R.S 17

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The elusive Saturday night finally came. I was excited, more so that my mother wasn't going to come to the party. Dad, Martha, Sam and Gabe arrived earlier in the evening and we made the apartment ready to welcome guests. Well, they did. I just showed people where things were, if I could remember where they were. Food arrived shortly and it looked yummy. The guests started tinkling in one by one, mostly Sam's family and friends. If I knew Gabe's friends well, they would arrive very late. Many of them had gone on the straight and narrow after college, but being punctual wasn't their thing.

I greeted everyone as they entered and showed them were the food and drinks were. I'd given myself that job. They all wanted me to not do anything, but I wanted to be useful. I nearly bumped into people with my wheelchair, and after a while I decided I was just going to sit still. I didn't like saying many 'sorry's'.

Gabe's friends arrived. Gabe had several friends, but there was just two he wouldn't trade for anything; Xavier and Allen. They had been friends since high school and went to college together. Because Gabe and I were close, I had gotten to know them and hang out with them. Xavier was soft-spoken and down to earth. Allen was the party animal, the Tyler of Gabe's world. He was the kind of friend who'd get himself in jail just to be with you rather than get you out.

They spotted me before seeing Gabe.

"Mr. White", Allen said emphatically, putting his hand out for me to shake. It was too high for me to reach it and I knew he had done it intentionally. I didn't even try.

"That's not nice", he remarked after my lack of reaction.

"Hi Allen", I said.

"What's up sport?" he greeted, bending to bump his shoulder with mine. "Ouch, I think I pulled something", he said as he unbent.

"Your brain cells", Xavier said. "Hey you!" he said to me, hugging me.

"Hey Mr. Engineer, how are you doing?" I asked.

"Pretty good", he replied.

"Heard you are moving up north this winter?" I asked Allen.

"Yeah, got my dream job. The old man doesn't want me to go but hell I'm leaving. Don't have a wife or a baby mama. Besides, I'm tired of sharing an apartment with this dimwit", he said poking Xavier.

"We aren't sharing an apartment, you are squatting", Xavier reminded him.

Gabe came to join us. He greeted his friends happily.

"Can you believe this guy thinks we are sharing an apartment?" Xavier asked Gabe in disbelief, pointing to Allen.

"That I do believe", Gabe said laughing.

"Where's your Russian cat?" Allen asked Gabe. "You better have not left her in Tokyo all by herself. You might find her married to some Japanese guy with tiny eyes and amazing karate skills".

I chuckled. As if sensing that we were talking about her, Sam appeared before the group. She was looking lovely in a purple long dress and her signature boyish haircut. She put her arm around Gabe's waist.

"Hey boys", she said.

"Are you like a spy or something?" Allen asked.

"Why? Were you guys talking about me?" she asked.

"No, we were talking about a Russian cat", Allen replied.

"A Russian cat? Really?" she said shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yeah. Didn't I ask about a Russian cat?" Allen said, looking at me for confirmation.

"Uh yeah, you did", I said quickly.

"I didn't know Japanese guys marry Russian cats. That's interesting", Sam said lightly.

Allen looked away from her sheepishly.

"Come here you guys", she said. She hugged Allen and Xavier, adding that even though they were a pain in the ass, she missed them.

I heard Gabe ask her if she was okay when she returned to his side and she nodded. It looked like whatever Martha had given her for the nausea was doing its job. Allen and Xavier started talking, but I couldn't catch what they said. Shannon appeared before us with drinks in her hand. She had only two.

She handed the glasses to Allen and Xavier smiling. When she turned Allen was unashamedly looking at her butt. Sam smacked his shoulder.

"What? I'm just appreciating. By the way, who is she?" he said.

"She is with Jake", Sam said quickly.

Allen looked at me. "You are with her? She's gorgeous. But, the last time I checked you were with...what's his name? Chris!"

"Not that way! She's his nurse. Jake and Chris are perfectly fine", Sam said before I could say anything.

"So she's available", Allen said. It was more a statement than a question. "I'll be back!" he said leaving in the direction Shannon had used.

We all laughed. More people walked in and Sam introduced us to her friends and family. Her parents and older brother were there. Chris joined us. I had been wondering where he was, but he said he'd been in the bathroom, too long if you ask me. He went to get a plate for me and filled it with snacks of all kinds.

"Baby, I forgot", I said as he handed me the plate. "Tyler asked for a video of Gabe announcing the news. Can you take it for me? I would, but..." I said and Chris interrupted.

"Of course", he said, and "Tyler knows?"

"No. I told him about the party and that Gabe had something exciting to announce, so he said I should take a video of whatever it is", I said taking a bite of my food.

