Hulk fight Amalgavenger off himself and was easily overpowered by his strength and fighting skill similar to that to Thanos. We then see a barrier made from the Mirror Dimension form around Amalgavenger as it then breaks out of the barrier with a single punch and then use the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak grab an invisible object which reveals to be Dr. Strange. Amalgavenger then sees the Avengers surrounding it and then makes a portal to the capital and heads into it. Sometime later, in the infirmary, we see you wake up in chains restricting any form of movement.

(Y/N): "Where am I? What is this?" *realizes* "Aw drat, I did it again."

You then see Captain America come in and you see he's missing an arm and you see he's holding the helmet of Iron Man.

(Y/N): "No..."

Capt. America: "The Avengers were wiped out by that monster you turned into, and the capital suffered numerous casualties."

(Y/N): "I see, so that means I'll have to be sent somewhere to avoid causing more of this."

Capt. America: "Look, I understand that your in a lot of pain but-"

(Y/N): "You don't understand, I have caused enough trouble then I tried to be good, I nearly destroyed this world I was summoned to protect, I killed the entire Avengers, I feel that I'm better off without this bracelet. You don't have to lie to make me feel better."

Capt. America looked down seeing you were right.

(Y/N): "Let's just face it, the king has basically won in this, he has everyone to see the card hero as a Lucifer on Earth."

Capt. America: "I guess so. But we can't remove the bracelet."

(Y/N): "But you can chop off the arm that it's on."

Captain America looked to see you having your arm out with the bracelet on it.

(Y/N): "Just do it and it'll be over, no one in this world can help me with this curse series. I don't even know if there is anything that can overcome it."

Capt. America: "Alright."

Sometime later, we see you with a vibranium arm where the bracelet used to be and we see you walk to your party and they see your new arm and see that they don't see your weapon

Lapis: "What happened to your arm?"

Bismuth: "What happened to your bracelet?"

(Y/N): "I'm not the Card Hero anymore."

Spinel: "But why?"

(Y/N): "At this point, it seems that Aultcray had already won at this, so all that is happening will be the other heroes' problems."

Lapis: "But they're your friends."

(Y/N): "Captain America told me everything that happened, and it turns out Motoyasu, Itsuki, and Ren were trying to turn me into roadkill like they didn't care about me." *looks out the window* "WIth those three as friends, who needs enemies. I'm disbanding the party."

Bismuth: "What?"

(Y/N): "You guys are free to do something better with your lives."

You were seen walking out as we see Spinel follows you.

(Y/N): "Spinel, stay."*sees that she's still following you* "Spinel, I said stay!"

Spinel: "But..."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, but I'm doing this for your own good."

You then walked off as Spinel watched you leave and looked sad. You then see Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuki looking at you like they're preparing to fight until they see your new arm and they don't see your bracelet and they were shocked to see that you don't have your legendary weapon.

Ren: "You...didn't...."

Itsuki: "It's not possible...."

Motoyasu: "Are you out of your mind!?!"

(Y/N): "This is how the Card Hero's story ends, I can't believe how selfish you all are. You all knew that I was the monster and the first thing you all did was try to kill me, some friends you are."

You then leave the room as Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuki then start crying for the things they've done to you.

Ren: "What have we done?"

Spinel: "Being big meanies that's what."

They looked and saw Spinel looking at them mad along with the others.

Spinel: "You three were the ones who listened to the king."

Bismuth: "It's basically your fault it happened, and if (Y/N) wasn't here Malty would have been the most to blame."

Garnet: "I agree, a future showed me that she had fallen for the three heroes church and fed into them with her own conspiracies, but you would be the most guilty Motoyasu, because she was playing you for a fool and you seemed to have been unaware she was manipulating you in that future."

Motoyasu: "Hey, there's nothing wrong with me trusting a member of my party, you can't blame me for wanting-"

Garnet: "Trusting others doesn't mean you should believe what they say blindly without thinking for yourself."

Lapis: "If you just used some brain power none of this would have happened."

Ren: "They have a point you know."

Motoyasu was looking a bit upset at what they said.

Itsuki: "Take it easy, Motoyasu is sorry for what he did. Now let's just put this behind us and find (Y/N)."

Bismuth: "You two are no better than he is."

Ren and Itsuki both looked at Bismuth and others.

Lapis: "In case you hadn't noticed Ren, after you killed that dragon its corpse rotted to the point it poisoned the air and nearly wiped out an entire village."

Ren: "What?"

Garnet: "It's true, but for you in video games a monster usually disappears when you kill it."

Lapis: "But this isn't a game, you should have been smart enough to figure it out."

