Chapter 22

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I walk slowly to the door of my dressing room and see my worst nightmare standing on a maniquin in the corner. "Of course," I growl. "What better color for a funeral shroud than white?"

"I'm sorry," Cinna says softly. "But they gave no other option. After all, the Capital voted hard for this one. They want to see you in their wedding dress." I nod and self conciously lay my hand on my stomach.

"And it will still fit?" I ask.

"I've made a few alterations," Cinna says. "They shouldn't be able to notice your little one, especially after they notice the main event, they won't be looking at your middle." I nod and look up at him.

"Alright then," I say. "Lets do this then." He helps me step into the layers and layers of white lace, each which are each carefully laced onto my body. There are thousands of pearls embroidered onto my dress, and lace of swallows in flight. I touch one between my fingers and sigh.

"What is it?" Cinna asks as he works on my hair.

"I would have loved to wear this dress," I say softly. "Any other day of my life, I would have adored this dress. But I feel like all it is is a reminder of everything I will never have."

"Just don't let them see your pain," Cinna says. "And remember. Give them a twirl. It'll help them see you all." I nod and he ties a white ribbon on each of my wrists, which allows my skirt to be lifted and I can walk easier. I step down off my pedestal. And Cinna pins a long veil to the back of my head. I glance in the mirror but quickly turn away, not wanting to look any longer at a the lost future. I walk out of the room and down the hall without another thought.

I'm gathered with the other female tributes. I notice a dress made of lights. Cashmere's gown of gold and jewels. Enobaria's warrior like armor. But i stand out, and get looks from all of them. None of them say a word until Johanna Mason steps forward in her dress of papery birch bark to stand beside me.

"Snow's idea?" She asks. I nod and she reaches forward and straightens the thin gold chain around my neck, a mockingjay necklace from Peeta for my 17th birthday. "Make them pay for it." I tilt my head as if to ask what she means, but shes already walking up to get in line. I hear agasp as Effie and the others walk up. I turn to see her crying.

"Oh Katniss," She squeaks and I open my arms to let her hug me. "You would have made such a beautiful bride." I glance at Peeta over her shoulder and he just gives me a sad smile. Effie pulls away and straightens my skirt, taking a good look me again.

"You do look good sweetheart," Haymitch grumbles and I nod to the old drunk.

"Thank you, but its all Cinna's work," I say and Peeta comes to stand next to me.

"Not all of it," He says and I feel his arm on my waist. I look up at him and lay my head lightly on his shoulder. I feel a tear try to slip from my eye, but I don't let it.

The interviews start as normal. Some are angry, some, like Cashmere tearfully bid their fans farewell. Finnick reads a poem to his great love. Johanna hilariously curses them all out and gives obscene gestures. But finally, it is my turn. I walk out and the crowd is silent. I know what I'm going to do. I've known from the moment they announced what I would do in this moment. As expected, Ceasar asks if the Mockingjay might have another song for them. I step slowly to the microphone and hear the music I wrote begin to play. The muscicians bringing my song to life. Thanking God I didn't let them see the lyrics, I begin singing.

"Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Who who who
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh

"And the days go by
Like a strand in the wind
In the web that is my own
I begin again
Said to my friend, baby
Nothin' else mattered

"He was no more than a baby then
Well he seemed broken hearted
Something within him
But the moment that I first laid
Eyes on him all alone
On the edge of seventeen

"Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song 
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh

"I went today maybe I will go again
And the music there it was hauntingly
And I see you doing 
What I try to do for me
With the words from a poet
And the voice from a choir
And a melody nothing else mattered

"Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh

"The clouds never expect it
When it rains
But the sea changes colors
But the sea 
Does not change
And so with the slow graceful flow
Of age
I went forth with an age old
Desire to please
On the edge of seventeen

"Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh

"Well then suddenly 
There was no one left standing
In the hall yeah yeah
In a flood of tears 
That no one really ever heard fall at all
Oh I went searchin' for an answer,
Up the stairs and down the hall
Not to find an answer
Just to hear the call
Of a nightbird singing
Come away come away,"

At that moment, I spread out my arms and spin. My dress catches fire once again and it turs to stark black feathers, the pieces tied to my wrist resembling the wings of a Mockingjay. The crowd gasps, but I take no notice of them as I finish.

"Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh

"Well I hear you in the morning
And I hear you
At nightfall
Sometime to be near you
Is to be unable to hear you
My love
I'm a few years older than you

"Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh" I end and turn, going to my place among the other tributes. There is a standing ovation but I don't bow. I just stare straight ahead as Peeta walks on the stage.

"So Peeta," Ceasar says. "We were all so sorry to hear about the cancellation of the wedding."

"Well, it was scheduled for two months ago," Peeta says rather dryly. "But I have a secret, if you think you can keep it."

"But of course," Ceasar says. "Please, won't you share."

"We're already married," Peeta says and the crowd claps happily. Peeta goes on to tell them about the toasting and though its not exactly what happened, its about as much as I would want shared.

"So you've had a happy few months?" Ceasar says eventually. Peeta nods.

"The best of our lives," He replies. "We didn't want to come here with any regrets. And we wouldn't have any. If it weren't..."

'Oh God Peeta, don't! Please don't tell them!' I cry out in my mind.

"If what?" Ceasar asks, clearly on the edge of his seat.

"If it weren't for the baby." He says and he gets up as the entire room goes into an outcry for a change. For a cancellation of the Quell. Peeta stands next to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back tightly as I can. "I'm so sorry," he whispers and I nod.

"Its okay," I say. "You did what you had to and I couldn't ever blame you for that." The Capital officials are quickly doing all they can to shut down the show. Peeta holds tightly to mt hand and I kiss his cheek before wrapping my hand around the stump of Chaffs hand. One by one, the others join us. And we all stand as one, as if to say look at me. Look what you've done to us and our families.

The lights go out and we are quickly ushered to our respective rooms. Or I guess the others are. I'm taken to the medical unit. They imediately strip me down and start to prob at me and run something over the slight swell of my stomach. Apparently, they want to know if Peeta's statement was true or not. I hear a thudding sound and look around quickly, frightened.

"What is that?" I ask and a kind looking doctor with green hair grabs my hand.

"Its okay," She says. "Thats just the baby's heartbeat. We found her."

"What does that mean?" I ask. "They won't cancel." She shakes her head.

"No, they won't," She says sadly. "But they wanted proof. I can't understand how it could help. I guess to be sure of what we're facing if you get out." She looks down and I feel a tear run down my cheek. "If it helps, you've been good for her. She's healthy, a strong heartbeat like that tells us that much. You must have been taking good care of yourself."

"She?" I ask.

"It's a female," She says. "You're far enough that I can see so." I nod as she helps me up and the heartbreaking heartbeat stops its steady rhythm through their machines. I get dressed and am finally allowed to return to the penthouse near Midnight.

Peeta is waiting for me and He imediately gets up and hugs me. We are both crying but I just shake my head. "No tears," I say. "Not now. We can't be sad about anything now. Its too late for us." He nods and kisses me gently.

"I love you," He says and I nod.

"I love you too," I reply.

"Always," He leans his head against mine. "I will always love you."

"I know," I say. "Now lets just go to bed. One last time?" He nods and carefully picks me up as we go to my room. We lay down, staring silently at one another. We don't say a word. We dont make love. We just lay there, memorizing everyline of one another's face every feature, to create some permanent image in our minds of one another.

Because tomorrow the real thing could and most likely will be so easily ripped away.

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