At that moment Gabe called for everyone's attention. It seemed the last guest had arrived. It sucked knowing what he was going to say, but I listened attentively along with the others. Because I was wheelchair-bound people stood to my sides and back, allowing me to see Gabe without any hindrance. Chris went to fetch his iPad. Sam moved to Gabe's side, becoming the center of attention.

"Sam and I..." Gabe started. Chris wasn't back yet.

"Wait!" I said quickly. Everyone looked at me. "Uh..." I started. I had no idea what I was going to say. All I knew was that I needed to stall until Chris came back.

"Jake?" Gabe said when I went quiet.

I saw Chris walk towards me. He was chuckling and walking like a tortoise. It was beginning to turn awkward.

"Hurry up!" I shouted quietly.

He got to me and resumed his place by my side. He waved at Gabe, showing him the iPad. Gabe understood because he smiled.

"As I was saying before I was...interrupted, Sam and I have great news we'd like to share with all of you", Gabe said.

He looked at Sam. The light was shining brightly next to them, making Sam even more beautiful. Her eyes were sparkling, she couldn't stop smiling. They just looked beautiful.

"A few days ago I told Sam she was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. It wasn't the first time I said that, and it sure as hell isn't going to be the last. There was something special about that day. It was the day she agreed to spend the rest of her life with me. I proposed..." Gabe said.

"...And I said yes", Sam completed Gabe's sentence excitedly.

There were squeals of happiness everywhere. There was clapping. There was 'Oh my God' being uttered. I saw smiles radiating from people like I had never seen before. It seemed everyone was happy for the newly engaged couple. I couldn't help but smile either.

People rushed to congratulate them. Girls asked to see the ring, and they squealed even more.

"How did you propose? I need tips", Allen asked loudly.

"You don't even have a girlfriend", Sam said and everyone laughed.

"I will in the future", Allen said.

Everyone quieted down. I listened attentively too. Gabe had not told me how he proposed, or even asked for my advice. He had probably proposed in the lousiest way possible and Sam had only said yes because she loved him.

Sam chuckled. "He came by my workplace and said I forgot lunch, which was weird because I was pretty certain I had taken lunch".

Someone giggled.

"I'd waltzed my way to her desk, bypassing a line of about 8 people or something, so they weren't happy about it", Gabe said.

"I told him to put my lunch on the desk and go before the customers got mad", Sam said. "He said, "Oh and by the way, how much would two tickets to Ibiza cost?" I'd told him during our idle talks that if I could honeymoon anywhere in the world, it would be Ibiza".

"The lady behind me got really mad. She was turning red", Gabe said.

"I told Gabe I would tell him at home, but he still wouldn't go. Instead, he asked me to open my lunch and he would go. The woman behind him looked like she was going to smack him. I gave in and opened my lunch, mostly because I didn't want to have to take him to hospital", Sam said.

We all laughed.

"My lunch consisted of a beautiful silver ring with a huge emerald gemstone embedded. It was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. I probably should have asked him if I should eat it", Sam said.

"To tell the truth, I was actually scared by that time. That woman looked ready to give me a beating of a lifetime. I debated going ahead with the proposal, wondering if me going down on my knee wasn't going to give the woman leverage".

I couldn't help but laugh with the rest of the guests. Gabe's proposal seemed both sweet and dangerous.

He looked at Sam. "...But no amount of beating was going to deter me. I had come on a mission and I wasn't going to leave without accomplishing it. I went down on my knee just as the security guard was called to throw me out of the building. He looked at me and said, 'carry on'. Everyone around me waited with anticipation, and so did Sam. She just stood there and looked at the ring. I said the words I had been dying to say. We've been together for 10 years and in those 10 years she's brought me nothing but joy".

"I said yes prematurely. I was dying to say yes and he was talking too much", Sam said.

"I had to keep on talking. I was afraid once I was done the lady would take her bag and smack me!" Gabe said.

I laughed so hard I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Did she smack you?" Allen asked.

"No. She clapped with the others. She actually said 'omedetōgozaimasu", which means congratulations in Japanese", Gabe said.

"Looks like she is a romantic", Allen said.

"She's married", Gabe said, warning Allen. We all laughed.

Everyone started talking about what a wonderful proposal it was. I looked at Chris. He was busy filming the occasion.

"Psss" I said.

He looked at me.

"I love you", I mouthed.

"I love you more", he said softly.

Gabe and Sam had decided not to make the baby announcement that night. Sam would tell her family, but that would be it. They didn't want to reveal it until Sam was at least 3 months pregnant. It had its advantages and disadvantages. It meant Sam would have to find an excuse for her cravings, moods and nausea. But it also meant if anything were to go wrong, especially because the risk of miscarriage was high at that point, Gabe and Sam would have their privacy to grieve.