Garnet: *To Itsuki* "And Itsuki, I had learnt about your adventure leading a rebellion but what you didn't know was that it left the town in economic ruin forcing its people into abject poverty."

Itsuki: "But if I hadn't taught that lord a lesson those people would have suffered under his rule forever."

Garnet: "A hero doesn't solve every problem with brute strength. You could have instead used your standing to pressure the leadership instead of replacing it with more of the same."

Itsuki: "But..."

Bismuth: "You should have taken a minute to think about what your actions would lead at the end."

Garnet: "Indeed, your thoughtless actions are why we are here, you have been paving way for the monsters from the waves to make it hard for people to prepare for them."

Itsuki: "Well if you're so smart what have you been doing this whole time?"

Lapis: "Helping Naofumi and (Y/N) with cleaning up your messes."

Pearl: "Naofumi and (Y/N) complain most of the time because they always have to straighten up after you."

Jasper: "When (Y/N) was out, when-" *points to Itsuki* "-you left those villages to starve we gave them all the food they could ever need, and we came prepared thanks to the fusion's future vision."

We then see Ren and Itsuki looking down in realization.

Ren: "So this is our fault."

Motoyasu: "Yeah, you're both the reason we're in this mess."

Ren and Itsuki both looked at Motoyasu in anger.

Itsuki: "You think you got room to talk? You're so thick headed you still don't understand how much of this is your fault!"

Ren: "Think twice before you make a decision!"

We then see the 3 heroes arguing until Atanti roars at them to silence them.

Lapis: "Guys, this isn't going anywhere."

Motoyasu: "Right, let's just focus on what's really important for now, specifically all the trouble Ren and Itsuki have been causing (Y/N) and Naofumi."

Garnet: "You caused plenty yourself."

Lapis: "How about the time you decided to pass out a seed that was sealed up for years? That village was overrun by those vines. Is that enough trouble for ya?"

Motoyasu: "Well... I... I only did that because the villagers asked for my help."

Garnet: "Yet they should have known better than to take it because a hero gave it to them, they had a legend that told them it was too dangerous."

Motoyasu: "But-"

Garnet: "That should have given you an idea about how much trust people put in the heroes."

???(Naofumi): "But that should have been a lot obvious to you."

They then turned and saw Naofumi.

Naofumi: "You three have been letting your hero work get to your heads. You've been doing whatever the hell you wanted, and now look where we are. Because of your egos you three were only embarrassing yourselves, when we could have been working together to fight the waves. Even before this made (Y/N)'s condition worse you three almost lost an easy fight against the monsters because you only thought of yourselves. Well Garnet's got one thing right, it's not surprising that the people here are sick of heroes like you."

Spinel: "I didn't understand all that but I know this is all spear guy's fault."

Filo: "Me too."

Motoyasu: "But... Spinel, Filo... Don't say that... I promise I was trying my hardest..."

Spinel: "Ok, but (Y/N) and Naofumi have been doing a lot harder than you."

Naofumi: "But one thing I know about (Y/N) before all this was he never gave up. Did (Y/N) give up when that village was under attack by the wave before?"

Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu: "No."

Naofumi: "No, and did he give up when you three forced me and him into a duel?"

Itsuki: "Oh you had to bring that up."

Ren: "He didn't give up there."

Pearl: "Didn't he give up when people tried their best to beat his burrito challenge at his Food and Shop? Where people had to eat every burrito in his burrito menu including Burrito-pocalypse in 1 hour?"

Motoyasu: "How can I forget that? He didn't give up on people trying out that challenge, even me and I was put in a food coma for a week after I won that challenge. Best 5 gold I ever spent."

Naofumi: "The point is he had faith in us before, but after everything that happened and what the king and his lackeys were doing it made him lose faith."

Garnet: "And what crushed his heart was that you three tried to kill him believing he was a monster."

Spinel: "But you three are the real monsters."

We see Ren having his head down with his eyes closed in shame as Itsuki looked at the others as he then looked down in shame as we then see Motoyasu looking at the others filled with guilt as his mouth was quivering in shame as he looked down as well.

Ren: *Looks at his sword* "I thought the sword I had was a tool for justice but it only brought destruction."

Itsuki: *looking at his bow* "How can I be such an idiot about this?"

Motoyasu: *Looking at his spear* "He was my friend, we sang a song together, but I ended up hating him and Naofumi for no reason." *Starts hitting himself in the face with the staff of his spear repeating* "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Garnet: "It's not too late to reconcile with him."

Itsuki: "So where is he now?"

Garnet: "Wherever he is, he has company."

Later, at the first spot you hunted Orange Balloons, we see Orange Balloons around you as they look at you as you see them.