Music resumed and people talked and talked. Chris stopped filming and gave me his attention. But then Shannon interrupted. She brought me a drink, my one drink of the night. She said I could have two if I wanted, but I was okay with less alcohol in my system. She stayed with us then, saying she was running away from Allen. She seemed to be throwing back alcohol like it was nothing, but didn't appear drunk.

Sam's friends came to us. I knew all of them, but not well. We talked good heartedly. They danced and drank. Gabe was talking to Sam's dad and brother. He seemed to be handling it well. But he'd known them for about 10 years, so it wasn't a surprise.

At 10 pm people started leaving. They weren't that many people so soon the apartment looked like its usual self. Allen and Xavier came to say bye and soon all the guests were gone. Just when he was about to leave, dad received a call business-related. He asked Gabe and Sam to leave with Martha and walked towards Chris, Shannon and I.

"Can I borrow Chris?" he asked.

"Sure", I said.

Chris walked with him a distance away from Shannon and I. Shannon was sitting on the couch.

"Maybe you should go to bed. You can clean up tomorrow", I said to her.

"I am intending on cleaning up tomorrow. I'm just not quite ready for bed yet", she said.

"It was a good proposal hey?" I said.

"Yeah, it was cute. Your brother has guts", she said.

Gabe, Martha and Sam came to say goodbye to us. The 3 of them left shortly. Dad and Chris were still talking. I was starting to get curious. Just as I was about to wheel myself to them, they came to us.

"Baby, I'm coming back just now. I just need to sort out something", Chris said.

"You mean you are going out? Now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait for tomorrow. It's quite urgent. It has to do with the stock market and a predicted crash", he said.

"He'll be with me. I'll keep him safe, I promise", dad said.

I sighed. "Fine, but make it snappy", I said.

He kissed me on the cheek and my dad didn't wince. Of course he didn't wince; it wasn't me who had done it.

They left shortly, with Chris jokingly asking dad if he was going to pay him double for whatever he needed his assistance with.

I looked at Shannon. It was just the two of us in the apartment.

"I should head to bed", I said as she stood up to go lock the door.

I started to wheel myself towards the bedroom, but she stood in my way. I looked up at her. She started unbuttoning the shirt she was wearing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, surprised.

"Giving you what you want. I've seen the way you look at me. You try to act like you don't want me when Chris is here, but I know you do. Well now you can have me, he's not around", she said.

I was shocked. She had totally caught me off guard. I had not expected anything like that. At times I did think she was flirting with me, but I'd dismissed it, thinking I was just imagining it.

What had come to be almost reflexive kicked in.

"No, I don't", I said shaking my head.

Her hand went for mine. I didn't get away in time, unable to predict what she was going to do. She pulled my hand towards the end of her short skirt. I pulled away harshly.

"Shannon, stop this!" I was getting angry.

She leaned towards my face, steadying herself on my wheelchair armrest. Her boobs almost touched my face.

"Stop denying that you want me. Chris will never know. And he won't walk in on us. I left the key in the door so he has no choice but to knock. Baby..."

I felt like pushing her away but I decided against it. I had incredible arm strength; if I did she would have probably hit the floor with her head. I took a deep breath instead.

"Shannon..." I said. I didn't finish because her lips had swooped on mine. I could smell the alcohol in her breath. She couldn't have been doing what she was doing sober.

I pulled her face away from mine. "Shannon, you are drunk. Go to bed".

I hoped she would listen that time. I couldn't get away from her quickly in that wheelchair. Instead of doing as I said, she took off her shirt and her skirt followed. She stood in her lingerie in front of me.

Shannon had a great body, no doubt about it. But it didn't appeal to me. I wasn't interested in any way. She wasn't Chris to me. She could take it all off and I still wouldn't be interested. I wasn't about to cheat on Chris.

"Okay look, if you don't want to go to bed, that's fine. But please let me go to bed", I said.

I hated having to plead to her, but she seemed drunk so if I shouted that could aggravate her.

"Okay, we can go to bed", she said.

Before I knew it she was pushing me towards the bedroom. I tried putting my hands on the wheels to stop the wheelchair from moving, but the girl- even in her drunken state- was really strong. We got to the bedroom.

"Do you want me to dance for you? I'm quite a dancer", she said.

I knew she had drunk a few glasses of alcohol, but earlier she had seemed anything but tipsy. Had it just kicked in?

"No Shannon. I want you to go to your room", I said.

She took off her bra and threw it on the floor.

"Do you want me to help you get on the bed?" she asked.

"No, I'll be fine. Just hand me my crutches", I said.

She took my crutches from the side of the room but didn't immediately hand them to me.

"Take off your shirt", she said.

"I am not doing that. Please hand me my crutches and get out of the room", I said firmly. Alcohol or no alcohol, she was starting to irritate me.

"You've been with a guy for a long time Jake. You could use a women's touch, and trust me, my touches are soft, and can be rough if that's what you like", she said taking off her panties.

I almost screamed. My patience was wearing thin.

"Get the fuck out of my room or you'll be without a job!" I shouted.

That seemed to shake her back to reality. She buried her head in her hands. "Oh my god, I am so sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me. I must have drunk too much. I am so sorry", she said.

I sighed. "Just get out".

She handed me my crutches and got out of the room. To say I was shocked at what had taken place would be an understatement. I could never have in a million years predicted that.

I got out of the wheelchair and sat on the bed. I was tired from the party earlier even though I hadn't done much, so after taking off my clothes I lay in bed. I dimmed the light and just lay there, waiting for Chris to come home.

I debated telling Chris about what had transpired that night. Shannon had been drunk; she couldn't have pre-meditated her act. I doubted it was her intention. If I told him he would overreact and kick her out. He wasn't like me. He wouldn't understand behaviors of the non-sober.

Shannon needed her job. She was taking care of her sick aunt and cousins. What she had done was wrong, but it was motivated by alcohol. I could forgive her, but Chris wouldn't. I decided I wasn't going to tell him.

I couldn't sleep without him there so I just lay in bed with my eyes closed. About 30 minutes later I heard a knock on the main door. I remembered that Shannon had said she'd left the key in the door, so Chris couldn't use his key. I cursed under my breath. Getting out of bed was an effort. I brightened the light and sat up. I was about to remove my legs from the bed when I heard sounds. The front door opened and closed.

I was glad. I wasn't in the mood to get out of bed. I went back to lying down. The sounds died down as Chris walked into the bedroom.

"Hey baby", I said excitedly.

He took off his cardigan and walked towards me. "Hey" he said smiling.

"Boy am I glad you are home. I missed you", I said.

His expression changed. It seemed he had spotted something on the floor. He just looked down.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up.

I could see clearly what he was looking at. Shannon's bra and panties lay on the floor where she had thrown them in her fit of alcohol-fueled craziness. I had totally forgotten about them.

"Baby..." I started quickly, but he waved me to silence.

He looked up. I could tell he was angry. You only needed to look at his face, at the brows that were knitted together.

"I go away for a few minutes and what the fuck do you do?" he said. He shook his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them he said, "I should have know when I saw her clothes in the living area".

"Baby it's not what you think" I said.

It was the wrong thing to say. He exploded. "Don't fucking patronize me! I know what happened. The fucking room smells like her. There's her bra and panties on the floor of our bedroom!"

"I know that. Nothing happened!" I said.

"I don't have time to listen to this", he said picking up his cardigan from the edge of the bed.

He walked out of the room before I could say anything. I wanted to chase after him, but there was no way I could be fast enough. I heard the main door close loudly shortly afterwards. I slumped against the pillow.

Things had turned ugly in the space of a few minutes. The night had gone well, but the last hour had tarnished everything. Shannon's actions had ruined a perfect night, and now I was about to lose the greatest thing that had ever happened to me.

Chris had looked furious. He genuinely thought I had cheated on him. I could do a lot of things and Chris would forgive me, but cheating wasn't one of them. I had cheated on him once, and it was the worst thing I had done. I promised him that I would not do it again, and I hadn't, but in his mind he believed I had.

He was crushed. He was bleeding wherever he was. I had to make things right. I had to explain. I couldn't bear losing him.

I dialed him number. The first time the phone rang and rang. The second time it rang and got cut off. The third time, it was on voicemail.

"Baby, please call me when you get this. We need to talk. I know what you are thinking right now, but I can promise you it's not what you think", I said. I breathed deeply. "Please just call me or come home. Please Chrissie".

I hung up.

Seconds passed by. Every second that came and went I thought about where Chris could be, what he could be doing. I longed to have him in my arms, to explain that I never dreamt of cheating on him. He was everything I wanted. He was more than enough for me.

I called his number again.

"Chris, please just talk to me. Please baby. I can explain everything. I didn't cheat on you. You are the only person I want, to be with, to sleep with. You are everything to me", I said. "Baby please just come home. We don't have to talk if you don't want to. Just come home", I pleaded.

I lay in bed unable to sleep. But eventually I dozed off.

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