(Y/N): "How about you all take a bite out of me and get it over with?"

The balloons all looked at you as they felt an aura around you taking in the shape of Almagavenger as they saw the silhouette looking at them with menacingly red eyes making the balloons bounce away as you sighed.

(Y/N): "Looks like I became something that even monsters fear. I'm a monster among monsters, no matter how much I play the hero, I'll always be the same thing. A monster."

You then looked up at the sky seeing the stars as you then laid down looking at them as music was beginning to play in the background.

(Y/N): *in a singing voice* "We had nights of endless music. We were dizzy dancing 'til the dawn. We were free, singing sweet harmonies with the city. But maybe that was someone else's song. Back to Earth again. You knew where this was headed and honestly you're better off Better here where you belong. You got caught up in the colors. You got wrapped up in the ride. You thought the feeling was forever. And the stars were on your side. It was lovely while it lasted. But it wasn't meant to stay Still, you let yourself get carried away. I guess I let myself get carried away. We got carried away, carried away. Got carried away, carried away. So we got mixed up in the madness. But wasn't it a perfect mess we made? Well you live and you learn, you read signs and it's safe and it's simple. And behind our walls we fall back into place. Back to Earth again. You're through with pretending 'cause this is how the ending goes. Now you're here where you belong. We got caught up in the colors. We got wrapped up in the ride. We thought the feeling was forever. And the stars were on our side. It was lovely while it lasted. But it wasn't meant to stay. We just let ourselves get carried away. We got carried away, carried away. Got carried away, carried away. Carried away (Lost in the fantasy.), carried away. (Of all we were gonna be.) Carried away, carried away. It was lovely while it lasted. It was never meant to stay. But we let ourselves get carried away. I guess I let myself get carried away."

You looked at the stars as we saw a single tear shed from your eye as you closed your eyes letting yourself be alone as you then heard what sounded like whistling as it was in an eerily creepy tune as you looked to see a wolf in a cloak.

(Y/N): "Just make it quick."

Wolf: "Seems like you know who I am."

(Y/N): "You're no ordinary wolf, your..."

Death: "Death. And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or in any other fancy way. I'm Death straight up."

(Y/N): "Just end my life and end this suffering. Because this place doesn't appreciate me very well. Ever since I got here everyone's been blaming me for everything."

Death: "Well you did give me a lot of work to do."

(Y/N): "I thought that Death was a lady skeleton."

Death: "Every parallel world has its own variant of Death."

(Y/N): "I see, and you're one of them, aren't you?"

Death: "Well yes."

(Y/N): "Well just do us both a favor and end me so this world won't have to suffer anymore since that king has basically won this."

Death: "Well, as tempting as that sounds but even I can't stop the pain. If a person like you were to die, they don't want to remember your name. The only people who remember them will be descendants of their friends or family."

(Y/N): "So, I tried my hardest to be the Card Hero but I'm just not what I thought I was, all because of that stupid Curse Series, it won't stop and I can't do anything to get rid of it or all this pain it caused me."

Death: "That isn't entirely true, true this Curse Series is based on the Seven Deadly Sins, but there is something you're forgetting."

(Y/N): "That would be?"

Death: "If there are seven deadly sins in man, there are also seven heavenly virtues. Humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience and lastly diligence."

(Y/N): "Ok, I got to the whole virtue part but now you completely lost me."

Death: "There is a series that can actually help you overcome the Curse Series. The Bless Series, just like the cursed counterpart where you have to experience trauma based on the sin. You have to have good intentions that represent the heavenly virtues."

(Y/N): "Hate to break it to you but I caused more bad than good."

Death: *Chuckles* "Well you're partially right, but you're mostly misinformed."

(Y/N): "Can you please stop speaking in riddles?"

Death: "What did you do when you first arrived here?"

(Y/N): "Well first I was nice to Malty by giving her a gift and then fused with her to form Star Princess. Then I started selling some drops and items along with food from my world to other people who want to experience food of America and other cultures, especially the food I prepared enough for the hungry refugees. I respected the privacy of women by knocking first since most of my party were girls. I waited until Malty joined a battle against a giant fungus monster. I didn't get all show offy like the others by making reasonable prices for the economy these days. And no matter what I worked hard for the Card Hero's Food and Shop by making all of those burritos for the burrito challenge including the Filolial queen sized Burrito which is a giant burrito that is as big as a man and heavy as a Filolial queen. And even through all the times as a hero, I just think of myself as an honest salesman."

Death: "Wow, normally heroes would have 1 or 2 of those virtues down. But you, my friend, have all 7."

(Y/N): "I do?"

Death: "Yes, and even though your story might not have a happy beginning and you had doubt in yourself, the ones who cared about you believed in you."

Your eyes then started to widen in realization as we see a memory of you with Ren, Itsuki, Naofumi and Motoyasu getting along on the day you met as the scene changes to you meeting Malty as you gave her the necklace, as the next one showed you meeting the gems you had purchased as the next one showed you and your party working together to defend the village as the next one showed you with all your friends together as we then see a golden aura appear as you saw a message reading "Requirements met. Bless Series."

We then see a golden shockwave as we see all the destroyed buildings repaired and civilians who perished were all healed and woke up as we see you look at your arm as you saw that the vibranium arm shatter into pieces and your original arm was back as you looked to see the bracelet but unlike its first appearance you saw that it looked different as it was gold and white in color as you looked at it.

(Y/N): "Well bracelet, I think I see now that trying to get rid of you was a mistake. So can you forgive me?"

You see the bracelet glow gold as you then see many cards floating as you see that the covers for them on the back were white with gold highlights showing new weapons, spells, skills and abilities.

(Y/N): "I'll take that as a yes."

Death: "So now what will you do now?"

(Y/N): "Reconcile with old and new friends."

Death: "Very well, live your life well. But we will meet again."

(Y/N): "I know, and I will."

You then grab a card that has angelic wings on it and we see pairs of wings appear on your back like you're an archangel. We then see you fly off back to the Capitol as the Avengers get revived and healed as they get up and they see you fly over them as the others saw you as they came to you.

Ren: "(Y/N)."

Itsuki: "We're sorry... For... For everything..."

(Y/N): "Yeah, me too."

Motoyasu: "It's good to have ya back buddy."

???: "(Y/N)!"

We then see Malty run up to you and hug you as she looks at Motoyasu.

Malty: "Motoyasu I-"

Motoyasu: "No, Malty I realized now that you were better off with (Y/N). I should have listened to you. He trusts you and he got you to change your ways and save you from a terrible future."

Malty: "And I would have ended up making you a stooge in my plans."

(Y/N): *To your party* "Guys, I'm sorry, I made a huge mistake. I thought that Aultcray had won, but after all the good we had together, it made me realize that my failures are not the king's victories. And I think it is time that I reconnect with all my other friends.

Your bracelet then opened a portal as you then go into it and you're back in your world as Malty comes with you as you saw the superhero girls, supervillain girls, invincibros were there.

(Y/N): "Guys, I know that all the stuff I said to you all were lies and I'm sorry I kept my pain a secret."

Jessica: "No, it wasn't your fault, it was ours."

Hal: "Yeah dude, if I had known how you really felt at the homecoming I would have totally got out of your way."

(Y/N): "It's alright guys."

Babs: "(Y/N), you're not like from before... Does that mean?"

(Y/N): "The Curse Series is under control? Yeah all thanks to the Bless Series."

Jessica: *Gasps* "Of course, we should have realized it sooner. If there were seven deadly sins then there would also be seven heavenly virtues."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and I can't believe it took meeting Death to finally realize it. And the world I was sent to needs help, you guys mind joining me?"

Diana: "We shall."

Babs: *sees Malty with you* "Why is she here?"

Hal: "Wasn't she the daughter of the king who is your enemy?"

(Y/N): "Was an enemy, but now she's on our side. After I gave her a necklace as a gift and after we fused to form Star Princess, it convinced her to change her ways."

Malty: "That's right and I have made many mistakes in the past but I want to make up for my wrongs. And I have a lot of people to apologize to."

(Y/N): "Well let's head back to Melromarc then."

You then opened the portal to Melromarc as you and the others started to walk in it and was in Melromarc as you looked to see the townspeople were there as they saw you as you held your breath thinking what they will do as you see a little girl walk up to you and you noticed that she was offering you a flower. You then smiled and took the flower as you then used a spell as you created a crown of golden flowers and gave it to the girl as she smiled at you.

Villager: "Card Hero..."

You looked to see the villager looking at you with a stern look but you then saw his face turn from stern to happy.

Villager: "Thank you."

You then see the villager having a look of guilt and shame as he took off his hat as the others looked at you with guilt.

Villager: "Card Hero, you knew the truth. You tried to tell us, but we didn't listen." *looks down in guilt* "We are very sorry."

(Y/N): "Well one thing I knew, before you all hated me and accused me of crimes and many women hated me for the rumor that started all this. I was angry before, but now I forgive you all."

Villagers: "Thank you."

(Y/N): *To Garnet* "So Garnet, what will be against us now that I have this new power?"

Garnet: "Just the next wave tomorrow."

(Y/N): "Okay then, let's get ready for the next wave."

Next: Chapter 4: Wave Attack

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